Any other October mummies?

Thanks clandestine! Such a delicate balance lol.

Ash newborns keep you busy that's for sure!
Congrats to many of you!! Hopefully the rest of us follow soon 😊
So sorry I disappeared on here, things have been hectic:wacko:

Our son was born on October 5th at 2:00 PM weighing 4020 kg and 53 cm long:cloud9:



Unfortunately I felt super bad after the c-section because the medications caused side-effects such as nausea and heart palpatations:nope: Plus I lost 1.6 liters of blood. During recovery they tried to get a midwife to help with breastfeeding but couldn't find one so the nurse atending em helped and just said that it looked fine. We didn't really get started though until the morning after when the midwives were more available. Our son was doing ok with the breastfeeding but apparently I'm not producing enough milk so he's lost over 10% of his birth weight:cry: Plus he's developed some jaundice although it doesn't look like he'll need treatment, they're testing him again to see if it's on the decline. To increase my milk production, they're having me pump my milk out. The routine is now that I first try breastfeeding him for 15 minutes, then give him what breastmilk I pumped out after last time in a bottle and then supplementing with formula which I'm not happy about but needs to be done:nope: After that, DH takes over and changes his diaper if needed and puts his clothes back on (since they're into skin-to-skin here) and puts him to bed while I pump out the milk he didn't get out of both breasts. We'll see, I'm not feeling super positive right now and fear we may end up giving him formula on a steady basis.
Kat- he is precious! I am so sorry things are difficult right now. Find a good lactation consultant who can provide you with help. I had to sub formula with my dd1 and it was heartbreaking so I get how you feel. Try to keep pumping and you should start building up a supply. Remember it takes a few days for your milk to come in and baby's stomach is really small right now so they don't need much. I hope you start feeling much better soon. I lost a lot of blood also and had major clotting issues from her being so large. My stomach still hurts a bit from them constantly having to push on it.
Kat- he is precious! I am so sorry things are difficult right now. Find a good lactation consultant who can provide you with help. I had to sub formula with my dd1 and it was heartbreaking so I get how you feel. Try to keep pumping and you should start building up a supply. Remember it takes a few days for your milk to come in and baby's stomach is really small right now so they don't need much. I hope you start feeling much better soon. I lost a lot of blood also and had major clotting issues from her being so large. My stomach still hurts a bit from them constantly having to push on it.

Thanks and congrats on your sweet girl :flower: Sorry you also had blood loss, it really takes something out of you afterwards:nope:

DH and I are going to ask the midwives today what the plan is. We definitely want to get out of the hospital ASAP and into a more homey environment. Our son gained some weight so it's worth it in the end and we're hoping they'll let us go home soon. I would think we could continue the pumping and breastfeeding and bottle feeding at home and don't need them looking over our shoulders constantly? Maybe just have the option to call and they can make home visits or something. We'll see. As to the amount baby needs yep one of the midwives (actually a student midwife but super sweet) also told us how super small a newborn's stomache is. He's gradually eating less of the formula so looks like we may be able to wean him off soon. I think he was just super hungry from those couple of days where he wasn't getting enough although I think they also said he was using the wrong technique to get milk out of me but that seems to be improving and I know better how it should look and feel when he's at my breast so am getting better at stopping him when he's doing it wrong since it hurts way more when he does that:wacko:

Oh btw my toxic mother was here with my ILs and DH's grandmother Friday. This was while we were really have huge breastfeeding issues and unfortunately my mother saw her opportunity to be nasty. I was supposed to be alone with the midwife who came to help but my mother stuck around. She then asked "Can't you feel your milk flowing?" and when I answered I didn't, she said "Oh, how can you not?" in this nasty "you're an awful mother" tone. She did upset me and I admit I crashed emotionally after she left, think it's also my crazy hormones. But I can see the writing on the wall, she's going to find any perceived weakness and use it to tell me I'm not a good mother and definitely not as good as her.
Congratulations kat :) he's absolutely gorgeous. Sorry you had a a hard time after your csection
Congrats Kat and congrats again Smille! :D

I still wanted to share some pictures of my little Thomas, so here you ladies go:
Congrats Kat! It's normal for your milk not to come in for 3-4 days after birth. Right now they live on colostrum. It's also normal for them to lose some weight. Depending on where you are it shouldn't be a concern until it's 10-12% of weight loss. With my oldest my milk came in on day 4 and he lost just over 10% and then started to gain like crazy.

Here for follow up if you use an OB you get a public health nurse 24 hours after you leave the hospital come and visit. If you have a midwife you get a couple home visits and then you go for office visits to make sure breastfeeding etc is going ok.
Congratulations Kat. He is beautiful.

Afm - my girls were born this morning by c section. Eden 5lb 7oz and Luna 5lb 1oz. They are perfect and we're all doing well.

Congrats lolli!

Ajarvis- any sign of labor starting?

My baby lost 12oz since birth and has another dr appt in 2 days to make sure she gained weight. The dr said it's completely normal especially with bfed babies. I'm not worried bc she's a great eater, plus my pump came today and I'm definitely producing milk. I am extremely proud of myself bc I didn't make it this far with my 1st.
Congrats Lolli!!! Those seem like good weights!

Smille we will have to see. Midwife came by for another sweep. She did 1 sweep then switched hands and sides as one side of my cervix was still really firm so she softened it up. Then did another sweep - which was WAY less painful. Really barely hurt at all and stretched me to a five. Now I have lost a huge blob of mucous plug, and had some bloody show. Some cramping. No contractions. Staying hopeful!
Congrats Lolli!

Ajarvis: You tell her the holiday is over, LOL, come on out now!

Our wee mister had lost almost 11% (breastfed and jaundiced) and I was getting so much pressure to add formula, I switched pediatricians within the same practice over it. The new guy was more lenient, but needed him to gain by today (2 weeks old) and thankfully he put on two ounces since Friday. Doc and doula agree once they start gaining, it generally just goes up and up, but getting rechecked for weight gain on Thursday. I'm nursing then pumping for 15-20 minutes behind him and my supply is finally ramping up, I have bags in the freezer and can hand him off here or there for a feeding or can supplement a nursing session that's not going well with pumped milk. It's lowered my stress significantly in terms of feeling like I'm taking good enough care of him and it got us through a 24 hours nursing strike.

My girls. So perfect x
Such beautiful babies all around! Did 38 week check today, dilated to a 3 so nothing crazy but I suppose everything is heading in the right direction lol
Lolli that's a great picture :)

Clandestine she's not getting the message :p I had yet more sweeps today, and acupuncture, and walking. I have bought a breast pump. Going to go upstairs and pump then have a bath. I had an ultrasound yesterday and since it's saying gestational weight is 4500g - 9.9lbs and because I'm so close to 42 weeks they've recommended a hospital birth with midwife - which is actually what I was going to ask for anyways. Was laying awake thinking about it last night, and with so many different things causing chances of complications I'm more comfortable going to hospital I think.
Congrats to all you lovely Mama's on the birth of your sweet babies!! Lovely pictures as well :cloud9:.

AFM, Ava is doing great! She is EBF and has been gaining very well. She did have some trouble at first with nursing but it was because of her tongue / lip tie. It's fixed now, and she is doing a lot better. She actually managed to gain 1.5lbs in 1 week while not having a proper latch.
Carson was born at 5:14 p.m after only two minutes of pushing. Weighing 6lbs 9 oz and 19.5 inches long. We are in love and big brother just adores him!


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Congrats Ash! He is gorgeous :cloud9:.

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