hi, thought i would put up my story.
from the age of 15 i developed anorexia, i stopped eating, if i did eat i would be an apple, and then i would exercise in my room loads on the evening.
the weight just seemed to drop off fast, i got down to 5st. my mam took me to the docs and i got weighed, heigh measured etc, saw a nutritionist, he sent me away after an appointment with him and said to come back 2weeks later. so i did, and when i saw him the 2nd time he told me that if i hadnt put on some weight, i would have been admitted to a eating disorders clinic, i had put on weight luckily.
the anorexia continued for a couple of years, it then developed into bulimia......i started off eating meals and then throwing them up afterwards......however i soon started binging and purging, at first i thought wow this is great i can eat the forbidden foods and still be skinny.
it got to the point tho where i couldnt stand having anything in my stomach. even drinking water made me feel disgusting and full.
then i had times where my weight would go up and down, when it went up i cut down what i binged on and exercised that little bit harder in the gym.
how i didnt collapse i do not know. i think part of me was waiting for that day my heart did just pack in. sad i know, but i was convinced i was never ever going to be free of it. this went on til i was 23 (last year) however, i fell pregnant in june/july 2009, i was bulimic severly at the time, and even though i knew i was pregnant i still amde myself sick. i get flash backs now and i hate myself so much for it. i sadly miscarried in august 2009. and i blame myself for it. ppl can tell me it wasnt my fault, but i am so sure it was. i was hardly healthy.
anyway, it sent me off the rails big time. i left the guy i was with and moved back home.
i carried on being bulimic, and focused on getting thinner and thinner, i cut down on food intake so whatever i was throwing up wasnt alot.
in april last year i met a new guy, i fell for him pretty instant. he made me feel special and loved instantly. i felt feelings i had never felt before ever.
however he is in the forces so is away alot and he also is based south. i live north.
i moved south to be with him, and in august last year (pretty much a year after i m/c'd) i know i fell pregnant veryyyyy quickly after being with this guy, but i love him and i knew instantly i was keeping my baby. but this time i was going to do it differently. i was going to focus on the growing life inside of me, not the eating disorcer which had detroyed to much of my life already.
so i stopped being sick, literally did just stop, stopped taking the anti depressants (fluoxetine) i was taken, threw them all in the bin.
and i havent binged or purged at all thru the pregnancy. i can honestly say i rarely think bout it. if i do its in disbelief that i ever ever let it get a hold of me like it did.
pregnancy has changed my body so much, but, i havent stopped eating, i eat meals, and snack in between, all for my little girl. i just wanted to give her the best start in life.
i handed over my body to pregnancy from the very start.
i know it might seem impossible to imagine that u will ever be free of it, i know it will still always be in my mind.
but its not part of me physically anymore, mentally yes, but not physically
and i am determined that after the birth of my lil girl i wont go back to it. if i feel as though i am i am going to get help instantly.
just thought my story might be inspring to some of you
as i know how hard it is living with an eating disorder for so long. its not nice.