Any other October mummies?

Me! I cloth diapered my dd (now 2 years old) was great, so planning to go that route again. I'll pick up a few more boy ones, just because I love them, but he'll also wear the pink & girlie stuff - it's under his clothes, no one will see ;)

I did find CD as a newborn challenging though. My dd was 6 1/2 pounds when she came home and I had about 18 diapers that should of fit her, but there was some leaking/fit issues b/c of her size. Plus, we were using more than 12 per day, so I ended up using disposables until she was about 10 pounds. After that, it was easy - never used a disposable again, and she was potty trained (on her own, thanks to the cloth diapers!) at about 18 months.

What kind did you get?

Thanks for sharing! You're right, it's going to be under his clothes anyway.. I was refraining from choosing any 'pretty' designs for diaper covers since I'm on team yellow, but I think I will go ahead and pick a couple out now lol.
I have some prefolds in stock because my mom got them for me, but I'm looking to try the pre-fitted and AIOs because I figured that will be the easiest for my DH/ childcare to figure out.
And I'm also thinking of using the disposables for newborn stage like you did. Though what I bought yesterday was one Grovia Newborn AIO, because I wanted to test how long it might take to dry an AIO diaper - 2hrs on tumble dry low along with some pre-folds and it still wasn't completely dry :nope:

I'm also planning on cloth diapering, it's such a huge money saver and also much better for the environment! Got the inserts we ordered but still waiting to get the covers (I bought adjusteable ones) in the mail. Had to order it all as it doesn't seem to be a thing in Denmark, you definitely can't get much in the baby stores and have to order them. Although I can hear that DH isn't looking forward to having to change the baby when he won't be able to just throw the diaper out, especially if it's a poopy one :haha:

I'm forced to order most of the brands I want too! Which brands did u get? I'm thinking of ordering the GMD workhorse pre-fitted with the blueberry coveralls or capris. I want to try the blueberry simplex newborn AIOs and bumgenius elemental AIOs too.
anyways is anyone else's baby's movements sore? like almost they have run out of space? am I just feeling her more coz she might be in a certain position? I have an anterior placenta but I swear it feels and looks like this little girl wants to break out of my tummy ...

I feel attacked sometimes! Lol. I feel a series of kicks/pushes/punches in 2 or 3 different places at one go, as if it just stretched all out and kneed me in the process. I feel like it's jerking its body around too :growlmad: Other times it stretches out so far it pokes me at the side of my waist and makes me jump!
skycastles we went a bit cheap and ordered 8 Little Bloom covers (plus Little Bloom inserts, a mix of microfiber ones and bamboo ones, about 50 in all) but seems most reviews on them are positive so giving them a try. Couldn't find much else on Ebay anyway:shrug: They don't sell any cloth diapers in this country really although there are a couple of websites to order from but they're super expensive on the Danish sites because of the 25% tax on everything here so wanted to avoid that:wacko: Plus not a wide range of brands to choose from.

Blessed I think at this stage baby is growing faster than the uterus or else it's the other way around:haha: Either way, baby is starting to get cramped in there so think feeling movements like that is normal at this stage. Mine haven't gotten too bad yet but sure it's only a matter of time.
anyways is anyone else's baby's movements sore? like almost they have run out of space? am I just feeling her more coz she might be in a certain position? I have an anterior placenta but I swear it feels and looks like this little girl wants to break out of my tummy ...

I feel attacked sometimes! Lol. I feel a series of kicks/pushes/punches in 2 or 3 different places at one go, as if it just stretched all out and kneed me in the process. I feel like it's jerking its body around too :growlmad: Other times it stretches out so far it pokes me at the side of my waist and makes me jump!

Same here lol. My youngest and I were laying together last night and she was going crazy. Made him laugh like a maniac :p

So I'm 30+3 and am super nauseous. Anyone else? It's super annoying :coffee:
My baby twirls and tumbles around so much lol. Sometimes he kicks me right in my ribs and that REALLY hurts like hell. Sometimes he kicks me near my cervix and that doesn't really hurt, but feels very uncomfortable. Sometimes I see entire limbs moving across my belly, which is also the weirdest feeling ever.

SO and I had a laugh a couple of nights ago because baby headbutted (or simply 'butted') SO's hand away. SO just laid his hand on there and WHAM massive bump appeared. Baby was like: LEAVE ME ALONE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.

