After the BFP...TTC #1 "Graduates"

Thanks Allison! Madison has darker hair and a lot of it plus she is a bit bigger so we are luckily able to tell them apart. Mixing them up was my biggest fear! Right now they still sleep a lot so we are trying our best to get things straightened in our house.
Hi girls!

I'm back!! I got my BFP a few weeks ago but I wanted to wait till I have my ultrasound before coming to this side again.

I'm currently 6W5D and just had my first ultrasound today and we're also having TWINS!!!! Because of the angles of the where the babies implanted it was hard to get an accurate measurements of the sizes and heart beats but the doctor said they both looked great and gave me an EDD of 9/23/15 (he never gave me an EDD after my first ultrasound with my MMC last year). I'm so excited!!

Savvy - your girls are absolutely precious! I'm so glad they are both home now. I have a lot to learn from you!!!

Alison - Owen is adorable!!

Moni & Sarah - your bumps are so cute!

Hi to Suzy and Jen - hope you are doing well!

And I'm just so excited to be here!!! :)
Hi girls!

I'm back!! I got my BFP a few weeks ago but I wanted to wait till I have my ultrasound before coming to this side again.

I'm currently 6W5D and just had my first ultrasound today and we're also having TWINS!!!! Because of the angles of the where the babies implanted it was hard to get an accurate measurements of the sizes and heart beats but the doctor said they both looked great and gave me an EDD of 9/23/15 (he never gave me an EDD after my first ultrasound with my MMC last year). I'm so excited!!

Savvy - your girls are absolutely precious! I'm so glad they are both home now. I have a lot to learn from you!!!

Alison - Owen is adorable!!

Moni & Sarah - your bumps are so cute!

Hi to Suzy and Jen - hope you are doing well!

And I'm just so excited to be here!!! :)

CONGRATULATIONS!!! :happydance:

I literally screamed when I read you were having twins!! I almost woke up my twins! :) How exciting, are you in complete shock?? I still have a hard time believing that they let me leave the hospital with two babies!

So exciting our graduate group is getting bigger!
Thanks Savvy!

No, I was no shocked as I had three mature follicles this cycle and my betas were high and almost tripled in 48 hours so I knew more than one embryos probably implanted. But I thought given my age and my track record even if more than one implanted, the chances that all of them survived and are still growing were probably slim.

DH was completely shocked though. I've known for weeks that we're probably having more than one but I didn't want to freak him out so I said absolutely nothing until we were on our way to the doctor's office this morning. I wanted him to be prepared and not hear it from the doctor so I had to tell him.

And my doctor also knew there was probably more than one because the first thing he said when he entered the exam room was "so, how many are there?" ;)
Congrats on being home Savvy - adorable pic!!!

Congrats Floridian!!

AFM - another snow day - had to cancel my scan for today - but will see him on Wed. He is swimming around all over now. Hubby finally felt him last night - he was pretty excited. Anyways, have to actually get some work done...
floridasian, that is awesome that your intuition was correct! Will you be finding out the genders? I seriously could not be happier that I am a mom to twins, it was always my dream to have identical twin girls when I was younger. Of course mine aren't identical, but that way I won't mix them up!

Moni, sorry you had to cancel your scan but I am glad you can see your little guy on Wednesday!

How is everyone else?
Congratulations, floridasian!!! That's soooo exciting!!! And like savvy asked, are you going to find out the genders?? Please say yes! Lol

Aw, Moni. That sucks. At least Wednesday isn't too far away. Where do you live that there's so much snow? It's been hot here in Texas!
Yes I'm dying to know already!! Because I'm 36 I'll be doing the genetic screening blood test that I think is usually done around 12 weeks. The test will also reveal gender. However, for twins they could only tell you if there's Y chromosome present or not. So if there's no Y chromosome then it means it's two girls. If there's Y chromosome it could be one boy one girl or it could be two boys and I'll still have to wait till the gender scan later.

