A Limbo thread...

Yo yo ladies!!

Haven't been on for a few days and I have soooooooooooo much to catch up on lol.

Easter break was blissful... some much needed quality time with DH :) However I sobbed my lickle heart out about having to come back to work this morning. I hate it so much and despite my efforts nothing has been resolved and I was thinking about going on strike and refusing to come into work until my issues were resolved but apparently legally I can't do this! So fed up with work its unreal.

I hope you ladies have had a marvellous easter break and I'm off to catch up on all the posts I've missed :) Welcome to any newbies just incase there are some :)

Lots of Love,

CeeCee XXX

P.s here's a pic I took of my 29+5 week bump yesterday :) It really hit me yesterday that my little princess will be here soon :) CANNOT WAIT!! XXX


  • 30 wk bump.jpg
    30 wk bump.jpg
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Your boss seriously needs a slap good and proper CeeCee!! He is such a dick!! And your bump is looking lovely, I havent done a bump picture for ages so I must do one.
How are you managing your GD? Ive got my test tomorrow, eek!! Though Im sure it will be all fine.

Im bored, I soooooo do not want to be at work today!! Only 4 weeks left thank goodness!!
wow CeeCee your bump is gorgeous!
Did your boss not say anything about the letter you wrote yet? Sorry if I missed this somewhere.
Nice bump CeeCee, mine seems so small yet! I started off as a larger lady (size 16-18) but the bump still just looks like quite a big tummy!

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy 4 days off with a 3-day working week to look forward to. The lowdown for me:

Thursday night: watched a rugby match on TV
Friday: Tescos, sunbathing, attended a rugby match, watched it again on Sky+ later
Saturday: wardrobe man came and we designed and ordered them (woop!), visited my friend and her beautiful 6-week old daughter
Sunday: visited my mum and dad, sunbathed in their garden and had a BBQ
Monday: husband at work so for me was Tescos, ironing, catch up with Glee, washed car, bit of gardening, watched rugby match on TV whilst tracking the progress of our game online, husband felt baby kick for first time!
Tonight: work (booo), watching a rugby match on TV!

Lol. Exciting eh?! We've also been watching a few programmes on Sky Atlantic HD, is it me or do they all contain a phenomenal amount of bare boobs?! So far we've watched Boardwalk Empire and Game of Thrones and they are both just a sea of breasts wherever you look.

Oh, and I also ditched the papaya for the aubergine at last!
Your boss seriously needs a slap good and proper CeeCee!! He is such a dick!! And your bump is looking lovely, I havent done a bump picture for ages so I must do one.
How are you managing your GD? Ive got my test tomorrow, eek!! Though Im sure it will be all fine.

Im bored, I soooooo do not want to be at work today!! Only 4 weeks left thank goodness!!

Lol If I could lift my foot over 6 inches from the floor I would give him a jolly good kick up the arse but alas my leg raising activities are restricted whilst pregnant lol. My GD is all good thankfully :) Slightly worried as I weighed this morning and have lost 4 pounds... not sure this is good for baby. Have another GD appointment tomorrow afternoon at the hospital though so fingers crossed everything is ok. I'm sure you will be fine hunny bun I have my fingers crossed for your test tomorrow :) And get a bump pic done lol I wanna see your bump!! XXX

wow CeeCee your bump is gorgeous!
Did your boss not say anything about the letter you wrote yet? Sorry if I missed this somewhere.

Hi TaNasha, he says he's never seen it :( I just don't know what else I can do. Might have to telephone the legal part of our company and seek advice as it's stressing me out and the last thing I want is stress right now lol.

And on the weight loss thing ladies I have put on 2.5 stones thus far with pregnancy :blush: how embarrassing. Also had a further 3.5 stone that I'd been carrying around with me before I was pregnant. So after baby is born I'm getting back on my Rosemary Conley diet and shifting the excess 6ish stones that need to come off. God it seems a lot when I write that down lol XXX What other diets do you ladies recommend? I tried WW before but I didn't really agree with it. The points system confused me (I am EASILY confused) lol XXX
CeeCee - i cant believe you boss still hasnt answered you what a DICK!!
your bump is really nice reminds me to do a bump pic i was gonna have some professional ones done too but not sure. x x x
CeeCee - i cant believe you boss still hasnt answered you what a DICK!!
your bump is really nice reminds me to do a bump pic i was gonna have some professional ones done too but not sure. x x x

