After the BFP...TTC #1 "Graduates"

Wow savvy - great news!

I am doing fine. Yep into the second tri. Feeling good except when I eat pasta with marinara sauce (one of my favs and a reg Thurs lunch). Then I get upset stomach, bloating, gassiness, heartburn, etc - so no more pasta until after baby. :( Otherwise doing well.
Moni, sorry to hear about giving up pasta! It is so worth it though, hopefully after your little guy is born you can have a big bowl of pasta! :)

Getting everything organized in the nursery is so much fun...exhausting, but fun! Did about 5 loads of laundry today to wash all of the blankets, burp cloths, towels, etc. I have about 100 outfits that were given to me as shower gifts and a few that I bought...that is the next step. My goal was to be done by 30 weeks...I have just over 2 weeks and more than plenty of time to get it all together. Then I start a scrapbook for each baby!
Hi girls~

Finally get to join you here! :)

After my D/C in Jan I had a hysteroscopy in Apr to remove uterine scarring. After that we tried naturally for three cycles (which turned into four because my RE was on vacation when I started my 4th cycle). The we tried Femara with IUI for two cycles, then triple dose Femara with timed intercourse. Also had another HSG which came back completely normal. Then we moved to injectable meds this cycle with Follistim. I ended up having a premature LH surge before the follicles were ready so my RE gave me a trigger shot hoping the leading follicle at that point would pop since the biggest one from two days earlier had shrunken. He wasn't sure if I was going to ovulate so he said he wouldn't bother wasting money on a IUI this cycle.

I have been testing out my trigger and the lines got lighter every day but never completely went away and then at 10DPO all of a sudden they got darker again and today at 13DPO my test line on FRER is now almost the same as control!

I go in on Monday for my first beta. Because of my previous m/c I'm not allowing myself to get too excited yet but I am cautiously optimistic!!

Hope everyone is doing well! And I am very excited to be here!! :)
That's so exciting, floridasian!!! So glad to have you here!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that that little bean sticks! : )

That's great you have everything almost done, savvy! I know I asked you this before, but at what week do you think you'll have those girls??

My due date is today, and sadly no sign of labor. : ( I'm getting so frustrated and impatient. I really want him to come like, now. I had a scare on Thursday night and thought my water was leaking, but it turns out it was just excess discharge from my cervix effacing and getting ready. They said I was having regular mild contractions though, so I'm hoping that's a good sign... I'm so ready for him!!!
I am SO excited that you are here floridasian!!! I popped over to the old thread and saw your bfp! Looking good!! I am excited that you get your beta tomorrow. I will tell you that with those wondfos that my lines varied greatly, I think sometimes the tests have more dye in them or you had a longer hold, etc. I kept all of mine like yours, lined up and some days they were not as dark. Here I am at 27 weeks carrying twins. :) Congrats again, I am glad you joined our graduates group!

Allison, I am so sorry your little guy hasn't made his appearance yet! That must be frustrating on your due date. Any idea how long your doctor will let you go? I am hoping you are at the hospital right now holding your little bundle of joy in your arms!

My doctor is saying that I will have the twins between 37-38 weeks if I don't have any issues before that. As bad as it might sound I am leaning towards a c-section. I am worried about having A natural and then needing a emergency c-section to get B out or being in labor for hours and still needing a c-section. Haven't decided yet, I still have time. My goal is 2015 babies hopefully after 36 weeks. So estimating meeting them between January 12 - 26th or so.
Allison - I'm sorry your little guy isn't ready to come out yet. I've heard that first babies are often born past their due dates. Hopefully the next time we hear from you the baby is in your arms!

Savvy - so glad you're doing well! I can't believe you're 27 weeks already! It's been that long, eh? Twins are so exciting! Remind me again if they are identical or fraternal? How are planning on telling them apart?

Yes I am still nervous about my BFP. When I saw the lighter line this morning I thought to myself maybe I popped over here too soon and I've totally jinxed it!

Can't wait for tomorrow's beta!!
Yay Floridian!

