A long term weight loss thread

Ok ladies, I found a health sandwich wrap! Finally!!! One whole wrap is only 120 calories and they are massive! I usually take some deli meat and salad and chop it all up, add some mustard, hot cherry pepper mix and whatever else I want for veggies and for dinner last night it was only about 250 calories. I was stuffed all night! Did the same for lunch but only 1/2 a wrap. I found them at Walmart.

I'd love to join!

My current weight is 129 pounds
Goal weight: 115/120
Highest pregnancy weight: 138
Pre- pregnancy weight: 114

I have gained back a lot of weight this winter!

Dobby I remember you from the pregnancy group! My little one is now 21months as she arrived a month early. I can def understand working out with a toddler is difficult. I had the same problem. How did you find

Now I have just started doing kayla's BBG guide workouts and I quite like them, it takes just over 30min (as I like to have longer pauses in between the workouts) and I definitely feel sore the next day. It's been hard keeping at it, that's why I love having this group as a support! I have only started exercising again regularly from this week, before that I was just walking and losing about a pound per week, then having a bad weekend and gaining it all back. It's so easy to gain! Now I am pushing hard on the exercise, at least 3 times a week.

Tomorrow my partner is going to entertain our daughter as I go for a long cycle with a friend. I've been too scared to take her on the bike still. Anyone here cycle with their children on the back of the bike?
I've never tried biking with a kid in tow. I think I'd be too scared for them! Plus I haven't been on a bike in years.

Cews is that in the bread section or mexican food section?

Tomorrow is MIL's bday so of course no diet...but I am going to try and brainstorm healthy snacks and stock my house. I need easy things I can basically leave on my counter top to graze on. I'm a grazer. Any suggestions?

Looks like the weather will finally be suitable for morning walks as early as late this week. I can't wait!
I feel so fat and gross. I wish the fix was easy.

Doesn't help that my SIL, who gave birth to her ds2 16 days after my ds3, is not only below her pre baby weight, but is fitting in clothes from high school...granted she's horribly stressed from marital issues...but seeing her lose all that weight so fast has made me a little jealous.

I wouldn't trade my weight for her stress though. I just gotta actually put some effort into this...
Gigglebox - nuts are great as they are full of healthy fats and take away appetite. I wouldn't have more than a handfull though. Another easy healthy snack I love is banana and almond butter.

The other week I was craving a naughty desert so I searched for a healthy pancake recipe and ate it with a healthy ice cream version and red berries. The pancakes were not sweet by themselves but it worked great as ice cream and red berries were sweet. The combination of these three was heavenly. My partner even said he would have never known it was all healthy and not shop bought ice cream. I could also feed it to our LO no problem.

Pancakes ( I doubled the portion for us 3)
45g oat flour (or put the oats in a electric mixer to make flour)
100g 0% fat sour cream
2 eggs
50ml almond milk or any other milk

1. Mix all the ingredients well with a electric whisk (this was important so that the pancakes came out nice and didn't break)
2. Set a medium frying pan or crêpe pan over a medium heat and carefully wipe it with some oiled kitchen paper.
3. When hot, cook your pancakes for 1 min on each side until golden, keeping them warm in a low oven as you go.

Ice cream
Two very ripe bananas
A few TS of raw cocoa powder

Slice the bananas and freeze them for at least an hour (I like to now keep bananas always in the freezer so they are ready to go if I have a sweet craving). Mix them with a electric whisk for a creamy texture. If the bananas are not ripe enough you can add some honey to make it sweeter.
Cews OMG I can't imagine 3 hours of pushing. Did you have an epidural? I did with my first so pushing took an hour but no pain. Oh I'll have to look for that wrap at my next walmart trip.

Luna welcome! I don't wear my toddler as she's 30 lbs now so no advice on cycling with one. That pancake and ice cream dessert sounds yummy.

Gigs almonds, bananas are quick, easy, healthy foods. Just have to be mindful not to eat too many almonds.
Sorry no advise on cycling.. my parents did some with me when I was little. DH and I like to live rural, so we haven't biked in years...

Gigs, I second the nuts. If you are craving chips.. what about kale chips?

My official weigh in is 136. Means 11lbs to loose for my goal. No idea what my weight was at the end as my mw doesnt check weight ;)
Also, I had my first sip of alcohol last night. I feel human again! It's been probably a year and a half since my last glass and last night I had 2 sips of sparkly wine. It was sweet and delicious. So that's worth it and no regrets.
Ah I remember those first sips of alcohol! You get so used to not drinking. Nowadays I get tipsy from two glasses of wine.

