It's when you feed baby while they are asleep.
For example Fran usually has her bedtime feed around 7pm and is asleep by about 7.30pm. About 11pm we gently pick her up without waking her, brush the teat of the bottle against her lips and she automatically starts sucking.
How is the gorgeous little Jaxon doing????
I see. Is that something you have to wait to do until they are a little older? I've tried just brushing the nipple against his lips while he is sleeping but he just doesn't take to it.
Jaxon is doing very well, thanks for asking. We're starting to establish somewhat of a routine which is a relief. Most nights he only wakes up twice.I think he might be having gas issues though because he gets really fussy and keeps needing his position changed. And it is difficult to get him to burp. think it's time to change formula?
It usually works best when they are down to one feed a night to try and get them to go longer or sleep through. So for example Fran has her bedtime feed around 7.30pm and usually wakes around 4am. The idea of a dreamfeed is to give her it around 11pm to see if she has her next feed later than 4am - unfortunately this has never worked with my princess because she is just greedy lol.
I wouldn't change formula just yet love. It takes a few weeks for little tummy's to get used to it. If he is having gas problems there are usually things you can give them to help release it. I don't know what they have in the States but here we have infacol which can be used from birth and gripe water which is suitable from 1 month old. I have found gripe water to be more effective but it's a pain having to wait until they are a month old to use it.
Fran's poo was very hard for the first few days after birth and it took weeks for it to get to a normal consistancy but we just kept going and gave her a little cooled boiled water to help soften things up a bit. It was just her tummy getting used to the formula.