Any other October mummies?

With my youngest I was definitely more relaxed. Now it's been 7 years since I had a baby so not so relaxed as I was sure I was done with babies and got rid of everything lol. So have to get it all back ha.
With my youngest I was definitely more relaxed. Now it's been 7 years since I had a baby so not so relaxed as I was sure I was done with babies and got rid of everything lol. So have to get it all back ha.

ajarvis- Same Here! Well, my youngest is 7 and I really thought I was done.. Then life happened and here I am expecting another... I am more laid back this time about being in a rush to get things done, but I definitely feel like I have to read up on everything again. You would think with the amount of times I've done this I would feel more confident, but nope.. not the case lol
Hello ladies! I'm due with my 2nd girl Oct 4th. It has been 7 yrs since I went through all of this. Not by choice as it took us 2.5 yrs to conceive. I feel lost all over again at times, yet I am pretty relaxed. I am going to try for a natural labor this time around fxd. We have the nursery just about done and luckily we kept a most of my dd's clothes just in case. The only problem is that she was born in June so we had to buy some clothes.
I haven't bought anything lol. If it's a boy we are all set for clothes. If it's a girl, I have plenty of neutral stuff to get us started. I'm not doing a nursery because I dont see the point in our case, when I move baby to another room, it will likely share a room with its brother so we will just rearrange. Only thing im stressing this time, is im paying more attention to movement because of my first tri mmc last time, and an anterior placenta this time.
faithy and smille I definitely feel more relaxed pregnancy wise. Just not stuff wise ha. We have most of the important stuff now though. Just gotta clean up the nursery. So that helps. I'm sure I'll be missing little stuff I didn't think of. But what can ya do :p
My only worry is going into labor while dh is at work. It'll take him 20 min to get home and another 20 min to get me to the hospital. I was induced the last time and delivered 4hrs after they broke my water. I'm sure it'll all work out...hopefully.
I'm so relaxed this time sometimes I forget I'm pregnant! Whoops!

With my ds EVERYTHING Was ready by now, and I haven't even started with this little guy yet.
October 26th here :) still a week to go before I'm in third tri but saying hi anyway :hi:
There's a 7 year age gap between my youngest (2 y/o) and next oldest...interesting dynamic, it is nice to have so much help with the baby :)

I have almost everything for this little guy, there is just a couple things I know I'll need.
I probably would be more relaxed this time & forget all about being pregnant - I certainly have in the past lol - but with all the dr visits, the bed rest & stuff, it's just about all I can think of....hoping & praying he stays put until at least 34 weeks, preferably 36.

So exciting - I just ordered all the newborn sized clothing he'll need (it says up to 11 pounds), since he's coming early I expect him to be less than 7 pounds, so it should work well for awhile. I also went through the baby clothes I have & got the neutral things (all bigger sizes), so when my package arrives I'll start washing it all. If he's super tiny, I guess my husband will have to grab a few preemie outfits while we're still in the hospital (fingers crossed that doesn't happen!)

After I get the bigger kids in school (4 & a half weeks), my mom & I will get down the boxes of baby gear to wash, set up & organize. It'll be like a baby shower haha, I have so much stuff.
I just bought baby's toiletries all I need to buy now is diapers and my stuff for my hospital bag ...

what's on your to do list?
Hi all. I'm due 14th, DS will be 4 when his little sister comes.
Everything is almost done, need to sort out an overnight bag and stockpile nappies but other than that we are done! I'm just so tired this time so it's going much slower than my last pregnancy.
I need toiletries. Some more clothes. a second base for the car seat. Then not needs, but wants, are a swing, playmat, bouncy seat, and baby monitor. We shall see
I have to pack my bag as well and get some more clothes and diapers.
Ugh, I still have everything to do lol
Same here lol. I've literally done nothing but health related (like prenatals, vitamins, diet, water intake, etc.) Is this your first?

Nope, not my first... I've got a 20 yr old son & 3 daughters ages 19, 12 & 7.. All from my first marriage that lasted 17+ years..
I have since remarried to a wonderful man that had no children of his own.. so here I am doing this again lol :wacko:
It's been sooo long though that it feels like a first.. I've got some clothes purchased and my bf gave me a bunch of toys for our LO, but I have none of the big stuff done... I know what room is going to be the nursery, but that's as far as I've gotten lol
when will you ladies start packing your hospital bag?

I think I packed mine at 34weeks last time I really cant remember though ...

I still need to get my stuff for my bag though ...
I've got mostly everything set up now. But i did get the chance to sort through his clothes the other night and see what i have. I figured out i am going to need to go buy him more long sleeve/warm clothes! He has tons of short sleeve onsies but not a lot of warmer ones and not many footie jammies. Its going to be mid October so it'll just be cooling down where I'm at.
Other than that we need a baby bath, a few bottles, my friend in California is shipping me a pump so i need to get that set up, and I want to try that "kiinde" breastfeeding set! Has anyone tried it before?

I think i will pack my hospital bag about 35 weeks.

Just scheduled all my OB appointments from now until mid September, then they will be every week! :O

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