Accountability thread

Well I was back in the 122s this am, 122.8. I got a good workout in after music, did a double arm, then some leg presses and squats. It was decent! Said I might take the day off, but I might get some cardio in. short and sweet! But we will see, I say that now. Hubby is off and he always sidetracks me.

Hope you ladies are all doing good.

Don't worry Elma, I'm sure you will see a new low soon!!
Elma - well done for saying no to ice cream. A little bit brownie never hurt anyone! Your new low is just round the corner.

Kmr - well done on the 122s and a good workout!

I haven't weighed myself in a while, but I have been eating quite bad as I have been so busy. My dad has just had surgery, so I have been going over there a lot after work to help my mum with things. I have had a hard week at work too. Plus we have had visitors a lot.

I'm doing well in the mornings, having fruit and fat free yoghurt and my coffee. Lunches have been okay, I have either been taking leftover dinner or buying something at school (I'm a teacher, all school lunches are healthier choicess) - some days, between dropping off the wee one before work, collecting her after work, helping my parents, visiting family etc I have been out the house from 6:30am to 11:30pm. I didn't get dinner until 12am on Wednesday, and I was up for work at 5:30. I'm SO tired! So my dinner choices haven't been great. However I have lost 3.5lb, probably from exhaustion.

Its a bank holiday weekend so I'm off today and ee are all off on Monday. I'm just relaxing today, need to go buy pet food and drop it at my parents (I don't drive, they live about three miles away. I'll walk.) and Il probably have pizza tonight and some wine. Tomorrow my oh is going to watch football so I'm gonna chill at home.
That's sounds rough loe. You deserve some pizza and wine. I hope your dad is doing ok.

No low for me today. But yesterday I felt my jeans were noticeable loser. That was a good feeling!
Hi, all! I hope it's OK for me to drop in! I have a question.. Wondered if anyone has any advice for me. I am currently ebf my 4 month old and have about 20 lbs to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. I know from past experience I have always gotten to 10lbs above my pre-pregnancy weight and would stop losing until I weaned them. So I was fully expecting that this time too except it won't budge anymore and I'd love to at least lose 10 lbs before it stalls lol

So I've been dairy free for a few months now.. Baby seemed really sensitive to it but has changed completely since I've been off of it. It has kept me from eating things that would usually tempt me. Lots of cheese, chocolate and such. We can't afford to go completely organic or to buy a bunch of things fresh but we try every chance we get. I really don't eat badly.. I've recently cut way back on sugar. Have started putting honey in my coffee and trying to make better choices.

Excercise wise, i put Aliya in a carrier and the kids and I walk every day and then play at the park. Also have found some good YouTube videos for cardio and strength and alternate days for them. I'm getting frustrated as I've been going at this for so long and at the exact same weight.. It won't budge. I do feel stronger and healthier but I was hoping to start fitting into at least some of my old dresses this summer. I can't go buy a whole new wardrobe :/ any advice? I can't cut back on much more food wise or I'm just really hungry or my milk supply goes down.

Hope this wasn't confusing.. Didn't get much sleep last night lol good luck to you all! Sounds like everyone is doing great :)
I'm in some of my pre pregnancy clothes but not all. I pretty much live in leggings and my old t-shirts. I was never a huge dress wearer ro begin with but dress wise I'm ok, its mainly jeans that I'm struggling with!
I'm in some of my pre pregnancy clothes but not all. I pretty much live in leggings and my old t-shirts. I was never a huge dress wearer ro begin with but dress wise I'm ok, its mainly jeans that I'm struggling with!

That's great! I'm not big on leggings haha but i do wear my old t shirts. I was just so small pre pregnancy that until I'm really small again, they won't fit. :/
Happynewmom, I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. Well I only have 15 lbs to loose, but baby is 6 months. I also plateaud with the weight loss a month or so ago. And like you I thought I was eating ok, but when I started counting calories (which i need to do more) it was obvious why I wasn't loosing.

Breastfeeding is tough, cause you do need to eat extra, and no one wants to feel hungry when they have a small baby to care for. But I would suggest maybe you use a calorie counting ap like myfitnesspal, and try to cut a reasonable about from your current diet. Cutting 200-300 wouldn't effect your supply I'd think, and you might be hungry a little bit at some points in the day, but nothing extreme. That would having you loose about half a pound a week if my math is right (and you set your goals accurately, which def can be tricky).

