A few more pics - the shot of DH with her is one of my most favourite so far![]()
Can't believe I have missed so much...I've had a terrible start to the year which has meant that I've just been too busy to check in on everyone...and then our internet went and broke....I just knew I was gonna miss the births.
So...massive congratulations to Amy on the birth of Solomon and to Betty on the birth of Francesca...they're both absolutely adorable. Well done ladies....I can't believe I've followed this thread for so long and now you've got your babies in your arms!
Without sounding like a completely hormonal drip...thank you for starting this thread Betty and thanks to everyone who contributes...it really does give us bigger women a place to see the positives of plus sized pregnancy and not just the negatives and gives those of trying to conceive much hope for the future. I hope that one day soon I will have such a joyous thing to look forward to.
3 cheers everyone!
Hey ladies just a qick update from me, I had a major bleed yesterday, my bp was vv low 50 over 30, I'm home now, but have an irritable uterus now n feeling very low, glad betty n bubs are doing so well.
Hugs to all.
Aw thanks for posting Ogre - a lot of it sounds like my story. I was fortunate enough not to need the pessary but I totally know what you mean about the need to poo - it turned into a bit of a joke cos I kept having to be unhooked from the monitors to go to the loo lol.
Well done love - I'm so jealous that you had a nice big baby and didn't need stitches!
all these lovely babys are being born. how exciting, hope your bottom problem resolves or the dr can give u somethin for it.
all these lovely babys are being born. how exciting, hope your bottom problem resolves or the dr can give u somethin for it.
It does seem to be healing and the swelling is definitely going down. I'm waiting for the midwife to come and visit today, she will give it a check over for me.
Francesca is having her heel prick test today - I've told Steve we can't cry if she gets upset when it's done lol.
How are things with you wannabemumma? It doesn't seem 5 minutes since I was 30wks!
Aw nice new house and new baby - how lovely!
Would love to see a bump pic if you feel confident enough to post one?
I'm formula feeding - to be completely honest breast feeding is just not something I ever thought about doing before getting pregnant and I've never had the urge to do it. I had a brief spell where I was fretting over whether to try or not, but I knew in my heart I didn't really want to and I just thought that if I wasn't comfortable trying then it would be stressful for both of us. What have you decided to do?
I'm really loving being a mum, we popped out to the shop on mon then for a meal that evening and I was so proud pushing her round and having people coo over her. I think it will be tough when Steve goes back to work but I'm hoping to get to a few groups and meet some more mums.
Oh wow that is a lovely bump!!!
Tips for hospital bag? Well I had a big case which had a zip up section in the lid where I put everything I would need for during labour and just after - toiletries, pants, labour t shirt, etc. Then I put all my towels, pj's, maternity pads, undies, going home clothes etc in the bottom part along with a bag containing everything for baby.
I've seen some ladies post that they take 3 different bags, but I managed to keep everything seperate and just take one case which keeps things tidier when you don't have a lot of space.
Oh and put a bottle of water in the freezer and take it with you when you go in. I got very thirsty but only wanted little sips in between contractions and found the defrosted water a godsend. You can also wrap a flannel around it and put it on your forehead for a bit to cool you down lol! Also some dextrose/glucose tablets give you a quick energy burst.
There is a sticky thread in third tri with lots of suggestions of things to take but once you have got everything together just post the list here and I will let you know how useful I found things or if there is anything else I can recommend.