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Any one else hoping to get pregnant in March?

:hugs:Wow Lintu and congrats! I cant beleive you are controlled enough to wait until Sat, I would have poas 10 times over by now! I def think its possible to get a bfp after 5 weeks.:thumbup:

Work is still hard, but coming on here to say hello during lunch is helping. Was so tired after first day that I was in bed by 8 last night - sorry for not catching up. Well my bad back and sore boobs are still around, now Im getting strong cramps very low. Im thinking this is not ovulation signs but in fact mc after effects. Its 13 days since erpc and although it seems like a lifetime ago it isnt that long for body to have settled probably. Going to do another hpt at the weekend and hoping for my bfn. Stil dtd every other night jsut in case though :happydance:

How is everyone doing?
Holly Im getting good with all my vitamins, I take a prenatal, folic acid, omega 3 and baby aspirin with a gulp of grapefruit and ts honey! A little morning ritual for me.

Has the bleeding stopped Hanskiz? Are you feeeling better?

Sorry to hear Oh is not being supportive WoodyA, I have no idea what men think or for what reason, but my OH says the worst things at the worst times and never normally means it, but is so stubborn! Hopefully you can 'relaxingly' try?! :hugs:
How is everyone doing?
Holly Im getting good with all my vitamins, I take a prenatal, folic acid, omega 3 and baby aspirin with a gulp of grapefruit and ts honey! A little morning ritual for me.

Has the bleeding stopped Hanskiz? Are you feeeling better?

Love your ritual! :haha: I'm going to get some grapefruit juice this afternoon.

The bleeding is less thanks, but STILL spotting. I'll get my blood results this evening so I'm hoping for a reasonable decline. Feeling much better now - pain is gone so FX'd I'm over the worst now! :happydance:

I hope everyone is ok today? :hugs:
My hubby doesn't wanna try until June


So I'm out of this thread :(
hi woody, Im so sorry to hear this.... :hugs:

after my recent 10th loss, on february 26th, I am just about to give up. I need to get pregnant this month or I am going to be so dang upset. my hcg levels are completely down since last week. so I am hoping I can really do it this month.

hi 9, Ive had 3 mc and I can only imagine what you're going through. sending you lots of cyber :hugs:

:hi: ladies, how is everyone?
afm: had some AF like cramps and backache early this morning. it really felt like AF was about to show up but shes not due until Sat...pains are completely gone now...

So Im 11 dpo and my cycle isnt due until next wed. Im on a 33 day cycle. Do I test over the weekend? I start acupuncutre tom.. yah :) I have had this cramping on and off never had that before af was due. but maybe things are different after a d and c....?
:hugs:Wow Lintu and congrats! I cant beleive you are controlled enough to wait until Sat, I would have poas 10 times over by now! I def think its possible to get a bfp after 5 weeks.:thumbup:

Work is still hard, but coming on here to say hello during lunch is helping. Was so tired after first day that I was in bed by 8 last night - sorry for not catching up. Well my bad back and sore boobs are still around, now Im getting strong cramps very low. Im thinking this is not ovulation signs but in fact mc after effects. Its 13 days since erpc and although it seems like a lifetime ago it isnt that long for body to have settled probably. Going to do another hpt at the weekend and hoping for my bfn. Stil dtd every other night jsut in case though :happydance:

How is everyone doing?
Holly Im getting good with all my vitamins, I take a prenatal, folic acid, omega 3 and baby aspirin with a gulp of grapefruit and ts honey! A little morning ritual for me.

Has the bleeding stopped Hanskiz? Are you feeeling better?

Sorry to hear Oh is not being supportive WoodyA, I have no idea what men think or for what reason, but my OH says the worst things at the worst times and never normally means it, but is so stubborn! Hopefully you can 'relaxingly' try?! :hugs:

Love your moring ritual! I take prenatal and folic acid. what does omega 3 do and baby asprin? Im going to talk to the acupuncturist tom. and see what he recommends to take to help increase chances of conceiving. Ill keep you girls posted :)
How is everyone doing?
Holly Im getting good with all my vitamins, I take a prenatal, folic acid, omega 3 and baby aspirin with a gulp of grapefruit and ts honey! A little morning ritual for me.

Has the bleeding stopped Hanskiz? Are you feeeling better?

Love your ritual! :haha: I'm going to get some grapefruit juice this afternoon.

The bleeding is less thanks, but STILL spotting. I'll get my blood results this evening so I'm hoping for a reasonable decline. Feeling much better now - pain is gone so FX'd I'm over the worst now! :happydance:

I hope everyone is ok today? :hugs:

Glad to hear you feeling better and the bleeding is down to spotting! let us know the results of your blood levels. Good luck thinking of ya!
Help! I can't get the lid off the honey!

haha, Omg! you have me cracking up. I remember my mom use to take a spoon and lift under the lid of the pickles to get it to pop so you couldunscrew it... Good luck with the honey :)
:hugs:Wow Lintu and congrats! I cant beleive you are controlled enough to wait until Sat, I would have poas 10 times over by now! I def think its possible to get a bfp after 5 weeks.:thumbup:

Work is still hard, but coming on here to say hello during lunch is helping. Was so tired after first day that I was in bed by 8 last night - sorry for not catching up. Well my bad back and sore boobs are still around, now Im getting strong cramps very low. Im thinking this is not ovulation signs but in fact mc after effects. Its 13 days since erpc and although it seems like a lifetime ago it isnt that long for body to have settled probably. Going to do another hpt at the weekend and hoping for my bfn. Stil dtd every other night jsut in case though :happydance:

How is everyone doing?
Holly Im getting good with all my vitamins, I take a prenatal, folic acid, omega 3 and baby aspirin with a gulp of grapefruit and ts honey! A little morning ritual for me.

