After the BFP...TTC #1 "Graduates"

Glad you found some good minivan options, Savvy! I love my sedan, and I think it will do fine for one baby. But if I was having twins, I would probably have to look into something like that! It's nice they're making them "cool" now! :)

Moni, are you just over the moon? So that was your first IVF cycle that worked for you, right? So happy for you. Haven't checked the thread in a week or so, but hoping that several of the other ladies will be close behind you! :)
Yeah - first IVF attempt - the doc had given us a 20% chance because the only embie that survived to the transfer date was not as far along as they normally like them to be. So honestly was pretty shocked when I read the message. Very happy, but still really cautious and scared. Go in next Tuesday for a scan and another beta test. It will likely be too early for a heartbeat but hopefully we see something...

You gals are all moving along so quickly!!
That's so great! Especially exciting since your hopes were low. My doctor said the process we were doing only had an 8% success rate per cycle (even though we were both in perfect health, just unexplained infertility). I was already planning how many rounds I was going to do (3) before moving on to IVF. Then...surprise!!

I could use some advice about how to deal with a situation, ladies. I just got off the phone with my grandma. She said that my dad told her that his wife's feelings were a little hurt because when we announced the pregnancy to them, I only got my dad a "Grandfather" shirt and nothing for her. I did not even think twice about that, as she is a very drama free, down to earth lady. She has 5 grandchildren of her own, while this will be my dad's first biological grandchild. She will be pretty much the only "Grandma" figure to my child (DH and my mother both are passed away), and of course I want her to be that role. I just don't know how to handle it now that I've heard third hand that her feelings were hurt. Should I call her and say that I'm sorry I did not think to get her a gift as well but that I look forward to the role she will play in the child's life? Or just be sure to recognize her in the future? She really is a very laid back person. It surprises me so much to hear this, but I guess babies bring out different parts of people.
Moni and Sarah, after reading your last posts it made me think of both said you thought your chances were low but you got pregnant anyways. Well the cycle I got pregnant with I had very little hope and thought I had no chance at all. My grandfather had just passed away and while I was temping and using opks along with SMEP I couldn't wait for the month to be over because I had my RE appointment on May 27th and I figured after over a year of trying (including one m/c) that I would never get pregnant on my own...well big surprise to me the day after my appointment when I got my BFP at 9dpo. It seems like the three of us really got special surprise BFP's!

Moni, I think they can find/hear the heartbeat around 6-7 weeks. At my first scan 7w2d the tech wasn't sure if it was too early. You should be able to see the sac or yolk or something though! I am super excited for you! Do you know an approximate due date?

Sarah, that is a tough situation with your dad's wife. Would your Grandma be okay with her knowing she told you that she was upset about the situation? If so, maybe you could call her and tell her you never intended to hurt her feelings and that you are excited she will be part of your babies life. Or you could send them a "Happy Grandparents" card since Grandparents day is this coming Sunday, the 7th. I hope you are able to work things out. :flower:
fertility friend and baby center calculates my due date as May 10th. No official date from the doctors yet. Next weeks scan will be at 5 weeks - so too early for the HB - but hoping to see a beautiful sac!

Sarah - that is a tough situation - my thought is you should talk to her and explain what you did here - especially that you got him the shirt because it is his first grandchild...

So...I initially had a splitting headache and some nausea - but that has died down...bringing with it doubts...still some cramping and week cant get here soon enough!
fertility friend and baby center calculates my due date as May 10th. No official date from the doctors yet. Next weeks scan will be at 5 weeks - so too early for the HB - but hoping to see a beautiful sac!

Sarah - that is a tough situation - my thought is you should talk to her and explain what you did here - especially that you got him the shirt because it is his first grandchild...

So...I initially had a splitting headache and some nausea - but that has died down...bringing with it doubts...still some cramping and week cant get here soon enough!

So exciting for a May due date here! When I got my BFP I only tested because of my horrible headache and extreme fatigue. I didn't have too many symptoms the first few weeks except I was tired a lot. I think most people say week 6-7 they start getting more symptoms.
Just wanted to pop over and say HELLO! I miss you all, hope everything is going well. I am onto IUI#4 this Saturday. I hope I can join you all soon!
Thanks for your advice, ladies. I think I will definitely do that Savvy. I had no idea Grandparent's Day was coming up, but it sounds like a perfect way to make clear that I consider her part of it too. Still not sure if I will directly address that I heard her feelings were hurt, but will definitely be sure to be more careful to include everyone in the future and mention how important her role is in the new baby's life.