Ajarvis: Seems like your baby is nice and snug against your stomach! No nausea for me again thankfully, just awful reflux.
Yep! Mine was up in my ribs earlier and it took my breath away. She is definitely very active compared to my 1st. My dd says she thinks she's on there kicking and screaming "let me out" lol.
Hello ladies, nice to see so many October mummies.

I've not posted back for a while. Things are totally crazy over here & not so much in a good way.

I'm 30 weeks now & my baby is already so lazy lol. I don't get many proper movement out of this child. I'm on daily monitoring at the hospital which in itself is very frustrating & I have to have weekly scans. My baby is currently measuring small, on the 10th centile but that does not surprise me as my DS2 was on the 7th.

What I'm finding most difficult is that my two boys are on the summer holidays from school & I'm having to drag them to the hospital practically every day. We can't venture too far as I always have an appointment. I'm feeling very guilty for them that we can't go on the usual days out that I normally do with them over the summer.

I feel very much like I want this baby out so I know that it's ok & I can get back to some normalcy with my boys but I don't want the pregnancy to end. I love being pregnant, I love feeling the baby inside of me (ironic really that this one moves very little) & I want to savour every day of this pregnancy.

I had my 4d scan on Sunday, it's the first one I've ever had & it was amazing.

We are team :yellow:

Does anyone think that baby looks like it's cuddling a toy lamb? That's my placenta lol
Hello ladies, nice to see so many October mummies.

I've not posted back for a while. Things are totally crazy over here & not so much in a good way.

I'm 30 weeks now & my baby is already so lazy lol. I don't get many proper movement out of this child. I'm on daily monitoring at the hospital which in itself is very frustrating & I have to have weekly scans. My baby is currently measuring small, on the 10th centile but that does not surprise me as my DS2 was on the 7th.

What I'm finding most difficult is that my two boys are on the summer holidays from school & I'm having to drag them to the hospital practically every day. We can't venture too far as I always have an appointment. I'm feeling very guilty for them that we can't go on the usual days out that I normally do with them over the summer.

I feel very much like I want this baby out so I know that it's ok & I can get back to some normalcy with my boys but I don't want the pregnancy to end. I love being pregnant, I love feeling the baby inside of me (ironic really that this one moves very little) & I want to savour every day of this pregnancy.

I had my 4d scan on Sunday, it's the first one I've ever had & it was amazing.

We are team :yellow:

Does anyone think that baby looks like it's cuddling a toy lamb? That's my placenta lol
I TOTALLY see the lamb, how cool!
27 weeks today and I've just moved over to 3rd Trimester. I'm due on 26th October but have a section booked for 21st October due to having to have a section with my little boy as he was breech and I had previously had a myomectomy.
I seem to be huge compared to my last pregnancy and I'm not sure what size I will be in 3 months!
I have a 4d scan booked for Saturday so I'm looking forward to seeing baby again and hopefully getting the confirmation on gender as we were told at 20 week scan but I can't quite believe we will get a little girl!
yes ladies not all movement hurts but the big ones do ...

I have my next appointment on Monday and will ask how big she is measuring ...

Torz so cute and yes I can see the lamb so cool lol

welcome TTC1983 good luck with your scan on Saturday
ajarvis nope no nausea here, just my heartburn getting worse:wacko:

Torz great pics:thumbup: I'd love to get 4D pics but it's just crazy expensive here (there's a 25% tax on everything) so think we'll just prioritise using the money on baby stuff instead since we're missing lots of stuff still. Always great to meet someone else that's Team :yellow: :happydance:

TTC1983 hope your scan goes well and congrats on being Team :pink: :flower:

Blessed hope your appointment goes well on Monday! My next appointment at the midwife is first on August 4th.

AFM still waiting anxiously for my 32 week scan to see if my low-lying placenta has moved up. At my 20 week anomaly scan, they saw it was pretty close to my cervix :wacko: If it hasn't moved, I'll need a planned C-section and I really want to avoid that:nope: Otherwise as said, my heartburn is getting worse, have had a few really bad episodes recently:wacko:
Kat: Wouldn't worry about it too much. Especially since it isn't actually covering your cervix it is way more likely to move upwards rather than move closer to it as your uterus gets bigger.
I'm sorry about the heartburn, I've been having it so bad that nothing helped anymore and am now currently on medication for it because my esophagus was already damaged (and apparently that's really bad) and it was getting into my lungs at night. Not helping much yet. I hope yours doesn't get that bad, but if it hurts too much be sure to have it checked out. You wouldn't want to have your body damaged and there are many options that don't hurt baby (even though I get it, I really did not want to take any kind of medication, but this was not an option anymore).

