Reading your posts makes me just want to give you and your daughter such a massive hug

Im doing quite well at the moment and when I think back to everything i put my family through im actually so ashamed of my behaviour and the way i treated them.Its really good that your daughter is 17 because once shes over 18 things get a lot harder treatment wise, especially if she still believes she hasnt got a problem.Your right about the doctors aswell, they assume that every parent has the time to sit down every meal time and reassure you while you eat

nobody has the time to do that! Theres nothing you could say or do right now that could make her eat and i know that must be heartbreaking because you want to be able to make it ok for her but right now she just cant see that your trying to help. I spent the last 3 years of school at a differant school that where more understanding and also because i had lost all of my friends.Its emotionally draining dealing with someone with an eating disorder, i hope i dont cause offence by saying this but personally i was (and still am at times if im honest) extreemly selfish in my actions, its a case of im doing this and if anyone trys to stop me then i'll do anything to make them leave me and my ed alone.You think your winning when everyone leaves because its proof that they never cared in the first place and really the things that go through your head are things no one in their right mind would ever even think about

No doubt the reason shes stopped talking to her friend is because her friend was trying to get her to eat, telling her she looked sick and things like that, she just wants to be alone with this right now but she cant be.Getting pains in her legs could be from over exercising, you might think she doesnt but unfortunatly when things are this bad its pretty usual to get up in the middle of the night and exercise in secret when everyones asleep

Is there long until she gets admitted? I would really push for it to be as soon as possible if you can, even if she gains 5lbs and says shes fine.I've done it before, gaining weight and pretending i was fine to escape treatment and looking back you always end up wishing you'd just accepted the help when you had the chance.For now all i can say is try not to get angry, shes already stressed out so much and as frustrating as it is it wont help either of you to shout.Oh and im sorry but i feel the need to mention this, does she use the internet a lot? Its just there are a lot of sites out there that girls think are for 'support' when in fact its really just sick people helping others to get sicker, so just be aware of that if she spends a lot of time online.Both you and your daughter might find this website helpful though, its a very good source of info and support, they have a forum for family and friends and also a forum for people going through it