Any big momma's out there?

No Hun I've always been able to feel utereus from about 12 weeks ish
Hi ya all I'm 5ft4 and before I got pregnant was in a size 22-24 my midwife said I would have to see a consultant because of my bmi but I was going to anyway cause of all my mc's.... Got my 12 week scan on Friday and I'm sooooo scared in the last 3 weeks I seen to have ballooned I can't fit into anything I know it's just bloat but I'm scared of what they'll say I already feel huge I don't need them saying anything... Did want to ask one thing when could you feel your uterus??? Has being bigger affected feeling it??


I started feeling my uterus at about 17/18 weeks having so much belly fat def affected that. I may have been able to feel it before that...but thats when I first recall noticing it. I had to press gently through some belly fat (not much though..not like normal) and all of a sudden I was touching something hard. :happydance:
I was about 14/15 weeks but i dident know what i was looking for.
Hi I am obese ( dress size 24) and have recently discovered i am pregnant, am now about 11 weeks and am feeling very alone, saw midwife a couple weeks ago with my husband and she was very negative about the whole thing, which has left me feeling anxious and questioning am i doing the right thing, we already have 1 son who is 5 and was not planning on more, but these things happen. I am not feeling excited like i did with my sons pregnancy, just very very worried and in a way embarressed, i know as soon as i go for scans etc i will be treated like a fat woman with no feelings!
Hi I am obese ( dress size 24) and have recently discovered i am pregnant, am now about 11 weeks and am feeling very alone, saw midwife a couple weeks ago with my husband and she was very negative about the whole thing, which has left me feeling anxious and questioning am i doing the right thing, we already have 1 son who is 5 and was not planning on more, but these things happen. I am not feeling excited like i did with my sons pregnancy, just very very worried and in a way embarressed, i know as soon as i go for scans etc i will be treated like a fat woman with no feelings!

gimgams thats awful that you were treated this way.
where abouts in country are you?
I have had nothing but positivity from midwives in community so far and I am a sz22.
With my first I was a sz 18 and community midwives were lovely with me it was only in the delivery stages that the midwife who delivered me was a real cow but I think she was a one off, as she passed me my baby she said "You must try and lose weight immeidatley now as if we have to perform a c section in future with general anaesthtic you may well die" LOVELY! NOt what you want to hear as baby is passed over to you!The sour faced cow had been a nightmare the whole way through and came in to my room an hour later grovelling and apologising, I think she thought better and thought I would report her!Could you imagine how much shit she would have been in? I was young and niave then and didnt report her,I was just thankful my baby was here safe BUT this time round if I get any negative comments about my weight I will reporting it as discrimination!!!!Not if its just facts and help in a polite manner but if its actual nasty remarks such as previous I will be reporting it and not putting up with being spoken to like a second class citizen again!!!!
Hi I am obese ( dress size 24) and have recently discovered i am pregnant, am now about 11 weeks and am feeling very alone, saw midwife a couple weeks ago with my husband and she was very negative about the whole thing, which has left me feeling anxious and questioning am i doing the right thing, we already have 1 son who is 5 and was not planning on more, but these things happen. I am not feeling excited like i did with my sons pregnancy, just very very worried and in a way embarressed, i know as soon as i go for scans etc i will be treated like a fat woman with no feelings!

Oh hon, sorry you're feeling like this. I am your size too and my experience has been pretty positive so far... am on midwife led care unless my GTT comes back with problems. How do you feel about asking for another midwife, or maybe writing the current one a letter explaining how you feel? I am sure that any health professional would respect that, especially if it said something along the lines of 'I know I'm big, and that that may cause problems later down the line. But I am also a pregnant woman with the right to enjoy her pregnancy and to recieve support and encouragement from my healthcare providers. Advice is welcome, criticism is not.'