CS_and_bump thanks hun :) you should get the pics done! A good memory of how far our tummy can stretch :)

My boss is a complete idiot and I'm fed up with his crap. Think I'm just going to bite the bullet and say something like "If you don't give me answers and do what you're legally required to do I will take you to an employment tribunal. End of."
My mother in law swears by Slimming World and I know quite a few other people do too. My MIL doesn't quite get it though - she'll make a massive batch of chips at midnight and eat them in front of the telly but claims that because they're SW chips and she's on a red/green/whatever day they're ok. I can't say it to her face but surely packing your face with an enormous pile of potatoes at midnight isn't ok under any circumstances! Lol! I think she only goes for the social aspect of things but if you do it properly it can work wonders I believe. Also, don't you lose at least a stone at birth?! There you go, job's a good 'un already! I lost weight last year by simply eating fewer carbs and going interval running twice a week. I loved it, lost a stone in about 5 weeks and never felt better.
Hmmm might have to give slimming world a go... Only drawback of my area is there isn't a RC class for miles and miles and I need that regularity of classes to keep my weight loss going. There's a slimming world class in a church hall just down the road from me so perhaps its worth a go! Lol a stone at the birth - marvellous! X
I love Slimming World too. I did lose weight on Weight Watchers but I think Slimming world gives you more freedom as you dont have to count and weigh as much as you do with WW and it fits in with family life easier as well.
I have a wedding to go to on the 10th March next year and that is my goal date to slim down and get me a lush dress to wear!!! Probably wont lose all my weight by then but enough to look good. The bride is due the same day as me and will probably be back in her size 8 skinnies a week after birth so I cant be fat still when she looks lovely!!
The beginning was rough with MS but nothing too out of the ordinary. I have been off work for about 1 month now, so feeling like I have a lot more energy. I'm working hard on cleaning up our house and getting rid of stuff to make room for baby stuff!

Welcome to the Limbo thread! Hope the cleaning goes well for you. It's lovely to have the time to sort out things a while before the LO is here, at least bending over/reaching for things isn't such a hassle yet!

Thank you! Yes, I figure it will be a good thing to take care of that stuff before the bump gets huge and the weather gets hot! I'm due July 24th and the weather can be pretty warm here by then.

So far, we have painted the walls in the nursery and put up most of the furniture. I feel like we've made pretty good progress. Some of our friends just gave us a bunch of stuff (bassinet, playpen, bouncy chair thing) so it's starting to feel pretty real now with the house filling up! She also gave me a bunch of gender-neutral clothes to start off with so there's more laundry to do now too!

We have also bought our stroller and carseat, so just waiting for those to arrive. I chose the Britax B-Ready. I can't wait to get it, although it will just take up space for a few more months!

In terms of weight loss....well, I will be jumping on that thread after this baby arrives too! I had lost about 10-12 pounds before our wedding last summer, but it had started to creep back on before I got my BFP. I feel like I'm gaining a lot, but trying not to feel too badly about it! I mean, I am pregnant! I'll probably do Weight Watchers postpartum. It helped me lose the weight before the wedding. We don't have Slimming World here. How many pounds is a stone?

Just noticing how the time zones really make a difference on a forum like this! I'm having trouble sleeping so I'm up here at 5:30am, and all you ladies are in the middle of your work days!
Ok just waiting for my boss to come back and then I'm going to pluck up the courage from somewhere and ask him outright what is going on... I hate confrontation lol I'm such a wimp. Wish my DH could do this for me - he's brilliant at making people squirm lol. Must be his army training :)
Aww good luck CeeCee! Your boss needs to shape up! Don't forget you can still threaten him with the wrath of 20 hormonal pregnant women ;)!

Rducky - Sounds good what you're all up to! It's great to see all the things ready for the baby! Makes it all feel so much more real! I still have to wash all our baby clothes, but I don't think I'll do that for another 4-5 weeks. I've got no complications in my pregnancy so I don't really expect her to be early. Silly question, do you guys know if you can put baby clohtes in the tumble dryer? Or should I hang them outside? I have no idea about any of this ;).

