Absolutely disgusting!!

This happened in my home town, so disgusting I think one of the girls is a nurse for gods sake. There are alot of Somali imigrants in Leicester for some reason and quite scarilt going around in gangs doing the same thing all around Leicester. I've heard most carry knives ect and not scared in the slightest of the police. I suppose alot come as war refugees and violence is the norm where they come from. Just can't beieve they can use religion to get out of a sentence. If they were so respectful of thier religion what were they doing drinking in the first place?

I'm sure there are white, Indian/Pakistani and Jamaican gangs in Leicester as well, at least there in most major cities. Many gang members do carry knives regardless of what race they are from, that is gang culture for you. Do you actually know any Somalis personally or are you just going on heresay? xx
I have been harassed and abused by Muslims in public because I wear a Star of David. I'm Jewish, but not terribly religious, so I look like your average white girl. It's gotten to the point where I have to cover my necklace up when I'm in central London, especially if I'm on the tube.

I'm sorry but I highly doubt this; while there may be some anti-Jewish people out there (not just Muslims) it is a tiny minority. Most Muslims are extremely respectful of Jewish people and the Jewish faith; it is part of our religious beliefs to be so. Muslims get attacked on public transport and in London all the time too, particularly girls wearing hijab or niqab but the way you make it sound is that Muslims maurade around attacking people for their race and religion and almost as though it is a tenet of the Muslim faith (not just judging by this post but by your other hateful post in N&D as well). I have seen many people wearing star of David necklaces in many areas of London, and on the tube and no-one batted an eyelid. There is also a minority of Jewish people who harass and verbally abuse those who they perceive to be Arab or Muslim, it is unfortunate but I'd never dare claim they represent all Jewish people. xx
This thread isnt about who gets attacked more - its about the justice system of this country, its a shambles.
I dont believe every muslim should be stopped at airports or on buses etc I think that is just tarring everybody with the same brush & its wrong x

I used to work for a lovely family of muslims really kind & generous, I was great friends with a sikh girl & a hindu guy who's family would welcome you in to their home with open arms, I have great white friends too who's family are like my 2nd family x Then you meet the horrible people, an eastern looking guy shouting 'slag' at me as he drove past (i was wearing a thick winter coat & jeans) rude white people who will literally push past you to get to where they want to go, call me a snob, stuck up etc the point is not everyone is good. Be it the white girl on the tram or the girls in this story. The majority of people arent like this & treat everybody the same regardless of race.
Its just that in this instance the judge decided to let these girls go because they arent used to drink, as muslims they arent supposed to drink. Its not that these girls got off because they are muslim iyswim.
There have been other drunken attacks where the excuse has been that that person doesn't normally drink and and so they have got off with a lesser sentence because of this; and in some cases it has been white people involved (and anyway some Muslims are white, an estimated 100k in this country, so the two are not mutually exclusive categories-nor is Muslim a race like some people seem to believe it is). xx
I have been harassed and abused by Muslims in public because I wear a Star of David. I'm Jewish, but not terribly religious, so I look like your average white girl. It's gotten to the point where I have to cover my necklace up when I'm in central London, especially if I'm on the tube.

I'm sorry but I highly doubt this; while there may be some anti-Jewish people out there (not just Muslims) it is a tiny minority. Most Muslims are extremely respectful of Jewish people and the Jewish faith; it is part of our religious beliefs to be so. Muslims get attacked on public transport and in London all the time too, particularly girls wearing hijab or niqab but the way you make it sound is that Muslims maurade around attacking people for their race and religion and almost as though it is a tenet of the Muslim faith (not just judging by this post but by your other hateful post in N&D as well). I have seen many people wearing star of David necklaces in many areas of London, and on the tube and no-one batted an eyelid. There is also a minority of Jewish people who harass and verbally abuse those who they perceive to be Arab or Muslim, it is unfortunate but I'd never dare claim they represent all Jewish people. xx

Here is what happened to me. Doubt all you want.

1. I was buying some bras at La Senza on Oxford Street. The person behind the till was a young Muslim woman, wearing a hijab. When I handed her my credit card, she saw my surname (which is a common Jewish one), sneered at me, and said that she wanted me to know that the money she earns serving 'my kind' go toward 'tearing down the criminal occupiers of Palestine'. I filed a complaint with the store and received a letter of apology.

2. In March my husband and I were taking a trip back to the US to visit my family. I was in my second trimester, so it was the best time to fly. In the ladies toilets at Heathrow, I was washing my hands alongside two women in full burqas. I happened to be wearing my Star of David necklace. One of the women glanced at it in the mirror, called me 'sharmouta', and walked out giggling with her friend.

