Accupuncture ladies-from TTC to BFP

Melly- great news on your scan!

Jazzbird- she sounds like such a good baby! I hope I am that lucky. I'm sorry about the stitches. Try not to think too far ahead. I'm sure it takes awhile to heal.

Nothing much here. Just working on the house, trying to enjoy our last few months as a couple, and working at the hospital. Everything has been pretty straight forward and relatively easy so far with the pregnancy. Its slowly getting harder to do certain things, but all in all I feel good. Hope everyone is well!
Hiya ladies,

Jazz, Autumn sounds amazing!! You sound like an awesome mommy. I have nothing but beautiful visions of your little family.. But I'm sorry to hear about labour :hugs:

Congrats to everyone else making it so far!! <3

First tri hasn't been pleasant so I have felt better to just stay or all I would've done was whine & moan!

I hit the big 12 weeks on Sunday :happydance: but my scan isn't until next week since they were already so full this week due to bank holiday, :grr: I came pretty close to booking another private scan because I was feeling so anxious since that 'constantly horrible' feeling had been easing off.

Luckily we sell dopplers at work & I was given one last week. The midwife told me not to use it but of course I immediately used but wasn't able to find the heartbeat. I wasn't devastated, I knew there was a high chance I wouldn't but after a bit of research on tips I went ahead & tried again yesterday morning. And guess what! There it was beating away nice strongly :wohoo:

Oh man, we were both so high on happiness yesterday.
Awwww kits! I forget how amazing it is first time you see or hear your baby. So sorry about first tri - it's the pits when you feel so rough. Then you feel guilty for not being over the moon happy. Hopefully it's easing up now? My ms started to get gradually better by week - 14 and was almost gone at 24 weeks. To be honest I am still struggling with food aftertastes! I hope it disappears as my hormones settle down.

Post when you go for your scan :) and congrats for surpassing 12 week mark. It's the most important milestone!
Jazz: Your baby sounds so amazing. I'm so happy that you are enjoying life as a mother. No doubt it comes with great rewards. Regarding the stitches, one thing I did read recently is that our bottom do change considerably after birth. One woman mentioned in a post, had she known it was going to change so much, she would've taken a before photo. I suppose it makes sense seeing how much trauma it goes through during birth, but every woman heals differently, too. You're still very much in the recovery phase, so I wouldn't worry too much. ;-)

Kits: Sorry to hear that first trimester isn't treating you well, but great news on the heartbeat! The first trimester does suck, but it gets much better in the second. You'll be there before you know it.

Ging: Glad to hear you're doing well. Your birth will be here before you know it!

Hope everything is doing well!
Jazz, how sweet :) what an incredible experience those first weeks... And yes :( things do change down there unfortunately. I remember being so upset and asking my OB if I needed to get "fixed" and she said "no no, it's beautiful!!!" I was like, no it's not, but that's just the body of a mother, one who "gave light" as some cultures call it.

Melly and kits congratulations on your progresses, every week one step closer :)

Ging, that's a good plan enjoy the quiet house and each others company as much as you can, life will never be the same. Enjoy!!!

Afm, just got back from vacation/ dropping of my DD in college, we had an amazing week together and now she's on her on... What a long beautiful journey it's been. There's nothing like watching your child live her dream, I cry all the time now but tears of joy for her... And of course because I'll miss her dearly. Oh what am I doing! You girls are just getting started and I'm here jumping ahead, lol don't think about any of that now. Just be where you are with it's own beautiful gifts :)
Awwww BBbliss - I love to hear all about your life as a mum in all stages. It reminds me to savour every moment.

Just as I start tooting my horn about what an amazing baby I have - she has turned into a nightmare. Grunting all night long and screaming in the day if I put her down. I'm now stood in the hallway - writing this post with my left boob out, creeping round the house *praying* she doesn't wake up long enough for me to make a cup of tea!

