After the BFP...TTC #1 "Graduates"

Doing well - not feeling much yet. I have my anatomy scan on Tuesday so I'll get to see him again.

Wow that's a good stretch of sleep! Yes I do hope to breastfeed but I know that lots of things can occur to prevent it. Why did you have to stop? I have heard that formula babies sleep better though - so that is one benefit for you!
Moni and Suzy? How are y'all doing lately? Any new news or developments??

Things are getting better here. Getting into a routine has definitely helped. He's been sleeping about 5-6 hours straight most nights already, so that's been nice. I did have to quit breastfeeding though so that kinda sucked, but he seems fine on the formula so as long as it works! Do all of y'all plan on breastfeeding?

Hi Allison,

I plan on breastfeeding. But you never know waht Mother Nature has in store for us. I hope it works out. Why did you have to stop?
I'm having a hard time sleeping an entire night. I wake up early with cramps in my thighs or belly or just because I'm in a bad position. I'm think I'm getting too big. Bah...
Lucky you that Owen is already sleeping 5-6 hours in a row. That's great! Is he a happy baby? :happydance:
Twins update!

It has been a busy week here, but both babies are doing great and they have excellent care. They are in the NICU, we will be here for at least about a month. They are telling me probably until I would have been 36 weeks. I delivered at 30w5d instead of 31w like I thought. I guess with their growth scan they adjusted my due date.

The twins are fraternal, they have different blood types.

We named Baby A Madison and she was 3lb2oz at birth
Baby B is Mackenzie and she was 3lb7oz at birth

Both babies are doing fantastic, they just need the time to grow and get stronger. I will post pictures, probably in a few weeks. Right now they are hooked up to so many things to monitor that I think they look scary in a way. I won't even post on facebook or let my friends or family take photos.

Hope everyone else is doing well!
I'm glad they're doing so well, savvy! I love the names. They go together very well. That sucks that you have to stay at the hospital so long, but as long as they're going to be healthy. Are you able to hold them and feed them or are they in the closed off incubator things? And did them coming so early interfere with breastfeeding? Keep us updated and I hope everything continues to go well!

Moni and Suzy, I had to stop breastfeeding bc it was just too much. I needed help getting up every 2 hours to feed bc of the csection. Literally. It was so painful just trying to sit up out of bed. I tried to pump for a while, but then I just wasn't producing enough. It's disappointing, but I have to accept that it just wasn't meant to be, I'm glad I tried though. And yes, he sleeps a lot longer at night now with the formula, so that's definitely a plus! Lol

Moni, how was your scan today??

Suzy, the sleeping when pregnant sucks. It sucks afterwards too, ugh. Lol. I would wake up screaming bc of leg cramps when pregnant sometimes. Just wait til you get really big and you can barely even turn over in bed at night. Being pregnant is certainly no piece of cake, but the reward is great. : )
Ahh thanks for the update savvy - I love the names! glad all is going smoothly.
I love the names Madison and Mackenzie savvy. I’m so happy they’re doing so well. Premature births can be so scary.

Thanks for the peptalk Allison :) The leg cramps have been better these last 2 nights but I still wake up early and have trouble turning over. Maybe I should get one of those sleeping pillows. That might help. I guess it’s nature’s way of preparing me for what’s ahead: no sleep at all! I’m sorry you had to stop breastfeeding but I understand why. I didn’t know that formula helped the baby sleep better at night. I wonder why that is…
Suzy, formula takes longer for them to digest therefore keeping them fuller longer. Breastfed babies will eat about every 2 hours, even at night. The formula will keep them full for about 3-4 hours. I've found that if I feed him right before I put him down though that he'll sleep better. I tried to just use formula at night and breastfeed during the day so we could all sleep better, but with not breastfeeding all night, is what made my supply decrease, so it's like a vicious cycle. I won't lie, breastfeeding is harder than it seems, so know that going into it. I think if I had known how hard it was going to be and prepared myself more, I might've had better luck. So prepare yourself for the worst and I think you'll do just fine with it.
My scan was cancelled yesterday. I took a half day and hubby took a full day off work, we show up and they said that I had cancelled the appointment. I showed them the confirmations that I had gotten and sent and they said - "oh office error" but we filled your time slot and cant possibly fit you in today. They are trying to get me in early on Friday. I was very frustrated and if hubby was not there, probably would have been a lot worse. IF I hadn't already had the harmony test and learned the sex - I never would have left!! So either Friday or next Tuesday depending on my work schedule - they are holding 2 appointments for me this time.
Wow I've been SUCH a bad internet friend lately...sorry!!

