Any other October mummies?

Kiwi - my maternal grandmother had type 2 diabetes, and although my mom doesn't have it yet she is not the age that was my grandmother was when she was diagnosed (my grandmother was 55). I don't know if these articles will make you feel any better but they did me. Go ahead and take a read if you want. I also don't know what type of diabetes your mother and grandmother have but if it's type 1 there is almost NO genetic component at all. :hugs:

I have the same exact concerns you do ... I cannot go on living with this diabetes diet after the babies are born, it's very hard, time consuming, and just plain old boring. (I'm such a foodie and that's something my husband and I really enjoy doing together, trying new foods, some high in sugar, etc.) so I really do understand your concerns. It is a scary thing.
so sorry to read about your GD Kiwiberry

Im from South Africa and they only do it here if you high risk and if you have a family history of diabetes

Trying to sleep at night has become a nightmare ... I cannot ever get comfortable no matter how I try and sleep ... my lower back and hips are killing me ...

I now have 49 days left before my maternity leave starts ... and I have a few things to keep me busy until then hopefully

I have my OBGYN appointment on 1 August, my birthday on 2 August, then its election day on 3 August and also a public holiday, then my son's birthday and our monthly managers committee meeting on 4 August then I have a few days off from 5-12 August and Im planning to sort out all the stuff we no longer use at home and re-arrange my daughter's bedroom ... then we have our recognition function at work on the 19th of August ... I still need to get my stuff for my hospital bag and new mattress for the cot which will most probably be done the last week of August then I can wash all baby's stuff and set it up and pack our bags ... Im also looking at starting Scotlynn in daycare but haven't found a one I like yet ...
Sorry kiwi, I hope it goes away after you've given birth!

Wow Blessed, sounds like you'll be busy next month:wacko:

As for GD testing, in Denmark they don't normally test people either unless you've had GD before or have a family history of diabetes. I fit into neither of those risk factors although I'm pregnant with baby #1. At my monthly appointments, my midwife has me pee in a cup and stick a test strip in it and give it to her so she can see the results (although I can read test strips like that just fine myself). It tests for both glucose and protein. Last time I was normal for both but we'll see at my next appointment on August 4th. I think if you test high on glucose, they send you for a GD test at that point. My guess is because so few develop GD (think I read like 5%?) then they don't want the bother of testing all those women:shrug:
at least the keeping busy is going to make August fly by ... LOL
I'm sorry Kiwi! Don't worry, it will likely be gone soon after birth and from what I know you do have a higher chance of developing diabetes type 2 later in life when you've had GD, but not by a huge margin. Your body is going through so much, it is hard to also watch all the other processes like glucose. It is a lot harder for a pregnant body to process sugar and sometimes that results in GD. It is usually very easy to manage and doesn't have to cause any complications :hugs:

Blessed: Wow, such a busy month! I'll have a busy month as well, the room will be delivered and I have a lot of work to do before I get laid off (right in time for my maternity leave lol). But not thát busy haha. As you said, sure makes time fly by though!

Here they don't do glucose tests unless your bump is too big, or you are high risk or above the age of 34, I believe. They made me do one because my fundal height is growing very fast. But that's apparently just my body.
They also checked my iron once at the beginning and two weeks ago, both of which were fine. That's pretty much all they do here. Yeah and take my blood pressure every time.

How's that going for everyone by the way? Blood pressure? Mine has been consistent between 110-100 over 60-70 the whole pregnancy. I hope it doesn't suddenly spike up or something and stays this way.
mine was high in June when I wrote my exams but after that has been low ... now that Im on medication to regulate my heart's rhythms it has also come down even more ... last reading was 110/76 which my OBGYN said is fine ...
My blood pressure has been fine all the way through 100ish over 60. It did spike at my last appointment which worried my mw about pre eclampsia but the nurses think it wasn't accurate we when I was monitored it was in my normal range every time so that's good. I just want to keep these twins in for atleast another 10 weeks!

My worst nightmare is something bad happening and I miss my ds first ever day of school but hopefully that won't happen.

How's everyone feeling today? I am just so tired, literally no energy :(
Blessed, that's true:winkwink: My August will be more relaxing. All I have is midwife appointment on the 4th, wedding on the 13th and we're going for vacation on the 14th (1 week in France). Which reminds me I'll have to very soon look into getting my cat taken care of while away. Not sure what'll be best as she's used to going out so would be best at a cattery with an outdoor fenced in area. However she's super shy with new people (having been abused by her previous owner) so makes me want to send her to my ILs but if I do that, they'll let her go out since they often have their back door open on hot days and I'm not sure I want her going out by them - I'd be afraid of her running away and trying to get back to our house:wacko: Unfortunately no one will want to watch her at our house (at least no one we know), especially as we'll be taking the car and public transportation out here stinks.

Ugh and DH needs to talk to the midwives as he forgot about us leaving for vacation on the 14th when we agreed to the childbirth class' dates and our 2nd childbirth class is otherwise on the 16th so don't know what they'll suggest. We can't put off the vacation as DH has already gotten that week cleared at work.

