Any Other December Babies?

Well, I just got my BFP today after TTaL for about 5 months. It's still early days but I should be due around December 8th based off my ovulation signs and when I got my positive pregnancy test. I've looked around but can't seem to find any December threads. Not really looking to start one officially but wondering where the other December babies are. Surely there are more of us out there?

Anyways, I've decided to be positive this time around. It's the only way I'm going to survive the first tri as I'm not getting any special treatment and won't even see my doctor until 12 weeks.

Congrats :happydance: I'm due December 7th! H&H9 :flower:
Ok so I spoke to the early pregnancy unit this morning and I have a scan booked in for Friday 19th April, I would be 6 weeks and 3 days. I'm having an early scan because of a previous ectopic, so very anxious.

My due date is dec 10th....
In my first 2 pregnancies, I had no nausea until 6 weeks. With this one, it started at 10DPO. It can vary between people and might not be the same with different pregnancies.

My AF cramps have stopped,but now I have cramps off and on in my lower right side of my back. I think I am getting a UTI as usual in my pregnancies.
No weird cravings yet other than maybe the occasional slurpee craving. I normally don't care for them but when I started desiring one I thought....maybe I'm pregnant! They were a huge craving with my DS. Made DH happy as he loves them. Right now I'm making my own smoothies as a healthier alternative to the sugary slurpees. It works because it's really the crushed ice that I'm craving.

I have noticed that the baby doesn't like bananas (boo!) or broccoli. Baby also doesn't like coffee but that aversion is mild enough I ignore it. I only ever drink decaff so I figure a cup a day won't be too bad.

And I find the stretching cramps reassuring. My last pregnancy I didn't really get any and the baby never grew past 6 1/2 weeks. So I want to feel my uterus stretching! My pants are already tight. I keep bugging my husband that it's twins. LOL

I've heard craving crushed ice is an iron thing.
I haven't has any nausea at all yet. I only had it with dd from 7 weeks to 9 weeks and it was very mild and only if my stomach got too empty. My mom never experienced morning sickness with a singleton preg either and I've heard it's hereditary.

Good luck at your scan galvan I hope it gives you some peace of mind! With a. Transvaginal they should be able to see the sac by now I don't know about abdominal.
I haven't has any nausea at all yet. I only had it with dd from 7 weeks to 9 weeks and it was very mild and only if my stomach got too empty. My mom never experienced morning sickness with a singleton preg either and I've heard it's hereditary.

Good luck at your scan galvan I hope it gives you some peace of mind! With a. Transvaginal they should be able to see the sac by now I don't know about abdominal.

I hope so too. My mum didn't have morning sickness either. I've been lucky so far with no nausea. I'm prefering salt, spicy, hot over anything sweet.
Oh thats very interesting. I cant ask my mum as I wont be telling her for another few weeks. We're not massively close. maybe after the 8 week scan.

Goodluck with the scan Galvan. when are you having it?
Gutted, just realise that the due date calculators work on a 28 day cycle, and because I have a 33 day cycle that makes me 4 weeks 1 day pregnant.... Instead of 4 weeks and 6 days...

I've already booked my scan for a week Friday thinking I would be 6 weeks and 3 days, but now ill only be 5 weeks and 5 days, should I re-book it and wait until I'm in my sixth week or just go on the dat planned? Worried I wouldn't be able to see much?
I havent had any nausea yet at all. Is this ok at 4+2? Im hoping its just too early for nausea and its not a bad sign? Ive had back ache and breast tenderness/heaviness. Some twinges in the abdominal area but not alot.

Well I'm 4weeks 3days.... No nausea... A little quesy when I'm hungry... More hungry than normal... VERY tired... Breasts a TINY but sore... Cramps (like pinching)... A bit of indigestion after meals.... See the doc on Wednesday.... Nervous as anything that there's something wrong!!! Hope its just me being mad! What symptoms have u got?

Ok, that makes my feel a bit better, thank you :flower:
Ive had back ache, no constant but usually in the evenings. fatigue every day except for yesterday, and breasts have been sore in the morning & evenings since I got my bfp. Im seeing the doc tomorrow. Although I recently had to change doctors and I dont love my new one. :growlmad:

Seeing doc tomorrow :happydance: Thats exciting!! Good luck for that!! Im a bit moody today :growlmad: Where are you from?
Gutted, just realise that the due date calculators work on a 28 day cycle, and because I have a 33 day cycle that makes me 4 weeks 1 day pregnant.... Instead of 4 weeks and 6 days...

