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Any one else hoping to get pregnant in March?

So I went for my blood work this morning and I've just spoken to the hospital... I'm now at 130. I'm trying not to be too disappointed but finding it hard to keep my chin up. That is a very slow decline. They want me back next Tuesday to check again. Booo.
Feeling very p***ed off now and just wishing this was all over. How am I supposed to move on when I'm still bleeding and I know my levels are going so slow. Absolutely gutted. :cry:

Keep your head up... when I had my d and c it took me 2 months for me to drop to zero.... think about how everytime I wanted to try again for another baby we couldnt b/c i was still testing postive for hcg. so stay positive and dont get down on yourself. your body will handle things for you and everything will fall into place. put a smile on your face and dont worry! :)
:hugs:Wow Lintu and congrats! I cant beleive you are controlled enough to wait until Sat, I would have poas 10 times over by now! I def think its possible to get a bfp after 5 weeks.:thumbup:

Work is still hard, but coming on here to say hello during lunch is helping. Was so tired after first day that I was in bed by 8 last night - sorry for not catching up. Well my bad back and sore boobs are still around, now Im getting strong cramps very low. Im thinking this is not ovulation signs but in fact mc after effects. Its 13 days since erpc and although it seems like a lifetime ago it isnt that long for body to have settled probably. Going to do another hpt at the weekend and hoping for my bfn. Stil dtd every other night jsut in case though :happydance:

How is everyone doing?
Holly Im getting good with all my vitamins, I take a prenatal, folic acid, omega 3 and baby aspirin with a gulp of grapefruit and ts honey! A little morning ritual for me.

Has the bleeding stopped Hanskiz? Are you feeeling better?

Sorry to hear Oh is not being supportive WoodyA, I have no idea what men think or for what reason, but my OH says the worst things at the worst times and never normally means it, but is so stubborn! Hopefully you can 'relaxingly' try?! :hugs:

Love your moring ritual! I take prenatal and folic acid. what does omega 3 do and baby asprin? Im going to talk to the acupuncturist tom. and see what he recommends to take to help increase chances of conceiving. Ill keep you girls posted :)

If you check my journal in my siggy- I just yesterday posted about Omega 3.. and there was a thread this morning about aspirin too if you want to check that out :hugs:

K thank you.! i will def. read about them. willing to do anything that could increase our chances! :)
So I went for my blood work this morning and I've just spoken to the hospital... I'm now at 130. I'm trying not to be too disappointed but finding it hard to keep my chin up. That is a very slow decline. They want me back next Tuesday to check again. Booo.
Feeling very p***ed off now and just wishing this was all over. How am I supposed to move on when I'm still bleeding and I know my levels are going so slow. Absolutely gutted. :cry:
:hugs: I know how you feel. sending you lots of cyber :hugs:

I am 6DPO and noticing nothing interesting. I am dying for a few cramps or something. Even a twinge would do to give me something to obsess over! I have decided that I am going to do a FRER on Saturday morning, I know it will only be 9DPO but I just have the urge and I think that is the earliest to test for a positive result?
hey lyo! I am itching over here too. Im due to test on Friday but am so tempted to test tomorrow... :wacko: I don't know how early you can test but I have heard of women getting faint lines at 9dpo... good luck! :hugs:

So Im 11 dpo and my cycle isnt due until next wed. Im on a 33 day cycle. Do I test over the weekend? I start acupuncutre tom.. yah :) I have had this cramping on and off never had that before af was due. but maybe things are different after a d and c....?
:hi: crc! cycles seem to change after a m/c, mine didn't but everyone is different. when do you normally test? because I know my LP is 12 days, i always test on 11dpo.. it's so tempting but i refuse to test earlier than that.. LOL good luck to you too! :hugs:
So I went for my blood work this morning and I've just spoken to the hospital... I'm now at 130. I'm trying not to be too disappointed but finding it hard to keep my chin up. That is a very slow decline. They want me back next Tuesday to check again. Booo.
Feeling very p***ed off now and just wishing this was all over. How am I supposed to move on when I'm still bleeding and I know my levels are going so slow. Absolutely gutted. :cry:

Hey Hanskiz, so sorry I forgot you had your repeat bloods today. I know they are not zero but they are going down. Did they give you any reasons for slow decline? It must be hard to be positive but remember you have lots of support and it wont take long to get from 130-0. :hugs:

I started spotting this avo so thinking the back pain etc was due to that, why would I start again now?! Thinking of poss going back to the doctor to see if I can get my levels checked but he was adament on not doing it last time I went in, could I just make a nurse appt without a doctor asking for bloods. Or potentially going back to work promted the spotting? Either way, body is doing what it wants.