I'd love to go from my size 16 down to a nice size 14. Then I'll be very happy with my body :).

CeeCee, I absolutely love your bump! I shall see if I can get the courage to post a piccie of my 32 week bump tonight!
Good luck ceecee!

Ladies, I am not doing good at all. Mentally I am (excuse my french) fucked up. Hubby left himself logged onto facebook and I seen some not very nice messages to another woman, flirty ones. I swear, I've had enough. He's done it about 4-5 times not and my heart is in a million pieces. It may not seem like the crime of the centuary but I can't cope with it. I'd rather he went out and shagged someone than sit flirting with someone online and telling her she's hot and how she'd look great in a certain piece of clothing, and how he'll have to visit her work so he can be served by the 'sexy waitress' when he can't even pay me a simple 'you look nice' compliment.

I know he's a naturally flirty person anyway, but he can't seem to do it with me - not even a wee bit. I honestly don't know what has happened to our relationship right now, we don't seem to have one outside of being parents.

I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive him. All I do know is if I didn't have Jayden and was pregnant I'd have told him to pack his bags and fuck off. But why should I stay in a relationship with no trust just because of the kids?

I don't deserve to be treated like this, I am utterly shattered. I only had 2-3 hours sleep last night, I was trying to figure out if I could afford my house on my own or should we stay together for money or what.........................

Sorry ladies, I just had to get it out but I don't want to fully rant on facebook because I have alot of his friends on there and I don't want them knowing - although I don't know why I'm protecting him. I have never even once thought about contacting another guy online, even after he's continued to do it to me. I'm not interested in doing it, when I married him, I made the promise to stay FAITHFUL to him, and I have. Always. I remember a night out I was on an a very nice guy kept coming onto me, telling me I was beautiful etc (this was a long time ago lol) and he was very charming and basically wanted to be with me. But I said no, because I was in a commited relationship and loved my bf (at the time) Next day I read hubby's messages and this was the 1st time he had been on chat rooms and given out his phone number and sending VERY explicit and flirty messages.

Then I was pregnant with jayden and found his phonebill and contacted a number he'd been constantly texting - found out from her everything he;d said. Then Jayden was 3 months old and he was at it again!

I'm sorry ladies I'll stop now, I just don't know where else I can turn and I feel really alone and heartbroken :( xxx
Oooooh Claire I feel so sorry for you :hugs:. Your hubby is WAY out of line doing this kind of thing. He deserves a massive kick up the ass and has to sort himself out.

I understand you feeling so heartbroken and lonely. You don't deserve to be treated like this, ever.

Have you talked to him about it, made clear how much he hurts you with this and that you've even been considering about leaving him? You have all the right to be upset about this and talk on here as much as you want (as long as you feel comfy doing it) you will get support from everyone on here.

Just because he's a flirty person doesn't give him the right to chat other women up, he's chosen for you and said his vows, so he should stick to them! I'd be fuming if my hubby would try anything like this.

Sorry if I'm rambling on a bit, but it just makes me angry and I feel for you :(.

Lots of :hugs: for now and please know you don't have to apologize for talking on here about things that upset you!!
Claire, I don't know what to say so am sending a big hug over the t'interweb. Have you spoken to him and told him what's what? You need to chat this one out with him and he needs to understand that as a dad of two kids he can't behave like a teenager anymore. Heck, he shouldn't be doing so anyway as a married man! Sounds like he has form for this sort of thing, you've done well to forgive him in the past but maybe he now needs a 'one more strike and you're out' policy...? Hope you're ok.
Oh Claire I am so sorry. I woudl be fuming aswell if my DH did anything like this!

Does he know that you know?
Oh no Claire, Im so sorry you hubbie is being this way. I wouldnt stand for it if it was my OH. There is one thing being a bit flirty whilst on a night out (even then its pushing it) but sending messages etc is devious to me.

You need to sit him down and have 'the talk'. Explain to him how its making you feel, you are married and have two children. That is not the way married men should act and he is at serious risk of losing his family. It's not the first time he has done so he has got to understand there is only so much you will take and he is on his last chance (that is if you want to give him one)

Rant here all you want, we will listen and be there for you :hugs:

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