Accountability thread

Welcome Shadow and Ellie! I'm glad you're both joining us :flower:

Ellie,congrats on your engagement. Do you have a date set? Try not to get too discouraged, as long as you keep working at it you will eventually start loosing again. Are you doing any sort of exercise plan?

I've had a lot of luck with trackin calories. I use an ap called Myfitnesspal. I never thought counting calories would be all that useful, but even when I didn't meet my daily calorie goal, it helped keep me honest and gave me a better idea of how much I was eating and how much I should be eating. And that's really important too know when you're trying to loose weight.


I was bad yesterday. Well I had a great workout and ate lots of veggies, but a lady at work had a baby shower and I at two big pieces of cake and a cookie. Ahhh I couldn't stop myself :(

1. Two eggs for breakfast yesterday and today. Yay protein!

2. Worked out yesterday and today. Tomorrow is supposed to be an easier day, and boy do I need it.

3. Tried a bit of coffee without cream. So-so. But I will sure try to give it a go for the 21df when I start on Monday.

4. Had yogurt as my after dinner snack. Did sneak some blue berries I it.
Welcome ladies! Please do join!! I think its common to hit a plateau in weight loss but keep chugging along it will pick back up! Try getting some extra exercise in your routine, even if it's just taking a five minute walk around your house. Staying active is important!

Elma, I was just reading about blueberries and their belly fat slimming properties. I say they are a win win!

I've been off my game on working out. Garage sale tomorrow then off Sunday so will be picking back up Monday with my diet AND exercise. Need to meal plan! But I'm ready. The old regulars just aren't as good as I thought they were (except cookies! Cookies are pretty awesome.)
Maybe I should just drop diets and go with calorie control. Thing is, the diet I am following is 600cals per day which is really not enough fuel, but maybe if I add more fruit and fresh veg snacks to up the cals I would feel better and maybe be able to finish. Becausr I loose interested when I start to feel tired. I am a busy mom so can't go on low fuel during the day, maybe just need to make healthier decisions on what I eat.
Hi shadow, 600 cal a day is EXTREMRLY low. Your body is in starvation mode and fighting the to hang on to every calorie. Plus your body can't function properly like that (so surprise you have no energy!) Your body needs a at least twice that I'd imaging, even when loosing wieght, probably 3 times as much when maintain gin a constant wieght.

Have you tired a wieght loss website or calorie counter app? That would help you find your baseline calorie needs, and then you could subtract maybe 500 or so calories off that (the app/website could help you find a more precise number). Then you'd have A more realistic goal that would be attainable (some days anyway) and you'd feel so much better--both because you'd be fueling your body enough to to function AND mentally you'd me meeting a goal.
Thanks :D Yes we've set a date, 26th August 2017, and I can't wait :D

I'm part of MyFitnessPal - restarted it yesterday, and failed immediately :nope:

I know I'm going to eat naff all today, not because of yesterday's fail as such, but cause once I get to the yard where my man and his family keep their horses, there's generally not enough time to eat. Maybe ought to find something small to eat before we leave
Shadow-- everything Elma said! Your body isn't going to run efficiently on too low calories and it will be detrimental to your weight loss (as well as just plan not good for you!).

Mummy-- have you ever meal prepped? If going out is a regular thing maybe you could prep yourself enough healthy food to last you while you are there? Having the right food right there makes the choice to eat healthier so much easier!
Hey ladies. I've been reading your posts but I'm on my phone so I'm not typing as much as I want. I have a couple of questions. ...

1. When you are doing your eating plans so you cool the same thing for your family? Does your dh cook to make it easier for you? Or do you cook them their meal and do yours separately?

2. For those with kids....when do you fit I the exercise. I find at home stuff hard. My oldest is a 5am girl and I struggle to get up earlier to fit I exercise. By the time they are both in bed at night (8pm) I don't want to much. I just clean the kitchen and sit down.
So at the moment I'm just happy with the mummy's boot camp that I can bring Seren to.

I'm asking because sometimes I find inspiration in what others do.
It can be fairly regular. I've taken food to eat there before, but a lot of the time it remains uneaten as we just lose track of time :(
I did have a better day today overall though, managed to eat just under the calories that MFP said to have :)
Good job on the cals mummy! Remember to eat frequently through the day, it's way better for your metablosim to eat small frequent meals.

