Any other October mummies?

cassie - I'm sorry to hear you failed your GD test. It totally sucks, I've been there. Its been about 3 weeks since I got my diagnosis and I'm feeling a little bit better about it but it definitely puts a damper on things for a while. Anyways, a little interesting piece of information. Someone told me that their dietician actually mentioned that a majority of her patients who went through IVF have GD so there may be a correlation there. Not sure that's an consolation but I thought it was really interesting either way.

Clan - I'm on a low carb diet. The babies still need carbs for growth/energy so it's really important to still eat them but they want multi-grain/whole grain carbs, not white carbs. I'm also on a limitation for carbs so ... for breakfast I'm allowed 30g of carbs (and they want me to come as close as possible to that), 45g for lunch and dinner, and 3 snacks (one in between breakfast and lunch, one in between lunch and dinner, and one after dinner) and those snacks can be between 15-30g. It is SUCH a pain to monitor and measure out everything but since I started on the diet my numbers have been great. Every once in a while I will get a little bit higher of a result but the dietician said there is variance based on which finger you use (which I found to be true! For fun I took it twice one morning and on one finger I got a completely different number than I did on another finger). The other thing they want me to do is mix foods. So, don't eat all sugar, if you're going to have a banana or fruit they want you to mix in high fiber items, carbs, or protein (this way your body metabolizes the sugar more slowly avoiding a sugar spike!)

As much of a pain as all of it has become it has also been extremely informative. I used to sit down and just have a fruit salad and now I realize even without GD that's really not the greatest decision. Anyways, hope this helps! Oh and one more thing, about your numbers, I know each doctor is different and I'm not saying your doctor is wrong but my dietician and OB want my numbers (and everyone else who attended the GD class) to be under 130 1 hour after eating. Anyways, best of luck!

wish - I don't want to make assumptions but I have to say that if she had a 10 lb baby maybe she didn't manage her blood sugar well enough? Just a thought. I know that when I took my GD class they actually told us that as long as your GD is under control you're not likely to have a larger than average baby (unless they run in your family of course).

The only things I was told about in my GD class that can happen to children born when their mothers have GD is heavy weight, they could experience birth injuries (just from being so big and having to make it through the birthing canal), low blood sugar at birth (they fix this and monitor with sugar water until their bodies take over), and jaundice (which they can get even without GD). I think the scariest thing is when it's not managed well. I'm sure your baby boy will be fine and yes anything over 34 weeks you can get would be amazing!
sorry to hear you failed your test FaithyJ and MissCassie ...

welcome Clandestine ...

AFM: I had my 30 week appointment yesterday according to my OBGYN even though Im only 29.5weeks LOL ... anyways all is well just my rapid weight gain (2kg in 3 weeks) she is concerned about as well as my BP being borderline ... Im seeing her at 33weeks, 36 weeks and then my last appointment will be at 38 weeks ... cant believe I only have 3 appointments left ... my little girl already weighs 1.41kg ... today is my birthday and I have no energy or oomph to do anything ... my DH asked me if I would like to go for dinner tonight but I just feel like going home and slipping into my pj's LOL I hope it changes throughout the day as I didn't sleep well at all ...
Clandestine nice to see you here as well:flower:

wish GL with your test, FXed!

ash interesting about IVF patients often getting GD, here's hoping I continue to dodge that bullet though:wacko:

Blessed Happy Birthday:cake::dance::yipee::headspin: Glad your appointment went well other than the weight gain and BP - hope that they won't be anything serious to worry about though. I know what you mean, counting my appoinment on Thursday, I only have 3 left as well (1 at 29-30 weeks on Thursday, 1 at 36 weeks on September 15th and the last one at 39 weeks on October 6th which is 3 days before my EDD:wacko:). If you're not much into going out, maybe you can order some yummy take-away food from your favorite place? That's what I would do:winkwink:

