Any ladies starting ivf in april !!!! ??????

Feeling really positive reading all your news ladies, I have wonderfully good feelings about this thread and this month ... fingers are crossed.

i have my first scan tomorrow to see how the meds are working. Hopefully all going ok, eggs are growing and we'll have ER next week, bit scary!

I havent really talked to too many people about it, my family know (my sister had IVF and has 2 year old twin boys) but I dont want to discuss it too much with everyone as I feel like that adds a level of pressure I cant really cope with.

Also my sisters embryos were medium quality not good or excellent and both took - gives me hope.

I feel quite calm, for some reason I just feel in my heart that this round wont work and I will get pregnant on my next round, I dont know why I feel like that but I do for some reason, at least it's keeping me from bouncing off the walls.
Ooh good luck tomorrow Faye! Fab news about your sister, lets hope you get the same :)

Em xxx
:hi: ladies
Sorry I haven't been on, been quite stressed out... Estrogen levels have been rising so no EC until they go back down! I'm in for bloodwork and a scan tomorrow...

trolley & em can't wait for you both to test :happydance:

betty I bet you have more follicles tomorrow :)

fay hope tomorrow's scan goes well :)
Scerena :hugs: I've got everything crossed for you for tomorrow

Em xxx
Morning ladies....
Scerena fingers crossed for your scan and bloods today hope they have come back to normalxx

Faye thanx for that lovely message put a smile on my face just shows it still can work....good luck with your scn today let us know how u get on!xx

Betty how u feeling today....good luck at your scan today too xx

Em how u feeling hun im having some crazy dreams they have wiped me out!!xx

Hope everyone else is doing ok?xxx
Trolley - me too! It started off with pregnancy ones but now it's anything!! I think it must be the progesterone!

Scerena and Betty good luck with scans/bloods today

I'm at work today. Had an emotional morning nearly broke down in tears already.

Enjoying a coffee break now

Em xxx
Oh bless u least being back at work its gonna take your mind of it a little gonna drive myself insane xx
Hi Everyone

Today is CD1 for me following my last chance to try before IVF (wasn't excepting it to work! - don't expect and you wont be disappointed). So in 21 days from now I will start downregging!! Going to the planning appointment on 13 April.

Wishing everyone out there the very best of luck whatever treatment you are having!!
Hi KaterineA good luck with your first appointment on the 13th let us know how u get on xx
I feel like the world's stupidest person!

So I went to the scan ... small follies, a fair amount of them, thin lining. Turns out I should have been taking 2 vials of the powder not one! It didnt say two on my schedule but I didn't even check the gm (age) it said on the bottle ... time wasted, now I have to double the dose and head back on Wednesday. The worse thing is that we are likely to find out if it has worked the two days Mr P's parents are with us in May ... everything happens the way its supposed to I think, but this seems just a little cruel of the universe.

The nurse also told me, when asked what number of follies was 'the norm' that up to 9 was perfect but that they have still continued on less than 4 ... that doesnt seem right to me. The clinic has a high success rate but still, I thought below 4 and it was cancelled.

She also said that less than 20% have eggs good enough to freeze, we would need 2 at least two to freeze if we were to have it for free, otherwise it would cost £2000 (rules of the pct). Also that most people get an embryo transfer at days 2-3 and very few get the blastocyst.

Any thoughts?
hey ladies :)

hey faye - awww sorry you aint being taking enuf :( id do summet like that jaja am so dpoey !!

erm shes right about the freezing not many make it my clinic said 20% also !!!!! i wouldnt go on what she said about the day of transfer tho becoz every lady is diff and on your 1st ivf ! its like a trail run !! you just dont know how it will pan out or how good your embies will be if you have like 10 embies then its a good chance that they will make it to blast :) if you have less they dont like too risk it it all depends on your age if your 30+ your less likely too get embie to blast etc and to freeze,

all i can say is have no expectations take baby steps with it all and if you get too blast or freeze its bonus !
tbh if your having your cycle for free then just think of it that your lucky too get it free and if you cant afford too freeze then so be it iam paying 4000+ on this cycle so if you have too pay for freezing its not too much dont know why it would be 2000 that confuzes me becoz its about 500-600 too freeze then if you have too pay for your fet its about 1200 x

trolley- how are you today bet it feels like its dragging lol

emily - sorry you have had an emtional morning :(

afm - i have 20 follicles i have 14 over 16mm and 6 over 12mm they have bein growing about 3mm a day so she said the rest will probely catch up !!!

EC is defo monday !!! wahoo !! i get my time tmro after noon too take trigger and mondays time ekkk

i have being feeling off today so when she scanned me she said i have retained abit of fluid and that it looks like mild OHSS so i have to watch out and phone up if i have symptoms :mad: !!!
Betty - that's fab news hun!! Yay!

Faye - sorry to hear you weren't taking enough, hopefully things will start to speed up now :)

Em xxx
Hey ladies how is everyone feeling ???

Emily- 5dpt5dt ekkkkkk 10dpo !!! Not long now untill you can find out !!!! :D

Trolley - 3dpt5dt not long for you either when did you say u was testing ?
Hey Betty yep I did very well not to test this morning. I just wanna know!!!

Em xxx
Morning ladies

Betty thats great news i knew they would get there!

Em when u testing eeek?How u feeling any symptoms?

Faye sorry to hear that im sure u will get going now!!

I dont know when to test ;/defo after this bank holiday anyway dont want to put a downer on the weekend!!

Scerena how r u ?

Trolley - not feeling anything at all , what bout you?

Em xxx
Emily- good on you for not testing don't know how you can I have no patience !!

Trolley- yeah if you test after bank holiday then you will be 6dpt ? That's a good time too start testing ekk!!! X
Hi girls, just keeping up with this thread as haven't posted on this one in a while - my news is on another one!

Anyway trolley I'm on the same schedule as you, I had 2 top quality 5-day blastos transferred on 1 May and got 5 top quality ones to freeze so it has gone really really well. I'm 3dp5dt today and theories terrine is making me really dizzy when I stand up. I'm also having bad insomnia but that isn't uncommon for me.

Good luck and babydust to all! Xx
Betty too late... I tested. Whoops.

However. I got a bfp!! Fingers crossed it sticks and its not the trigger (shouldn't be tho, I got a bfn at 3dp5dt)

It's very faint, but here's hoping!!

Em xxx
Ekkkkkkkkkkk em !!!! Wahoooooo!!!! Congrats !!!!! Can you post the test ?? Ekkk !!! An exited for you fx for beautiful progression now :D !!!!! Xxxx

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