Any other October mummies?

Congrats to everyone who's had their babies since I last was on here:flower:

ajarvis our son had lost 11-12% of his birth weight so it was indeed of major concern and the main reason the hospital didn't discharge us before his weight was going up.

AFM jaundice does seem to be gradually going away and he's becoming less lethargic so no more battles to get milk in him:happydance: I've been feeding him every 2 hours during the day and 3 hours during the night as per instructions. The nurse was here a couple of days ago and she wasn't thrilled with the cloth diapers, she feels they're "too much extra work" and was almost pushing for us to use regular diapers. I generally found her a bit opinionated, she was so extreme with alcohol and recommending us not to drink in front of our son at all, any alcohol we consume must be when he doesn't see it:dohh: I know there's an issue with the teenagers and young adults drinking too much alcohol when they're out on the town but still.....:nope: Oh well, good news was he's gained weight so things are looking up!
Well had a false alarm, thought my water broke, turned out it wasn't my water. However had my cervix checked and she felt the baby's head and the water bag was extremely thin. I was 2cm and almost 80% effaced. So yay for things heading in the right direction. :)

Congrats to everyone who has had their beautiful babies!!!
So quiet in here now! How many of us are still waiting?!
Congrats ash!

Kat glad your little one is doing better and the jaundice is going away!

I finally had my little girl :) I'll try to add pictures from my cell phone soon. So my induction went not too bad for most of it. I ended stalling at 4cm for about 7 hours. She was sunny side up and the back labor was excruciating. There were no breaks in between the contractions from pain. Finally midwife suggested epidural. I first opted for laughing gas. But I was using so much she again suggested epidural. Finally agreed. Around 1230 at night. It worked to relax me and she turned sideways. Still not optimal but took away the constant pain. Had two midwives starting at 3 am because it was just taking so long. Finally around 9 started pushing. As soon as she crowned I knew she was big the pain was incredible and the pressure beyond intense. Once I got her head out it started to feel better but then her body got stuck. Not her shoulders. Shoulders came out fine! All of a sudden they pushed my fiance out of the way and I had two midwives on the need with me and over top yelling to push push! They laid me down flash and had my knees by my shoulders. They couldn't get her out for almost 2 minutes. In the end they each has their hands around the shoulders and with me pushing got her out. They then called a code green as she wasn't breathing and like 6 or 7 people piled into the room all working on her. Got to hear her cry but they said she was having trouble breathing so they were taking her to the nicu. I told Jordan to go too. As that was happening the midwives were working on me. They gave me a shot of oxytocin and had me deliver the placenta - which later the midwives told me was huge lol - but my uterus wasn't cramping so they gave me another shot of oxytocin in the other leg. Still wasn't contracting or cramping. They discovered a piece of membrane that hadn't come out and I was still bleeding. They paged the ob who as soon as she came in she stuck an arm into me up to the elbow and pulled a bunch of stuff out then the other one. Which I later learned she was pulling out huge blood clots. Then the massaging of the uterus began and that brought the baby back who was just fine. Inserted a catheter and I started violently shaking due to sick and the hormone changes. I got to hold her until I started shaking which was due to shock and hormone sudden change. She was 10lbs 9oz and they had me on antibiotics due to two hands being shoved up inside and we stayed in hospital for about 29 hours. Her blood sugar needed to stay above 2.6 for the first 12 hours in order to go home and so far she is at 2.6 the first test and 2.9 the second and the third she was up to 3.6. Overall a crazy day and delivery but she was 10lbs 2oz and all is well that ends well!!
Holy shit, ajarvis (and well done on getting that big baby out)! I've been reading more about the occiput posterior (sunny side up) babies, as I had one too, and 65% of them end up as c-sections because they take such a long time, cause considerably more pain, and often the mother gives up. I'm sorry you went through all that, but glad you are both well now!
Wow, well done you! What a little chunk! So glad all ended well. Congratulations x
Congrats ajarvis:happydance:

AFM nurse was here again and she still thinks he's a bit too yellow so she wants us to come to her open house thing on Thursday so she can let us know if we need to contact our GP so he/she can order a more extensive test to make sure he doesn't have anything serious. Oh and he's only put on around 100 g this past week:wacko: She saw me breastfeed and felt that I was doing fine and was only experiencing the normal small bumps you do when you're breastfeeding for the first time and was confident Alexander and I will improve. So she wasn't concerned that he wasn't getting enough to eat plus we told her he has plenty of heavy, wet diapers. She'll be weighing him again as well.
Ajarvis- wow, I am glad baby is doing well. It sounds like you went through a lot, but thank goodness it didn't end in a c-section. I hope you are feeling ok.

