Accupuncture ladies-from TTC to BFP

Miss you gals too :)

BBbliss - lovely to know you are still logging in. what are your plans going forwards with ivf?

Ging - how is work? Hope you are managing now as you get deeper into the pregnancy. And how is the new house?

Melly - great news you are now just a "normal" pregnant woman! Enjoy being bump free because I guarantee by 30 weeks you will have a nice bump and then you lose all the muscles in your tummy and have to start rolling and levering yourself up!!

And everyone - will comment!!! I keep getting told my bump is very "neat" and "small" which worries me a little. Also strangers love to tell me I'm carrying a boy! And cashiers tell me all their birth horror stories :)

So enjoy your anonymity for a few more weeks. I was a bit like Ging - in mat tights before 12 weeks as the bloating was so uncomfortable.

Breaking - how are you doing?

Kits - how is the morning sickness? Praying it's easing off for you.

I can't wait to meet my little one now - my birth pool and tens machine arrived this week, just waiting for the baby bath and baby nail clippers! Feeling very nervous now about the birth.

Love you gals - think of you all every day.
I'm sorry I've been MIA. Son quite ill over the past month, multiple ER trips, friend called in our commercial mortgage (almost $200 K) utterly out of the blue, family visiting from various corners of North America... It was intense. Just wanted to drop in and say hi and let you know that my baby arrived a little early--on July 31st at 39+4. Was a little taken aback when I started noticing regular contractions on July 30 as I'd convinced myself I'd go late. I was not prepared--bag not completely packed, had sent DH an hour away to pick up nursery furniture, was making soup and trying to feed my 2-year-old when I realized these contractions were getting closer. Got to the hospital hours later and was disheartened to learn I was only 1 cm. they wanted me to go home but I was worried about not getting back in time to get an epidural. As it turned out, I had a jaded, bitchy nurse who wouldn't believe me when I told her how quickly I was progressing. Everyone had been telling me how much faster subsequent labours are, but failed to mention they are also more intense. Yowza! Partly due to my bitchy nurse ("your baby isn't going to fall out") and stupid protocol regarding IVs and calling in an anesthesiologist, plus the fact that I have a scoliosis and it took multiple tries and a long time to get it in, I didn't end up getting it till I was 8 cm. I won't lie--that was tough. I was shaking uncontrollably and had streams of sweat running off me. I cried out at the peak of each contraction (and I'm a person who generally deals with pain silently). Fortunately I received a combination spinal-epidural which was very effective (unlike last time). And it didn't seem to slow things down much. I still had strong perineal pressure and had to breathe through contractions but it was tolerable. Within just an hour or so of receiving it I was at 10 cm and fully dilated. I was really dreading the pushing since I pushed for almost 5 hours with my first and found the birthing part excruciating. Well, I'm here to say that every birth is indeed different, for I started pushing just after 6:30 a.m. and my baby was born at 6:56. I couldn't believe it when the OB said he was crowning. He was born in three more gentle pushes across the same contraction. It was so fast the dr. had to call for the other nurse as the baby came out. No episiotomy, no vacuum extraction this time--and believe it or not--NO PAIN! Really! It's hard to explain--I could feel it but it wasn't painful. Like night and day compared to my first delivery.

I had a boy (as I suspected). 8 lbs 11 oz, 20.7" long. He looks exactly like his brother--like twins, two years apart--rather eerie, actually. We called him Max. Still reeling by how quickly it went and how sudden and unexpected it all was. Hard to believe that just a few days ago I was still pregnant and now I have a tiny human being asleep on my chest....


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Congrats Try! What an amazing but terrifying story. He looks absolutely gorgeous!!!

So scared of my birth now - I'm due a week tmrw!
Oh Jazz, I feel badly. The last thing I want to do is terrify! I wasn't trying to provide yet another horror story, really. I'm actually kind of impressed that I made it to 8 cm without meds (I'm a wimp), so believe me, it's totally doable. If I made it to 8 I likely could have made it the whole way--I just had no interest in finding out. Just keep an open mind and play it by ear, which is exactly what it sounds like you're doing. YOU WILL BE FINE. It sucks and it's painful and you may at some point wonder why you ever thought having a baby was a good idea, but we are made to do this (literally) and we can. Perhaps what I intended to be the main thrust of my story got lost, but what I meant to be taken away is that this birth went far better than my first. Sure the labour was more painful but it was so much faster--like ripping a bandaid off vs. a slow tear. I was really dreading this birth because of my last one and I was really pleasantly surprised. Anxiety and fear is certainly normal and to be expected, but please don't be terrified. No matter what your experience, you will make it through. And if you find the pain to be too much there are lovely drugs to be had. Just ensure that you (or DH) is assertive should you encounter a jaded bitchy nurse like I did! Everything will go well, I just know it. Before you know it you will be holding your wee one and feeling like the superhero you are! Chin up. You. Can. Do. This!
Thanks Try! You didn't terrify me - I'm just terrified in general!! Everyone seems to agree that the first birth is often the worst.

