Any Other December Babies?

I'm not sure we'll see anything... Hopefully!! And I'm sure doc will redo betas to make sure they up since last Thursday's test. I'm sooooo glad to see I'm not the only one who worries!!! I feel so nervous that there's something wrong.
My symptoms @ 4+3weeks: Slightly tender breasts.
Cramps (like af and O twinges)
Reflux after meals.
Love this blog!! Everyone is so talkative ;)

Yes come to think of it I've had backache too!! I keep worrying because the cramps feel very similar to AF cramps but not so intense just very mild, if you know what I mean, and ache type feeling. Sorry for the TMI but has anyone else had loose stools? Worrying because most of the sites I've read say constipation is a early pregnancy symptom, well I haven't got that!!!!!

I've had loose stools too, literally had to rush to the toilet! I don't remember having that with DD but looks like its not uncommon. Lots of cramps too.
I do betas tomorrow and then I have the scan on Saturday. She said that witin a week we should see a difference.
I'm so excited - my boobs hurt! As of yesterday they are full on sore! I was so worried about that before. I have a feeling morning sickness will hit about 7 weeks, I'm starting to feel noticeably sick in the morning and after I eat large meals :)

my sickness is exactly the same!! yeah boobs hurting have been my major symptom!! im a nervous wreck for my scan too, so excited but scared. bet i wont sleep tonight!!
I start to feel sick after being awake for an hour and not eating, but I can't eat right when I wake up because it makes me sick. I can't eat large meals either, I eat about a little over half what I did at a meal.
Ladies, Ive just spent the entire morning in tears..and Im here to rant!!:cry:

I mentioned before that i went to my doctor last friday to confirm the pregnancy, but she wouldnt because i hadnt actually missed a period yet. So my OH and I went back in today to have it confirmed. She had said last friday that we could just drop a urine sample into the reception and shed ring me, but after almost a year ttc, and 4 rounds of clomid, we wanted to get the most amazing news of our lives from the doctor in person!
So we went in today, and before my bum hit the seat she told me I was"wasting an appointment", she said I shouldnt have gone back in and that I was wasting her time. She is not my original doctor (she went travelling) so I said that I understood that she hadnt been on this journey with us, but that this is massive news for us and its important that we got the news in person. She said I was "taking up time for patients who really need it". I told her Id be finding another doctor and left in tears..I though my OH was going to jump across the desk!

So I presented myself to another clinic in town immediately and explained what had just happened. They couldnt agree to take me right away, but I just got a phone call to confirm that they will take me.

I was soooo upset that the glimmer had been taken off our big news, and angry that she treated me like that.

On a positive note, the second doctor DID confirm my pregnancy thankfully!

(sorry for the long post)
galvan - congrats on the scan! I hope they see beautiful growth on the next scan!

ready2bmum - that sounds awful! Can't believe the doctor was so rude to you!

AFM - had some more spotting. It's light brown and only when I wipe but it's also pretty wet at times. It comes and goes. I'm assuming I'm still pregnant as I bled a lot with my son but I also know it can go the other way. Feeling really discouraged. :( My symptoms are coming and going but they always do that at this point so don't know how to read it. Yesterday, I was quite nauseous in the morning. Today I am not.

The good news is I convinced my doctor's office to see me on Monday so I don't have to wait for May 7th anymore.
Ladies, Ive just spent the entire morning in tears..and Im here to rant!!:cry:

I mentioned before that i went to my doctor last friday to confirm the pregnancy, but she wouldnt because i hadnt actually missed a period yet. So my OH and I went back in today to have it confirmed. She had said last friday that we could just drop a urine sample into the reception and shed ring me, but after almost a year ttc, and 4 rounds of clomid, we wanted to get the most amazing news of our lives from the doctor in person!
So we went in today, and before my bum hit the seat she told me I was"wasting an appointment", she said I shouldnt have gone back in and that I was wasting her time. She is not my original doctor (she went travelling) so I said that I understood that she hadnt been on this journey with us, but that this is massive news for us and its important that we got the news in person. She said I was "taking up time for patients who really need it". I told her Id be finding another doctor and left in tears..I though my OH was going to jump across the desk!