That's what I'd do anyway!
I usually bring the size issue up before they get a chance to comment just because it plays on my mind after my previous experience and I want to gage how they lie on the subject! Some midwives are nothing but encouraging and not wanting to put any further pressure on to an already stressed pregnant woman. I told my mw at my booking appt that I am very concerned about my weight and she was a well padded lady herself and was really lovely and positive, believe it or not my bp is lowest it has ever been and I do think that is partly down to me feeling much better and supported despite my weight.
You can ask for another mw.
I think this time round I am actually going to explain previous experience with mw to my delivering mw and hopefully she will be more sympathetic.
Hi I am obese ( dress size 24) and have recently discovered i am pregnant, am now about 11 weeks and am feeling very alone, saw midwife a couple weeks ago with my husband and she was very negative about the whole thing, which has left me feeling anxious and questioning am i doing the right thing, we already have 1 son who is 5 and was not planning on more, but these things happen. I am not feeling excited like i did with my sons pregnancy, just very very worried and in a way embarressed, i know as soon as i go for scans etc i will be treated like a fat woman with no feelings!

Im really sorry you've been treated badly and feel bad about the whole thing. You shouldnt be though! Pregnancy is a special time and you should be able to enjoy it. If you see the same midwife next time let her know you dont appreciate the attitude problem!

Im the same size as you and was in my last pregnancy too. I can honestly say I only came across one doctor that was rude last time and should I see her this time I will flatten the cow!

Being bigger doesnt mean you cant have a healthy, safe and happy pregnancy. My only problem has been gestational diabetes in both pregnancies which quite honestly is borderline as I can eat like a pig and stay within the limits :haha:

Being pregnant Ive never suffered with the problems thinner women do, such as backache and I do belive its down to my body being used to carrying the extra weight anyway.

Scan wise, Ive had to hold my tum up a little but not once have I been made to feel bad about my weight. You certainly arent the first bigger woman to have a baby and they should be used to dealing with that. If they are in anyway rude let them know about it, walk out of the room and make a complaint while you are still in the hospital.
Hi I am obese ( dress size 24) and have recently discovered i am pregnant, am now about 11 weeks and am feeling very alone, saw midwife a couple weeks ago with my husband and she was very negative about the whole thing, which has left me feeling anxious and questioning am i doing the right thing, we already have 1 son who is 5 and was not planning on more, but these things happen. I am not feeling excited like i did with my sons pregnancy, just very very worried and in a way embarressed, i know as soon as i go for scans etc i will be treated like a fat woman with no feelings!

Please don't let your midwife get your down. Personally in my opinion you need to look for someone else. :hugs:

I am MUCH MUCH larger then you and my OB/Gyn has been nothing but kind and supportive of this pregnancy. She's been my gyno for years and when I went for my first pregnancy visit she was nothing but excited for me and supportive of the pregnancy. That's the kind of doctor/midwife you should find!

Please understand, compared to are tiny (which is hard for me to admit...but I think im finally accepting it...which will hopefully lead to me being able to change it after the baby is born.) I am 23 weeks pregnant right now and have had NO complications... ***knock on wood*** I am hoping to continue with a safe and healthy pregnancy until my little boy is developed enough to come out and go home! ;-) I figure im more then halfway to my due date...and at 23 weeks ive hit the first of the "possibly viable" milestones which is a relief.

The ONLY issue ive had with this pregnancy is that my ultrasound scans were not as clear as the doctors would like. Early in the pregnancy they were pretty I would lift up my lower belly and the dr would go under it to get closer to the worked VERY well. It was a bit harder for the later ultrasounds as the baby had grown up higher in the uterus so going under wasnt as clear and going over wasnt great either. However patience and good tech/doctors were able to get a view of EVERYTHING they wanted to see! :)

I dont anticipate that your ultrasounds will give you so much trouble at a size I have stated, I am MUCH larger then you should have a much easier time then me. Dont be afraid to suggest that the midwife/dr go under your belly early in pregnancy to get a better view. Im sure that when your baby bump shows up (which I have no doubt it will) they will have no trouble scanning over the bump. :happydance:

Make this a happy time for you and your family! Thats what it needs to be!! Good luck and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! :happydance:
I totally dumped my OB/GYN for not being supportive. I agree that this should be a loving and blessed time and positivity is a MUST for mommy! I am 41, 5'4" and 268 lbs. I have a lot against me, but I am not unaware of the risks. My husband and I chose to take this journey on and we will face the ups and down together...Big girls have been having babies for centuries!
Surround yourself with love and support throughout this blessed time and you will have all you need to survive any obstacles!
I love this thread! I always think i'm the only one this size and pregnant, then i come on here and read everyones stories. It really does make me feel better.