Spud-- with the 21 day fix. It's easy to modify the dinner for me or make it heartier for the family. Such as.... an enchilada recipe that I use. For me, I'll only be eating two enchilada, and maybe some broccoli or spinach on the side. But I'll also make Mexican rice and maybe some tortilla chips and salsa for the rest of them to eat along side it. A frequent meal here is chicken. Instead if doing white rice and gravy, I'll season the chicken well and serve it over wild or brown rice and then side of green (broccoli green beans asparagus) so that's easy for the whole fam. Oh I've also mentioned the wrap oizzas. I love them! When that's on the menu, I get a real crust for the hubby and kids. So the whole time we are eating basically the same things, but sometimes with modifications.
And I have two girls at home during the day and the big one who is off to school at 6:30 and home at 4. I generally wait till my five month old is down for a nap, and that's when I get my workout in. My two year old is usually doing it with me, or playing if not. It's hard. And if I could go to a mom boot camp I would! There's nkthibg ljke that around here. But probably if there were my kids wouldn't be cooperative. Lol.
Think I should just go with clean eating then. Because I can then eat and snack more without feeling guilty. I am also very much about my coffee, but not so much water. I was thinking of doing it like this - one glass of water per cup of coffee, bet I will drink less coffee then as well later on. lol
I too love my coffee, shadow. I wish I drank it black just to save a few empty calories, but it's just not as good like that! But some people like it, so maybe I could get used to it? :shrug:

Spud, I primarily wake up before baby to work out. I'll set an alarm for 5 or 5:15. Baby wakes usually 6 or 6:30. At first it was hard to find the motivation ( as sometimes still is) to wake up earlier than needed since I'm generally sleep deprived. But now I love this ME time. Really the only ME time I ever get. I usually start with a nice cup of coffee.

That said, I'm not sure I could do it if baby woke at 5 am. Maybe if I went to bed earlier. Is you baby content in a seat/chair? Could you feed her when she wakes, then set her down and work out? My baby, when he wakes early, if I'm still working out, is content to sit in his bouncy chair and watch me. I think I must look petty funny. Also, DH get baby when he wake and does diaper and clothes and stuff, so that frees me up for a few more minutes.

As for food, DS1 is a fairly picky eater and generally get his own food prepared anyways, so me doing 21df won't effect his meal prep. Most nights DH cooks dinner for the both of us (at least since DS2 was born and I've been back at work). I think for 21df, he will just make himself dinner and me mine. Well he may roast some veggies or tofu for us both.
Dammit, over my calories for today. I really need to look at what I'm eating :nope::cry:
Haha I'm enjoying my last meal before the start of the fix. Meal plan for the week-- pizza, enchiladas, stuffed peppers, and a few nights of roasted or grilled chicken various sides. I bought some spaghetti squash to try. Deli ham in various ways for lunches and overnight oats and scrambled eggs for breakfast, things like almonds, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, and protein shakes for snacks. . Weigh in and new measurements in the morning. I won't be taking a full week off anymore. I'll be taking maybe every other weekend off. I'm going to try to make this a lifestyle change rather than a fad diet. I've been such a slacker working out so back on track tomorrow with that too.
I wake up at 5:30 now to get the big one on the bus. I don't think I could do any earlier, but summer is coming up so it might be easy to wake myself up early and get a workout in before they all wake up! In fact sounds really nice, lol instead of waiting for my alone time at nap time. That's the reason I've been slacking lately because it's hard to lose my time alone to working out when I feel like I have so much to do. Anyways I think waking early for working out sounds perfect!!
Hope you ladies are all doing this weekend!
Sounds like you all had good weekends. I have been fairly bad but I have been back in track today. Meal plan as follows: Baked potatoes and salad, wrap pizzas and salad, pasta in homemade tomato sauce, chilli with rice, chicken and salad wraps, and maybe risotto or cous cous.

Snacks we have got melon, mango, strawberries, banana, ryvitas and cottage cheese.

I'm considering going dairy free as my wee one is dairy free. I bought some soy milk and its actually okay.
have been trying to keep up on my phone (but sometimes the page won't load from the email link:shrug:) but have been so busy and haven't gotten to my computer...sucking it up from my phone because i wanted to say a couple things:

welcome to all the recent new folks!:wave:

for anyone just getting "started" my personal experience was that just learning portion sizes and how many calories were in things made a huge difference. instead of not eating all of a particular category of food, just learn what's considered 1 serving and allow treats, or that glass of milk (right kmr?:winkwink:) or whatever because, like kmr just said about making it more of a lifestyle and not a fad diet will do you so much better in the long run. i love my candy just as much as the next 8 year old:haha: so when i was calorie counting, that was a treat for eating well and having some "extra" calories at the end of a day. i used the app LoseIt! which is like MyFitnessPal, i believe? anyway, soapbox rant over.:blush:

loeylo, i had some almond milk the other day (my friend is super intolerant to dairy) and it was actually pretty tasty, so maybe try that too!:thumbup:

i have managed a walk almost every day in may so far. just got home from a 3 (plus a bit?) mile walk.:coolio: and have a workout plan for postpartum pelvic core (since i am still having leak issues, nearly 6 months later:dohh::nope:) but haven't started it yet. maybe after my 30 day challenge, i will trade out some walking days for workout days. the weather in tokyo is gorgeous right now and it's so nice to get outside!!