Afm- baby is doing well. Bfing is going great and she's gaining weight. Plus, I started pumping a stash after feedings. She is up a couple of hrs in the morning and late evenings and sleeps about 4 hrs in between feedings at night. The hardest part is not worrying about housework because I did too much the other day and bleeding picked up. Luckily resting helped and it slowed back down.
Ugh Alexander has been keeping us up the last 2 nights. He starts crying hysterically around 11 PM and it goes on until 3-4 AM :wacko: Nothing works for long to console him and even if you manage to get him to fall asleep, he starts crying again within a few minutes of being put in his cradle :nope: At my wits end as I'm max getting 4-5 hours sleep while DH just sleeps through most of it and refuses to console him for more than 2 hours. After that he gets tempermental and cranky and goes on about needing his sleep and then he sleeps until 11 AM, sometimes a bit later :growlmad:

Kat- my dd1 had colic really bad. She'd cry nonstop from 6pm-6am. It was dreadful. Here we found out she was allergic to her formula. If you are bfing, maybe you ate something that caused gas in his tummy. Maybe try gas drops.
Kat- my dd1 had colic really bad. She'd cry nonstop from 6pm-6am. It was dreadful. Here we found out she was allergic to her formula. If you are bfing, maybe you ate something that caused gas in his tummy. Maybe try gas drops.

I was considering that he may have colic but the nurse today didn't comment when we told her he'd kept us up for all those hours the last 2 nights. So guess she felt it was normal:wacko: Don't know what it could be but guess I'll try cutting a couple of things out of my diet and see if it helps. Not sure if I can buy those here, I'll have to look into it.

Speaking of her, we went to see her today and she felt that Alexander was still to yellow so we need to contact our GP and get referred for further testing. Oh and he's only gained 50 g in 3 days which she felt was borderline. So now we may have to supplement with formula, our permanent nurse will be back Monday and she'll make the final judgement call. She also pried into if I'm really feeding him every 2nd hour and started asking about how much he eats, despite the fact just 3 days ago she saw me bf and said everything looked fine and that he seemed full after only bf'ing from one breast. So now I'm just so upset and feeling like a crappy mother that can't feed her baby enough:cry::cry::cry::cry:
Kat, So sorry you and Alexander are having a rough time :hugs:. I know your situation is different, but it is typical of them to ask how often you breastfeed etc. If you need to Mama, try feeding him from both sides (make sure he drains the one side first before switching). Once its more established then you can work on feeding from one side? Just a suggestion hun, hope things work out and you wont have to supplement.

AFM Ava is gaining well. She is a little over 8lbs now. She did end up having to have a lip and tongue tie revised. We found out yesterday that she needs a hip brace for 6 weeks, 12-16 hours a day. I am going to have to nurse her sitting on my leg. It's not too bad though because nursing like that will really help with her reflux. At 6 weeks they will evaluate her and see if it needs to be on longer. Her hip is at 45 degrees, and they like to see at least 50 degrees.
Kat, So sorry you and Alexander are having a rough time :hugs:. I know your situation is different, but it is typical of them to ask how often you breastfeed etc. If you need to Mama, try feeding him from both sides (make sure he drains the one side first before switching). Once its more established then you can work on feeding from one side? Just a suggestion hun, hope things work out and you wont have to supplement.

But she knew how often, she's the one that recommended the every 2 hour thing herself! So it's like she's asking if I'm actually following her instructions or am being lazy. Problem is once he's finished the one breast (don't think he ever really empties completely), he's completely down for the count and falls really fast asleep. The nurse tried waking him herself when she saw 1 breastfeeding session and concluded that since he was so super impossible to wake, he must've gotten enough food from the one breast alone (I should perhaps mention I was a D/DD cup before pregnancy and they're even larger now).
Kat- try pumping after feeding sessions. That will get the fattier milk out and maybe you can use that instead of formula. I know you're feeling discouraged, but you are doing the best you can. I failed at bfing with my 1st and felt like complete crap at the time, but the most important thing was she was fed and thriving. Don't give up.
Had a appt today at 37 + 5. Everything is well, I have gained absolutely zero this pregnancy...the few pounds I did gain, I lost, so I am quite pleased that I maintained my weight and didn't gain 40 lbs like I did with DD. Heartbeat is good, measurements are good. 2cm dilated and 80 % effaced. My pre op appt will be next Thursday and the following Monday we will have a Halloween baby. Crossing my fingers she keeps baking for another week.! Hope everyone is doing well, need to catch up on some threads!
Oh I forgot to mention that during his crying period he'll latch on really hard when I bf so it's super, super painful which he doesn't do the rest of the time :wacko: Don't know if that's a sign of the problem?
Twinky, glad you are progressing well and I hope she stays pur for You!

Kat, has he been checked for a tongue/lip tie at all hun? Ava bit down hard and cried sometimes when I fed her before her revision. They can cause babies to have a harder time nursing and then causes them to not gain as much.

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