Super happy the girls are doing well Savvy. I can't believe you had them already. When Allison told me (cause I hadn't been on here in a while) I was shocked and worried but it sounds like they are doing really well. Such a relief...sorry you weren't able to carry to term. And I can't imagine how stressful it must be to have to stay in the hospital and see them all hooked up to machines. But sounds like it's kind of the best case scenario in a not ideal situation. Love the names you chose! Can't wait to see them. I'm sure they are gorgeous.

Suzy and Moni glad everything seems to be going smoothly for you ladies. I think we're all starting to hit those pregnancy inconveniences...heartburn, backaches, insomnia, oh my! LOL

The holidays have been super busy so far! Which on one hand I'm thrilled about because this pregnancy is flying by. 23+5 today! Went in for my normal check up today and all is well. The nurse asked if he was moving and I told her it was like a dance party in my belly all the time. She was listening for his heartbeat on the doppler and he kicked/punched like 5 times just in those few seconds. She said, "Man you weren't kidding...he really is busy!!"

I did gain 6 pounds this time (in a month), so my doctor said, "Be careful, but it was Thanksgiving." And I have only been gaining 3-4lbs each appt. for a total of 15 lbs so far in 23.5 weeks, and this month I really popped and finally look pregnant. So I'm not that worried about it. I think I'm on track for a pretty healthy gain as long as I don't just go crazy in the 3rd tri.

Hugs ladies!
Oh my gosh, I found you all!!! I can't believe Savvy has TWO babies now! I love their names! My girlfriend had her girls in March the exact same way. Way early and spent weeks at the hospital. They were fraternal and tiny and now they are a perfectly normal size and almost actually look identical! You are going to have so much fun! Congratulations!!!
I don't think I ever knew you, Alison but my goodness is he ever cute!!! I love those little newborn baby outfits for pictures. So fun. Sorry about the breast feeding. Isn't that so frustrating when things get off of "the plan"? Hope you heal quickly from the c-section. I remember when my cousin had hers. It was for sure tough to get around with a new baby. I hope you have lots of help!

Hi Sarah! Glad you found me so I could find you all! That penis story had me cracking up! So funny.
Hi Suzy! Congrats on the boy as well! I feel like I haven't talked to you all in forever!

Moni is someone I do "see" often! I didn't realize you were over here with this group! Lol the boy group (besides twins)!

I'm actually having a girl so I'm evening things out a bit! I was so sure I was having a boy but nope! A girl it is! After the ivf mess I really didn't care what it was as long as it grabbed onto my uterus! Lol I'm getting my energy back at 16 weeks and I'm not sick every single day all day anymore. Sometimes I have bad days but I can usually get myself under control. DH has an ultrasound at his clinic so we go in sometimes and check her out. She is ALWAYS sucking her fingers and flipping around. Super active! I think I can feel her here and there but nothing too big. Just little flutters. I'm afraid of her beating me up with those kicks and punches in a couple of weeks!
Hi Jen and Congratulations! :) I don't know if I already congratulated you. When are you due? Enjoy the 2nd trimester. It's the best! No more morning sickness and you're not very heavy yet. I'm approaching the 3rd trimester and am beginning to feel more limited physically speaking. Also I feel like my belly is starting to fill up just beneath my breasts. So now a lot of the time my breasts are "resting" on my belly. LOL!
Welcome back Sarah! :) That sounds like a healthy weight gain. I only gained 2 pounds last month (as opposed to the other months in which I usually gain 5-6 pounds) but this month is not going to be that good. People at work always bring cookies or chocolate. And when they don't, I buy something sweet... :) It's like people know Christmas is around the corner so let's eat cake and yummy food during the entire month of December. I have no willpower at this point... New Year's resolutions: be a good mom and lose weight!
Thanks for the explanation Allison. I admit it's tempting to feed the baby formula if I know he's going to sleep all night. But I'll try not to think about that and just feed him every 3 hours or so.
June 4th!!! I'm just feeling like I'm getting some energy back and it feels great! I was able to workout today without getting super sleepy and no vomit after! Yay! Small victory over here. My goodness my boobs are huge and they keep getting bigger. When does this stop? I've gained about 5 pounds since the ivf bloat went away. During the first 12 weeks I actually lost 11 pounds because I was so sick. Then I got back to my norm (132) when she would let me eat things. Lol so now I'm supposed to gain 4 pounds a month. I seriously wish I was 8 weeks in December. I'd for sure be able to skip all of the cookies. I'm trying to convince my family to do Christmas Eve celebration in pjs. Haha for my benefit of course! That's comfy! Plus I have 3 stepkids to dress and DH. I should get a break this year!
Moni, did you get your scan yet? I'd have been so irritated if I were you about my appt being "canceled." They should have squeezed you in somehow!

