Adoption journey

Hey ladies havent posted on here but have been reading hope all is well some exciting news going around!! Dream each bday I have that same feeling about my sons Birthmother and she is family so that makes it even more emotional. Speaking of which I found out from her sister that BM is pregnant. I just dont how/what to feel. It has be over 4 years since she gave birth to our son was pregnant once but MC last year had her two daughters taken away by the state they are with the only family they have known or I would have taken them in. So I am not sure what will happen with this little one. I know she has a drug problem but I pray that she is not using for hers and the unborn babies sake. They didnt say how far along she is but I imagine she is pretty far along as she was when she found out with my son. I would love to have another child through adoption and this baby would be his bio sibiling or half sibling. I have not spoken to her in over 4 years during that time other family has only seen her 4 or 5 times due to her living on the street with her drug addiction. I just told her sister to let me know if the state steps in or if she decides she wants to adopt that we would be interested. I'm going to contact my lawyer to see if I can be notified if for some reason the state does end up involved. Because with the lack of communication even our local family where she is may not know when she gives birth and what the outcome is. Its out of my hands and what will happen will happen. I would love to be able to see her be able to mother but past experience makes me beleive that is wont happen or only for a little while. The crazy part is my son has been asking for a baby brother. I told him that mommy couldnt have a baby and he said well we can just catch one falling from the sky. :)
Just thought I would see if anyone had any updates or just general news..

Right my news we are on the list to foster to take short term placements
For 0 to 3 year old....
So exited to getting started, I used to get really excited when ever the phone rang but lately I don't.

Don't know why but I have a feeling it could take months and months until we get a call..

Also thought it might be fun to try and guess a date that I get my 1st placement ( right my guess is April 22nd 2015)

Feel free to have a guess
Hi everyone

Wow it's quiet lately here, just means we're all busy mummies which is fab! How is everyone doing? And your beautiful babies?

Puppy, any news hunny?

HE my guess is 18th May :)

We've just got back from a fab few days by the sea. Little pink rode a donkey and went on a pedalo for the first time! Typical British seaside stuff and the things I'd always dreamed of. It was lovely to see her pure joy <3 I'm back to work in just over 4 weeks, eek! Have another job offer on the table and we're in negotiations so who knows what will happen, but all fun and games! :D
Hi everyone

Wow it's quiet lately here, just means we're all busy mummies which is fab! How is everyone doing? And your beautiful babies?

Puppy, any news hunny?

HE my guess is 18th May :)

We've just got back from a fab few days by the sea. Little pink rode a donkey and went on a pedalo for the first time! Typical British seaside stuff and the things I'd always dreamed of. It was lovely to see her pure joy <3 I'm back to work in just over 4 weeks, eek! Have another job offer on the table and we're in negotiations so who knows what will happen, but all fun and games! :D

Thanks for the guess, we did get a call yesterday for a 4 month little boy but he didn't need to go into care after all. I was still excited and it does seem more real now we will get a call one day soon.

Sounds like a nice hoilday, i have always found pedalos are too much hard work to pedal. Injoy your last 4 weeks of work.
Ooh I was about to say my guess is this weekend! Bank holidays are often very busy for foster care placements!
Lolly it sounds like you had a fabulous hol!
We have also just returned from a week in lanzarote. We had a lovely time playing on the beach and in the sea. E was great and loved all the attention he got, we joked that he thinks he's a royal baby as he had the queen's wave down to a tea when in his pushchair! His language seemed to explode whilst we were away too! About 8/9 new words in the week!
It was so lovely to see him paying on the beach with other toddlers too, he was so gentle with them :)
Today we have experienced our first trip to a&e with our boy! :(
We were at a party and he fell off some soft play and hot his head on the metal footplate of a table. It made such a hideous noise! His head automatically came up in a lump but it was weird as it was a soft almost jelly like feel.. Freaked me out!! Lol
So we had him checked out and he was fine, the service in the hospital was shocking though, 3 1/2 hours to get him seen to, I wasn't impressed!!
Hi all

We adopted a child in February and have a therapist to help them deal with the trauma they suffered as a baby.

