Accupuncture ladies-from TTC to BFP

Yes Alison, those thoughts about after the birth and being on a ward full of other mothers and visitors barging in had crossed my mind. Also the thought of hearing other women in labour is putting me off.

I think I'm going to start off at home and see how I go. If I can't handle it, I'll just transfer. Seeing my midwife in 3 weeks to discuss birth plans.

Breaking - yes I think a birthing centre would be great but my closest is still 20 miles away which means id be 19 miles further away from the hospital. Plus the centres only have 2 pools so you can't be guaranteed use of a pool. I'm more scared of hospitals - when you go for birthing classes they show you how induction and interventions increase your likelihood of epidural and assisted delivery. So to me hospital births are more scary. Your risk of infection is higher in a hospital as well. It is hard because there is always the worry that something will go horribly wrong that needs immediate medical attention. But I'm assured by midwives that things tend to go wrong slowly and if I needed a c-section, even if I was in hospital it is usually 40 minute wait from decision to surgery.

The other thing they talk about is that fear will stop the labour process - so it is vital for every woman to feel as safe as possible - whether that's hospital or home.
That makes sense about fear stopping the labor process. Anxiety can make lots of other bodily processes clench up and stop.
Jazz, knowing what I know today I'd probably dream of a home birth. I had one of those nightmare stories with my first. My water was leaking and I had to be induced at 36wks, they put me on Pitocin and I was in an incredible amount of pain for a ridiculous amount of time, but I blame the nurse, my doctor for not being there, etc

Try to watch "The business of being born" it's on Netflix, I'm not sure you have Netflix in UK. I don't think you are crazy for trying it at all. I'd be a dream to have a safe and quiet home birth, besides you are so close to the hospital you can always change your mind and be there in 5minutes.

I hope you feel confident enough to stay at home, it's not like you'll be alone the midwife is there, but at least you can control your environment better, once you get to the hospital it just feels like they just take over and you lose your voice.
Jazzbird- echoing what everyone else is saying, follow what you want. You can always change your mind at any point throughout labor and be at the hospital in a couple of minutes. You will have 2 midwives with you and if for any reason you or the baby need any further treatments, your midwives will know if its time to go to the hospital. You have to do what you are comfortable with and try for the experience that you would like see happen. You will do great!
Hi ladies

How is everyone doing?

We had our NT and IPS bloodwork on friday. It went well..the NT was good. Baby was so active u/s lady was finding it funny. And the baby waved a couple times and opened and closed it's fist. We heard the heartbeat as well. It's so amazing. I'm officially into week 13 and feel so odd to be here. I find it hard to believe.

We also shared with our families the news! It's a bit overwhelming as the domino effect is happening with the news.

So I'm feeling nervous and just felt safer when only we knew. and now it's worrisome. Not sure if anyone knows what I mean.

OK I need to stop worrying and enjoy this moment :)
Congratulations Breaking - it's a fantastic milestone to reach and you should definitely celebrate :)

I completely understand your reservations - telling people is a big step. For people who are anxious and worry about their pregnancy it just adds another level - it's no longer your secret, that you can deal with privately anymore. I remember thinking telling people might jinx it. I didn't have much choice with close friends and family as I became a recluse for 20 odd weeks with sickness. But my OH only just recently told some of his close work colleagues.

I also went through similar reservations when buying stuff for the baby. It's like you feel you are somehow tempting fate by getting too excited.

Just remember that nothing you do will change the future. You waited the recommended time until the risk was considered low and it is so important to celebrate all the stages of pregnancy.

You will soon be feeling him/her sometime in the next 4-8 weeks! It goes by so fast. The worry never completely goes away - you worry that they might be ill or have a life altering disability. Even after they arrive - there are all sorts of other worries too.

Allow yourself to be happy and to believe that everything will be ok. It's something we all must do!

I'm good thanks. Finished my gig and now have a horrible cough/cold. Reading up a lot on birth and buying stuff for the baby now. Going to invest in a breast pump! Also listening to my natal hypnotherapy cd but it just sends me straight off to sleep! We also have fleas in our house brought in by this stray neighbourhood cat. Yuk! Just bought some flea spray and have banned the cat from the house now.
Jazz...thanks so much for the support. it's nice to feel understood. You're right I should enjoy these moments.

Oh no...i hope you feel better soon! and goodluck in getting rid of those pesky fleas!

Wow I can't believe you only have just about 8 wks to go right? How time flies I remember when you got your bfp :)
Yes I have 7 weeks and 6 days til due date!!! And only 4 weeks 6 days til I'm considered full term. It's getting so very close. I remember getting my bfp too in the toilets at work in my lunch hour! You ladies were the first people I told. This and the acupuncture thread have been such a constant source of support. I feel lucky to have you ladies as my online friends.

I'm sitting on my sofa and she's rolling around - so weird I can feel limbs poking through my belly now!

I just had a flea jump into my glass of water. I was trying to Hoover every day but have given up and just ordered a chemical flea spray. Just can't bear the thought of having a baby in a flea ridden house. I don't think we have an infestation yet but if I don't do something soon - we will!

So breaking - what are you going to do to celebrate? Are you going to allow yourself a cuddly toy or perhaps some stretchy pants?! I remember hesitating over mat clothes for fear of jinxing it - I still buy normal clothes a size or two up! its going to be here so fast. Are you ready at home (other then the flea issue) ?

