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Any one else hoping to get pregnant in March?

So went to acupuncture today! :) Im 12dpo and when I went to the bathroom earlier there was some brown cm.... maybe early spotting before AF... :( Im super sad... but Im glad that my period is back on a 28th day cycle! So if this brown cm is indeed the witch then Im going to be okay with it, b/c the Acupuncturist said that your body has to be balanced in order to carry a healthy baby and thats exactly what I want! he mixed me up some herbal granulation drinking 2 times a day. I was asking him questions about all the royal jelly and honey and things and he recomended taking your prenatals, and folic acids and keeping your stress down or obsessing over trying to get pregnant! He said you need to have your body completely ready to carry a baby for 9 months. He said to take time heal and let things happen. He told me mediation is a big part of getting your body ready to conceive. So Im excited Im on the right path. Made my day better b/c I opk and was postive 12 days ago and I tested today a BFN! but its ok I just want a healthy baby when God is ready to bless us ALL he will!! Good luck everyone Baby dust to all in the 2 ww :)
So went to acupuncture today! :) Im 12dpo and when I went to the bathroom earlier there was some brown cm.... maybe early spotting before AF... :( Im super sad... but Im glad that my period is back on a 28th day cycle! So if this brown cm is indeed the witch then Im going to be okay with it, b/c the Acupuncturist said that your body has to be balanced in order to carry a healthy baby and thats exactly what I want! he mixed me up some herbal granulation drinking 2 times a day. I was asking him questions about all the royal jelly and honey and things and he recomended taking your prenatals, and folic acids and keeping your stress down or obsessing over trying to get pregnant! He said you need to have your body completely ready to carry a baby for 9 months. He said to take time heal and let things happen. He told me mediation is a big part of getting your body ready to conceive. So Im excited Im on the right path. Made my day better b/c I opk and was postive 12 days ago and I tested today a BFN! but its ok I just want a healthy baby when God is ready to bless us ALL he will!! Good luck everyone Baby dust to all in the 2 ww :)

glad to hear it went well today..:thumbup:
So went to acupuncture today! :) Im 12dpo and when I went to the bathroom earlier there was some brown cm.... maybe early spotting before AF... :( Im super sad... but Im glad that my period is back on a 28th day cycle! So if this brown cm is indeed the witch then Im going to be okay with it, b/c the Acupuncturist said that your body has to be balanced in order to carry a healthy baby and thats exactly what I want! he mixed me up some herbal granulation drinking 2 times a day. I was asking him questions about all the royal jelly and honey and things and he recomended taking your prenatals, and folic acids and keeping your stress down or obsessing over trying to get pregnant! He said you need to have your body completely ready to carry a baby for 9 months. He said to take time heal and let things happen. He told me mediation is a big part of getting your body ready to conceive. So Im excited Im on the right path. Made my day better b/c I opk and was postive 12 days ago and I tested today a BFN! but its ok I just want a healthy baby when God is ready to bless us ALL he will!! Good luck everyone Baby dust to all in the 2 ww :)

I've just been to see the lovely woman who sorts my back out and she recommended acupuncture to help me rebalance. And then I got home and saw your post!
Would you recommend it? If I do go for it are there any particular questions I should ask or anyhting I should know?
I have had acupuncture before for insomnia when I was a teenager and it totally cured me so I have high hopes but would like to hear from someone who is having it for similar reasons... :thumbup:
Hi ladies :flower:

As many of you know I am still waiting to stop bleeding post ERPC. What I want to know is how long did you wait after bleeding had stopped before DTD??
Because mine keeps stopping and starting I've been saying 48 hours bleed free before getting busy - just wondering if anyone else did this or did you just DTD as soon as you had a bleed free day??

Any input greatly appreciated. I'm getting pretty frustrated incase you hadn't guessed!! :blush:

Thanks :hugs:

the NEXT day for me! I didn't wait long! :haha:
Gem: FXd for you!! :thumbup: :hugs:

CRC25; sorry you're feeling sad... happy to hear your appt with the accupuncturist went well, he/she seems like they know what they're talking about. baby dust you as well...

hanskiz; I didn't wait after 1st cycle or anything. as soon as I stopped spotting I was DTD right away... good luck :thumbup:

So went to acupuncture today! :) Im 12dpo and when I went to the bathroom earlier there was some brown cm.... maybe early spotting before AF... :( Im super sad... but Im glad that my period is back on a 28th day cycle! So if this brown cm is indeed the witch then Im going to be okay with it, b/c the Acupuncturist said that your body has to be balanced in order to carry a healthy baby and thats exactly what I want! he mixed me up some herbal granulation drinking 2 times a day. I was asking him questions about all the royal jelly and honey and things and he recomended taking your prenatals, and folic acids and keeping your stress down or obsessing over trying to get pregnant! He said you need to have your body completely ready to carry a baby for 9 months. He said to take time heal and let things happen. He told me mediation is a big part of getting your body ready to conceive. So Im excited Im on the right path. Made my day better b/c I opk and was postive 12 days ago and I tested today a BFN! but its ok I just want a healthy baby when God is ready to bless us ALL he will!! Good luck everyone Baby dust to all in the 2 ww :)