Torz: Cute pics! I have my 3d/4d scan on Friday and I can't wait!
Only just joining this thread but was on the October thread in Pregnant after a loss.
Im due 13th October with a boy. Struggling to agree on names. Had a list of about 10 but after seeing him on a 4D scan I dont think any suit him.
Im struggling a bit now as Im coming to the end of my 1st year of my midwifery degree and my placement is on post natal ward. Its so bloody hot up there. Im going to ask if I can drop to 2 days a week and make up the hours when I go back after my year off.
Torz that would be super frustrating. I like being pregnant too, but also am SOOO ready to own my body again! But then it's my last pregnancy so I'm trying not to wish it by too fast. So conflicted :p

Kat I have my appointment to see if my placenta moved August 8th. I'm sure it will have. I had the same thing last time and it had moved by 28 weeks.

Hi CVR! I haven't checked that thread in a while! If it's too hot hopefully they accommodate you. Pregnant ladies run hot anyways lol
blablamana I don't think my heartburn is that bad yet, it's just gotten worse in relation to what it was some weeks ago. Hopefully it won't come to taking meds. I wasn't even much for taking antibiotics around week 9-10 for my UTI even though I was assured they were pregnancy safe ones:wacko: As for my placenta, I'm sure you're right, still I am a bit nervous to hear what the results will be and praying I'm not one of the very, very unlucky few where it hasn't moved. I really want to experience a vaginal birth, especially if this ends up being my only pregnancy/child (given my infertility struggle background).

ajarvis yeah you're probably right that yours will move and mine will too so here's hoping I'm being nervous for no reason:haha: FXed for you!

As for wishing pregnancy to go by faster, I feel like it's already going too fast:wacko: It took me 2 years, 6 IUIs and 2 IVFs to get pregnant so enjoying it as much as I can in case I don't get to experience it again.

Welcome CVR:flower: I feel you on the name struggle, my DH and I are also having big issues agreeing and we're trying to find 2-3 names for each gender as we're Team :yellow: Hope they can accomodate you at your work!
I'm also not ready for this pregnancy to be over. It took us almost 2.5 yrs to conceive and required help so idk if this will be my last or not. My dh is dead set on another as am I, but idk if I can go through the struggle and all of the RE visits again. Maybe it'll just happen when we're not expecting it. I am however ready for this summer heat to go away. I can handle 80°, but not 90's.
I had my 28 week appointment yesterday, i am measuring 32! She said thats big, but isnt concerning. Anyone else measuring big? I knew i felt huge! :haha:
@ajarvis - nausea has come back to me full force! Almost worse than first tri! Ugh...
No heartburn right now, but only bc I've been put on something for it to
avoid more damage to me.. I hate it, but it's making pregnant life bearable.

AFM, I've got my glucose test Fri, blah.. Feeling light headed and overall funny along with being nauseous.. I can hardly help my SO get anything done at our place for the baby shower. I agreed that we could have it at my place since we've got property, a pond, 4 wheelers, etc.. starting to regret that decision though bc we still have so much we want to get done. We've been here less than a year and with 7 acres it's hard to catch up let alone get extras done. I can't work much more than 20 mins to a half hour in the heat before I have to go inside & drink some cold water with my feet up in front of the fan for equal amount of time :(
I failed my one hour glucose test yesterday, have to take the 3hour one in 3weeks :-( been feeling very uncomfortable the past few days, lots of pressure under my ribs impossible to get comfy already lol. On the bright side, 3d scan Friday!
I had my 28 week appointment yesterday, i am measuring 32! She said thats big, but isnt concerning. Anyone else measuring big? I knew i felt huge! :haha:

I was measuring a week ahead 2 appts ago and on target the next. My dr said it's hard to tell without an ultrasound bc the baby could be laying in an awkward position which is what happened to me. I wouldn't be concerned, you may get a different result next time.

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