Anybody finding weekends harder than during the week? My partner likes to buy food that's not at good for the diet. He went and got us some tacos as a takeaway and it was just like fast food. I am sooo bloated now I really need to work on having some healthy food always ready in the fridge so that I don't give in to these temptations. Partner has promesed to cut out bad stuff too.
Wooow at all the stranger and coworker comments! Yikes!

Luna hey!!! It’s super common for people around here to cycle with their kids. Either attached with that seat thing behind them or towing one of those like caravan or covered wagon type things. I obviously don’t know/do it because I don’t even know what they are called :rofl:

Lol at the food porn I do love that as well

Sorry skimmed. So tired.

Afm I was 146 this morning. I still want to be down another 20-30 lbs, but it feels good. I am not being strict with carbs but still avoiding them but I tried to plank the other day. I was up for like ten seconds before it hurt. I used to plank for 5-10 minutes with ease mid work out :(
Cews OMG I can't imagine 3 hours of pushing. Did you have an epidural? I did with my first so pushing took an hour but no pain. Oh I'll have to look for that wrap at my next walmart trip.

It was not fun at all. I ended up with an infection due to a lot of issues birthing him. I spiked a fever of 104, my epidural wore off before I started pushing and I only got a new one 20 minutes before he was born, I threw up everywhere and was honestly falling asleep/passing out between pushes because I was so tired. It was crazy. DS#2 was a lot easier compared although I didn't get my epidural because the pitocin caused me to dilate for a 7-10 in under 5 minutes.

I ended up picking up some different wraps at my base commissary because I literally have been eating a chopped salad/deli meat sandwich daily. So good! I crave sandwiches and love that I can eat it healthy. I just use a ton of lettuce and little meat but by chopping it all up I get the meat in every bite. I also bought some hot cherry pepper diced off Amazon (its spicy but not too much) and slather that with mustard. I even had this as a salad and it was good!
Cews- that sounds crazy! I have never heard of pushing for so long, I thought it wasn't supposed to last over 30min. I guess everything must have been fine with baby otherwise they wouldn't have let it go on. I'm glad your second one was easier. I've heard that often the second one is a lot easier- that gives me a lot of hope!

Anyone here planning on having more babies in the next few years? We are going to start trying again at some point after the summer.

Well done Dobby on the weight loss! It's so hard starting to exercise again after baby. My partner bought us this crazy air bike which is excellent for interval training but after doing just 4min on it my lungs hurt for days He says I must have bruised my lungs somehow?!? I've cycled normally on it since, but scared of doing another HIIT session. Hurts just thinking about it lol.
Luna, normally they wouldn't but I was on a military base with DS#1 and they let me push as long as baby was ok. It did get to the point though that if he didn't come out in the next few pushes that I would have an EMCS. Thank god he came out!

Weight in today and I HIT my short term goal of 177! I am so flipping proud of myself! I knew I would hit it this week but I was expecting the end of the week as I was still 178/179 over the weekend. \\:D/:dance::happydance:

I do want to try for my last one at the end of the year but DH is really wanting to stop at 2. I want a little girl and our deal was if we had 2 boys we would try one more time. I feel like he is backing out of our agreement but I know that if its something I really want he will usually make it happen. I don't know though... some days I just don't want to go through the newborn stage again. Its a lot of work especially with toddlers. If we do have one more DS#1 will be 5, DS#2 will be 2 and then a new baby... I just done know. DS#2 was a lot of work TBH. He was in the NICU and had colic until he was 8 months old. He is also still not sleeping through the night. It's crazy. DS#1 was so easy and is still such an easy going child. DS#2 is the complete opposite. I told DH that if we do have one more I don't think DS#2 will react well.
Cews, DH and I have had a very similar conversation re #3 if #2 is another boy. However we were never fully convinced that wed have 3. So for now we both are 95% sure we are done. Maybe a bit selfish, but we potentially have a good amount of vacatio travel in our future and it's easier to just split and travel with 2 and cheaper too. Sending 2 or 3 kids through post secondary education.. etc. We have education funds started for them and more funds will be available for each kid, the less kids we have... So yeah.. my brain says 2 boys is enough for us. Chances are our 3rd will be a boy too, knowing our luck ;)

Good job on hitting your goal early!!
So tomorrow is DS#1 4th birthday... how in the h*ll did this happen? I feel like I blinked and here he is a little boy. Not a toddler anymore. I really want to cry. Its almost time for the witch so its making me more emotional than I normally would be. I just cant believe he is getting so big. So, since its his birthday tomorrow it will be a cheat day. I am having pizza and cake! Going to do a small thin crust for me and a small cheese for him and DH can eat whatever he wants. Lol. Then a funfetti cake with chocolate frosting since we couldn't find a blue velvet cake and I don't feel like making it from scratch. He's happy with that so I am too.

