Thanks for the good luck ladies
I am now PUPO with 1 "perfect embryo" which is a hatching blast OTD 21/05/13 (my ohs birthday)
It was that perfect that the consultant would not transfer two, he said if it was day 3 he would transfer two or if this embryo was down graded a bit then he would consider two...
He went on to say about if he puts a lower grade one in also and I miscarry that one it could bleed into the good one and he wouldn't want to risk loosing the good one...
He said he done 10 transfers today and put two back in on every one, but he said if they had embies like mine he wouldn't put two back...
After me arguing for ages I agreed to one as I didn't have a choice and what he said makes sense
They will call me tomorrow to let me know if any of the other 3 are suitable to freeze
chase gl with ET it iris how exciting
if your remaining embies are looking good tomorrow they will wait until day 6 and freeze them as they can see which ones are strong- well that's how it works at my clinic
weird why they said that to you it doesn't make sense??
betty we have the same OTD!!! Wishing you all the luck in the world
mrsg so sorry to hear that
you're still in with a chance
em that's good they do that I think
hope you're doing okay???