Accountability thread

I survived my in-laws!! They were really excited about the baby, so that helped. They've gone now, so I'm wearing the baby to hopefully calm her down.

I did stress eat though. :( Damn croissants - so yummy. We have a busy week ahead, including three Dr visit (two for baby, one for me). Hopefully, keeping busy will also keep me healthy.
amy, my husband's mom is crazy (his words, not mine!:haha:) so he tends to keep her at arm's distance. we actually have the opposite problem. we live in tokyo and we have very little contact with her, which is sort of sad at the moment since there's a new baby. i facetime my parents at least once a week and they were able to come here in december for 10 days, but that was long enough for my mental sanity!:wacko:

spud, yes, i was happy to see you here too!:friends:

kmr, it's monday afternoon here but my husband and i (and baby:winkwink:) went to a friend's wedding last night. they all loved her.:blush: it was kind of far away from where we live, so he took today off and we stayed at a hotel in downtown tokyo. we had a nice relaxing buffet breakfast at the hotel (thanks for sleeping, baby!) and then came home. we ran some errands and just got home, unpacked, and are relaxing. i'm having chips and guacamole (guac is my weakness!:dohh:) so clearly my diet is still in weekend mode too!:haha: i am going to try to do some piyo later today and see how my body takes it. seeing photos of myself from the wedding yesterday was a slight reality check.:dohh:
How are we doing ladies? I had a couple of bad meal choices
At the weekend, I didn't snack though!

It's my sisters birthday today and we are going for a meal out, I'm determined to choose the healthy options, it's a new week, new start!

Stay motivated ladies ;)
Ugh my weekend has been a fail. I ate fine, but I did no exercise. I don't know, my brain goes into weekend mode I think. Back to it today.

Jumpingo-- how exciting to live in Tokyo! Slightly jealous, I still have yet to experience anywhere outside of the states (not too many places in it either!). I have to say as far as food choices go, you could do a whole lot worse than guacamole! Tell me how you like Piyo-- it's mainly what I've been using the past couple weeks. And it gets easier and easier Every time.

Amy, so glad you got through the weekend! Croissants ARE tasty! I could go for one now! Haha!

Just like mummy said, stay motivated. I feel like a loser after my lazy weekend but I'm getting back on it today, and then I'll feel better! Will check back in today!
yeah, the guacamole isn't so bad (avocado is good fat, right!?:winkwink:)

i didn't end up doing piyo today. i didn't sleep well last night in the hotel with baby in the room, so was tired and short tempered all day.:dohh: as for liking it or not, before i got pregnant, i took a class at the gym that was turbo kick on tuesday and wednesday and piyo on thursday. i LOVED it and was sad when the instructor moved back to the states. i'm hoping the videos are just as good...? i honestly haven't really looked at the videos, but there are different workouts, right? is there an order that's best or recommended?

i must do it tomorrow! baymax (baby's nickname, don't worry, we didn't actually name her Baymax:haha:) has a decent awake but content hour or so in the morning, so hold me to doing it then!

my tuesday game plan: PiYo in the morning, a walk around the neighborhood (just over a mile, i think?) in the afternoon.:bodyb:
I'm jealous, would love to take a class. When my squish gets a bit older I plan on going to the gym. I know they have yoga but not sure on Piyo. But I definitely like the class setting, it's motivating.
I did two prenatal workouts today, sounds pansy but they actually give my arms and legs a great workout. I'm SO excited because I scored a Cize (dance workout, like Zumba) on a local sale page for $20! So that will be my plan tomorrow.
Well today I got a workout dvd and it was just too much, my operation was in October and I think it's still too soon, couldn't do anything fast or a quick pace. I think I'll stick to walking for now!

I've decided I'll get a Fitbit so it motivates me to do my steps and I can see how many calories I'm burning.
I can't wait for you guys to get your jawbone and fitbit. You'll have to give your reviews when you get them!

jumpingo, I live far from my parents too. They are coming for three months in April! Heaven help my sanity then. At least, I can yell at my own folks, right?
well, i couldn't get the PiYo videos my husband set up for me to actually play (i'm so tv illiterate:dohh:) so i just youtubed and found something. i made it 13 minutes. i hate that i can't do stuff that used to be fairly easy. also, please tell me my muscles get strong enough to stop passing all that air?!:shock::shock::dohh: so glad i didn't go to a gym class right off the bat! that would have been so embarrassing. note to self: kegels all day every day!:rofl: but i love class settings too. it's much more fun and motivational for me. and i would love to make some friends at some point! i did some stretching and then 25 crunches on front, and then both sides. better than nothing, right?:shrug::bodyb:

mummy, walking is still great exercise!! i'm hoping to go for a walk this afternoon too!:friends: and looks like i should find my fitbit charger, huh?:winkwink:

amy, i am a horrible push over when it comes to my parents. i usually go with the "suck it up until they leave, then decompress" method, but i don't actually recommend that as a healthy coping mechanism.:dohh: but having extra hands (and doting grandparents at that!) is very nice!:thumbup:
My legs are sore!! Lol that prenatal one is a really good arms and legs workout. My shoulders are sore too. My husband brought home size, which seems pretty similar to a Zumba, we watched the first segment. So that will be what I do today. I was sweating just watching it. I got my jawbone yesterday and got it all set up. I LOVE it so far. It's comfortable on my wrist, it's cute. I put it on around two in the afternoon yesterday and tracked 4000 steps. It tells you your estimated calorie burn so you can be more precise in staying under by however much. It tracks sleep as well. I got great sleep, seven hours and fifty minutes, mostly deep sleep. The app gives you a food score too, so you can see how well you are eating. I haven't delved in it as far as I can, but this is my skimmed the surface opinion after owning 18 hours lol.