There are quite a few threads on aspirin and hollys link on omega 3 is good. Im just hoping it all works soon!
Hey Hanskiz, so sorry I forgot you had your repeat bloods today. I know they are not zero but they are going down. Did they give you any reasons for slow decline? It must be hard to be positive but remember you have lots of support and it wont take long to get from 130-0. :hugs:

I started spotting this avo so thinking the back pain etc was due to that, why would I start again now?! Thinking of poss going back to the doctor to see if I can get my levels checked but he was adament on not doing it last time I went in, could I just make a nurse appt without a doctor asking for bloods. Or potentially going back to work promted the spotting? Either way, body is doing what it wants

Sorry to hear about that. It might be worth going back to GP if it carries on. Or ring the EPU - that's what I did.
They said the slow decline could be either perfectly normal or a sign of retained products. Joy.
I know they're going down and that's good but if they carry on at that rate it'll be another 2 weeks before reaching 0. Another 2 weeks of waiting to move on. I don't think I can muster any positivity this evening so I'll leave you all for tonight and try and cheer up for tomorrow.

:hugs: to everyone and thanks for all your support. I need it!!
Another 2 weeks will be hard, but def not impossible, especially if it ensures you are healthy for your next pregnancy. I cant believe we've been through 2 weeks already, each day passes a little easier for me, it may be because work is so hectic that the day finishes quicker?! So, when will you find out what the problem is? I hope they are going to deal with you quickly and not leave you waiting. Ill always be around if you need a rant.x

Do you think they will check my bloods?
So I went for my blood work this morning and I've just spoken to the hospital... I'm now at 130. I'm trying not to be too disappointed but finding it hard to keep my chin up. That is a very slow decline. They want me back next Tuesday to check again. Booo.
Feeling very p***ed off now and just wishing this was all over. How am I supposed to move on when I'm still bleeding and I know my levels are going so slow. Absolutely gutted. :cry:
:hugs: I know how you feel. sending you lots of cyber :hugs:

I am 6DPO and noticing nothing interesting. I am dying for a few cramps or something. Even a twinge would do to give me something to obsess over! I have decided that I am going to do a FRER on Saturday morning, I know it will only be 9DPO but I just have the urge and I think that is the earliest to test for a positive result?
hey lyo! I am itching over here too. Im due to test on Friday but am so tempted to test tomorrow... :wacko: I don't know how early you can test but I have heard of women getting faint lines at 9dpo... good luck! :hugs:

So Im 11 dpo and my cycle isnt due until next wed. Im on a 33 day cycle. Do I test over the weekend? I start acupuncutre tom.. yah :) I have had this cramping on and off never had that before af was due. but maybe things are different after a d and c....?
:hi: crc! cycles seem to change after a m/c, mine didn't but everyone is different. when do you normally test? because I know my LP is 12 days, i always test on 11dpo.. it's so tempting but i refuse to test earlier than that.. LOL good luck to you too! :hugs:

yeah this is the first real af since miscarriage so We havent been trying. so I havent been testing so I wasnt real sure when to test. I am day 12 tom. and I tested today but it was negative.... didnt know to wait to test later b/c my cycle is 33 days so my cycle isnt due til next wed. yeah I always wanna test early its very tempting. but mine was negative today :( I guess I will wait til this weekend to retest.
So I was just reading online does anyone know anything about the Pregnancy Miracle book? or ever heard anything about it?? Just curious.
Another 2 weeks will be hard, but def not impossible, especially if it ensures you are healthy for your next pregnancy. I cant believe we've been through 2 weeks already, each day passes a little easier for me, it may be because work is so hectic that the day finishes quicker?! So, when will you find out what the problem is? I hope they are going to deal with you quickly and not leave you waiting. Ill always be around if you need a rant.x

Do you think they will check my bloods?

They will check my bloods again on Tuesday. Depending on the outcome they may or may not decide to scan and look for 'retained products'. Yuck. To be honest I'm pretty sure there is something wrong - the pattern of bleeding is weird, the pain is weird, the hormone levels are weird. However as it is all within 'normal' range they are reluctant to waste time on me I think. Fair enough I suppose - it could all just be in my head. :wacko:

Are you still spotting? When are you off to the Doc?
I honestly don't know if they'll check your bloods. If you are bleeding and still testing + on an HPT it would be a logical step to take. :thumbup:

I'm going ot see how it goes today and if I have any more pain or heavy bleeding I'm going back to EPU and insisting they DO something. Otherwise I guess I'll just wait it out. You're right, 2 weeks is not that long really - I just had got so fixated on a March BFP that I forgot about the bigger picture. April BFP anyone???? :hugs:
Another 2 weeks will be hard, but def not impossible, especially if it ensures you are healthy for your next pregnancy. I cant believe we've been through 2 weeks already, each day passes a little easier for me, it may be because work is so hectic that the day finishes quicker?! So, when will you find out what the problem is? I hope they are going to deal with you quickly and not leave you waiting. Ill always be around if you need a rant.x

Do you think they will check my bloods?