AFM sleep seems to be a bit mixed, some nights are ok but others are bad. Although some of those bad nights could also be because DH is making me watch "Stranger Things" and I generally don't do well with horror stuff:wacko: I still remember when I was younger having nightmares for weeks after seeing that Stephen King "It" miniseries. Luckily we're only missing 1 more episode.
I think I might opt for that Kat ... will see ...

gosh im not a horror movie fan myself
The worst thing is it isn't even a movie, it's a series of 8 episodes:dohh: So the torture has been spread out. It makes it hard to sleep afterwards as while I'm trying to fall asleep and every time I have to get up and pee during the night, it's like I can see the monster. So silly (especially for a 37 year old woman!) but typical reaction for me to seeing a horror film/series:nope:
oh yes I would be so scared to go pee LOL and I pee up to 6 times a night
Glad to hear I'm not the only adult woman to have that reaction to horror stuff! My DH thinks it's pretty funny though :wacko: He was teasing me last night that maybe we should see an episode right before going to bed, evil man:nope: Not that it makes much difference really.
@Blessed - Happy Birthday Momma!!

@Clan - Welcome! So glad you found us :happydance:

@Kat - lol, scared of the boogeyman in the loo? :winkwink: jk... I totally get it.. I live in the country and have a hard time walking to the barn after an episode of The Walking Dead lol
@ash: I am actually a "not-that-kind-of-doctor" - I have a phd in biological/ medical science. Everything you said about consequences of untreated GD is completely correct! The extra one is that if one of our glucose levels were to be too high, it would also put unnecessary stress on our baby(s) pancreatic function/ insulin output, which makes them larger but also makes them more likely to have their own metabolic problems. In my case, not pregnant, we knew I had insulin resistance (like for years). It doesn't seem like that has changed (or gotten worse as a consequence of my pregnancy). I can literally eat bread and french fries and ice cream and my glucose levels don't even exceed 120 at 1 hour and are back to baseline at 2 hours - EXCEPT for sweet baked goods. The four measurements out of range in the two weeks of trial monitoring were due to pancakes, a large cookie, birthday cake, and apple strudel. And that was vacation/ birthday eating, I usually don't eat a lot of carbs. And any carb is a sugar and vice versa.

For anyone trying to control glucose levels - check out the glycemic index - the lower something is on that scale, the lower the effect on glucose levels. Generally, the only thing I indulge with is ice cream (portioned into a 1 cup dessert bowl and usually mixed with melted peanut butter, because the fat and protein delays the effect of glucose... LOL... and it's magical).

@blessedbaby: regarding your weight - are you retaining water? I know you aren't in summer there, but for me - the heat has caused quite a bit of fluctuation here!

@Kat: I LOVE HORROR MOVIES. Especially It!

@FaithyJ: thanks!!!

And I think I'm going to hire a birth assistant/ doula. Has anyone else looked into using one or used one previously?
Oh my gosh, we just finished Stranger Things!! It was SO good, and I am not a fan of horror stuff...but I love 80's cult movies so I just had to watch it lol

Well, I downed the glucose crap this AM, I should have the results tomorrow or Friday.
And then I got the first (of 2) steroid shots. I was so nervous because I heard such bad things but it went OK. It burned, but I feel fine now :)

I am feeling super accomplished because my 4 oldest kids now have all their new school clothes & shoes, everything is hung, folded, organized AND we are completely done buying clothes for baby!!
Next week we'll do school supplies, hair cuts and the baby car seat...

Clandestine - I haven't used a doula, but I wish I had all those years ago. Probably wouldn't of ended up with a c/s! I hope you find what you are looking for!

Ash- I talked to my Dr. about my friends baby / complications and she said it was definitely unusual, and agreed that her blood sugars must of been very out of whack & that there probably were other circumstances causing all the issues. She thought it was unlikely that it was just due to "prematurity" since baby was 35 weeks with steroids.
I just got all of my dd's school clothes this week too and next week I'll go for school supplies. My dd is extremely picky with clothes so it was very exhausting. I cannot believe she's starting 2nd grade!