I've already booked my scan for a week Friday thinking I would be 6 weeks and 3 days, but now ill only be 5 weeks and 5 days, should I re-book it and wait until I'm in my sixth week or just go on the dat planned? Worried I wouldn't be able to see much?

Im going on wednesday at 4weeks and 5 days...... apparently tranviginally they will see something? I just want to make sure all is going well......
I had a transvaginal U/s at 4 w2d and we saw nothing. My RE even thought that bleeding was AF due to this, but obviously not. I think it was just too early. Good lock with your u/s Dynamicmae. :hugs:
Dynamicmae you're going for a scan in before 5 weeks? I didnt know it was possible? what will you see?

Yes, doc tomorrow. I went in to her last friday, but because I wasnt actually "late" yet she wouldnt confirm the pregnancy. It was my own fault for being so impatient as usual! So Il be 2 days late tomorrow, and my lines are getting darker so she HAS to confirm it tomorrow! lol

Im from the south of Ireland :flower:
Gutted, just realise that the due date calculators work on a 28 day cycle, and because I have a 33 day cycle that makes me 4 weeks 1 day pregnant.... Instead of 4 weeks and 6 days...

I've already booked my scan for a week Friday thinking I would be 6 weeks and 3 days, but now ill only be 5 weeks and 5 days, should I re-book it and wait until I'm in my sixth week or just go on the dat planned? Worried I wouldn't be able to see much?

Im going on wednesday at 4weeks and 5 days...... apparently tranviginally they will see something? I just want to make sure all is going well......

Thanks Denamicmae, all the best with you ultrasound on Wed, let us know how it goes.
Anyone in the 4th week? Curious what symptoms you've got? The only really symptom with me so far is tender breasts, but they're not omg painful.....
Hi Everyone!

I am new to this forum... I just got my BFP on Saturday then another one with a digital test this morning. I haven't been to the doctor yet but judging by my last period, I will be due around December 6th. Since I don't think I ovulated until a little later, I think it could be a little later than that but we will see. I am going to the doctor this week. Looking forward to getting to know all of you and being bump buddies! Congrats everyone!!!
I'm down in the south. Near Waterford. And thank you! :hugs: I have Pcos and we got our bfp on our 4th month of Clomid. Im thrilled....and very nervous. But trying not to let the nerves ruin it. We've decided to book an 8w scan to ease our minds. Will you have an early scan?

How did you find clomid? bet it's worth any of the side effects now though! I was on it a few years ago and had the worst hot flushes!
I'm def going to have an early scan, I'm going to book it at about 10weeks, I want to be sure everything's ok before I go telling anyone.
I'm down in the south. Near Waterford. And thank you! :hugs: I have Pcos and we got our bfp on our 4th month of Clomid. Im thrilled....and very nervous. But trying not to let the nerves ruin it. We've decided to book an 8w scan to ease our minds. Will you have an early scan?

How did you find clomid? bet it's worth any of the side effects now though! I was on it a few years ago and had the worst hot flushes!
I'm def going to have an early scan, I'm going to book it at about 10weeks, I want to be sure everything's ok before I go telling anyone.

I actually found the clomid grand. I was lucky. I had some mild side effects the very first month, but my body seemed to get used to it very quickly. Im also on metformin daily. Again, the first week I had some side effects but nothing since then. All the tears and heartache of the last year are worth it to see those two lines! It still doesnt seem real most of the time.
We decided to go for the 8w scan because I am the most impatient person in the world!! :haha: Its €100 but my VHI covers the entire cost so i figure why not?! I think im going to go public in general though, how about you?
Anyone in the 4th week? Curious what symptoms you've got? The only really symptom with me so far is tender breasts, but they're not omg painful.....

Hi nicky
I think I'm in the 4th week and I have sore boobs, racing heart and mild cramps.
I'm 4w1d and I have:

* frequent urination
* reflux
* cramps (occasionally)
* round ligament pain when I stretch or stand up from sitting
* and I nearly threw up this morning at the smell of my daughter's nappy

Other than that, I don't feel pregnant at all. I'm making the most of it while it lasts because I anticipate the beginnings of MS next week :haha:
I'm 4 weeks 1 day. The only symptoms I have are sore boobs and stretching pulling like cramps. I'm out of pregnancy tests that came with my 50 PK of opks so I took an opk today and it came up pos within 5 seconds I guess it's true those will be positive when you are pregnant! I've also had ovulation type pain in both ovaries but worse on my left side. Anyone else have that? I'm not too worried about ectopic bc of all the pulling in my uterus. Also I think I felt implantation around 9 dpo. Oh frequent urination too!

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