Going to try at home then transfer in if I can't handle the pain as I'm only 1 mile from hospital. I had cervix pains last night which were horrible so I'm dreading what's to come.

Well it's too late now - she's got to come out one way or the other!
Try: Congratulations! He's gorgeous. So happy that you made it through a quick delivery!

Jazz: I know you can do this! Like anything, going into the unknown is scary and foreign, but you got this! Soon you'll be enjoying every moment with your little bundle of joy!
Try!!! Congratulations! You did great! He's so beautiful :)

Jazz, whatever happens you are going to be fine, do great and have a beautiful birth story to tell us :)

Well, I just had my AF this past wknd and it was so thin I have no hope I can get BFP on my own so DF and I were talking and we are going to go for another IVF. The ACu did help my lining but I'm just tired of trying so many things and nothing making a significant change. We'll probably call to see RE soon now.

I hope all of you other girls are doing well :) ging, kits, melly, breaking, love you girls :)
BBbliss - thanks hun :) how many AFs have you had since IVF? If you can really try to build up your blood by eating lots of good quality red meat, leafy greens etc. we have a supplement in uk called floradix which I have used for my iron levels in pregnancy. It works wonders for strengthening blood. Miscarriages and chemical pregnancies are really tough on the body - so I think thin AF is to be expected. But your body will restore itself.

So glad you are thinking about another ivf.

AFM - by the end of today 3 out of 6 of my antenatal friends will have their babies and I have the earliest due date!!! They've all had quite horrific births so praying I just might be the one with a good birth story. I have been measuring very small so I have to go for another scan today to check all is ok. Last time she was under 6llbs so hoping she has put on some weight - although I have stopped gaining weight in the last 3 weeks. Other than some incontinence (which I mistook briefly for my waters breaking) I have no other niggles or signs!

I will also get to meet one of the ladies who gave birth yesterday from my antenatal class.

Hope you are all doing well!!!

Hello ladies!

Wow so much to catch up on!

Try...awww what a cutie...congrats hun...glad to hear that this time around was easier then the first time. Enjoy time with your little guy :)

Jazz...time is fast approaching...I'm so excited for you. I can't wait to hear your news. Keep us posted on your drs appt!!! are you girls doing?

Bliss...excited for your RE appt and IVF..cant wait to follow you to your bfp!!!

AFM...ive definitely popped...and it's nice and so unreal to have this little bump. I'm feeling good as well....but I'm finding it hard to gain weight.

Any tips on snacks and things to eat..???
Bbliss- I'm sorry about the light AF and that you don't feel this will happen naturally. I am, however, sooooo excited for you to do another IVF cycle. I'm sending lots of well wishes, baby dust, and prayers your way!

Jazzbird- you still have some time for her to gain weight. And even if she doesn't she is still a safe size to come and thrive. I was a 5 lb baby, you'd never know it now! Ha!

Breaking- hi! Glad to hear you are feeling good. I'm having a hard time with the weight gain too.

AFM-I hit a new low this week. I have learned that if I need to cough or sneeze and I have a full bladder, stopping what I am doing, standing still, and squeezing my pelvic floor is now what is necessary to keep from having an unfortunate experience. My stomach muscles have also completely split in two. For the first four or five months I kept saying, gosh my abds are sore, it feels like I did a million crunches at the gym but I didn't. Well come to find out, that soreness was actually my muscles slowly tearing in half. Awesome. Its fine, but it looks pretty weird, especially when I go to get up from the bed or something. Which- is also getting tough to roll over or bend over. We've been working like crazy on the house and some things are getting harder and harder to do. But we are getting a lot done and its slowly coming together so that feels nice. Work is getting harder too. By the end of my shift, my feet and back are killing me. This kid better stay in there for at least 10-12 more weeks. I'm petrified of preterm labor.
Hey Breaking :) nice to hear from you! 20 weeks is a big milestone. Did you have your scan yet? Do you know whether it's a boy or a girl? I don't really have much advice on eating - just eat a healthy balanced diet. From my personal experience the baby gains when it needs to regardless of what you eat. I ate very little and what I did eat was unhealthy due to ms in first tri and gained just 4llbs. Second tri I was still fairly sick until 24 weeks but gained 11 pounds. 3rd tri - eating normally gained around 8.5llbs. Also my bump stopped growing about 3 weeks ago, I haven't put on any weight at all in 3 weeks despite eating 3 meals and having snacks, yet the baby has grown since my last growth scan 2 weeks ago.

