Rayraykay one good thing about our situation is we get another scan at 7 weeks. My dr told me that the risk of miscarriage is twice as high at 6 weeks with hb compared to 7 weeks with hb so at least we will have that added reassurance at that time. Plus we will get extra ultrasound pics! I so treasure the pics I have of my dd before she was born. I look back at them all the time! Here is an article I found to back up what my dr said it also says the risk is much lower once the sac can be seen so we are good there!
I was in the 0.5% that lost a baby after seeing a baby's heart beat at 9 weeks. However, I had also seen the heart beat at 6 weeks and it was way, way too low (under 100) so the baby was never very viable to begin with.
I actually find a lot of the stats in there kind of scary but I have had a live birth so some of the numbers might not fully apply to me.