After the BFP...TTC #1 "Graduates"

Hi Suzy - glad to hear from you! I can't believe it's almost time for you to meet your little one! Take it easy for the next couple of weeks and hope all goes well with the delivery!

My town is just not meant to be for new moms - there are no maternity clothing store of any kind and no baby stores of any kind either. That is, no Babies R Us, no Buy Buy Baby, not even a Toys R Us! I'd be vising those stores weekly if I had one nearby. I've been buying all my maternity clothes online. I might have to wait till it gets warmer and people start doing garage sales to shop for used baby items.

So I spent most of my weekend designing an Easter card to present to my in-laws when we go visit for Easter. It'll be our way of announcing the pregnancy. I really want to tell them in person and that's why we are waiting until Easter to share the news but I want a creative way to present it. I'll show it to you guys after I have it finalized!

I was surprised to learn that DH is strongly against painting the nursery! He said if I wanted to paint it he's not helping me! What's wrong with him?? That room is currently painted dark reddish brown - so not appropriate for a nursery! He says doesn't see a need to repaint it. I told him that EVERYONE paints and decorates the nursery but he didn't believe me. I asked him to go talk to his friends and coworkers with kids. Hopefully he'll change his mind!
Thanks Floridasian!

I spoke too soon apparently. Had my OB appointment today and guess what? Baby turned around. I know when it happened and everything. Last week, I spent the worst night from Tuesday to Wednesday. I woke up several times during the night and my belly hurt. I could feel the baby and his position inside of me hurt. I actually woke up to a sore bump. I suspected he might have turned but my belly looked the same. Now it turns out I've been stroking his butt instead of his head this last week :haha:

No C section for me. Which is good but I was already mentally prepared for a C section. Now I have to reprogram my brain for the prospect of a natural delivery. Overall it's better for me and the baby but I'm still scared. He's not a small baby and I'm afraid it will hurt a lot. So if anyone has any positive natural delivery experience, I'm more than happy to hear it!
Floridasian show hubby this...


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Suzy - so close! Glad the baby turned around. You will be fine!

FYI ladies - I just found out that my insurance covers a breast pump 100% - including the popular name brand ones. I had registered for the medela and it is covered - so just saved myself $250. I guess it is part of the new health care act that most insurance companies are required to either give a discount or cover it. Only downside is you have to order through their providers. Something to look into if you have not already done so! I had to actually CALL the insurance company to get the info because I could not find it easily on the website.
Suzy I was secretly hoping that there was still time for the baby to turn and I'm so glad he did!!

Beaglemom - those colors are bold indeed and I love it!! While a baby might outgrow pastel colors once they enter grade school I think the bolder colors might last into his teens! I did show it to DH and I think I might be able to slowly change his mind!

moni - thanks for the info. I think I've narrowed down to which breast pump I want and there's a medical supply place in town that advertises free breast pump so I'm hoping they would be knowledgeable on the popular state insurance plans in the area and tell me how much of it is covered. I know as of 2013 my insurance company was only paying up to $65 on an electric pump but things might have changed since then.

savvy - what's the sleeping arrangement like for your girls? I read it that you don't put them in cribs right away and a lot of people recommend pack n play with bassinets. Graco makes one for twins but it's more expensive than buying two singles which doesn't make much sense. What do you have?

I had a OB visit this morning. We went over all my labs that was done two weeks ago. My urine culture was a bit high for Strep B but some people just always have a small amount in their system so we repeated the test today and hopefully it wasn't elevated. Everything else was perfect! All my vitamin levels were great, and we did a quick scan and peaked at both babies again! They are now right on top of each other! The sonographer said it was like a bunk bed! Heart beat was 150 for Baby A and 160 for Baby B. I didn't get any pictures though.
Love the colors beaglemom! It looks great!

Floridasian, I read bad reviews of the double pack n it wasn't so strong in the middle. I went a bit overboard...we had 70 women at our shower so we got a ton of presents... I have two pack n plays and two Rock n play sleepers. We love the rock n plays...they are small, lightweight and the best part is they keep the babies on an angle which helps with my poor Mackenzies reflux. We swaddle them in the halo swaddles, they do so much better sleeping.

My babies are 100 days old today! Hard to believe.

One more tip...if you buy a swing get one with a light mobile. Both of my girls love the light spinning around. Also mirrors, I want to buy more. They smile at themselves in the mirrors. So cute!
Hi everyone! Glad to see everyone is doing good!

Suzy, glad to hear from you and to hear that baby turned! Not that a csection is terrible, but you should at least get to try the natural way right? Have yall decided on a name yet??

Moni, my insurance covered the name brands as well 100%, but read carefully what they're covering. It may be a medela, but like the medela mine covered didn't include a power cord to plug it in or a lot of the accessories that you may end up wanting. The medela that was covered thru mine didn't have the convenient tote bag for all the stuff either. Not to say that all the extra stuff would cost you $250 but it's nice to have it all included. With mine too, you couldn't even order it until after baby comes which would've sucked for me since I started pumping shortly after getting home from the hospital so that I could actually get some sleep and let my husband feed Owen.

Beaglemom, love the colors. They are definitely bold, but I like bold colors. Our dining room is like a bright Aqua kinda color. I love it, but my husband hates it. Lol. Is the nausea getting any better yet?

Floridasian, yay! At least one boy! So when do you really find out the genders? Thru an ultrasound at 20 weeks or so?? I can't wait!

Savvy, 70 women at your baby shower?! Holy crap! I don't even know 70 people! Lol. You sure got lucky with all the gifts though! And 100 days old already?! Wow! Time flies, doesn't it? How's the nanny working out for yall? I bet it's nice to have some help!

Owen was officially 4 months yesterday and getting bigger everyday. He has his 4 month check up and shots on Monday, I can't wait to see how much he weighs!