It is funny that all three of us were not holding out much hope for the months we got preggers, or at least didn't have super high hopes. I know yours blew us away, Savvy! I remember you being all ready for your RE appointment, super excited to take the next step, then BAM! I don't think Allison was all that hopeful the month of her BFP either if I remember right.

Aww, Michelle! I'm so glad you popped in! I do stalk you guys still, but I'd rather not say anything. I just don't want to risk my pregnancy ticker catching anyone on a down day even though I know you're all happy for me. It's just such an emotional process. I think I had the impression that after I got my BFP it would just be rainbows and unicorns (although I obviously knew pregnancy wasn't a cakewalk). I didn't realize how much anxiety and worry there would be. Especially going through it all for the first time and having tried so long. Every little thing makes you worry that the little bean you worked so hard for is just going to be gone one day. Symptoms, lack of symptoms. Can't wait for the first trimester to be over. Anyway, sorry for that rant. I do hope you and all the other ladies join us sooo soon here in this different kind of anxiety land. Ha! Good luck with your IUI Saturday. I'll be praying!! :D
Michelle, I am so glad you stopped in to say hello! I really hope you are joining us here soon, I will keep my fx'd!

Sarah, I am still in shock that I got my BFP that month. I spent the entire cycle hoping AF wouldn't start before my RE appointment so that they could do the CD3 tests. Then top it off with twins! I realize how blessed and lucky I am to be carrying these two. Definitely my miracle babies! I definitely agree with you, I figured that once I saw that BFP that everything would be easy going...not quite. I constantly worry, "no bump" and "no symptoms" and "no definite movements"...I know I won't relax until I am holding the babies in my arms. But I know we were all blessed with our sweet surprises and we have to trust that everything will turn out okay!

Allison, Suzy and Amy, hope you are doing well! Check in soon! :)
Hey everyone! I keep reading everyone's updates and mean to respond, then I get distracted and forget! Lol.
But congrats, Moni! That's so exciting! Can't wait to hear about your next scan!

And yeah, I wasn't very hopeful the month I got my BFP. I had just kinda given up hope. I Oed on cd 14 that month which was very surprising to me but I didn't think that would suddenly just make it happen! Then the day before I tested I felt nauseous but I didn't even think about it being bc I was pregnant. Lol. I guess it's like they always say... It happens when you don't expect it to.

And also, no, pregnancy is no cakewalk at all. I've been so worried this whole time. And it's even worse sometimes now. Once you hit 28 weeks, they'll start having you do kick counts. Not only is everything you read different about timing of counting 10 kicks... I've heard there should be 10 in an hour, every 4 hours, per day... It's so confusing. So one day I'll be like oh shit, I don't know how many I've felt and start freaking out. Lol. I guess you just have to trust your body and have faith that it knows what it's doing... If only we didn't have to be pregnant so long. 40 weeks feels like an eternity!
Allison, glad you are hanging in there and following along! The kick counts sound like something else to worry over...though I can't wait to actually feel some kicks! 40 weeks does seem like forever, though I luck out a bit since term for twins is 37-38 weeks. I found out I was pregnant right after Memorial Day and I was thinking last weekend that this was the longest summer ever and how it feels like I have been pregnant forever and of course I am only at 17 weeks!

There is a lot to do to keep me busy while the next few months pass by - I think the holidays coming up will help. I am working on researching all the baby gear, my Mom insists on having a baby shower for me so I was going to work on a registry. Babies R Us and Buy Buy Baby are a little overwhelming but I get so excited picking out fun things for the twins! :)
Kick counts? I didn't even know about that! I thought you just enjoyed feeling the baby move. Didn't know it was need for stress!

I just ordered my first maternity clothes--3 different jeans from Old Navy (mostly because I had a $30 off $75 from taking my niece school clothes shopping.) I weighed myself this morning and am exactly what I started at. But my belly is pooching a little, and I can't stand anything feeling tight. I got one side panel and two low panels. I don't know anything about this stuff, but I figured I didn't need that big panel until later on. Great deal though, with free shipping and my discount I ended up paying only $61 for 3 pair of jeans! Hopefully I'll like them!