They will check my bloods again on Tuesday. Depending on the outcome they may or may not decide to scan and look for 'retained products'. Yuck. To be honest I'm pretty sure there is something wrong - the pattern of bleeding is weird, the pain is weird, the hormone levels are weird. However as it is all within 'normal' range they are reluctant to waste time on me I think. Fair enough I suppose - it could all just be in my head. :wacko:

Are you still spotting? When are you off to the Doc?
I honestly don't know if they'll check your bloods. If you are bleeding and still testing + on an HPT it would be a logical step to take. :thumbup:

I'm going ot see how it goes today and if I have any more pain or heavy bleeding I'm going back to EPU and insisting they DO something. Otherwise I guess I'll just wait it out. You're right, 2 weeks is not that long really - I just had got so fixated on a March BFP that I forgot about the bigger picture. April BFP anyone???? :hugs:

Morning Hnakiz, you are sounding a little happier this morning? April is still very close :thumbup:
I spotted yesterday but nothing today. No af type pains, just a sore back and boobs for last few days. I honestly think anything is possible after a mc, this could be mc, O or af - who knows! Im going to do a hpt tmrw morning and if its + see if I can get a doc appt for bloods. I think Im too nice to my doc and need to be more assertive.

Its seems so silly to not scan you to check and to wait for bloods, if theres something there then you need to have it taken out asap I thought. Youd think they would just scan you seeing as you were there.:growlmad: I would go with your instinct and be more demanding, if you feel there is something wrong then see if they can scan before weekend. :hugs::hugs:
Morning Hnakiz, you are sounding a little happier this morning? April is still very close :thumbup:
I spotted yesterday but nothing today. No af type pains, just a sore back and boobs for last few days. I honestly think anything is possible after a mc, this could be mc, O or af - who knows! Im going to do a hpt tmrw morning and if its + see if I can get a doc appt for bloods. I think Im too nice to my doc and need to be more assertive.

Its seems so silly to not scan you to check and to wait for bloods, if theres something there then you need to have it taken out asap I thought. Youd think they would just scan you seeing as you were there.:growlmad: I would go with your instinct and be more demanding, if you feel there is something wrong then see if they can scan before weekend. :hugs::hugs:

I'm not sure I'm feeling any happier - less miserable more p***ed off perhaps?! Physically I feel sort of ok today - pain is minimal (but there) bleeding also minimal (but also there). Did HPT which was BFN. Kind of wishing I'd never gone in on Monday but I really was in pain and it was actually quite scary; but if I'd not gone in I'd be none the wiser about hCG levels and merrily accepting the BFN. I'd still be bleeding though (sigh).

ANYWAY I feel alright so I'm going to take it day by day. If I get bad over the weekend I'll be back in to EPU if not I'll wait. Who knows what could happen. Maybe when I get my bloods back on Tuesday they'll be 0 (I should be so lucky)!!

I think you're right about being assertive with your Dr - if you feel that there is something wrong then go with that instinct, nobody knows your body better than you do. I'm glad to hear the spotting has stopped. :thumbup:

How are all you ladies today? Feeling positive about March BFP's? :happydance:

:hugs: to all. x
I'm quite down!

I really wanted to try asap (bleeding has stopped and my sex drive is through the roof so I think my body is trying to tell me something!)

Problem being DH wont try until after our hol in June- he does not want me to miscarry again while we are away.

He said he doesn't wanna have to go to hospitals etc in America and claim insurance, BUT the only reason I went o hospital is because I was scared, if (god forbid) it happened again early I would know what was happening, if I was on holiday I would just have to deal it and have my bloods checked on my return?! Physically I don't think I've required a doctors input at all

What do you think?
I'm hoping to discuss tonight?
I'm quite down!

I really wanted to try asap (bleeding has stopped and my sex drive is through the roof so I think my body is trying to tell me something!)

Problem being DH wont try until after our hol in June- he does not want me to miscarry again while we are away.

He said he doesn't wanna have to go to hospitals etc in America and claim insurance, BUT the only reason I went o hospital is because I was scared, if (god forbid) it happened again early I would know what was happening, if I was on holiday I would just have to deal it and have my bloods checked on my return?! Physically I don't think I've required a doctors input at all

What do you think?
I'm hoping to discuss tonight?
I'm quite down!

I really wanted to try asap (bleeding has stopped and my sex drive is through the roof so I think my body is trying to tell me something!)

Problem being DH wont try until after our hol in June- he does not want me to miscarry again while we are away.

He said he doesn't wanna have to go to hospitals etc in America and claim insurance, BUT the only reason I went o hospital is because I was scared, if (god forbid) it happened again early I would know what was happening, if I was on holiday I would just have to deal it and have my bloods checked on my return?! Physically I don't think I've required a doctors input at all

What do you think?
I'm hoping to discuss tonight?

:hugs: Sounds like a difficult one.

On the one hand your DH is trying to protect you from the possibility of m/c on holiday which is very noble of him. On the other hand I totally understand that for you TTC is part of the 'moving on' process. It's a tricky one. :wacko:

Have you made it clear to him why you want/need to TTC again? I think that men grieve differently often and maybe he doesn't understand where you're coming from? Maybe he isn't ready to go down that path - it's only fair that he has time to grieve too.
I think sitting down and discussing - and being completely honest about what it is you want and why is the only way to resolve this one. I DO see why he is taking this stance and am sure it is because he cares about you and doesn't want for you to be frightened etc on holiday, but there is no saying that you will m/c again - infact it is unlikely - so perhaps point that out to him too!

I'm sorry I can't be more help. I hope you come to a resolution that you're both happy with. :hugs:

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