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All We Want For This Xmas... Is a Baby!!!

cant wait for u all to start testing x
AF showed up full force this morning. :( Gonna have my HSG done this month, but gonna hold off a month or so before I start another round of Clomid. I feel like my body needs a rest, and DH and I need some stress free time. Good Luck to the rest of you and praying for your :bfp: !!
AF showed up full force this morning. :( Gonna have my HSG done this month, but gonna hold off a month or so before I start another round of Clomid. I feel like my body needs a rest, and DH and I need some stress free time. Good Luck to the rest of you and praying for your :bfp: !!

:hugs: im so sorry af showed. I pray u get a surprise bfp at the end of your rest month x
AF showed up full force this morning. :( Gonna have my HSG done this month, but gonna hold off a month or so before I start another round of Clomid. I feel like my body needs a rest, and DH and I need some stress free time. Good Luck to the rest of you and praying for your :bfp: !!

:hugs: im so sorry af showed. I pray u get a surprise bfp at the end of your rest month x

So sorry AF showed. Good luck in the coming months and I agree with 3boys. When we were ttc # 2, I was getting too stressed out with it all so we decided to take a month off with no looking at the calendar, taking temps or opk's or anything and we'd start again the next month. Our 'month off' was when we got our bfp. So good luck and loads of baby dust!! xx
I cannot wait for this cycle to end! I have ewcm AGAIN! Its back?! I'm staring to think my body is really struggling to ovulate or something? I've ran out out of opk's so no idea if they would still be positive but if ewcm is back I can't have ovulated can I? What do I do? Just keep counting the day after my first positive opk as O day (making me 3dpo today) and see what happens?
sorry to hear about af lashay, i think i may take a month off too if this cycle is a bust...hope the break is what does the trick!

allstar, i wish i knew why your opks are so wonky :/ i never get ewcm but i've heard you can get it during other parts of your cycle sometimes. i would keep counting yourself as 3dpo but maybe keep bding (if you haven't tired yourself out yet) often until you know for sure, that way you don't have to worry if you've missed it.

i may start testing tomorrow instead of monday. i know its really early, but im taking my daughter to legoland tomorrow and she loves the roller coasters, so it would be good to know if i was pg just in case. i found a 3 pack of FRER on sale, so i can test 9dpo, 10dpo and 12dpo.
Oh good luck sixtwelve09!! Please let us know how you get on?! :dust:

Will try keep BDing at least every other day, hopefully that will be enough?
So sorry LaShay, like the others, am hoping some time out gives you the kick start you need.

Good luck sixtwelve, fingers crossed.

As for me, I'm cd12 and just getting faint lines on OPK and no ewcm yet but hubby and I are bding as often as we can as 14mth old has actually been sleeping at night for the last few nights!

Has only just occurred to me that I am still breastfeeding while TTC, that said it's only twice a day on average and maybe once (quickly) around 4am. Any thoughts on whether that's likely to effect O?
i will def let you know how it goes! i think bd'ing every other day would be great if you can handle it. then you'll know for sure you've covered all of your bases.
Hi ladies :hi:

I'm 12DPO today, tested this Morning with a FRER and BFN.. I'm pretty sure I'm out :sad1: This is our last month TTC for a few months so I am so heartbroken. Although, I did have a temp dip yesterday and then it came back up today I thought maybe "late implantation" but I don't even want to get my hopes up.. I'm sure FRER would have had at least a faint line, but nope :nope:

A lot more devastated this month, than any other </3

God bless you all :hugs: :dust:
Hi ladies :hi:

I'm 12DPO today, tested this Morning with a FRER and BFN.. I'm pretty sure I'm out :sad1: This is our last month TTC for a few months so I am so heartbroken. Although, I did have a temp dip yesterday and then it came back up today I thought maybe "late implantation" but I don't even want to get my hopes up.. I'm sure FRER would have had at least a faint line, but nope :nope:

A lot more devastated this month, than any other </3

God bless you all :hugs: :dust:

I'm so sorry..Don't give up hope!!
GM ladies...I'm also at CD1 again today (at 9DPO) because AF decided to rear her ugly face. Sitting at work, trying to hold it together...
Sixtwelve09 and KayD don't lose hope, neither of you are out yet! Good luck and babydust to you both.

So sorry your back at cd 1 smplyblessed. It's easily the worst day of the cycle isn't it. Lots of babydust for this month, good luck and if you need to talk we're all here! xx

As for me I think I'm around 4dpo, no symptoms but I'm not feeling that confident in this strange cycle so trying not to look for any!

Hope everyone is well x
so sorry to those who are out! todays test was :bfn: and im starting to feel pretty discouraged myself. I'm starting to shift my focus towards the next cycle and even though I'm dreading it I just want it to be here already so we can get on with it.
so sorry to those who are out! todays test was :bfn: and im starting to feel pretty discouraged myself. I'm starting to shift my focus towards the next cycle and even though I'm dreading it I just want it to be here already so we can get on with it.

You're not out yet! I know how you're feeling though, I've ordered a thermometer and opk's ready for next month but I'm dreading it too. It's AGES until I ovulate again!
I probably won't test again unless af is late. im grateful that the clomid at least worked and i did ovulate, so hopefully the dr doesn't need to go up on my dose. I do feel like if this next cycle isn't our lucky one, i need to take at least month off though. My daughter needs me to be present with her and this month i just could not seem to focus on anything that wasn't ttc.
Just a little update.. On 11DPO i had a temp drop from 98.5 to 98.0 so I thought i was defintely out, even though i was still way above my coverline. And then on 12DPO my temp went back up to 98.3 So i thought maybe "Late implantation" but I didnt want to get my hopes up. I tested on 12DPO and got a BFN, i was bummed. Today im 13DPO and my temp went back to 98.0, still no where near my coverline which is 97.2, AF is due tomorrow.. I have no signs of AF, so idk what to think. Going crazy over here :wacko:
I was going to test today, but with my temp drop i just decided not too.. If i miss AF i will test. But i dont have a good feeling about this month :nope:

Good luck, God bless, and lots of baby dust :dust:
Lots of baby dust & ++++ thoughts your way KayD! :) Your temp remaining up is a great thing!!

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