Sorry about the cancelled scan, moni. I hope the snow isn't too bad. We only got flurries here but it is bitterly cold!
I'm in NY. The ice was worse than the snow.
floridasian, so glad you are finding out the genders!! I was bummed about the blood test not being able to tell me the genders early, I didn't get it done but I also didn't realize that they could tell you the Y chromosome...I guess I would have found out I was having two girls.

My gender scan was when I was 19 weeks, though my OB said I could get it done at 16 weeks. I had to go to the specialist at the hospital since it was twins and they don't schedule you until 19/20 weeks there. I also had to get routine ultrasounds every 4 weeks after that at the specialist to check for growth, etc.

There is a couple of theories you can read about to "help" predict your genders early. Google "Ramzi's Method" has to do with where the placentas are around 6 weeks. Or "The angle of the dangle" at the 12 week ultrasound. It might not be 100% accurate but it is still fun and interesting to see if you are right! Plus you can post your ultrasounds over in the gender prediction threads - it is neat to see what people think!
I found out at 15 weeks from a private ultrasound place, but I think they recommended waiting until like 17 weeks for twins or something.
Thanks savvy! They couldn't get a good angle to measure the babies properly yesterday so the pictures I got were pretty blurry and taken from a weird angle. I think I'll have to wait a little longer and do the "nub" theory when I'm further along.

That's great you were able to find out at 15 weeks, Alison! I'll be a few days shy of 16 weeks when we visit our in-laws for Easter and it'd great if we can find out the genders by then so we can share the news with everyone!
I think the nub theory is most accurate around 12 weeks. Hopefully you will be able to find out the genders before your trip. We ended up doing a huge gender reveal/baby shower - it was very exciting!
I would call around to your local 3d ultrasound places and ask when you can schedule the appt. Maybe they can do it early for you since you want to tell family. The place here that I went to will reschedule you for another visit for free if they can't determine the gender(s) yet, so maybe somewhere around you will do the same? That way you could at least try to find out before yall go... Or who knows. You could be having 2 girls like savvy, in which case the blood test would tell you... : )
Oh my goodness I'm so glad I stopped by here!! Yay yay yay Floridasian!!! Super psyched for you!!! :D I can't believe we're having our second set of TWINS! That is just the best news!

Since we're talking about gender discoveries, I'll tell my story! Can't remember how much I told you guys in here, so sorry if I'm repeating myself. My little guy showed himself at our 12 week 4 day ultrasound. Of course they couldn't say for sure, but the U/S tech asked if I would like to know her guess. I said, "Yes please!!" Then I was pretty sure after I posted pics on the gender guessing forums and not a single person said girl or even seemed like there was a doubt. I planned a gender reveal party a few weeks later assuming that I would get another ultrasound at my doctor's appt that would confirm or deny, but it turned out she was not planning to do an ultrasound that appointment. I explained my mess up to her, and so she said, "Well I don't know if our equipment will be good enough to tell this early" (the previous U/S had been done at a different office where I went for all my anatomy scans). At first she didn't see anything, but then she goes, "Oh, wow, ok, well, you're either having a boy or your girl has a penis." I love my doctor!

Savvy, your little ladies are so beautiful!! I'm so happy for you, that you guys are finally all home together and everyone is doing well!! I think you are a very wise woman to get a nanny! I would probably do the same if I had two! I remember you saying that you worked from home and pretty much made your own hours. Are you going to continue to do that or take a break for a while? I am in pretty much the same position (I'm a private chef and just take work as I want to)...I will probably only take on a few low key jobs from my best clients. Definitely won't be doing any advertising or promotion for a few years probably, and just focus on being a mom to Theo and maybe making him a little brother or sister.