We got our first baby item today, a friendwas getting rid of their the price wasright!
Floridasian, sending positive thoughts for a great beta tomorrow!

Actually, I will be 28 weeks tomorrow! The last 8 weeks have passed so quickly. They think they are fraternal since they are in separate sacs with separate placentas...they told me that is the safest for twins. There is still a chance that they could be identical...if the egg split 1-3 days after conception they could have separate sacs/placentas. The only way we would know for sure is DNA testing after they are born. I will probably end up getting them tested unless they look totally different. :)
We got our first baby item today, a friendwas getting rid of their the price wasright!

I love when that happens! It is fun (and addicting) to build your baby collection.

Oh! I was so excited since I bought the twins their first pair of shoes the other day! I told my hubby he should be proud since they were not pink. Of course the next shoes I buy will be pink or at least be sparkly! :)
Unfortunately I don't get to stay :(

Beta was only 18.5 today and all my tests are MUCH MUCH lighter too.

Hope to be back here again soon and wish you all the best for the remainder of your pregnancies!
Unfortunately I don't get to stay :(

Beta was only 18.5 today and all my tests are MUCH MUCH lighter too.

Hope to be back here again soon and wish you all the best for the remainder of your pregnancies!

I am so sorry floridasian. :hugs:
I hope the doctors can work with you to figure things out and you will be back here soon.
Nooo, floridasian!! I'm so sorry! Do they know what could be causing it?? Hopefully you get some answers and a super sticky bean soon!

Unfortunately still no baby for me yet. He's taking his sweet ass time... Ugh.
Sorry Floridian!!! Big :hugs:!!

Allison - come on already we need some baby pics. :winkwink:

Question- when are we supposed to start avoiding sleeping on the back? Is that still a thing?
Moni, I stopped sleeping on my back a few weeks into the second trimester. I am normally a side sleeper anyway and read so many benefits of sleeping on your left side. Last week I was complaining about a sore throat. My husband said, well if you didn't sleep on your back all night with your mouth open it wouldn't be sore. I immediately freaked out and told him to wake me if he ever saw me on my back.
Well, I haven't been on here in a little over a week so I just got all excited then immediately heartbroken for you, Floridasian! I'm so sorry sweetie...I can't even imagine how it must feel after trying so long to get that good news then bad news. My heart really goes out to you, and I wish there was something I could do to help you but I know there's probably not. Just know we're all here for you if you ever want to talk. Hugs, sweetie. I know you will get your rainbow baby very soon. :cry::hugs:

Savvy wow it's so amazing to think that you will be having your twins at the beginning of the year!! So exciting! I agree with Moni (I think you said this) that it's amazing how fast it has gone. You seem to have sailed right through a pregnancy with twins. I'm so impressed! It's so exciting to hear about you getting the nursery, clothes and everything all ready!

You'd be proud of me (with your thrifty ways)...the last few days I've been hitting the online garage sale sites on Facebook. I got a mamaroo, which I was going to buy new, in new condition for less than half the the colors I wanted. And I haven't counted them up, but several lots of good quality onesies and sleepers in sizes ranging from newborn to 12 months for less than a hundred bucks total (probably like 70-80 pieces of clothing). I mean, I could totally go out and buy all this crap but from what everyone says they're just going to need a bunch one onesies and sleepers to puke and poop on and you change them like 5 times a day for the first few months so I am happy to get some stuff cheap and second hand!! :) I did splurge on the furniture for the nursery, so this way I feel better about that! I ordered an awesome looking rocker & ottoman from Pottery Barn kids that looks like a normal chair (and can be converted to a normal chair) but it's supposed to be super comfy. I've heard from so many people that that is really something you want to invest in, especially if breastfeeding.