Savvy, now you've got me wanting to walk around a Babies R Us just for the heck of it. I used to hate those stores...I would just feel overwhelmed. Wonder if it would be different now. I'm planning on getting most of my stuff via Amazon, but it would be nice to see stuff in person for reference.
Yeah, you're supposed to keep track of how long it takes you to feel 10 kicks or movements. The nurse at the ER told me I should feel 10 kicks every 4 hours or so. So it's a lot to think about it. They don't tell you to do any of that until 28 weeks though, so don't worry yet. Lol.
As for maternity clothes, I hate the full panel pants. They're just weird. I feel like I constantly have to pull them up. The low ones are the way to go for sure. And make sure to get some long shirts and ones with the ruching, (maybe I spelled that wrong) on the sides, they're super comfy.
Shopping wise, shop around before you buy anything. Definitely check things out in person before ordering on amazon if you can. And check out all the baby stores, babies r us is the most expensive by far. Target surprisingly has a lot of good stuff, and Burlington coat factory has a good baby selection as well. I've gotten most of the big stuff at Burlington and a lot of other stuff from target. I registered at babies r us just bc they do have some things I couldn't find elsewhere, but in general I've only bought sale items there. Cribs and dressers are outrageously priced at babies r us as well, so definitely check out other places for those items. But that's just my two cents. Lol.
I'm with you ladies. I did not expect my BFP at all that cycle. It was my first cycle on Clomid and I was already thinking about next month and how many months it would take or if I could get PG at all. That's why I was so flabbergasted when I saw that second line!!! So make that 5 of us O:) Not expecting it at all but what an amazing surprise!!!

I've been catching up but too busy at work and tired to write sorry. Went to the gym today. Yay for me :happydance: Did some soft spinning and walked on the treadmill. Plan to go back tomorrow.

I agree with you Sarah. I never expected pregnancy to make me so worried all the time. I thought I would be on :cloud9: ALL the time. I am happy of course but with the nausea and symptoms and sometimes disappearing symptoms, I feel I can never just take it in. Like Savvy said, I will only rest when I hold my baby in my arms :baby:

I am a prune today :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Sarah, it still seems as overwhelming walking around the stores to me, but exciting too since I get to pick out stuff for the twins! I would definitely recommend seeing things in person before registering on amazon, then I read the reviews on amazon before making my decisions. I have a good list of items started. I just bought some maternity pants and shirts since my jeans are getting snug and uncomfortable. I will have to check out Old Navy though...I never thought about them carrying maternity clothes!

Suzy, I am glad you got a sweet surprise too! Wow, you are double digits...10 weeks+1! How exciting! Congrats on your little prune!

Allison, are you finished baby shopping yet? I think I am going to start buying things slowly so I don't feel like I dropped $10,000 all at once! :haha:
Yeah, I felt normal yesterday after 3 days of headaches and nauseaso spent the morning lookingup miscarriage symptoms while taking progesterone...headache and nausea areback today...I should have enjoyed feeling good...
Hi everyone! So sorry it's been so long since I've checked in, I've been thinking about you all, and missing you!

Feeling pretty well, though feeling like I am HUGE already. I refuse to step on a scale, and am keeping my eating in check, and I don't know that I look heavier, but I just feel gigantic. This doesn't bode well for the coming months.. :)

We had a wonderful holiday weekend, took a bit of time off work and I ran my first 10k! It definitely was a bit of a challenge, but I felt good, and am really trying so hard to stay as active as possible. I also have a renewed focus on my arms and legs, knowing I won't be able to control my middle so much. ;)

How is everyone?? What's new? :hugs:
Savvy, yeah I'm about done shopping. We need to buy small things still like the baby toiletry items and things like that, but I'm certainly not worried about those items. I've been buying things little by little since the beginning so that it doesn't feel like spending so much at one time. And also it makes things easier towards the end having that feeling of being ready. : )

Amy, I'm sure you're not huge yet at all, don't worry about it. I hate the weight I'm at right now... I was never tiny to begin with, but I've certainly never been pushing 200 either! That number is scaring the crap out of me, but surprisingly I've noticed lately that when I look in the mirror, I feel really pretty. It's weird, but I'm accepting it. Lol

I'm glad everyone is doing well! I'm 30 weeks today, so 10 more to go! I feel that final countdown... 70 days... Eeeek!!! : )
Moni, that first few weeks is the worst. You don't want to feel sick/symptoms but when you don't feel sick/symptoms you just worry. I was on progesterone too.

Amy, congrats on your first 10k! Glad you had a good holiday weekend!

Allison, yay for 30 weeks!! Let the countdown begin...10 to go!

I didn't register yet, but my hubby and I have just about completed the list of must have items. We are waiting for about two weeks to find out the genders and then order the furniture. We are undecided if we want dark wood or white cribs/dressers.

I have my check-up with the OB on Wednesday! Then the big day...our anatomy scan is on Tuesday the 16th! We were going to do a gender reveal that night but my hubby talked me into finding out at the scan, that way we can actually watch the entire ultrasound and not miss anything.
Savvy, I saw this and thought of you... Lol


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