Hi ladies
I don't really know if this is the place. I have never actually talked to anyone about this. I told my OH but he just tells me the usual you are not fat/don't be silly.
When I was 13 I all of a sudden gained a lot of weight. I used to be so naturally skinny when I was little so people would even ask if I was fed at home. But at 13 I got hips and boobs and all that and gained "a lot" (I thought then..), about 5 or so kg but was still average weight. My mum also kept going on about how my clothes don't fit any more and how those stretch marks are showing and my stomach are "hanging out" when sitting. I don't think she meant it in such a mean way but it really has stuck with me and is a huge deal of the reason why this has happened. I have tried telling her it hurt me but she just brush it off with "I never said that"..
I started eating for comfort. Hey, I was already fat enough as it is so why not just eat right? I got then 85kg at my heaviest (which now is not really that much compared to now).
At 15 I changed school and I moved into dorm rooms at my school. This is when I just couldn't be bothered being "fat" any more and with noone there to notice it got out of control. I pretty much stopped eating everything. Most days I survived on a little tub of yoghurt and loads of water. If I had a sandwich from the cafeteria at school I would feel awful for days. Most days I did nothing but sleep constantly to "survive" the feeling of being hungry. There was a lot of days I skipped school simply because I didn't have the energy for it. This created a huge problem for me because my parents thought I did it because I was lazy. I also started smoking because having a fag made me feel sick so it put me off food and so I felt sick instead of hungry. Very effective..
During this time I also worked every day I had off so it was either at school during weekdays or working in the weekends/vacations. It turned extreme in the summer I turned 16. I was working full time that vacation and my parents was away so again noone was watching how much I was eating. Combined with the heat that summer and the stress of working it became too much and I fainted 3 times in the toilet stalls and once at my desk (luckily noone was around). I was only out for about a minute or so I think but I didn't really realise that it was as bad as it was. I did throw up some times but I stopped out of fear that my dentist would notice and then force something onto me to fix my ED.
Thing is that while doing this I kept getting so many compliments about how much I had lost weight and how good I was looking from family and friends. So why stop eh?
So after school was done I went into full time at my job... for about a month. I got demoted to part-time because I was off too much, again because I didn't have any energy to do anything and I pretty much was just sleeping/distant most of the time. At this point I had pretty much figured out how to eat as little as possible without passing out so I just continued what I had done before but now I had a sandwich or pizza on Fridays when I was working and just water and maybe a plain krackerbread some days the rest of the week. At my lowest I was 45kg. Tried so hard to get lower but couldn't

My parents still thinking the reason I was so distant and sleeping all the time was because I was lazy and this has to this day made our relationship very tense. They still don't know.
Then I met my OH when I was 19

He is lovely. I moved in with him and everything was lovely. But I started gradually eating what he does out of fear that he would discover that I have an ED. After "eating normally" for half a year I soon started realising that what I had done before was quite insane and I don't get why I did it at all. For some time I just felt happy that I could eat what I wanted, my OH would still approve of my looks and I would not have to feel faint! It was great..
Now I am quite overweight. 96kg last time I checked, but I might even have gained even more since then. I feel disgusting and horrible and so pissed at myself for allowing this to happen. I'm also so mad that I have messed with my body so badly that I got stretch marks and cellulite everywhere.
So the past month I have gone back to old tracks. I'm eating nothing but a granola bar a day and drinking water. I also now pretty much sleep 13-14 hours a day and when I'm awake I don't have any energy to do nothing but lay down in bed. My OH thinks I'm ill but he has no idea really
I know this is going to mess up TTC and I should do it the proper way but it's so hard to shed myself of the thoughts I have. I don't want to feel like shit but I have to. My goal is nowhere near looking emaciated. But I just want to be THIN! Want to be perfect! If I find myself eating something "normal" my thoughts usually start running wild and I start gagging from having the food in my mouth. I feel sick of the thought thinking that that disgusting food is down in my belly. Want to just clean it all out!
Sorry for the long post. I guess I just really want to get it out in writing as I have never ever done it before. And if you have read this far then.. thank you.