After the BFP...TTC #1 "Graduates"

Well Savvy I followed your advice and started a thread in the gender prediction forum. Let's see what the guesses are.
Well Savvy I followed your advice and started a thread in the gender prediction forum. Let's see what the guesses are.

I will be stalking the thread! :)

The first person mentioned the nub theory - right now both genders would have nubs, it is the direction that they point that could be a clue as far as gender. Girls are parallel to their spine and boys are at a 30 degree angle (I think) from their spine. As you can tell, I don't sleep well at night so I have way too much free time to research all these theories! :haha: Not much else going on at 2 am!
Here is a link to the nub theory:
Thanks Moni!

Okay just checked out your thread, Suzy. I think everyone's just looking at that little protrusion, but I thought that was the foot? Like the leg is bent and the foot is sticking out leaning a bit to baby's left. Am I reading that wrong? Or are they looking at something else that I'm not even seeing?
Sarah they're looking at the nub I think. I checked the video of the scan again to make sure and it's hard to tell but I'm not a professional. But the doctor pointed specifically at that nub when she said maybe a boy. During the video you can see the arms and legs appear all the time so it's hard when they freeze the frame all of a sudden to know what we're looking at.

Thanks for the link Savvy :thumbup: For me the nub is easier to identify the gender than the skull. I tried an exercise to identify the gender with the skull theory and got like half wrong. Lol!
Suzy, I agree the nub is easier to identify gender with if you can get a clear scan around 12-14 weeks. I have looked at tons of 20 week scans lately so I am noticing the differences of the skulls. Obviously I am not a professional and guess wrong a lot!
I can't wait for your gender reveal! :)
Won't it be wonderful to know the gender finally! I'm really itching to find out. I just scheduled my first trimester screening appt on October 1st which will be bloodwork and ultrasound. So that will be 12 and a half weeks. Probably too early to tell, but my doctor said sometimes they can tell at those. Maybe they will at least get a nub shot so I can bug the gender prediction ladies. Haha. The reason for the appt is really to be sure everything is developing correctly and test my probabilities for different problems. So hoping it all goes well.

Woke up to more bleeding this morning. Sucks, but it is to be expected, and I'm really not that upset by it. On Thursday at my scan my doc identified an area that is definitely a small SCH, so she said to expect a bit more bleeding. I also had my first bout of vomiting last night, so I'm wondering if it's related. (I don't even know if the vomiting was preg related or something I ate.) But I was thinking your whole body contracts so violently with vomiting that I bet I stretched or strained that area where the blood is, and made more come out. I do love that my doctor said anytime I was feeling worried about bleeding, she could squeeze me in for a quick u/s. I don't think I'll take her up on it this time, because I feel very confident all is well. But it makes me feel so much better just to know that's an option.

How are you guys all doing? Starting the week off right, I hope! :D
Sarah, sorry to hear you got sick! Hopefully it was the first and last time. Glad your doc is able to squeeze you in if you decide to check on your little bean, hopefully the bleeding is over too. One week until your scan, I am sure you are looking forward to that! 12 weeks isn't too early to tell, but might not be super accurate yet. It will be fun to get a sneak peek! :)

Not much new here, I am 20 weeks finally! My Mom and MIL insist on having a baby shower for me, it will be November 2nd. I know it is a bit early but my husband hunts in November and then it will be the holidays. Being pregnant with multiples I could have the babies in early January so I would rather just have the shower and have time to wash/put away all the goodies. I am going to do a big gender reveal at the shower, so that should be exciting!

Kind of slow around here...hope everyone is doing well!
Scan yesterday went well. Heartbeat was 172. Last appointment with the RE next Tuesday and then first one with the reg OB on 10/7!

Here is the pics:


  • 7weeks.jpg
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So cute Moni! That is great you are able to see the RE every week for an ultrasound! it! Nice fast heart rate!! Mine was too...if you believe the old wives tale it would indicate girl. Not that I put much faith in that. BUT...I have an intuition that I'm carrying a girl. Isn't it just amazing to see the little bean and hear the heartbeat?! Oh, I love it...especially when you're so early on and (if you're anything like me) constantly questioning whether everything is ok or not! Just wait...they get so much better when you start seeing little arms and legs and sweet little finger...and MOVEMENT! Oh, I swear, scans are the best part of being pregnant! LOL How are you feeling, BTW? Any MS or nausea? Hope you're hanging in there! I hardly had any, which made me nervous sometimes, because they say it is a "good sign."