3. I started my nursing training at the University of Edinburgh. Being interested in politics, I approached the President of the Muslim Society on campus. I told him that I thought it would be good for the Jewish society to get together with the Muslim Society to talk about ideas regarding the Middle East, tensions in the UK, and what can be done to build bridges. His reply was one of the most insulting things anyone has ever said to me. 'There are neither doves nor hawks in Jewish politics. Only pigs. And pigs aren't halal.'

4. My friend, Ilana, got beaten up in Camden tube station by a Muslim man. She also made the mistake of wearing a Star of David. She suffered two cracked ribs and a broken ankle. The security guards present did nothing, and the man ran off. She filed a report with the police, but they would not pursue the man.

5. My best friend and I were sexually harassed by a group of Asian men in Whitechapel in 2008 on our way home from dinner. I doubt they knew we were Jewish, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that they thought we wouldn't resist because we're white. 'Don't pretend you don't want it, white bird.'

I never EVER said that these people represent all Muslims, so don't put words in my mouth. I also never said that all Jews are good people. These are simply my experiences, and I refuse to apologize for being affected by them.
A lot of Muslims wear hijabs for cultural as opposed to religious reasons; hijab is a big 'fashion trend' in some communities, I'm not sure what you mean by 'full burka' as the burka is only the 'shuttlecock' looking garment worn in afghanistan and I've never seen anyone wearing it in the UK; not even at airports, but a lot of gulf Arabs wear niqab and black clothing for cultural reasons and are not religious. I don't doubt that there have been incidences in your life as outlined but to say that Muslims have harassed you and specifically singling out that it is because they are Muslim and you are Jewish (after all this in response to a thread on a 'Muslim' girl gang) I do think is unfair. With regard to your friend being attacked the police also refused to help me when I was attacked despite there being plenty of witnesses and me knowing the names of several of the youngsters; and on another occasion when I was mugged (my friend and I got passers by to fight them off so they got away with nothing) the police wouldn't do anything then either. The police can be very apathetic at times.

Some Asian people are racist; my ex was a white Muslim and he was very badly beaten up and attacked by an Asian gang for being in 'their' area; obviously nothing to do with Islam or them being Muslim; those particular boys wouldn't know the most basic tenets of Islam if asked. The police in that case were extremely rude to my ex and said he must've asked for it or provoked them in some way; while my ex was an idiot I know in that case he really was just walking along minding his own business. It was actually the Asian community who tracked down these guys and made them apologise to my ex and I believe they would have done the same had he been a non-Muslim as well.

The men who harassed you in Whitechapel may not have even been Muslim; not all Asians are; and there are extreme views espoused in university political societies by some, not just the Islamic societies. In my experience those who are the most anti-semitic tend to be older white Britons, usually men, I used to know quite a few of my ex's dad's friends (his dad was not Muslim and was quite racist himself despite being of part Jewish ancestry) and they were blatant with their anti-semitic views, in my experience while I have met nominal Muslims who veer towards extreme political movements who are quite reactionary (something they thankfully grow out of); I have never come across anyone on that scale who is Muslim; in my experience. xx
BTW there are nasty racist scum out there from all walks of life; my children have been called 'mother**** n*****' and other similar racist names on several occasions, often by respectable looking 'city worker' types, the most recent incident was when my son accidentally was in the path of a suited and booted man in Westfield. Thankfully they are pretty oblivious to what people have said to them at this age but in future I'm sure they will realise. :( xx
No-one is making excuses for these girls. Its just I can see this turning into another 'Muslim bashing' thread as has unfortunately happened in the past. As OP said this thread is not about that; it is about inconsistencies in the justice system overall xx
No-one is making excuses for these girls. Its just I can see this turning into another 'Muslim bashing' thread as has unfortunately happened in the past. As OP said this thread is not about that; it is about inconsistencies in the justice system overall xx

And this isnt what I want the same as I dont want it turning into a 'white bashing' thread either x *btw not saying anyone has done either*
Those particular girls who happen to be Muslims are just plain stupid and irresponsible and the courts should see it for what it is and punish them accordingly.
Bringing there religion into it is wrong and is just another attempt at making the Muslim community look negative.
Besides, the whole point is that they were DRUNK during the attack which is forbidden in Islam anyway.
No-one is making excuses for these girls. Its just I can see this turning into another 'Muslim bashing' thread as has unfortunately happened in the past. As OP said this thread is not about that; it is about inconsistencies in the justice system overall xx

And this isnt what I want the same as I dont want it turning into a 'white bashing' thread either x *btw not saying anyone has done either*

I tried to make it clear this was not your intention in starting the thread xx
In U.S., there are gangs who have beat up a person because he is white. But same thing because he is black.