I've just been to see the lovely woman who sorts my back out and she recommended acupuncture to help me rebalance. And then I got home and saw your post!
Would you recommend it? If I do go for it are there any particular questions I should ask or anyhting I should know?
I have had acupuncture before for insomnia when I was a teenager and it totally cured me so I have high hopes but would like to hear from someone who is having it for similar reasons... :thumbup:

Today was my 2nd visit. I went one month ago and he help me be aware of my stress and help me sort things out and help me balance situations in my life making things less stressful and he made me a herbal granulation mix and I miscarried in sept last year and he help me have my first normal period that came in 28 days and only last 7 days which was normal before the miscarriage to me. so before I went today I had some brown cm when I wiped and its been one month since i have last been. so thats exactly write for me to have af again. Even though husband and I tried this month and even tested postive with opk thought we would be successful,but doesnt look like it this time.... oh well theres only next time. so anyways he has me reading this book and balancing myself out so that my body isnt a hostile enviroment so when i do get pregnant again that I will be able to carry a healthy baby... he said that acupuncture will decrease chances of miscarriage again! which is very good news to me... so today he told me to get thru this cycle and then we will be ready to start working on getting my pulses ready for a pregnancy.... so until then he told me to take my prenatals and folic acid and continue working on myself and mediating to keep a normal balance within myself. I feel better all over if that makes sense.... I am totally excited to see what comes of this.... I asked him how many couples he has helped with conceving and he said 29... so i would just ask questions as if they think they can help you with conceiving and if they have helped other couples before... just ask any question that comes to your mind. I email my acupuncturist back and fourth and he answers all my questions and makes me feel very comfortable.... so good luck and I would def. give it a try.... having your body balanced can only help in conceiving :) let me know if you decide to go!
Gem: FXd for you!! :thumbup: :hugs:

CRC25; sorry you're feeling sad... happy to hear your appt with the accupuncturist went well, he/she seems like they know what they're talking about. baby dust you as well...

hanskiz; I didn't wait after 1st cycle or anything. as soon as I stopped spotting I was DTD right away... good luck :thumbup:


Thank you very much! I was really hoping for a BFP this month but its okay at least im on the right path with getting a normal af and getting my body balanced and ready to carry a healthy baby! :)
Hi ladies :flower:

As many of you know I am still waiting to stop bleeding post ERPC. What I want to know is how long did you wait after bleeding had stopped before DTD??
Because mine keeps stopping and starting I've been saying 48 hours bleed free before getting busy - just wondering if anyone else did this or did you just DTD as soon as you had a bleed free day??

Any input greatly appreciated. I'm getting pretty frustrated incase you hadn't guessed!! :blush:

Thanks :hugs:

the NEXT day for me! I didn't wait long! :haha:

Same for me Hanskiz, no waiting!
Thanks a lot for the input ladies.
The issue I'm having with starting DTD again is that every time I think the bleeding has stopped there is a little more. Like yesterday - nothing all day and all night, then this morning a clot, then nothing since. I don't know what to make of it and I really don't want to risk infection. Aaarrrggghhhh!

I'm hoping we can start again at the weekend but who knows!
Thanks a lot for the input ladies.
The issue I'm having with starting DTD again is that every time I think the bleeding has stopped there is a little more. Like yesterday - nothing all day and all night, then this morning a clot, then nothing since. I don't know what to make of it and I really don't want to risk infection. Aaarrrggghhhh!

I'm hoping we can start again at the weekend but who knows!

I bet you're ready to pull your hair out!! Frustrating I am sure! I know I'd rather bleed BUCKETS and just get it done and over with. ((SIGH)) I hope it subsides so you can get to baby making!!!!
Hi girls, sorry not been around much been all kinds of crazy!! Just doing a quick fly by and will read through tomorrow xxx did another test today and still faint :shrug: bought a CB digi at lunch, gonna test FMU tomorrow and see what that says xxxx
I bet you're ready to pull your hair out!! Frustrating I am sure! I know I'd rather bleed BUCKETS and just get it done and over with. ((SIGH)) I hope it subsides so you can get to baby making!!!!

It's driving me mental!! I get all excited about DTD again and then along comes a little more blood. So unfair!!

On the bright side my mum has offered to buy me some Royal Jelly and I am hoping to get an acupuncture appointment next week. So when we do get back to BDing it's all systems go!! I've been reading about Fertilitea too - does anyone know anything about it or have you tried it? Looks like it could be a good natural therapy to try.

Anyway, despite the bleeding and everything I do feel a lot better than earlier in the week. I think I've resigned myself to having to wait it out and am just doing as much to prepare myself for when we CAN start again so that I have the best possible chance of conceiving quickly.