As to BP: I haven't had any BP issues yet - both times I was measured at midwife appointments they were well within normal although I don't remember the numbers:shrug: FXed it continues, along with my glucose and protein being within normal.
Sigh... I did my glucose test this morning and already got a message saying I failed :(
and that my iron level is low.. so I get to start an iron supplement and schedule the 3 hr glucose test... yuck
Oh, on a cute note. My DH just found out from me today that unless there is a problem, there will be no more ultrasounds.. I asked my OB today during the appt and she said yeah, unless something is wrong, no more baby pics.. unless we want to schedule an elective u/s which we will have to pay for.. I asked how much, bc I'm a cheapskate, and she said $100.. So my DH said schedule it please lol... so we will be getting a 3D u/s on Aug 29, just a few days before my bday...
He was very perturbed that now that the baby looks like a baby, we won't get to see it anymore lol
I did my 2hr glucose test on tuesday and found out yesterday that i failed the test so i now have gestational diabetes
Faithy and Cassie, sorry about failing your tests:hugs:

Faithy I hope you pass the next one though! But very cute of your DH that he wants to see more scan pics!

Cassie I hope you manage to control it through diet and exercise and won't need meds.
So sorry you girls failed the glucose test! Hugs. another 3 weeks until I find out if im joining you
So DH and I did some more shopping Saturday:





Also bought these:



Think DH wantts to hold out on buying more clothes until we see what his parents have lying around. Apparently they have some of the clothes that DH's older brother used for his 2 kids. Hopefully we can find some unisex stuff but we'll probably just take whatever they have and see what we need once baby is here and we know the gender.
Ive had my glucose test today so should find out in 2 days fingers crossed I pass! Have not had any symptoms just was low in iron x
I had my 28 week appointment yesterday, i am measuring 32! She said thats big, but isnt concerning. Anyone else measuring big? I knew i felt huge! :haha:

Hey Emicakes, I had my 28 week appt and was measuring 35! she arranged for me to go have a scan to check if it was baby or water. Sonographer said I was still above the 90th percentile, but not as huge as tape measure was suggesting. My DS2 was born at 38 wks and on the 95th percentile, so I'm expecting a big baby!

People keep asking if I'm having twins, or if my dates are wrong, which is really annoying!
@MissCassie - I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully you can control without the need for medication and that the issue resolves itself once you have your little bundle in your arms!
I just got back from two weeks away and it seems everyone I know has moved here, so I hope it's OK I tag along. I'm 30+3 today with our first baby boy, EDD Oct 7th. We went through 3.5 years of infertility to get here, so I'm super happy to have a very active baby - no rush for this to be over and also, we are hoping we can pull this off a second time (but without 3.5 years to get there). For those who weren't on the other thread, I'm still planning to work until I can't, still exercising daily, finally bought a few things - otherwise have a big list of things. I am finished with one blanket and partially through a second, Hubster is supposed to start the crib this weekend (though I will honestly order a baby box online if baby boy shows up before it's done). I am going to start online birth classes this weekend, bought some books that looked very helpful also.

We do Thanksgiving for ourselves and any friends or family that are around, so that won't change. We don't celebrate Christmas as we are atheists. I'm applying to change jobs, so I expect we will be moving around Nov/ Dec/ Jan - part of why I'm not looking to buy too much - I'm also a cheap, hardcore minimalist so having less always makes me happier. We are planning on doing whatever we have to do make nursing and cloth diapering work, mostly because it's cheap! I'm glad to see there are some others on here who have been successful with those previously!

As far as GD testing, I failed the one hour by FOUR points. They did a two hour because I barely failed the first and the one hour number was really out, but the fasting and two hour were normal. I was given the option of a diagnosis or a three hour test and went to the maternal fetal medicine specialist I already see for hypothyroidism and advanced age and he had me monitor four times a day for two weeks and I just submitted the data today - I have been on a low carb diet for many years, which apparently skews the screening test results, my constant monitoring was damn near perfect, so will see what he says. I did have to buy a monitor and test strips, but for US ladies with insurance - generally the insurance will pay for it, but you need a prescription with a diagnosis before you buy - mine is 80% covered that way!

@ashknowsbest: what's the diet they have you on?

As for BP, mine has always been great - less than 120 over less than 80 every time.

Because of the hypothyroidism, I get an ultrasound every month to check for growth, thankfully, my medication has not had to be changed and his growth has been great/ a little ahead on length (not surprising as we aren't short people).

Whew! And I just caught up on all 16 pages here!

I have my glucose test the day after tomorrow! Fingers crossed xx I seriously have enough going on this pregnancy, I dont think I can handle another!!

So, question - what exactly are the problems caused by GD? Just a bigger baby??? Or does it cause other problems too? A friend of mine (with GD & Pre-E) had her baby at 35 weeks, and weight was nearly 10 pounds (wow!) but baby needed a feeding tube, IV, breathing assistance, and a lengthy NICU stay (had steroid shots too).

I am asking b/c my Drs are talking about delivering my baby around 34 weeks - different issues - and they said my baby boy should have minimal problems, if any, at that age after the steroids, but now I'm not so sure :( hoping my friends other complications had some impact...

Just a side note, I will fight for every extra day they'll give him in the womb :D

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