Allison, hope baby Owen comes soon! It just occurred to me that people on here might think we ignore each other, but I'm not being bitch to her...we are on a TTC FB page together, so we hear about our daily drama on there. ;)

Moni you are moving right along! I'm so excited to see that your pregnancy is progressing so well! It's such a relief and joy to be safely into the second trimester isn't it?!! I have heard different things about laying on your back. I've heard to stop once you get into the 2nd tri, I've heard to stop after 20 weeks, and I've heard to stop when it gets uncomfortable...your body will tell you. I've always slept mostly on my side, a little leaning toward my belly, so I haven't had to adjust that. But I love to lay on my back to read before bed or watch TV sometimes. So I still do it for a while because it hasn't started bugging me. But I have a big prego body pillow so I will try to prop one side up here and there if it's for a long time. I asked my DR about it and she said you don't have to have one side very much elevated...she said for patients they would just slide a bag of IV fluids under one hip which she said was not very big.

AFM, just been staying busy...the holidays are my busiest work time. I have been careful not to schedule too many gigs since I didn't know how I'd be feeling. But still between the jobs that I did schedule and family/friend parties, it's busy!

I'm 19weeks 3 days! It's hard to believe I'm nearly halfway there!!! :happydance: Crazy awesome!!! Had my anatomy scan last week, and it was wonderful to see the little guy again. And best of all DH was able to come. This is the first time he's seen him since the very first U/S (7 or 9 weeks...can't remember). Been feeling lots of kids and movements, which is fun. That's about it!
Lol. Sarah, actually I secretly hate you, that's why I never talk to you on here... Hahaha! I kid, I kid.

Sooo, I'm scheduled for induction Friday morning. There's still the chance he could come before then, but I'm not holding my breath. So I'll try to post a few pics this weekend!!! So exciting!!!

Hope everyone else is still doing well, I really can't believe everyone is getting so far along... It seems like just yesterday that everyone was just beginning... Lol
Oh, and Moni, I still sleep on my back occasionally. I try not to, but I wake up on my back a lot and everything seems fine... I haven't been too worried about it. I haven't gotten short of breath or anything like they say can happen. Just try to stay a little elevated when you lay on your back, rather than like perfectly flat.
Hey ladies...just popping in to say Amazon has Black Friday deals going on now...basically there is a countdown to the deal & when it starts you have to add it to your cart before they are gone & check out within like an hour or something like that. I just saw a $450 crib go for $160...all gone within 10 minutes. But they have a lot of baby stuff.
Hi ladies,
Sorry it’s been so long. I had some busy weeks and then forgot to update you all.

Floridasian I’m so sad you’re not able to stay with us for now :nope:
I know you will have your little rainbow soon :hugs:

Allison how are you doing? Are you there yet?
I’m so glad I got back now just in time. Otherwise I would have missed the big event :flower:
So Friday it is? You’re the first one on this forum to have a baby.

I’m glad you don’t need any additional testing Moni. Yay :happydance:
Congratulations on your baby boy!!!
And I think we’re not supposed to sleep on our backs in the 3rd trimester. But not sure…

And Sara, you’re also having a boy! Oh my god! Congratulations! :blue:

Well I guess I’ll join the party: I’m also having a boy!!! O:)

In the meantime we got a lot of free baby clothes from my cousin.
She has 2 boys and still had all the clothes.
So we came back with 5 bags of stuff. Lots of onesies but also a lot of cute mini man baby outfits. They are just so cute!!!
Since finding out I’m having a boy, I feel a lot more excited because it’s more real or something.
And I feel like I’m already in love with my baby, even though I don’t know him yet.
The baby has been kicking like crazy too. I felt the first kick at 15 ½ weeks.
And now I can see him moving in my belly. It’s so special.

I can’t believe I was gone for so long!
I missed you all :hugs:
Yay, so glad you checked in Suzy!! Congratulations on the boy!! There's going to be so many boys around here that savvy had to make up for it with 2 girls! Haha!

AFM, I've been having contractions that are about 10 minutes apart since like 6am this morning. My dr said not to come in until they were about 5-7 minutes apart for an hour or so. And definitely just lost my mucous plug as well... Totally not what I was expecting. Lol. So now I just wait and see if these contractions get closer together... Eeeek!!! : )

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