I haven't bought any mat clothes yet...i think i will lean towards regular clothes in bigger sizes. but will need at least mat pants for work.
I already bought my first baby related purchase at week 8. They are baby age blocks..3 blocks to spell out # and the words week/s, month/s,year/s. I can also use them for my bump pics.
Breaking - no not ready yet! I was going to be so focused this week but been feeling very run down with cold/sore throat. And now getting a little obsessed with fleas. Ugh! They are everywhere.

I do plan on decluttering the whole house and still have to put up the cot and buy a changing table etc. but it is tiring in the last tri walking around with a big bump and it's so hot! I have very little energy.
Congrats breaking! If you buy maternity clothes just try to imagine what you will look like in them when your tummy is 7-9 months huge. I bought this pretty rust orange out fit for my baby shower which was in fall and now look back and call it the great pumpkin outfit! If i get the chance again to buy maternity clothes it would be understated colors for sure :) I had the comfiest stylish work pants from gap maternity.
It has been over six years since i bought those though. at great pumpkin outfit.

Yes I think I will still to neutrals. It's safer that way and can re-wear it more often.
Breaking, congratulations! How nice, now you can relax a bit, funny how when you are young things are so different and we take for granted these small miracles, when I was pregnant in my mid 20's it never ever crossed my mind that the first tri was so delicate, only found out later my BF had had trouble and two losses.

Jazz, look up online for home remedies for your flea problem, I'd try not to use chemical in your house right now to keep yourself safe and the baby in case it comes early. You can sprinkle salt and baking soda on carpets leave overnight and vacuum, discard vacuum bag and repeat for another week. On floors do apple cider vinegar and vacuum after. I know it's such a pain but you should be able to get rid of them within a week. I know it's not your cat but just incase I'd try to treat the cat with front line or something just to be safe.
Breaking: Congrats on the huge milestone! What a relief! Start enjoying the pregnancy.

Jazz: Good luck with the fleas. Those can be pesky. I'm all for the natural chemicals, if possible.

Had my first prenatal appointment. Finally. 11 weeks and the baby is active! I am happy to say that the doctor didn't even see the hematoma on the ultrasound! Yay!! I'm back to exercising and my normal routine, albeit, much slower. My breasts have IMPLODED the past two weeks. They have went up at least a cup and half, maybe even two, in size. They look huge and they hurt like hell. I hope my hormones start to level off and this stops soon. As I joke to my husband, "I guess I could breastfeed every baby in North America at this rate". Ugh!
Bliss...thank you so much :)'re right it is a sense of relief to hit this milestone. So so happy to hear your wonderful.

My breasts have also been growing steadily from the moment I got my bfp. It was the first symptom. I've got to go bra shopping asap as I'm starting to pop out. Which means I must be a cup size bigger or close to it now.

Also. .my nipples...whoa! darker and bigger!! Lol

Now that I've passed 12 weeks....its like time is moving so fast...I'm going to be 14 wks on sunday. eeek!!
Breaking and melly- all great news!

Jazz- sorry about the leas, I hope you can get it under control soon. Reminds me- my cat is probably due for some meds....

I love my new bra size as well, no longer part of the A OKAY club. FINALLY!!!!!

I have my big anatomy scan tomorrow- hope everything is going well in there. I can definitely feel him move now, I know it's him. I love it!! Two more shifts and we go on vacation for a week! Can't wait to sit on the beach on the Cape for a week and do nothing but read a good book, walk around town, and eat good food!! Was thinking about renting bikes, I can still ride a bike right!?!? We actually have to drive back one of the days to close on the house, but it's not far, so no big deal. Can't believe this time next week we will own our first home. I spent so much time worrying in the past over TTC, buying a house and my wife going back to school, who knew that it would all fall into place? Albeit all at the same time, but whatever!
Good luck Ging! I'm sure everything will be ok. So glad you are feeling him move - it's so amazing and reassuring even if you are trying to get to sleep :)

Thanks for the flea advice BBbliss - I went out today and bought a load of salt. Will give the 9 day cycle (vacuum then salt every 3 days for 3 times) a try before I resort to chemicals.

I'm not enjoying my bra size. I started off 32dd now I'm 36 E, e being short for enormous. These bras are starting to get uncomfortable now!

Lovely news Melly! So glad everything is looking good

Breaking - great that you're in second tri. Has your sickness eased off yet? Hope so. I was feeling almost normal again by 24 weeks.
Ging: I'm sure the scan will go great tomorrow. What a great time to take a much needed vacation, too! Enjoy the time off, and enjoy your bike ride. You can definitely still ride a bike, it may be balancing more of the issue. That's so cool that you can now feel him kick! Congratulations on the new house...and boobs! So many exciting changes in your life now!

Jazz: Good luck with the fleas. I can sympathize with the breasts. I have the weirdest boobs and the widest variety of bra sizes. When I'm running a lot, they will go down to B or small C. With IVF treatment they were going up to big Cs; now they're exploding out of Ds. I will have to resort to a DD now. I feel like a stripper with these big juggers. I still don't have a baby bump, so they stick out. :nope: Not very flattering.

Breaking: Wow..14 weeks! Time flies indeed.
If you guys like pg cup you will definitely LOVE breastfeeding size/shape.
Melly I am sure you look great with DD I am jealous. Mine at their peak were probably only a small c. I think the breastfeading weirded dh out though and the fact probably that he was second ALL the time and still is.

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