Does anyone else have a therapist and how do you feel about the experience and therapy. We are beginning to struggle with the funnelling.

Hi all, ibm sorry I've had no experience with adoption therapy but I would stick it out then at least you can say you've tried it further down the line. Dream I'm pleased to hear that E is ok after fall it is scary when they get hurt. Lolly it sounds like you all had a great holiday donkey rides are great N loves going on them. HE my guess is 23rs April but whenever it happens good luck. Hi to everyone else and hope everyone is ok.
It's been ages since I was on here seems like I never have anytime now. Our little girl is doing amazing and is excited for her first aeroplane ride in 5 weeks. I've been busy studying and I'm getting closer to my goal of being a SW it's hard work though with little one. I will try and get on more often i love hearing how everyone is doing.
well...My babies are going to a relative Tuesday afternoon. I am getting them all packed up for the flight. At the end of June my hubs and I are going to live WITH his parents until we get a place of our own in their state. Im ready to not be here, but im not thrilled at living with the inlaws. I have lived freely since I was 17 years old and having to live by someone elses rules....
Hi everyone

Wow it's quiet lately here, just means we're all busy mummies which is fab! How is everyone doing? And your beautiful babies?

Puppy, any news hunny?

HE my guess is 18th May :)

We've just got back from a fab few days by the sea. Little pink rode a donkey and went on a pedalo for the first time! Typical British seaside stuff and the things I'd always dreamed of. It was lovely to see her pure joy <3 I'm back to work in just over 4 weeks, eek! Have another job offer on the table and we're in negotiations so who knows what will happen, but all fun and games! :D

Sorry for not responding sooner things have been crazy here. Just spending time with my boy and super busy at work. No news on the sibling front as of now. We are going to TX at the beginning of June to visit family so I am hoping to have some more news by then. Hope everything is well. :hugs:
well...My babies are going to a relative Tuesday afternoon. I am getting them all packed up for the flight. At the end of June my hubs and I are going to live WITH his parents until we get a place of our own in their state. Im ready to not be here, but im not thrilled at living with the inlaws. I have lived freely since I was 17 years old and having to live by someone elses rules....

Wow a lot going on with you, sad day for you yeasterday hope it went as well as it could xxxx

Good luck with the move, I to wouldn't want to live with my inlaws, how long will you need to live with them?
Hi Everyone
Its been ages since had so much going on in recent weeks. We finally legally became Mummy and Daddy to our gorgeous little girl, and had our family court celebration a couple of weeks ago, the Judge was so lovely, we were in there for 45 minutes, and she said it was the largest family she had ever seen (25 of us !!) It was a magical day, followed by celebrations after, and of course lots of bubbles !! Some wonderful memories for our little girl.

She is doing great, is now 15months, crawling, chatting away, and into everything. We feel so blessed. And to all you soon to be mummys, hang in there on your journey as it truly is worth all the ups and downs. You forget it all once you bring your new little one home, as Im sure all you mummys agree.

Hope everyone is doing great, and as Lolly said, it sounds like you are all busy with your LOs.

I will keep reading, and posting as soon as I get five minutes. This motherhood lark is non stop !! But loving it....

it was a very sad day, but packing for the move keeps my mind occupied, ive been diagnosed with RA so I take lots of pills and I wear out easily, we wil stay with the inlaws for as short a time as possible, as soon as I sign a contract im going to start looking for a place of my own, I love my inlaws and they love me, but that's because they don't have to live with me :haha:

well...My babies are going to a relative Tuesday afternoon. I am getting them all packed up for the flight. At the end of June my hubs and I are going to live WITH his parents until we get a place of our own in their state. Im ready to not be here, but im not thrilled at living with the inlaws. I have lived freely since I was 17 years old and having to live by someone elses rules....