How is everyone doing diet wise? I have been doing really good. Tonight is what I call turkey eggroll stirfry. So easy, yummy and low calories! Plus, it's seriously affordable.


**To make this even easier I just buy a bag of cabbage already prepared.

  • 2 Tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 Tbsp toasted sesame oil
  • 1 Tbsp sriracha*
  • 1/2 Tbsp brown sugar
  • 1/2 head green cabbage
  • 2 carrots
  • 3 green onions
  • 1/2 Tbsp neutral cooking oil
  • 1/2 lb. lean ground beef (I use 1lb Turkey... it tastes better!)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 Tbsp fresh grated ginger
  • Pinch of salt and pepper
  • Prepare the stir fry sauce first. In a small bowl stir together the soy sauce, toasted sesame oil, sriracha, and brown sugar. Set the sauce aside.
  • Shred the vegetables so they are ready to go when you need them. Cut one small cabbage in half, remove the core, and then finely shred the leaves of one half the cabbage (4-6 cups once shredded, save the other half for another recipe). Peel two carrots, then use a cheese grater to shred them (1 cup shredded). Slice three green onions. Mince two cloves of garlic. Peel a knob of ginger using either a vegetable peeler or by scraping with the side of a spoon, then grate it using a small-holed cheese grater.
  • Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Once hot add the cooking oil, ground beef, garlic, ginger, and a pinch of salt and pepper. Cook the beef until browned (about five minutes).
  • Add the cabbage and carrots to the skillet and continue to stir and cook until the cabbage is slightly wilted (or fully wilted, if you prefer). Stir in the prepared sauce and the green onions. Top with a sprinkle of sesame seeds and a drizzle of sriracha, then serve.

* 1 Tbsp sriracha makes a medium-spicy stir fry. If you don't like spicy, I'd start with 1 tsp. The sriracha adds flavor as well as heat, so I don't suggest skipping it all together.

Pl I don't think it's selfish to put your existing kids first! I will say the infant stage is still rough with #3 but it is easier this time. That said, i have an easier baby I think. I am 99% sure we're done! I was on the fence but I am looking forward to the next stage in life with older kids. Did I say this already?

Also I think I'm done putting my body through the wringer.

Speaking of which, I'm up to 181.4!!! I jave literally made no changes and somehow the weight loss has completely stopped and now I'm gaining at an alarming rate. I have to put in real effort now. I did start walking again as the weather was nice yesterday. Today ds1 had speech atbthe big school so I walked the halls for about 30 minutes. Candy stash is low and tomorrow will be the big test as i have to get more diapers...and will need to pass up buying more sweets.

Cews your birth sounds as bad as my ds2 that landed me in an EMCS and a transfusion. Story for another day. Giod job on the weight loss! And ahead od schedule. Nice!

Dobs you too! Good job! Are you finding the diet difficult?
Cews, I am coming over for dinner at your place! ;)

Gigs, same! I am done with the wringer, but also we had a lot of stress throughout this pregnancy, so that may have contributed to me not enjoying it nearly as much as I should have.
Looking forward to the next stage of raising the boys. Now I can watch my sil(s) Go through their pregnancies, hold babies when we meet them, give them back and hopefully by that time Ds2 will sleep through the night, so I can too ;) (youngest sil is expecting, she's near the end of first trimester)

How much weight did you gain gigs? Thats odd, but remember, muscle is heavier then fat. Could you just have built more muscle since the last weigh-in?
Cews, I am coming over for dinner at your place! ;)

Come on over! Tonight is cheat night though! Pizza and cake since DS is now 4... I will do thin crust to make it a little bit healthier.
Stepped on the scale today post workout and Im officially at a 10lb loss! Woohoo!!!

Gigs- how often do you weight yourself? My weight is fluctuating all the time too so I am trying to weight myself just once a week. It takes time to show the results.

Well done Dobs and cews on the weight loss! Amazing! And that stir fry sounds delicious! I will try this!

I had a dream I had lost weight so I weighed myself and I had indeed lost two pounds! I didn't think it was possible as I'd eaten 3twix bars this week and haven't exercised this week yet. But other than that I've been eating light, had veggie soup last night. Still got time to fit in those three exercise sessions for the week!

We are getting married this summer, and I already have the wedding dress and I need to go get it fitted in april/ May so i really wanna be down to my first goal by then. About 6pounds to go.

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