I'm kind of excited about Cize. It's cardio I need to burn some of this body fat.

Jumpingo-- kegel! Kegel kegel! And then do some core body exercises because if you're tensing all that up, you'll be strengthening pelvic floor too. I had incontinence after baby two, her birth had weakened me up so badly! Now after my third it's like I haven't had kids :)
so there's hope, is what you're saying!?:rofl:

i didn't get out for a walk, but i did wear baymax at the store and we walked over to the post office and back (across a few parking lots) and then at the grocery store. not quite the same purposeful pace of a walk around the neighborhood, but at least something!

i didn't have any "bad" snacks today either.:thumbup: oh wait, i did have some gummy candy things, but i checked the pack and i had about half a serving, which has 140 calories, so still totally reasonable, i'd say! we had homemade pizza rolls for dinner, chicken breast and brown rice for lunch, a bagel and greek yogurt and a big glass of milk for breakfast. i had some applesauce at some point in the day too. clearly i need to work in some more fruits and veggies!:dohh: and more water. i probably only drink a 16oz. glass at each meal, but could do with twice that.

well, tuesday is over here, but just starting for everyone else...hope it's a good one!!:flower:
I've fallen off the bandwagon big time.

I have mastitis and am feeling like crap. My parents are here and they need cooking for tonight as we share the cooking.

I'm having a little pity party for myself.
There's always hope jumpingo! Lol!! I love your LO's nickname... I have a six year old who looooves big hero 6! Who am I kidding, I love it too.

Spud, I am soooo sorry! Mastitis is no joke! Take it easy and get better! Make sure you nurse on affected side as much as possible, let baby free nurse! Warm compresses, hot showers, massage the area... I cleared up mastitis on my own without antibiotics (although I would have preferred meds, husband was deployed and I didn want to take myself in)... But it's work! So rest up!

I did my Cize today! I was super sweaty at the end of it but it felt good! I've stayed well under calories today too, I'm havin real cookies before bed I've done so well! And the jawbone is pretty sweeeeet. Made me really aware of sitting for too long. I have logged almost 11000 steps today (although it's counting my Cize workout before I figured out how to turn on workout mode). Feeling good today ladies!

How are my other gals? Haven't heard from you today!
oh Spud...i had it a few weeks ago and it's miserable isn't it!?:hugs: i second everything kmr said and i also used ice packs after nursing to help with the pain. massaging hurts SO bad, but really helps move the milk, so do that as much as you can. seems like sharing cooking is great if the person isn't sick!! can you switch nights or something?:shrug:

kmr, we watched big hero 6 for the 2nd time about 2 months after losing babyjump and i said to my husband, "can we nickname our next one baymax?" and i didn't find out until later that he didn't get why i wanted to. (oh men!:haha:) i got pregnant a month or two after that, and baby was baymax from day 1.:thumbup: such a good movie though!<3
Jumpingo-- what an awesome nickname them! Love the ones that really mean something. And men haha sometimes they don't think as deeply as we do.... I think mine never thinks deeply.

Just done with my workout, showered and feeling fresh and energized! I've pinned some healthy dinner ideas and I'm going to work on implementing them into our regular dinners. Things like tortilla soup, turkey taco bake and I'm super excited about zucchini chips and noodles. I've got a spiralizer carted on Amazon!

Tell me how you ladies are doing! Some of us are Mia!!!
Hi ladies!! :hi:

Ok so good week so far, although today I'm craving a few extra calories, I've been sticking to 1,600 a day but today I am feeling so hungry!!

Hope everyone is doing good :)
So it's been a month since beginning this healthy eating regime and today my OH told me "I can definitely see a difference your looking slimmer"

I LOVE getting those compliments makes me feel so good :wohoo:
I fell off the wagon big time!

Had an overnight at a log cabin with friends on Saturday, ate like a pig and drunk way too much wine. Chippy for lunch on the way home on Sunday too. Then out with a friend on Tuesday, starter main course and cake, followed by more wine. Tried pulling it back yesterday and today but eurgh, bad week!

Made soup and I'm going to fill myself up on soup between meals. I feel horrible!
Loeylo - don't beat yourself up about it, falling off the wagon is all part of the journey :hugs:
Now I swear I posted earlier and now it's nowhere. So annoying! But loeylo I agree with mummy, you have to be able to cut loose now and again otherwise maintaining would be impossible!! Just get right back to it-- it's so much better to watch what you eat half of the time than none of the time!

I did my Cize dance workout first thing this am. Husband watched the entire thing that rat *******. And then we went and had Chinese takeout haha there went my entire workout.

I hope you ladies are all doing well! I forgot to weigh in this am and my scale went batter dead but it said 129.8 this morning (all time low!) so I'm going to re-check tomorrow! Post me your progress ladies!!

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