:hugs: to you all and FX'd for all you in the 2ww. Hopefully I'll be joining you soon!! x
im new to this forum but i saw this thread and thought i could relate better to this one, i have one two year old daughter and am happily married for almost two years, recently we have been trying to conceive, starting about a year ago i was on the Mirana IUD and it failed twice, so i miscarried twice, it was devastating, i went to my doctor several different times (it was like we lived there) they never once checked the IUD to see what position it was in or if it was correctly doing its job, i was concerned so i switched doctors and they immediately found a problem, the IUD was out of place and creating an IMMENSE amount of scarring, they had to do surgery to remove it, i was put on the pill after that, but went off it about a month later (my body hated the hormones) i will never suggest or use an IUD ever again nor will i suggest that doctor to anyone, they are a bunch of losers. anyways, in the last few months we have had two miscarriages,:cry: the doctors keep telling us to just hang in there it will be ok and to keep trying it will happen, i am feeling hopeless at this point, but we are still trying, i have been exercising and eating right and everything, im not unhealthy or overweight or anything. my last ovulation was about a week ago, and as of today my period is 2 days late, so i have a shred of hope but not much, this is how they all started.....so i was just wondering if anyone on here had any advice or maybe went through something similar or can relate? i really need a boost. thank you!:flower:
Hi girls, sorry not been around much been all kinds of crazy!! Just doing a quick fly by and will read through tomorrow xxx did another test today and still faint :shrug: bought a CB digi at lunch, gonna test FMU tomorrow and see what that says xxxx

Everything crossed for you!! :happydance:
im new to this forum but i saw this thread and thought i could relate better to this one, i have one two year old daughter and am happily married for almost two years, recently we have been trying to conceive, starting about a year ago i was on the Mirana IUD and it failed twice, so i miscarried twice, it was devastating, i went to my doctor several different times (it was like we lived there) they never once checked the IUD to see what position it was in or if it was correctly doing its job, i was concerned so i switched doctors and they immediately found a problem, the IUD was out of place and creating an IMMENSE amount of scarring, they had to do surgery to remove it, i was put on the pill after that, but went off it about a month later (my body hated the hormones) i will never suggest or use an IUD ever again nor will i suggest that doctor to anyone, they are a bunch of losers. anyways, in the last few months we have had two miscarriages,:cry: the doctors keep telling us to just hang in there it will be ok and to keep trying it will happen, i am feeling hopeless at this point, but we are still trying, i have been exercising and eating right and everything, im not unhealthy or overweight or anything. my last ovulation was about a week ago, and as of today my period is 2 days late, so i have a shred of hope but not much, this is how they all started.....so i was just wondering if anyone on here had any advice or maybe went through something similar or can relate? i really need a boost. thank you!:flower:

Hello and welcome. :flower:
So sorry to hear of your losses. :hugs:
We are all here because we have suffered a loss so we know exactly how you feel. I hope that you can find the support you need here. You can tell us anything, rant and rave as much as you like, and ask any questions you need to. The ladies here are all experts!!
I suppose the only advice I can personally offer is to keep doing what you're doing - eat healthily, take your prenatals, keep DTD but most importantly; don't give up hope. It WILL happen for you. I know it's hard to keep being positive, I often fall by the wayside, but if you can keep picking yourself up and keep trying and try to keep smiling it will happen. Share your journey with us and we'll do everything we can to help and support you.

Sounds like you might not need us mind! FX'd for your sticky one this month.

Desperately sorry for all of your losses. Lots of :hug: and :kiss: to you all xoxo

Thought I'd join this group because I am desperately trying to get pregnant this month. I lost my daughter Erica :angel: at 25 weeks last December. This month I have decided to ttc. I have bought pre seed and cb opk, so I am prepared and stocked up. I should o on tuesday/wednesday:happydance: so wish me luck.

:dust:all round

Desperately sorry for all of your losses. Lots of :hug: and :kiss: to you all xoxo

Thought I'd join this group because I am desperately trying to get pregnant this month. I lost my daughter Erica :angel: at 25 weeks last December. This month I have decided to ttc. I have bought pre seed and cb opk, so I am prepared and stocked up. I should o on tuesday/wednesday:happydance: so wish me luck.

:dust:all round

Welcome and good luck!! :hugs: xx
So I just got my hcg result from today....14!!

I'm also getting pains ???ovulation pains

Who knows but we dtd last night and hopefully will continue

DH hasn't mentioned protection or anything so I'm gonna keep quiet and hope we have a surprise BFP!
So I just got my hcg result from today....14!!

I'm also getting pains ???ovulation pains

Who knows but we dtd last night and hopefully will continue

DH hasn't mentioned protection or anything so I'm gonna keep quiet and hope we have a surprise BFP!

Brilliant!! How long is it since you m/c? Did you have a natural or D&C/ERPC? Ovulation pains :happydance: Great news. FX'd for your surprise BFP!!

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