Suzy, definitely try to keep up the breastfeeding if you can. I wish I could have, it was just too much. Maybe next time around I'll be more prepared.

Congratulations Jen! No, I don't think we've ever "met" but I've seen you around... Lol, sounds so creepy... It's about time someone else has another girl around here! And yes, it sucks when things go off the plan, but I've learned when it comes to pregnancy and labor, I don't think we're meant to have a plan. It's all up to those little aliens inside of us. They'll decide when and how they want to come. Lol

Any new updates, savvy?? Hope all is still well!!
Hey ladies!! Dropping in looking for some support/hope. I just got done with my injectables class. I'll be taking REPRONEX I believe. I haven't got it in the mail yet so not positive on that. I know that it's some form of HMG. I was just wondering if any of you ladies conceived during an injectable cycle+IUI?
Got thescan Friday morning but have been crazy since then and not had a chance to come online. All went well - he is definitely a boy! It was great to see him moving around like crazy. My placenta is on my stomach which could be why I havnt felt much. Here are a couple of the pics:


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Misaacs, I used Repronex and Bravelle for my drugs. Plus some others like human growth hormone and lupron. Good luck! Hope your Stims fly by!!
Hi Jen!! Glad you made it over! I think Allison got her BFP right before you joined us in TTC #1 so you guys never crossed paths. It's hard to believe time is passing so quickly and she already has her little guy!! I am so jealous that your hubby has access to an ultrasound machine! My DH's hospital is a dedicated heart hospital, so there's no prenatal equipment there. He does consult at the regular hospital where I'm going to deliver, but it would be a little shadier to try to go in there after hours and sneak on their equipment haha! But luckily my little guy is a super dancer/kicker/puncher, so I never have any doubts as to how he's doing! And yes I would second Suzy's advice...enjoy this trimester!! :) I'm at the end of it and already starting to feel myself slow down and getting more achey and uncomfortable. It's not bad yet, but getting I can tell the wonderful second trimester is winding down. Haha! Hope you got to have your PJ Christmas! :D

Suzy, thanks for the encouragement! I'm not that worried about it. Really I haven't been gaining much in the previous months and this month I finally really popped, so it definitely went to baby/uterus. I am right there with you though on the holiday food stuff...I'm really feeling like eating a lot of veggies and lighter soups and stuff now that all the holidays are over. And I want to cut out most of the sugar/processed junk that just becomes so easy to pop in your mouth when it's constantly in front of your face!! In the first half of my pregnancy I just wanted meat and protein and was fine without veggies, (I'm normally a veggie nut!) but I'm finally getting back into my old eating desires, so that makes me happy!

Hi Michelle!! So great to see you! Sorry I have not done my BFP through Clomid+IUI. But crossing everything that they work for you! When is your IUI scheduled for? Or estimated...I know it will have to be when the follies are ready...Hugs sweetie...stay strong. I know you'll get your sticky bean soon!

Love your scan pics Moni!! I saw on your ticker you are 20 exciting!! Halfway...give me a virtual high five girl!! :D

Savvy hope you and the little ladies are doing wonderfully. I know this must be so hard having to spend the holidays in the hospital. My thoughts and prayers are with you and them to keep growing strong!! Hugs!
Thanks everyone! The girls are doing good, improving each day. They are preemies and need time to grow. Basically doing stuff common for preemies. We are very lucky they are doing well.

Glad to hear everyone is doing well.
Hi Jen, congrats and welcome!
So glad to hear it Savvy!! Are you able to hold them at all or do they have to stay in their incubators?

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