Thank you ladies x
Hi I am obese ( dress size 24) and have recently discovered i am pregnant, am now about 11 weeks and am feeling very alone, saw midwife a couple weeks ago with my husband and she was very negative about the whole thing, which has left me feeling anxious and questioning am i doing the right thing, we already have 1 son who is 5 and was not planning on more, but these things happen. I am not feeling excited like i did with my sons pregnancy, just very very worried and in a way embarressed, i know as soon as i go for scans etc i will be treated like a fat woman with no feelings!

Hi gimgams, welcome to the Big Momma's Club!

Firstly, congratulations on your pregnancy - if there was anything wrong with your body you wouldn't have even gotten this far. I was a size 26 when I fell pregnant and after trying to lose weight, eating healthily and stopping drinking failed to help it finally happened when I let myself go back to normal and be myself again - I had even put a stone on!

Since getting my bfp I have lost 2 stone - partly because of the morning sickness but mostly because I just can't eat as much as I used to. You might find this happens to you too but if not don't worry about it! As long as you're little one is getting the nutrients it needs that is all that matters.

I have been very lucky and my experience has been pretty positive so far - the only comments about my weight by my doctor and midwife have been simply to say that I would need to see a consultant at 16wks, I will need a glucose tolerence test and a recommendation that I give birth in hospital.

If I encounter anyone who tries to belittle me or put me down because of my weight then I will not hesitate to make a complaint and demand a change of care provider. I have never had any weight related illnesses and my blood pressure has never ever been high - I don't see why they should start now!

Please don't let this one encounter ruin your entire pregnancy experience - as you can see from this thread you are far from being alone when it comes to being a larger mum and we are here anytime you need a chat or to vent.

Good luck with everything and don't be afraid to stick up for yourself!!!
Girls u rock. I have been in a right pickle ref weight n everything that's been on the news in the UK.
Girls u rock. I have been in a right pickle ref weight n everything that's been on the news in the UK.

It's all a load of scaremongering clap trap!! It really annoys me when they have news articles like that!!!

Ok - so I'm fat! There is no denying it!

But I have never had a long term illness that requires medication or treatment, the only operation I have had in my life is my tonsils out when I was 14, I have never claimed a single penny in any type of benefit and have worked since I left school at 17 and so have been paying tax and NI for 14 and a half years.

If something occurs during my pregnancy or labour that means I require medical attention then I think I have bloody earned the right to it!!!

Sorry rant over - pregnancy hormones strike again hahahahaha!!!
i love your attitude ... this in my third pregnancy - i have kieran who is 5 in sept, and i had a mc in feb 2009. Also i have long term health issues (disabilities) which have hindered me loosing weight - i have a metal pelvis and a cyst on my spianl cord !!

i so hope i dont get grief as hubby willl be in afgan for 3 months and i will be home alone so to speak !

anyways thats my rant over xx
My little munchkin is on a roll! I had a lot of pushing on my pelvic bone this weekend..bladder too! :) such an awesome feeling :)
Well I have my consultant appointment at 9.20am so let's see how I get treated there - and god help them if they speak to me in a way I don't like lol!

Steph - I hope you have a positive experience. If you have health issues that prevent you losing weight easily then they have to take that into consideration - and shame on them if they give you any grief about it!

Thewrightsway - I have been feeling little flutterings for a few days now and hubby felt it briefly the other night - it's so amazing isn't it???

Well I will be back later to update on what happens - hope you all have a good day!!!!
so glad i found this site! Have been feeling very aprehensive about this pregnancy, due to my weight but reading some of the entries here makes me realise that no matter what my midwife has said it doesnt have to be all doom and gloom, some bigger women can have a pretty standard pregnancy. A big thanks
Hi! I am what doctors term "clinically obese" and just discovered a couple of days ago that I am expecting my first. Only about 4wks gone so still early days.

Are there any other "larger" mums-to-be out there that would like to become buddies so we can compare notes?

To be honest although I am so excited, I'm also pretty scared as I have no idea what to expect :wacko:

I am big also, and i would love to compare things. Do you have aim?
hi, big congrats, this will be my 2nd child, i have a 5 year old son already. This pregnancy was quite a surprise! I have never been a size 8 but i am now at my biggest and quite apprehensive. But have had lots of support from family and friends and this site, mw and docs like to point out lots of worst case scenarios, but not all big women have these problems, and have completely normal pregnancies.

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