I also wanted to add that with DS1, I did get to my prepregnancy weight before stopping breastfeeding. It took about a year though, and the last 5-10 lbs took a long time.
Happynewmom, I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. Well I only have 15 lbs to loose, but baby is 6 months. I also plateaud with the weight loss a month or so ago. And like you I thought I was eating ok, but when I started counting calories (which i need to do more) it was obvious why I wasn't loosing.

Breastfeeding is tough, cause you do need to eat extra, and no one wants to feel hungry when they have a small baby to care for. But I would suggest maybe you use a calorie counting ap like myfitnesspal, and try to cut a reasonable about from your current diet. Cutting 200-300 wouldn't effect your supply I'd think, and you might be hungry a little bit at some points in the day, but nothing extreme. That would having you loose about half a pound a week if my math is right (and you set your goals accurately, which def can be tricky).

I also wanted to add that with DS1, I did get to my prepregnancy weight before stopping breastfeeding. It took about a year though, and the last 5-10 lbs took a long time.

Thank you for the reply and suggestion! I actually did my fitness pal for about a month.. Tried different things with it and still didn't make any progress. It definitely had me eating in moderation better than just winging it but I still didn't lose anything. Hopefully it's just a hormonal thing and will kick off soon so I can at least feel like something is happening.. I'm so unmotivated when nothing is showing all the effort I'm putting in. Thank you so much! Good luck to you and great job keeping up with it. It's really hard but worth it in the end!
Happy new mom, how long did you stick with counting? Sometimes it can take some time. Elma and I both breastfeed out LOs, I tandem breastfeed my five month old and two year old, and on the low calorie bracket of 21 day fix, I'm between 1300-1500 calories a day (more than this because I drink my coffee and milk at night) but haven't suffered any supply hits. I say choose snack foods wisely. Some raw almonds, cottage cheese or Greek yogurt, as many veggies as you can hack (I can eat steamed green beans With my first it took about a year to get down to my pre pregnancy weight, without trying. My second I never bounced back, and lost it all while pregnant with my third. Now back down to pre-baby weight and ultra motivated to keep it off. I think breastfeeding can cause retention of that extra weight, I've heard of many mamas who just hold on to it til baby weans. But whatever you decide to do, stick with it for some time. And make sure you are consuming calories that count. You can count calories all day long but if they are empty calories it's not doing your body good!

Hope everyone is doing well! I'm pooped, left my house for the 5k town around 7, got home around 2, and have been busy baking cookies for my dad's birthday and cleaning up since then. Finished in about 45 minutes but j definitely wasn't going my pace, I stuck with my friend who did it with me! It was a ton of fun and I'm feeling kind of sucked into the 5k hype!

Finish line pic! Whoop


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Thank you all! I guess I'll give it another shot and adjust the calories on it and see what happens. Maybe I just need to make it a little less to kick off losing weight. :)
I had a new low yesterday morning. 147.8 lbs. that puts me ~ 3 lbs down from my staring weight at the end of week 2 of 21-day fix. I'm feeling great about it. But... Just spent a day and a half in cincinatti, and though I packed a lot of healthy snacks and skipped the ice cream last night, I was definitely not following the diet closely at all. Oh well.

Happynewmom, If you (or anyone!) is intersested in doing the 21-day fix, I thing I'll do another round starting 2 weeks from tomorrow (I'll take a week off after I finish). Honestly I don't think there is anything special about the 21df, I'm not even following it that strictly. But it's easier to stay motivate (and somewhat fun) doing a short term challenge, but one where you see results at the end.

Kmr, you think you'll do another round??