And they have beat up because of the other person's religion too.
Just to clarify, there are a massive...huge infact, amount of caucasian Muslims...
Its not restricted to those of colour or who look Asian/Arab.

Similarly, theres millions of Arabs/Asians who aren't Muslim too...
Just to clarify, there are a massive...huge infact, amount of caucasian Muslims...
Its not restricted to those of colour or who look Asian/Arab.

Similarly, theres millions of Arabs/Asians who aren't Muslim too...

From a little booklet I had from the Saudi embassy in Washington DC; there are more caucasian Muslims than Arab Muslims in the world; Arabs are actually something of a minority at about 18%. The largest ethnic group represented amongst Muslims is actually Indo-Malay people. I know in the UK in the 2001 census 65,000 Muslims put their ethnicity as white/caucasian, it is estimated to be 100,000 to 150,000+ from the 2011 census, and this time it will be clearer as to which background those Muslims are from. I am white and most converts in the UK are white as well-at least 90%. A famous translator of Arabic books and texts died recently on the hajj pilgrimage; he was a white convert from Leicester. Historically there have been white converts in the UK since the 1500s, they used to be refered to as 'turning turk' :D, the first established communities of Muslims in the UK were white converts in the mid 1800s, nearly 100 years before the arrival of large numbers of Muslims from the Indian subcontinent. My friend's husband, his 3x great grandfather was the mayor of Stalybridge and also a convert to Islam in the 1850s.

Similarly as Lellow said a lot of Arabs are Christians, or other minority religions that are not Islam such as Alewites, Yazidis, Sabaens etc. Same with Asians a lot are Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist and Christian, up north a LOT of Pakistanis are Christian (same with parts of London such as Ilford) but it is almost impossible to tell as they dress very similarly to other Pakistanis-they even have a channel on Sky, its called Glory channel or something like that xx
I totally agree with OP. The justice system is in shambles over everything... & I do think there will be an uprising eventually.

Also quite scary that it was in leicester city centre! My dad runs a pub in leicestershire so I'm up there all the time and went out there for my birthday the other weekend!
Just to clarify, there are a massive...huge infact, amount of caucasian Muslims...
Its not restricted to those of colour or who look Asian/Arab.

Similarly, theres millions of Arabs/Asians who aren't Muslim too...

I'm white :winkwink:

Arabs from the Middle east especially Syrians, Jordanian, & Lebanese are Caucasians. They are white & not all of them are Muslims.
Racism needs to be stamped out. You need to be dealt with fairly regardless of your race, religion or colour.

If we continue as a nation to let ANYONE get away with it, even if you just ignore it, we will never successfully stamp it out!
Those particular girls who happen to be Muslims are just plain stupid and irresponsible and the courts should see it for what it is and punish them accordingly.
Bringing there religion into it is wrong and is just another attempt at making the Muslim community look negative.
Besides, the whole point is that they were DRUNK during the attack which is forbidden in Islam anyway.

It is definitely wrong to bring religion into it and it makes me uncomfortable that the newspapers have jumped all over it as an example of the whole 'see what those muslims are doing to our country, we're like second class citizens!' bullshit. I completely agree that it is disgusting that these horrible girls didn't get into trouble but stuff like this happens all the time so why is it only reported when it happens to be a group of Muslim girls?
Those particular girls who happen to be Muslims are just plain stupid and irresponsible and the courts should see it for what it is and punish them accordingly.
Bringing there religion into it is wrong and is just another attempt at making the Muslim community look negative.
Besides, the whole point is that they were DRUNK during the attack which is forbidden in Islam anyway.

It is definitely wrong to bring religion into it and it makes me uncomfortable that the newspapers have jumped all over it as an example of the whole 'see what those muslims are doing to our country, we're like second class citizens!' bullshit. I completely agree that it is disgusting that these horrible girls didn't get into trouble but stuff like this happens all the time so why is it only reported when it happens to be a group of Muslim girls?

Little disclaimer I am not saying they should have got off with it; just to reiterate that, they should have got a custodial sentence but honestly had this been a 'white' girl gang on 4 Muslim girls (of any background or colour); I really do doubt that there would have been two disgusted threads about it on here, and certainly no-one would have been calling them a 'Christian' girl gang even had their lawyer tried to say that they were good Christians who weren't used to drinking and drugs, it simply wouldn't happen. In the same editions of the local paper in Leicester as this story appeared; there was also a story about an Indian Muslim family who were racially abused and physically attacked so much so that they had to move home; no-one has mentioned this story on here at all. It is natural for people to feel an affinity to people like them and feel more outraged when people like themselves are attacked so its human nature I suppose xx

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