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Nausea is pretty much gone. Comes when I wake up in the middle of the night to pee. But it goes away eventually. Had my first appointment with my ob yesterday. Very cool. And today I feel like my belly popped. But I ate a lot today and I feel it is too early.


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Just wanted to pop in and say hey to beaglemom and floridasian, and I'm so so happy to read how well you ladies are progressing with your pregnancy! !!
Our insurance covered the Medea pump in style and a few others. I couldn't order it until 30 days before my due date...obviously I had the babies before i ordered the pump. When the lactation consultant came to my room the day after I delivered she was able to send the prescription down to the pharmacy at the hospital. About two hours later they delivered my pump. Mine has the pump and power cord but not any additional accessories like the car cords, bag, etc. they gave me a bunch of extra pump parts (flanges) and a hands free pump at the hospital. Take advantage of any extra freebies!

Our hall required 50 people for my shower. Between the two moms and my friends we invited around 80 and almost everyone came. We thought maybe it was the twin gender reveal that drew everyone to come. It was insane but very fun. I recommend asking for books instead of a card at the shower. There was a cute little poem on the invitation and almost everyone brought a book which started an excellent collection! The nanny is nice to have, it is nice to have some help and company during the day. I do most of the work myself but she is there to help when both need attention. Plus I can go out to the stores...I wouldn't feel comfortable alone.

Happy 4 months Owen!! How much does he weigh?

Glad you are starting to feel better beaglemom! Cute scan pic!
Thanks froggyfrog! Hope everything is going well with the adoption process!

Great ultrasound pic - beaglemom! I'm so glad your nausea is dying down. Are you in maternity clothes yet?

savvy - that's crazy how many people you had at your shower! I don't think I had 80 people total at my wedding! But you probably got a lot of stuff you needed for the girls so that was good!

Alison - Owen is simply adorable! :) Unfortunately I'll have to wait until my anatomy scan at 18 weeks to find out the genders of both babies. These intermediate appointments only come with a quick 10-second scans to check heart beats. Although I get to peek at the babies (and how big they've gotten) nothing else is checked. I was so tempted to book a private scan but DH thinks it's a waste of money. The only place in town that does it also wants you to wait till 16 weeks so 18 weeks is just another 2 weeks. I guess I can manage that.

We went to a consignment sale last week. I don't know why but they had it during the week and during the day instead of having it on the weekend. So by the time we got there at 5:30 (the sale only ran until 6) all the good stuff was gone! Pretty much all the strollers/cribs hardware type items were gone and only clothes and toys were left. It looks like there will be another one for the fall/winter so hopefully I'll be able to make it there when it opens next time.

Somehow I got an eye infection and I have a stye in my right eye. It's not super painful but it is a little swollen and slightly comfortable when I move around my eyes. I am debating whether or not I should go to urgent care to get it checked out or just wait for my next prenatal appointment on Wednesday.

My belly grew like crazy in the past week and half. There's no hiding that bump anymore! This was taken yesterday at 14W.


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That is great Floridasian on the bump. I am in maternity clothes...but I had a bump before pregnancy :) So they just feel more comfortable. I have 1 pair of work pants I wear with the band but otherwise I wear dresses yet because I don't think my bump is baby, so I hate seeing it right now. But my belly is getting tighter. No actually real weight fluctuates a maybe 5 lbs.

So I had a scare last night. All day was a hint of brown in my cm. Then I wiped before bed & it was red. My husband dr googled me & I felt a lot better. But I was so uncomfortable last night. So now back to brown but my lower abdomen near my left pelvic bone is tender. I called my nurse & told her I was not drinking enough water & I knew I was stretching over the my pap on Friday. She took note...told me to take it easy for 10 days. She offered a note for work but my boss is gone, so I will be at my desk all day. I am not really too concerned. She said to call if red came back & to drink a lot of water. I really think the little one is stretching out right now.
I'm sorry that you had a scare, beaglemom. I hate spotting. My last and only bright red spotting was at 8.5 weeks and I went in to get checked out the very next day. Everything was fine and I was told unless it was accompanied by severe cramping or I was soaking pads then there was no need to go in again. I'm sure everything is fine and your uterus is just expanding. When's your next appointment?

I also got the belly band but it only lasted me a whopping two weeks before that too got too tight!
Next appt is mid-April. I feel fine & just checked & very faint brown. She said I could go home if I needed. So I emailed HR to find out that policy. I think if I take time off during my pregnancy, it counts towards my FMLA. Benefit being I may use my 5 required days of PTO before I deliver so I would go right in to the disability pay.
Cute bump floridasian! I can't wait for your gender reveal either! Good luck with your eye, could you call your doc and ask? I hate urgent care with all the contagious people if I can avoid it.

Beaglemom, I hope everything is back to normal. Take it easy and try to stay off your feet this weekend. I would drink 100oz or more of water a day when pregnant. Now I drink between 160-200oz because I pump more milk.

Well tomorrow we are taking the girls on their first vacation! We are headed to my parents lake house for a long weekend! Should be exciting. I hope they do okay in the car, they usually sleep but the longest we have driven has been around an hour. This will be about 4 hours. I am just glad to get out of the house for the weekend.
Hey guys...bleding & spotting is gone. I am pretty sure it was the pap. But I am still tender. I think it is just a growth spurt happening. Also I started a headache last night. Ugh.
Thanks! We survived our first trip! They did great in the car and slept the entire way!

Glad the bleeding is gone beaglemom!
Suzy - your baby should be here any day now, right? Can't wait for your update!
How is everyone doing?
Still hanging in there floridasian? Is the bump getting bigger?

Any baby for Suzy yet?

How are you holding up, beaglemom? No more bleeding I hope.

Glad the twins did so well on the trip, savvy!

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