Moni, good luck with your appt tomorrow. I hope you enjoy seeing him. I'm kind of sad that I've seen him for the last time (unless my regular doc does an ultrasound for some reason) until he's out. But at least the last time I got a good look at his face. Isn't it so special for your hubby to feel him? I usually go to bed and read an hour or so before Mike, and he always comes down and feels the baby and talks/sings to him for a while. I notice he really responds a bit to pressure and noise these days. It's so fun :)

Jen, how are you hanging in there? Any funny stories lately? :) Hope you're doing well, girl!
Haha Sarah - that's a great story! I guess boys are easier to identify than girls, maybe? 12W4D was really early! I'm going to have call around to see how I can get an early scan when we get closer to it. I have a feeling I'll be transferred to high-risk OB or the Maternal Fetal Medicine department that my RE's office is affiliated with so they might monitor me more closely any way.

Good luck with your scan today, Moni! Hope the weather's much better today and you're able to get out!
Floridasian, remind me again what you did to get your BFP... I see it says injectables, but no IVF or IUI? I can't remember what you had said last time.
And also, could they tell at your scan if they were going to be identical or fraternal?
Sarah you look fantastic! I just love your reveal story. Your dr is hilarious!

I am loving the baby pics. They are all so tiny! So glad your babies are both home now. It's great that your hubby waited til they were home to take time off. Hopefully you get a good routine down. My girlfriend has twin girls and one day I just watched her in amazement. Lol she had the breast pump on bot boobs and was able to hold both girls. It was like magic!

Congrats floridasian! That's great news! I found out the gender at 10 weeks with the blood test. Cystic fibrosis in my family so I had to do a bunch of testing anyways. It was fun to find out the gender so quickly.

AFM I am just hanging in there. I must be the worst pregnant woman on the planet. I get everything! Still sick but at least it doesn't hit til 4pm. After that I'm totally useless. I make sure to eat early and get my stuff done. Especially when I have my stepkids. Lately dinner has been whatever's easiest to make in 15 mins! My mom is planning my baby shower for March 21st! I'm so excited! Plus we decided on bedding and the room should come together nicely. I went with purple and grey. I love it! Of course I've bought a million headbands and bows. I'm out of control but I figure if I have to suffer through hemroids and constipation daily I should get to do whatever makes me happier. Lol! I saw my OB yesterday and she said everything looks good. I'm still totally anemic so I'll stay on the extra iron and take colace and miralax like it's my job. : ) She moves so much in there. It's constant. I swear she doesn't sleep ever. DH has gotten to feel and even see some big movement across the room. It's funny. I've gained 11 pounds but I feel huge. My face gets swollen at night around my eyes and cheeks especially so I'm cautiously waiting for preeclampsia. Yay...I was getting so excited about being 23 weeks and then this morning my sister said wow only 4 more months til your due date! I was like what???? I have 4 more months of this? Hahahahaa please fly by, time!
I was on injectable meds with timed intercourse only. No IUI or IVF. We did two cycles of IUI but they didn't work and since DH has super sperm we decided IUI wasn't for us (that and DH was traumatized by giving samples at the doctor's office!) I'm 7 weeks today so still very early and definitely not out of the woods yet! And yes we could see on the ultrasound that there were two sacs so they are definitely fraternal (so hopefully no mixing up the babies, lol!)

I hear you about the constipation, Jen! I've been alternating between diarrhea and constipation pretty much since I got my BFP. And now I'm scared of hemorrhoids later on. I've read horror stories of how the pain from the hemorrhoids was worse than the labor itself!

I'm so glad you are able to get a nanny, savvy! And how nice that your husband can take time off after the girls went home. We went to visit DH's friend during Christmas break. Him and his wife just had a baby three months ago and she took 6 weeks off when the baby was home and then he took 3 months of paternity leave after that but it had a long Thanksgiving and Christmas/New Year's break in between (a school teacher) so the actual days he had to take home were a lot less.

Here're the ultrasound pics. They couldn't get a good view on either of them, especially baby A. The pic was taken sideways I think so it looks like baby B is bigger than baby A but I think in reality it's the other way around.


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