I had a dr appt today and I gained 2 lbs in just 2 weeks. I was nervous that it may have been too much, but my dr was really happy that I gained something. I've only gained 4 lbs total which is great. Baby's HB was 137. I can't believe next month I'll be starting weekly visits already. It's gone so fast and I cannot wait to hold her.

Is anyone else suffering from RLS? It started this week and I wake up multiple times a night due to discomfort.
wish so funny we've both seen it although don't share your enthusiasm for it as I don't do well with horror stuff myself. FXed for your test results!

Smile glad your appointment went well. So crazy you guys get weekly midwife appointments. Here they give you one at 30 weeks, 36 weeks and 39 weeks so not weekly at all. As for RLS nope, don't know if it's because of all the supplements/vitamins I'm taking though:shrug:

AFM I'm going to my 30 week midwife appointment a bit later today and hoping this will be my steady midwife (I'm supposed to get a steady one but because we moved when I was about 12 weeks along, it seems to be problematic for the municipality to find one). If not, I'm going to complain because I've now seen 2 different ones and the 2nd was was even a temp:wacko: Going to ask the midwife today what to do as DH and I take off for vacation on the 14th and the 2nd childbirth class (on breastfeeding) is on the 16th. So either we need to drop it which I'm loathe to do or I'm hoping she offers I can hop on to another class. We'll see. Going to get a hair cut afterwards as I want to look nice for that wedding we're going to on the 13th.
Had my gtt diabetes test results n they was fine n so was my bloods. I'm measuring a week over so going back in 2 weeks time n if still measuring big she will send me for a growth scan! Everything else looking fine. Has anyone had really achey legs n feet? Its really uncomfortable n all over in m bones! X
Good luck Kat, I hope you get your steady midwife :)

Hopefully: happy that your test results were fine!

Smille: Nope, not yet. But my hips are starting to hurt during the night despite me using a pillow between my legs and everything.
Bla- I've been using a pillow too but it doesn't help.
So just got back and everything is looking good. My BP is normal, the glucose and protein levels in my urine are normal, uterus is again measuring a little bit ahead and baby's heartbeat was fine:happydance: Funny thing is baby is already head down with his/her butt up and a bit towards my left:confused: The midwife feels that if baby is head down, then it means that my placenta has most likely moved up so that's good:thumbup: Got a new day for that breastfeeding class which is also good, don't want to miss that as I'm planning on breastfeeding. The bad news was I got another temp, a vacation temp:growlmad: So only 2 more appointments and at this point, it doesn't matter much anymore:shrug: I'm just a bit annoyed that I never had a steady midwife from the get go.
glad your appointment went well Kat ... sorry about not getting a steady MW that totally sucks man
Kat- at first, I was switched around between my dr and cpn. The cpn would give contradictory info from what the dr said. It was really annoying and one appt I left terrified. The cpn said I was measuring a week ahead and my baby was going to be huge. Then said I'm high risk for gd bc the baby is measuring ahead. It turned out she was just laying in a weird position. I was really frustrated so I completely understand about not having a steady mw. The cpn moved offices and now I only see my dr from here on out.
Smile wow that's just crappy of them to give conflicting info. Although in my case they aren't giving conflicting info, it just feels like I have to "start from scratch" at every appointment because I don't have a personal relationship with 1 midwife. Plus I'm a bit shy so I hate having to meet a new one each time, I'd have preferred to have had the same midwife from the start that I could've developed a more personal relationship with. The worst by far is the last 2 have even been temps so not even midwives I'd have any chance of seeing when I do go into labor. They've all been nice enough although I wish the 1st one I saw could've been my steady one as I really liked her and we hit it off really quickly. I just don't get why the municipality has had such a tough time of finding one midwife for me, you'd think the midwives at the place I go to close to the hospital would gradually get openings as people give birth to their babies and it'd be easy to find someone :nope:

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