Someone on my April thread mentioned "Gender Predictors," so I looked them up on Amazon. I caved and ordered one called "Intelligender." Even if it's not accurate, $30 is not too much to waste for a little fun. If it says "girl" I will actually be pretty confident that it's a girl, though. After reading the reviews, it seems that it tests for testosterone or something that boys produce but women also have to varying degrees. So a lot of people got "boy" readings and later found out they were having girls (presumably because they had an above average amount of the hormone themselves), but very little of the other way around. Did any of you guys use these or know anyone who has? It's really kind of a "just for fun" thing for me.

Thanks for your concern, Savvy, I really think it was something I ate, because I haven't been sick since then. While I can't say this first trimester has been "easy" (the bleeding has been rather stressful) I have been very blessed with how well I've felt overall. Your shower will be fun, I'm sure! And even though it feels early, you will be plenty "bumped out" by then. :) I am excited to start thinking about my shower. Like I said I'm not registering in the traditional sense, but my dear friend is having a "build baby's library" shower. But the exciting part is really just celebrating with everyone you love! :)
It is funny with the twins because their heart rates were like 135-140ish at 7 weeks, then they were around 170-180 at 8 weeks. My OB didn't tell me at 13 weeks what they were and I forgot to ask. At the gender scan (19 weeks) their heart rates are at 140 and 147. So the old wives tale is sort of correct for me, I guess! :) Scans are totally the best part of being pregnant so far, plus getting my hubby to wait on me while I "relax"!

Sarah, there is also a blood test that can be taken in early pregnancy too at the doctors, you might need a special condition to qualify or it might be super expensive if not covered by insurance. I think 2-3 girls in the Feb thread had them done since they knew around 10 weeks the gender. I believe most prediction tests are not accurate for multiples, since all the bloods, etc would be different? Now I just need to patiently wait to see if my two cuties are identical or not.

You can also book a private scan, I think I googled "early gender ultrasound" and my city. A few locations popped up. They had different packages starting around $100 including pictures/videos/etc. I think you had to be 15 or 16 weeks. I debating on doing it since it wasn't pricey and seemed fun.

For $30 I think the Intelligender sounds fun! I can't wait to hear your results!!

I am very blessed for how well I have felt so far. With twins they say the chances of MS are so much worse. While I was totally exhausted and couldn't function without 15+ hours of sleep a day and felt like a total zombie...that was my biggest "sickness". So hopefully the rest of you experience a easy first trimester too!

I love the baby library idea for a shower! What a cute way to celebrate with your friends.

Amy, Suzy and Allison...are you still following along? Just wanted to say hi and make sure you are doing okay! :flower:
I'm still reading everyone's posts. I just haven't updated for some reason! Lol

That's great about your ultrasound, Moni! So glad that everything is going well for you!

Sarah, I saw those tests before we had the gender scan, I just never got one. But yeah, savvy is right, you can do an elective gender scan at 15 weeks, so 5 weeks earlier than a dr will usually tell you. That's what we did. I'm pretty sure it was less than $100 and we even got a little peek in 4d. I thought it was worth it. 5 weeks early doesn't seem like too much, but when you're waiting to know the sex it feels like forever! Lol

Good luck with your shower, savvy! Mine is this Saturday! I can't wait! Are you going to do the gender reveal before the shower, or just combine the 2?

As for me, I had an appt on Monday and from the measurement of my belly, I'm measuring a couple weeks ahead. I'm hoping that doesn't mean he's going to be a giant baby... I don't want my lady parts getting any more destroyed than they have to!! Hahaha! Or if he is going to be big, hopefully he'll come a little early. I'd be ok with that! I just can't wait to finally hold him!!! : )
Savvy I'm still here but I've been so busy and tired. I only have time to read the updates and then I fall asleep. Everything ok here!
Glad you're feeling better Sarah! O:)
Have you started the countdown Allison? How long is it now?
Savvy when is your big gender reveal? I think we're close right. If not I'm sorry but my brain has been like mush lately. I know nothing. O:)

13 weeks today :happydance:
Allison, I can't wait to hear about your shower! We are combining the shower and gender reveal - I really wanted a gender reveal party but my hubby did this way I get my way! :) I am really looking forward to seeing everyone's reaction. I am so excited, you are getting so close to your due date!!