(feel like someone asked about where i live...was that in this thread?? sorry, am on my phone and i'm useless...:dohh:)
Weigh in day.......and I maintained. *sigh* Better than putting on I guess :shrug:
I'm starting 21 day fix today. Excited about it. Goal is to loose (at least) 4 lbs off a starting weight of 150.4. Seem very achievable based on what I've heard.

Started day with a good workout, low impact cardio and the some arms.

I'm doing the highest calorie bracket since I'm planning lots of exercise and expending many calories breastfeeding.

Breakfast I ate: 2 hard boiled eggs. Half cup oat meal with a little butter and a few blue berries. Coffee (drank half with cream, half a cup without :coffee:)

Plan for the rest of day:
Packed for work I have:
A Greek quinoa salad with tomatoes cucumbers and olive, tiny bit of feta
A black bean and corn salad with onion and red pepper
A pea salad with half tsp Maya and onion
Some mixed greens that I will eat with a bit of ceasar dressing
Half a peanut butter and banana sandwich

The tally for all this is 2.5 fruit, 2.5 or 3 grains, 4 or 4.5 veggie, 2 protein. Fats/oils/dressings are complicated, I'm just trying to minimize in general

This evening I'll try to figure out a dinner and snack with:
1 fruit
2 veggie
2 protein
1 grain.
Will like be a burrito of sorts and Greek yogurt with berries wen kids are in bed.
Hey ladies may I join???

I am Candice. I will be 25 next month. My oh and I have been together almost 3 yrs. I have 3 kids. A 6yr old boy named Jordan, an almost 5 yr old girl Serenity and a 1.5 yr old boy Dominic.

I am 259lbs as of this morning. I wasnt always this big. Right before I had my oldest I was 186. I want to roughly be 170-180 as that is where I was comfortable. Based on my height that is still considered "overweight" but with my body frame I looked very good at that weight.

So I was 186 before I had my oldest. I got up to 218 my last weigh in while pregnant with him and 6 months later when I found out I was pregnant with my middle I was 219!!! So end of pregnancy with her I was 240. When she was a yr old I lost some weight and was down to 220. When she was 2.5 I found out I was pregnant again and my starting weight was 243. I didnt gain anything my whole pregnancy and the last weigh in with my tiny peanut 5 weeks early I was 238. Just shortly after my youngest came home from the hospital I was 225!!! Then my postpardum depression hit and I hit a record high of 265!!! I tried last yr to lose weight and at xmas I was 243 but I fell off the bandwagon after that and as of last tuesday (6 days ago) I was 263.
I tried all last week to eat well and make sure I walk every day and drink more water and as of sat I was down 5.2lbs in 4 day!!! Sat was suppose to be my cheat day and surprisingly after eating rele crappy and walking 7.2km I was still down.6lbs yesterday morning but yesterday was a lazt day and we went out for hubbys bday dinner and as expected I am up 1.8lbs from yesterday!!! But today is a new day and I am starting fresh now to get back up and try again. This coming weekend will be rough as we are attending a huge potluck bbq sat and on sunday we are going away so will be eating at a resteraunt sun night and then McDonald's prob monday on the way home but will be swimming lots but wont be on the scale till I get home. Just means I may have to really step it up these next few weeks to get back on track.
So my older 2 are in school and I try to walk an hour a day (5.5km) while carrying my youngest. I wanna start strength training and toning up my tummy but I am not sure where to start or what to do :( I am using my fitness pal and for the last week or so have not been doing to bad with calories. I am trying to drink half my weight in water as well as cut down on sugars and carbs and late night eating. I am really trying to eat 3 meals and 3 snacks a day as well.
So far has not been to bad but I think I need to exercise more.
Look forward to talking to all you ladies
Oh ya the plan once I lose weight is to have another baby.
Hi Candice, glad you're joining us.:flower: I hope you (and all the new ladies who have joined recently) will check in here regularly to let us know how your efforts are going. And hopefully that helps keep you motivated and accountable. I really do believe that if you just keep at it, and get back on the wagon when you fall off, you WILL see results.

Sounds like you're doing a ton of walking :thumbup: is there any specific aspect of your eating you consider to be a problem or are focusing on? My main problem is binging on sweets, but I've done good lately cutting sugar out.

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