Has the bleeding stopped Hanskiz? Are you feeeling better?

Sorry to hear Oh is not being supportive WoodyA, I have no idea what men think or for what reason, but my OH says the worst things at the worst times and never normally means it, but is so stubborn! Hopefully you can 'relaxingly' try?! :hugs:

Love your moring ritual! I take prenatal and folic acid. what does omega 3 do and baby asprin? Im going to talk to the acupuncturist tom. and see what he recommends to take to help increase chances of conceiving. Ill keep you girls posted :)

If you check my journal in my siggy- I just yesterday posted about Omega 3.. and there was a thread this morning about aspirin too if you want to check that out :hugs:
Panic over, disaster averted! I manged to get it off. I cracked it one on the worktop and it came off like a dream. Phew!!
:hugs:Wow Lintu and congrats! I cant beleive you are controlled enough to wait until Sat, I would have poas 10 times over by now! I def think its possible to get a bfp after 5 weeks.:thumbup:

Work is still hard, but coming on here to say hello during lunch is helping. Was so tired after first day that I was in bed by 8 last night - sorry for not catching up. Well my bad back and sore boobs are still around, now Im getting strong cramps very low. Im thinking this is not ovulation signs but in fact mc after effects. Its 13 days since erpc and although it seems like a lifetime ago it isnt that long for body to have settled probably. Going to do another hpt at the weekend and hoping for my bfn. Stil dtd every other night jsut in case though :happydance:

How is everyone doing?
Holly Im getting good with all my vitamins, I take a prenatal, folic acid, omega 3 and baby aspirin with a gulp of grapefruit and ts honey! A little morning ritual for me.

Has the bleeding stopped Hanskiz? Are you feeeling better?

Sorry to hear Oh is not being supportive WoodyA, I have no idea what men think or for what reason, but my OH says the worst things at the worst times and never normally means it, but is so stubborn! Hopefully you can 'relaxingly' try?! :hugs:

I know I still had weird cramps around 2 weeks after my d&c.. but it's honestly hard to say if it was from that or from O or what. SO FRUSTRATING :growlmad: I wish I knew what was going on with my body! That's awesome that you're still keeping up that every other night routine with :sex: I've not really cared enough to try- especially seeing my OPK pretty much blank- a faint, faint line- so I know O isn't near- we HAVE been together but I am not being consistent with it at all.

I Hope you get a BFN~ I know that's one of those big hurdles to overcome!
I am 6DPO and noticing nothing interesting. I am dying for a few cramps or something. Even a twinge would do to give me something to obsess over! I have decided that I am going to do a FRER on Saturday morning, I know it will only be 9DPO but I just have the urge and I think that is the earliest to test for a positive result?
Hi all,
I am hoping for a March BFP. I miscarried 22 Jan at 6 weeks exactly.
Just finished my first af, am currently on CD7 and usually ov about CD 20 so in about 2 weeks. Anyone else around the same time?
Hello Phonexrising, so sorry for your loss. I had an erpc on 24.2 so have not had an af yet but was hoping to catch ovulation before af came, so I have no idea what day Im on!!! But still hoping for a bfp in march. good luck to you too.

Holly thanks for reply, have mainly been trying to keep dtd regulary so OH cant blame me for obsessing (im trying to make out its all for him - mean I know) and I dont tell him that im obsessed with March!!!! Trying to keep those sperm healthy! I have never done an opk so other than the few symptoms i have I have nothing to go by other than luck! Hvae you got any other signs of O? :hugs:
This morning I finally remembered to test with a ovulation stick :) It showed a faint line so its time for xxxxxxx over the next few days.
I had a funny cycle after my m/c.
If you counted m/c as CD1 I ovulated on CD26 and cycle length was about 40

Although I did seem to ov and my temps vaguely followed a usual pattern of sorts my temps were higher than normal (so they did the same sort of pattern but above where it would normally be) so I'm waiting to see how this cycle goes. We certainly had a good stab at catching last month, but it didn't happen for us, so we are going for it again this month.
So I went for my blood work this morning and I've just spoken to the hospital... I'm now at 130. I'm trying not to be too disappointed but finding it hard to keep my chin up. That is a very slow decline. They want me back next Tuesday to check again. Booo.
Feeling very p***ed off now and just wishing this was all over. How am I supposed to move on when I'm still bleeding and I know my levels are going so slow. Absolutely gutted. :cry:
I am 6DPO and noticing nothing interesting. I am dying for a few cramps or something. Even a twinge would do to give me something to obsess over! I have decided that I am going to do a FRER on Saturday morning, I know it will only be 9DPO but I just have the urge and I think that is the earliest to test for a positive result?

I am 11dpo today and I have been cramping on and off... Never had that before af was due. I did a test yesterday and it was a BFN :( Im not really sure when to test if Im on a 33 day cycle. b/c if i test tom then its still too early b/c the test says 6 days before your missed af.... this all is so frusterating! good luck w/ your testing let us know how it goes! :)

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