So even if you aren't putting weight on, your baby might be. It's all very individual and as long as you are eating as well as you can - you and your baby will be just fine!
I would recommend taking a good liquid iron supplement. I was taking a normal pregnancy multi vitamin but my iron levels tested very low. As soon as I switched to floradix, it improved massively.

Ging - I hear you on the incontinence front! I have that problem and it got a lot worse in my last tri. Driving along a motorway (freeway) and started a sneezing fit - couldn't cross my legs or grab my crotch so I'm afraid I had a full on accident! Would recommend some light panty liners for the leaks. I actually thought my waters broke the night before last! But no, the baby is lying very low now and pressing very heavily on my bladder! Not fun!

Not sure if my stomach muscles have split but they aren't working as well as before pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a tough gig! Hard too when you are on your feet all day doing physical work. When does maternity leave start for you?

Maternity leave starts when I actually deliver. If I need to go out early, its considered disability leave. I am expected to work as long as possible. Most nurses go out at 38 weeks, hoping to last that long too. If they start giving me little babies to take care of, I might be able to hang in there.
Awww it's so good to catch up with you girls :) thank you for the support :)

Jazz! Thank you for reminding me I just had that IVF, you are right this is only my second AF so I could still be suffering the effects of everything that just happened. Not all is lost :)

Ging, so excited for your new life with the house, baby, maternity leave and everything, it all sounds like a dream come true doesn't it?

Breaking, I wish I had your problem and I'm not even pregnant LOL, as long as you feel healthy I wouldn't worry, the baby only puts on weight at the very end. My first was only a 5pound baby that came in at 36 wks and I had already gained 45 pounds. That wasn't good, I was never sick one day and everything tasted so good, haha

Mell, how many weeks are you now?
Hiya ladies, really happy that everything is moving forward for y'all :)

Jazz, you're going to meet you're little one so soon, I'm ecstatic for you hun. Thank you for all your support!!

I've been feeling so miserable & so weak emotionally recently. I'm finally feeling better & the nausea has eased off. I'm also finally not eating like a freaking pig!!!

But yea the less I think about pregnancy the better I feel so I've stayed away.

I'm going in for a private scan tomorrow morning, sooo anxious!

Best of luck ladies, wishing you all the best :hug:
I fell flat on my face today trying to rush to get into the house today during a bad storm. I know my belly hit the ground because my stomach was dirty when I got up but I think I took the brunt of the fall on my elbows, chin, and knees. I had full arms so I didn't catch myself with my hands, but I was able to get my elbows out to brace the fall. I'm pretty freaked out right now. I cut myself up and I'll be pretty sore later, but I'm so scared for him. My mother was right behind me and said it didn't look like I put that much pressure on my belly, that my elbows, knees, and chin took the brunt of the fall- but I'm still a little freaked out. I listened to his heartbeat with my stethescope, now just sitting here waiting for him to move around a bit and trying to talk myself down from thinking something is wrong. He's well protected... right?
The doctor on call said I have to be seen in triage. I'm having cramping now so I will feel better to know for sure that everything is OK.
Ging , omg that's just so scary! You poor thing, please do now he IS well protected floating in water and there many layers to protect him. I hope you are ok and by the sound of it you did take the worse yourself and your motherly instincts kicked in instantly.

Has he been moving normally from what you can tell? I'm glad you are able to hear his heart beat when you want.

I'd still try tp go in tomorrow and check in with your OB just for peace of mind :)
They kept me for awhile last night and everything checked out OK. I guess after a fall the placenta is at risk of detaching, but I'm not bleeding and not having contractions. I'm just crampy and sore but everything is OK. Thanks Bliss for your kind words. I was more scared than anything and now feel like an idiot for being so clumsy that I tripped and fell in the rain.

Kits glad you are slowly starting to feel better. I didn't have the nausea in my first tri but I can relate to the crazy emotions. It will all start to even out soon. I hope you get to start enjoying this time soon. Let us know how your scan goes!

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