So ladies who've had kids - I do expect "down there" to change but new ridges of skin and it feels so uncomfortable ... I just want to feel a bit more normal down below. Are you saying it never gets back to normal?

hello ladies

congrats to you all who got bfps and those who now have babies, I just dropped by to ask those that used acu/tcm for help with finding a good practioner in London..

Best wishes everyone

Jazz, it's just the new normal, but you should wait a few months until it all heals well, it's still changing. If it doesn't feel right, talk to your doctor and maybe, worse case scenario you can do a repair. I remember I was sad about it then but now I never think about it, and I never had anyone complain ;)
Hi ladies

BBliss- Hope your daughter is settling into college ok. What an exciting time for her! She is in NYC? Oh the adventures that await her!
Jazzbird- Your description of standing in the hallway with your boob out hoping she doesn't wake up had me laughing... hope you are doing well.
Kits- Feeling any better?
Melly and Breaking- Hi!

I think Briss is starting another IVF cycle- sending her love and hugs for a positive outcome and that she will be joining us here soon....

AFM- Work is getting harder to manage, but I don't have much of a choice but to work as long as possible. I probably won't last past 37/38 weeks (and I'm not even sure how I'm going to last THAT long). By the end of the night I am so uncomfortable and exhausted. On my days off I feel Ok though.

I am so scared of preterm labor. The physical nature of my job, the long hours, and the night shift schedule is starting to really take a toll on my body and I am scared that I will have a preemie because of it. Trying to now just take it easy on my days off and conserve my energy for work so that I'm not overdoing it. It doesn't help when I get comments like "you look like you are ready to go" Um... no, I have two months left, but thanks for adding to my paranoia that this baby is coming early...

I'm also getting scared of the birth process. I wasn't scared before, but I am now. I don't really have a "birth plan". I am open to whatever needs to happen to keep me and baby as safe as possible. I would love to think I can do it naturally, and will try, but I am also open to what needs to happen if I am not coping well. Hoping all that yoga breathing that I have been practicing for years will come into good use....

Jazzbird- What hypobirthing CD did you have? I'm starting to think maybe it's something that might help me? Was there anything in particular that helped you better prepare going into it?

I've also been reading that if my wife massages my peri area with olive oil daily it will help prevent tearing and the need for an episiotomy. Has anyone ever heard of this? Maybe it's not true, but am probably going to try it anyway, can't hurt. That's all here- just scared to death of labor.
Talked to my mom today and told her how scared I am starting to get about the actual birth process. She laughed and said she wondered when I was going to bring it up... Ok I'm there, it's brought up, I'm scared.
jazzbird I remember those days well! I had twins so I think I prayed to god everynight that i could get to sleep without one or the other waking up: it went something like "please god let that be a dreaming cry, please please please". I walked around like a prowler in my own house at night even though everyone told me I would regret keeping the house quiet for them to sleep.All is well now! No sleep issues other then they both sleep in the room with me ;) still at 6.5.. I like it though. infants are a lot of work because of the lack of sleep.
Ging are you going to try to birth drug free? Laboring does sound intense but you can do it if you made it thru all those IUIs and IVF. I wouln't want to poop though. Jazz what do the hospitals do about that? I had c sec so don't know much. I do know my husband has week tummy and would have vomited from poop he almost passed out from seeing the insides. Sorry I don't mean to scare anyone I am just curious.
Alison- I don't really have a plan. I am open to whatever needs to happen.
Ging - I so understand fear of labour - I was terrified. But you know something - you have so very little control over what happens. When you are in it, you just get on with it & you go into a very different state of awareness. I was scared of tearing but when it happened I didn't feel it at all. It's been a tricky recovery but the labour itself just takes on a life of its own.

I think it's good to be open to whatever happens. I used maggie Howells effective birth preparation cd set. It was very relaxing pre labour but I'm not sure it helped me in actual labour. What I did find helpful was gas & air - it was amazing! And I loved the birth pool.