Wow a lot going on with you, sad day for you yeasterday hope it went as well as it could xxxx

Good luck with the move, I to wouldn't want to live with my inlaws, how long will you need to live with them?
We have been here for over a week now, i have had several interviews, another one for tomorrow and a job fair on Friday. Hopefully by the end of next week i will have a job. I thought we would just stay for a month, but looking at prices for rentals, we woiuld be better off buying, so we may have to stay through the holidays, which is what i didn't want. I wanted to get back to the foster parenting classes right away. I am also going to look into having my SIL be a surrogate once things settle down. We will have to finance it of course, but at least it would be a baby that they wouldn't take away :shrug:
Hi Lola glad to see someone is still about, and good luck with getting a job soon, and glad the move went well.

I have some news, I has a call to take a three month old girl a few days ago.
She has been so good so far only crying when she needs milk.
I should have her for at least 6 months.
I love being a foster mummy, and my children enjoy having a baby in the house again.
Hi all
Sorry I've been AWOL! Lol
Lola that sounds very exciting!!
Hi HE, I bet it's lovely having a baby in the house! My step sister is a fc and we love it when there's a teeny baby placed! All steal lots of cuddles ;)
All is good here. LO has started preschool, he does for 2 x 3 hour sessions a week. He's always distraught when left there but enjoys himself after a minute or two. He generally seems to be taking it in his stride once we remove the initial separation anxiety!
I am on countdown to the summer holidays, only 4 working days left now! Yay! Can't wait to get 6 weeks with my little man! He seems to have grown up very suddenly and is constantly chatting away and making us laugh. Love being his mommy so much :)
We will be re-applying for number 2 in December and hope it doesn't take too long. LO is ready for a sibling, he loves babies and I know he'll adore the company :)
Hi all

Yes sorry it's all gone quiet! Lovely reading your news
Monkey massive congratulations, sounds a wonderful day :)

Lola good luck on a possible new journey, you deserve your family :hugs:

HE congrats on being a foster mummy, hope little one stays settled xxx

Dream little man is doing so well, what a star :D I am beyond excited for you guys to start the process for number two!!

All ok here. Have been back at work for 9 weeks now but only three days. It's a lovely balance being part time. Kids are doing well and growing up so fast. We are loving summer and days out. It's our first year as a family really, last year was all the drama with little man being prem and so poorly and before that it was just me and DF! How times have changed huh?!

Love to all xxx :hugs:
Hey all.

Just wanted to introduce myself and hope it's OK to do so on this thread?

We have been going through the adoption process (UK) and we find out on 14 August if we're going to be approved as adopters or not.

Feel nervous when I think about it, but not panicking yet. I guess that'll be on the day itself. Just a bit scared imagining a room of people looking at me and making judgments about me. Eeeek :wacko:

For those in the UK - how did you all find the approval panel?
Hi silverbell, welcome Hun!
Ooh exciting times ahead!!
Our panel was absolutely fine. It is a bit nerve wracking but your sw will know what kind of questions they are likely to ask based on your par and will advise you. The panel members are usually a real mix of people, including adopters too so are sympathetic to the nerves!
It will be fine Hun :) wishing you the best of luck although you really won't need it! X
Eek, that's great news, you will be just fine! I know until it's over and is good news you'll be thinking 'but what if', but they wouldn't take you to panel if they weren't certain you would be ok. They wouldn't want to damage their stats and credibility more than anything :haha: To be honest it was a bit of an anticlimax after everything we'd been through to get to that point. We were asked 3 questions and were in and out within five minutes!! It was more a formality and for the panel to put faces to the people they had read about on paper. The panel was quite large so I was quite nervous about that initially but once we got talking it was ok. Remember to make eye contact with varying panel members, sit confidently and smile. Once I eased into it was over! We then sat in a room while our social worker was questioned and then she came in and told us they had said yes! Was an amazing feeling. Masses of positive vibes coming your way :hugs: xxx
Thank you, dream and Lolly :hugs: The nerves have hit today for both of us, as of course we're just days away now (it's this Friday).

Your reassurances are very helpful and I'll try to remember them in amongst the panic the next few days are sure to hold!

Will of course come back here to advise the outcome, either way.

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