I'm exited to take my measurements in a week. Resisting the urge to to it early. I'm definitely feeling like my jeans are looser. That probably from the exercise more that anything.
Elma, that's awesooooooome!!! Congrats on new low! I ate crap this weekend too, pretty much just had an "off" weekend although didn't eat too bad, just some unapproved items.
I'm definitely doing another round. I've kind of stopped thinking of it in rounds and just decided to do it full-time but not feel guilty about weekends off here and there. If I want to benefit for the long term it just seems smart to change lifestyle. I have been doing so good on the fix I definitely just want to make it a permanent change. For the first time in a long time I feel good about how I look (I totally ordered the bikini from target yesterday) and I feel strong. Yeah. I'm so glad I started that first round, it sparked a change in me. But I'll definitely be keeping up with measurements, I'm sure they will slow down. But still. And j take more body progress pics so I can see changes. But yeah I'll be doing it, so I'm here to discuss progress and food and what have you!
For me, it was a big change. Seriously, my diet before was coffee for breakfast, pb and j for lunch, some processed item for snack, and a dinner that was always tasty but probably semi processed and really carb heavy. So on the fix I'm actually eating more than I was, eating cleaner, and keeping carbs to minimum. It's amazing how eating more has me losing weight.
Lol you can tell I'm a proponent.
Will be working out arms and abs today to get back into it. Legs are still sore from my 5K (must have been the side skipping that did it, it's my flanks that are sore lol! Leaving early to register the boy for swim lessons. I so want to start running and prep for my next race but bringing the kids drives me nuts. Going to try to work out jog days with husband so I can get some run in.
So i was doing good and then decided to eat pizza last night at like 10pm so it put me up today. Here is hoping for better for tomorrow since i did a bit of walking?today and tomorrow will be my first day at the gym and i am so excited
my 30 day walking challenge is over. i did okay, just pretty much failed the last week.:dohh: oh well! my goal for june is to walk 3 days a week and workout 3 days a week. i bought a workout program designed to help get my pelvic core back in working order, because i still have leak issues and it's been 6 months.:shock::cry: i am so impatient and want to jog and do more high(er) impact stuff, but i end up peeing my pants, so that's still out.:roll:

i have been SO hungry lately. and totally off the eating well bandwagon.:blush::shhh: and baymax is sleeping like crap:sleep: and nursing more often. hello sleep regression and/or growth spurt.#-o

we started baby swim classes today and it was so cute! my husband had today off, so he came and i was able to tread water whenever i wasn't holding her. it felt so nice to move so much. it's 2 days a week for 8 weeks. might try to get a walk in before class, which would be a perfect "excuse" to get my walk in.:thumbup:
Everyone sound alike they are doing brill. I'm doing well too, I'm eating so much fruit and veg that im hardly wanting anything else. Been swimming with the wee one and wasn't embarrassed (but wore a costume)
speaking of swimsuits, kmr, what suit did you buy?? i was browsing the target website today and have also heard good things about landsend. i have no idea how to find a cute/flattering AND supportive suit for these breastfeeding :holly:! :rofl:
So after all my walking done yesterday i am down exactly to what i was sunday before i ate that pizza!!!
Today busted my ass. I walked 25mins to the gym and 25 mins home and did 60 mins on treadmill and 30 on the bike. Then i got to have an uninterrupted shower before picking the little one up from the child care. I know its only cardio but until monday when i learn how to work the machines im not doing any weight training. As gross as it felt to be covered in sweat i cannot wait to see the pay off tomorrow morning and feeling the sweat and burn it pushed me to keep going. I think as a treat for a great first day i might actually enjoy some potatoes with the family at dinner, in moderation of course but i have tried to cut carbs and some nights when the family eats rice or potatoes i?just skip it and eat extra veggies but i think it would be a nice treat for?myself

I am so glad to hear you all are doing so well
Cutting carbs isn't the way to go! Just try make healthier choices eg brown rice, wholemeal pasta and minimise portions. You will just feel exhausted and grouchy if you cut them out.
I think the right ratios of macros are important. So small daily servings of carbs, along with nice lean proteins and then your fruits and veggies!! It's amazing how your body feels when you find the right balance!

Jump, I will link what I got in a separate post. I'm a little nervous, I would have preferred trying on, but the target nearest me didn't have this in stock. I need it though, I need to get the kids to the splash park and start working to keep then busy! My fat suit is too big and my super skinny suit is too small lol. We need a happy medium.

Loe so happy you are doing well!!

This top^^'s-swim-hipster---black-l---aqua-green®/-/A-24011247
And this bottom ^^^

Hope I don't regret mis matching but I hate the suits that let your booty cheeks hang out!

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