So I presented myself to another clinic in town immediately and explained what had just happened. They couldnt agree to take me right away, but I just got a phone call to confirm that they will take me.

I was soooo upset that the glimmer had been taken off our big news, and angry that she treated me like that.

On a positive note, the second doctor DID confirm my pregnancy thankfully!

(sorry for the long post)

Big :hugs: that's awful.... Like you said that doctor hasn't shared your journey with you and obviously doesn't understand how important today was for you, if that was me I would be putting in a complaint!!! At the end of the day the doctors role is to be professional, and it certainly wasnt that!! On a positive note YOU ARE PREGNANT and don't let the doctors ridiculous behaviour take the excitement away from that for you!! X
Thank you Nicky. I know that's true..but what happened has really wound me up. I can feel the anxiety building. My OH is going to complain to the medical council.
ready :hugs: I am so sorry that dr was so unprofessional and heartless. Of course you had the right to see hear the results in person and she had no right to say anything like that to you.
Like PPs said, you are pregnant and enjoy it. Don't let some heartless b*t*h take that from you. :hugs:
Galvanbaby, that's great news about the scan:happydance:, I cant wait to see the pic! I hope it gave you some reassurance.
Ready2Bmum, that doctor is an absolute disgrace, how dare she speak to you like that. I would definitely make a complaint, saying that you have changed GP now due to her unprofessional behaviour. I hope the new GP is better:hugs::hugs:
I told my sister the news yesterday, she's in Australia and we had a skype date. She was shocked but I'm so relieved to have told her. Also she's coming home at Christmas so will get to see the baby please God:happydance:
Can I join you ladies? I've taken many dollar store tests and got a faint second line but then I finally took my digital yesterday at 12 DPO (3 tests actually) and got my :bfp: :happydance:

I should be due around December 20th :yipee:

FX that we all have a sticky bean!!

Thanks galvanbaby & leanbh. Il be fine in a day or two. I'm telling my best friend tonight about the baby, so hopefully that cheers me up again! She'll be the godmother so she'll be thrilled!

Welcome threegirls! And congrats :hugs:
ready2bmum, that's awful. Obviously for most people it might be fine to leave a sample and hear back, but I can understand that you want to hear the news after such a long TTC journey; she should have realised that. Either she was a cow, or she was having a bad day, but even then :nope:

I'm glad you don't have to go back to her again, and glad that your pregnancy was confirmed after all.

- - -

Welcome threegirls and congratulations on your BFP!

- - -

Went out this afternoon for lunch, walked into town, then out to the mail depot to collect my daughter's birthday present, then walked to the botanical gardens to do a belated Easter Egg hunt with the kids. Loved it, but I've come back SO tired. We do a lot of walking anyway, so I'm not sure if I would have been tired ordinarily, or whether this is the pregnancy kicking in. Just got to give the kids their dinner, then get them to bed, then I can relax :coffee:
Readybmum that dr sounds awful! Glad you found another dr and had your pregnancy confirmed. I have been lucky my dr is great he always got me in right away if I had any concerns during my last pregnancy. Today is my twin sisters bday and we are all having dinner so it will be really hard not saying anything but after the cp last fall I just want to be further along bf telling anyone but my parents.
So this morning i had a crazy moment and thought im not pregnant anymore. I imagined going to the gynea and he telling me that I might have been pregnant but Im not anymore. So silly I know!!!

So i want and got a HPT normal and digi. Normal one went SUPER SUPER dark. Almost darker than control line. Digi said 3+ Which puts me at 5+ weeks.... Im only meant to be 4 weeks 4 days. So what do you think that could mean??

Im seeing doc tomorrow morning 7am.... excited!! and NERVOUS!!!
His receptionist has been such a darling through this all that im excited to tell her we pregnant.

@ Ready2bemum, Im so sorry youve had a bad experience!!! I would put a complaint in when you usual doc is back??

No dramatic symptoms to note today.... same as the past few days.... Still no nausea....
Here is my baby!! I hate the quality of their machine and even hated the priniter more.
The tech marked something to the side of the spot she said was the sac, so not sure what she was marking? Any thoughts?


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