So can you just help me feel confident that I'm hearing Him right?
Here's the story:
I was at a healing conference, and out of no where I was thinking of having twins, and I declared out loud "I WILL carry twins one day." I've always wanted Identical twins. Always. No idea why.
So anyways, later that night, someone on the healing rooms got very sparked and said that God wanted to heal someone's reproductive oragans. He was so pumped that he just yelled it out and asked if anyone needed this. I stuck up my hand and he came and prayed for me. (Later I was told that this man has never been so sparked to pray for something before.)
So after that I started getting cramps, so more people prayed for me and one of them got a vision of all my body parts in a whirlwind and God told him that they were being re aligned and were going to start working natrually.
So I was all pumped and when I got home I told Billy about it. He was excited too. The next morning, I was making breakfast and we were going to head off to Church. As I was making breakfast, out of no where I said to Billy, "I want to have another baby. A boy. Like now. So that he can be closer to Tobias' age." Billy kind of looked at me, then said "Okay." I replied "Really? You're good with that?" Then we discussed about how we want Tobias to have a brother, and how it would be nice for him to have that. (Tobias is nearly 5, so I don't want them to be too far apart)
So we go to Church and I was volunteering in the Nursery that morning, and a woman brought her 4 month old baby boy. I asked to hold him, so she passed him over. Then she just started me right in the face, with a kind of smile and said "You want another baby, don't you? You want a boy!"
I didn't know what to say...I was shocked!
So later I asked someone who I really trust what they thought of it, and she knows the girl who said that and verified that she has the prophetic gift. She then told me that when we have the initial thought, and someone then says something, that's confirmation.
So what do you guys think? Your input is very important to me.