Honestly don't worry about the labour - it's over so quick! It does hurt but it's gradual and you have pain management options. Honestly if I can do it anyone can!
Jazzbird- thanks so much for the encouragement. I think we are behind the times as far as gas goes, my hospital just voted it in and my doctor said "hopefully" it will be available by November. I really hope so. My platelets are dropping, I have to see a hematologist next week, and if they drop anymore I was told an epidural will not be an option. Im not going into the birth with the mind set of having one, but I don't want my choices taken away. I really hope the gas is available, because I think I will feel more in control to have options. I'm going to get a hypnobirthing CD, even if it doesn't help for the actual labor, it will probably make me feel better about going into it. I guess I'm just scared. We have nothing ready, have been so focused on the house, now I'm panicking that I'm running out of time. I think we are going to get the car seat and crib this weekend, which should make me feel a bit better.
Ladies so good to hear updates from you all :) exciting to have your daughter get.out into the world on her own!! good to hear about life with your little one...both good stories and the truth about tough says :)

Ging..i have not thought about labour and delivery too much. I will live in ignorance for a while

Hope everyone else is doing well...Melly!? :)

AFM... I had my last appt with my RE at 20 wks....then last 23.5 wks...I met my OB. she's really nice and I like her.

So she measured my fundus measurement..and said I'm measuring bigger. Closer to 26w. This has me worried.

Did anyone else measure ahead like this??

I'm also starting to notice bloating in my face....i know the vanity of it :-( but I can't help that it bothers me!
Breaking- did your OB seem concerned that you were measuring ahead? Ive always measured exactly the day I am, but I would imagine that some people measure behind and some ahead. If your OB didn't seem concerned, I would think its just what your body is doing.
Breaking- did your OB seem concerned that you were measuring ahead? Ive always measured exactly the day I am, but I would imagine that some people measure behind and some ahead. If your OB didn't seem concerned, I would think its just what your body is doing.

Ging...she wasn't concerned...she even said that. but bc this was my first appt with her....(i was with my RE until 20wks)...she is having me do an ultrasound.
Hi Gals!

Breaking: As long as your OB isn't concerned, then I think it should be okay. I'm sure everyone measures a bit differently. I'm about a day behind.

Ging: I can understand your feelings about labor. I'm not quite there yet, but I'm sure as it gets closer, it will become more real. Like breaking, ignorance is bliss. Have you checked or considered hiring a doula? After much discussion with my doctor and midwife, we're going to have a doula. I would just feel better having someone along side me who can assist with this first pregnant. So many unknowns.

Bbliss: Such a big step in life for your daughter. I'm sure it's amazing to see them succeed in life and fulfill their goals. I know I will be bawling non-stop when this baby leaves the house.

Jazz: These are the weeks when the baby becomes more aware/alert and sleeps less. Most of the time it gets better by the fourth or fifth month, or so I have read. ;-) We, too, will all be able to share in on the newborn fun.

AFM: Just got back from a vacation in Taos, NM. My hubby and I went on some aggressive hikes, and I felt great. I had to be careful since they were steep climbs, but overall, I was proud of myself. I better enjoy this now before the third trimester starts!
Ging - some people get so much relief from hypnobirthing in labour so don't be discouraged by my experience. Some of my friends found immense relief from tens. One thing I found amazing about hypnobirthung was the encouragement to visualise the time and place of going into labour and I always used to visualise the night before my due date at home, labouring through the night and giving birth in the morning. Bizarrely that's what happened! So I wonder if hypnobirthing did actually help. Also I got to 7cm with nothing but paracetamol so perhaps it helped more than I thought.

What do they mean about your blood platelets? How would that stop you from having an epidural?

I read that USA don't offer gas and air but in uk you can't be guaranteed an epidural. So I guess there are pros and cons.

AFM, think my baby might be suffering from colic! She's doubling up trying to pass wind and poo, screaming and will not be put down. My mum says I am too soft and should put her down and let her cry but it seems very harsh at 4 weeks old. I'm struggling with my family that want to visit once a week and are quite pushy and critical of what I'm doing - they also stay all day and all night if allowed. I feel very guilty for not asking them down more but I'd rather just have a messy house and my own space!

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