Suzy, congrats on 13 weeks!! Once I hit 13 weeks and basically the 2nd trimester it seems like time is going faster. My shower/gender reveal is set for November 2nd! It is hard to wait so long since even our parents don't know the genders...I can't wait to tell my mom!!
Yay! 2nd trimester, Suzy!! You're over that first hurdle!
And yes, definitely started the countdown, 50 more days!!! Ahhh!!!

Combining the shower and gender reveal together will be so exciting, savvy!
Other than a couple of days at the beginning and last Thursday - no real morning sickness. I am definitely more tired - but I am also prob not getting enough sleep. No super craving but find myself leaning towards saltier food options. So, yes like you sarah definitely always freaking out but trying to enjoy everything as well!! The scans really help - especially since they are weekly. My pants are definitely tighter at the end of the day as well - plus I am running out of ones that fit. Might try to hit a store this weekend for a couple looser pairs for work.

Everyone is moving right along! So excited.

I had not heard of that test - but since I am over 35 I will be getting the blood test that tells us around week 10 - hopefully sooner rather than later. Since my first real ob appt is not until week 9 not sure if that will delay when I can take that test or not.
So when do you get to find out if they are identical, Savvy? I'm guessing fraternal. Also, that's so great that you haven't been too sick! Such a blessing! Yeah, I have seen private labs that you can send blood in to and find out for around $300. But it's getting so close that I think I'll just wait. Save the it kind of feels like cheating. LOL. But if I'm not able to find out through my doc by the time those early scan places could tell me for like $100, I'll def do that! :D

Allison, that's so exciting that you have such big, healthy boy in there! I do hope he comes a little early for you, though! Have fun at your shower!

Suzy, good to hear from you! Hope you get a little burst of energy with the 2nd tri! I was wondering, you said you were in Portugal...are you Portuguese or just living there? Sorry to be nosy, just curious because you write in English perfectly! I spent a lot of time in Spain when I was younger, but unfortunately never made it over to Portugal. Would love to visit sometime! :D

Moni, that's awesome that you haven't been getting too sick! Try to enjoy it as much as possible. And, yeah, I was totally exhausted around that time. Still not sleeping great and pretty tired a lot of the time, but not quite as bad. I'm so jealous that you will know at 10 weeks! That is so awesome! :D And yes, it's funny cause despite not really gaining any weight, my midline is definitely expanding. I have a pretty good pooch going on now at 12 weeks! :D Good think it can soon be public knowledge.

So my "Intelligender" test came in yesterday, and I took it this morning. It said boy. Buuuut...not putting much stock in that result. From what I gather from comments on the internet, a lot of people get a false boy reading. (Very little the other way around.) Although the company doesn't list their mechanism, most people theorize that they are testing for Testosterone. This is present in women at lower levels (thus the false positive) but the levels would generally be higher with a boy because he would be producing it also. Also, the package says "Not for use in women with PCOS" which further supports the testosterone theory, (because in PCOS, women have more testosterone.) At first I had a strong "girl" instinct, but over the last couple of weeks that has pretty much left me. I'm just completely clueless now! Anyway, it was just for fun, but it has made me wonder!
Hi girls, hope everyone had a good weekend.

It was super busy around here. My husband and I ordered the nursery furniture, I went to a mom2mom sale and got some great stuff really cheap, I saw my cousin score his first goal in soccer and went out with some friends! I was so exhausted last night!

I am a bit bummed and lonely this week since my husband is on a international work trip. I hate when my husband travels and especially hate when he is out of the country, I barely sleep and just constantly worry over stupid things. I sure hope this week passes quick.

Sarah, if the twins have the same blood type I will do further DNA testing after they are born. They are probably fraternal but since I know I implanted super early (got my bfp 9dpo) the egg could have split early which results in separate placentas and an appearance of fraternal twins. I am glad they are di/di which means separate sacs and placentas because that is the safest. The only reason I would really like to know if they are fraternal is because my hubby and I agreed on one child (not that we are at all disappointed) but he jokes that I double fired my eggs so I could use my double oven. I am just curious! :)

Very interesting about the test results! I guess you will find out soon enough if it was correct. :)
I'm discharged from the 're. He said allwasperfect! I'll post the scan when I'm at my computer later.

Savvy you'll probably know by liking at them husbands brothersare twins and they are obviously identical...his parents never confirmed with the blood test but there can be no doubt when you look at them.

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