Any other October mummies?

I've got my glucose test next Monday, ugh it's so long but hopefully everything's okay. I had my routine appointment with my midwife yesterday and ended up having to go see the midwives at the hospital because my blood pressure was up and she found some protien in my urine sample. Luckily after an hour of monitoring my urine sample was fine and blood pressure went back to normal. They were worried about me having pre eclampsia as I'm high risk because of the twins. I was so scared! I just want this pregnancy to go quickly and smoothly, I won't go past 37 weeks so I haven't got much longer left really, I went to 42 weeks with ds x
welcome CVR

Ajarvis I also cant wait to get my body back into shape and I know this is my last pregnancy and its going so fast Im really trying to cherish it to the fullest ...
I had my 28 week appointment yesterday, i am measuring 32! She said thats big, but isnt concerning. Anyone else measuring big? I knew i felt huge! :haha:

At 27 weeks weeks I measured 30 weeks, but they did an ultrasound and luckily the baby measured between 26-27 weeks on all fronts. Very average baby, just a very enthusiastic uterus that is already near the top of my ribcage (from what I can feel now, a week later) :haha:

Good luck with all the glucose tests ladies! I had one a couple of weeks back because my belly was measuring so much higher than expected. Luckily it was 4.0 on an empty stomach and 4.1 2 hours later (they want it here to be lower than 7.8 after two hours and less than 6 on an empty stomach).
I'm sure you'll all pass!

Kat: I understand that you are still a bit nervous about it. To be honest, I would be too even though I'm fairly certain yours WILL have moved :hugs:
Faithy GL with your glucose test tomorrow! I can see how it may be challenging to hold a baby shower at your own place. I would of personally opted for having it somewhere else if I was having one (not the tradition in Denmark so won't be having one). I hope you reach to get things done in time!

bcos21 I hope the next test goes better and you pass that one! I've heard of people failing the 1 hour but passing the 3 hour so hopefully that happens for you as well. GL with your scan tomorrow, looking forward to seeing pics!

Lollipopbop hope you pass your test as well! So glad it turned out you don't have Pre-eclampsia!

blablamana thanks, I know I'm being silly so here's hoping we can laugh about it in about 2 weeks:flower:

As for measuring larger, at my last midwife appointment my uterus was measuring on the large side (although still within the normal range) but she didn't seem concerned so I probably also have a uterus on the more enthusiastic side:haha:
I've just moved over! October 27th and team yellow :happydance: I was dreading it but now I'm so excited haha
welcome beanzzz

good luck to all the ladies that have their glucose tests ... im lucky we don't do it here
welcome beanzzz

good luck to all the ladies that have their glucose tests ... im lucky we don't do it here

How come? Do they at least check your sugars? Isn't GD dangerous for the baby especially when undetected?

Failed my 1 hour GD test and now I'm just waiting on the results for my 3-hour GD test.
Where are you from blessed baby?
I know in England where I am, they only do it if you have a higher risk. I have a higher bmi and having twins so that's why I need the test.

Welcome Beanz! I bet you can't wait to find out what baby is. Team yellow are so strong x
I was worried about my gd test as well, but I passed the 1 hr by a great margin. I was worried bc I have pcos and read that your chance of having gd increases significantly. I guess don't believe everything you read. It is best to watch your carb and sugar intake and stay as active as possible. Many women fail the 1 hr test and pass the 3hr test. Good luck to those who are taking it this week!
Wow, glad to see I'm not the only one feeling exhausted. I do have issues with my iron levels which causes a lot of issues and the supplements cause heartburn if I take them every day. Hoping I can figure out a way to balance.

Also finding sleep is a bit tricky as I end up with back/ hip pain from being on my side.... :(

I also cannot wait to be done working, I work crazy early 5am-1:30pm and would just love to sleep normal hours again!
With my midwife nothing is mandatory. It is fairly standard to do the GD test though. I was going to decline since this is baby 3 and it's never even been close to an issue. But she wanted to test my iron anyways which I think is just as important so figured might as well get the draw for GD as well.

Hope your tests go well!
I have my GD test next week too :) not too concerned since I've never had it before, but I always dread it b/c it tastes so awful lol!

I saw my specialist yesterday (as usual, on Wednesdays)...and it went great! Her words - I'm "remarkably stable" which is really good news. (Thinning lower uterine segment due to 5 previous c/s). The measurement (the wall is only 2.3mm thick) has stayed the same for the last 3 weeks even though baby has grown a lot, and in her words a miracle!

And, even better - at 27 weeks exactly baby boy is weighing in at 2 pounds, 12 oz and he's at the 95th percentile!
Thats so exciting to me b/c we know he is coming at 36 weeks or earlier. I have been making sure to eat a ton of protien to increase his size, and it appears to be working (up from the 74th percentile 6 weeks ago!)

So, I was supposed to get the steroid shots yesterday & today, but she said they mess with glucose levels & I am doing so well, she feels good about pushing them back another week so my GD test won't be affected! Yay! Now, fingers crossed the next measurement stays the same, and we can push the shots again lol!
Thanks kat079! I failed the one hour with my son too but passed the 3 hour. I'm hoping it will be the same this time. Nothing like worrying for 3weeks lol.

Kiwiberry hope you get your results soon! I'm glad our Dr's office does the rest right there. They stick your fingers and give you the results right then. The wait would drive me crazy!
Just received my blood work from my 3 hour GD test yesterday. I did not pass . They're sending in my referral to the diabetic department at the hospital I'll be giving birth at. They said I should receive a phone call to come in and speak to a nutritionist within 24 hours. I am supposed to be monitoring my blood sugar's 4 times a day. Do they give me the tool to monitor my sugars or do I have to buy it myself? I am in the US.

I'm really worried that it's going to turn into full diabetes after this baby is born like it did for my close friend.
Sorry for the GD kiwi :hugs:

I had a 2hr glucose test and passed.
Good luck ladies with the gtt, I refused to do one.

Wish4baby: good luck with those steroid shots. I had my two a couple of weeks ago & they was very painful. I'd lay down for them if you can, the more relaxed the less painful & they let me rest for a good 30 minutes after to recover.

I had my second growth scan today & baby is currently following the 10the centile line.
kiwi - I was also diagnosed with gestational diabetes. It totally sucks and I understand your concern but try not to worry too much. The first day I was diagnosed I cried all day (I think I even cried the next day, all day!) but eventually I just tried to look at the bright side which is that I will have a healthy diet, which will lead to healthy babies, and after they're born I will have a lot of knowledge about a good diet to pass onto my children.

Also, most of the time the diabetes goes away after they're born so I would just try and focus on that. Yes, sometimes it happens where it doesn't go away but from what I read it's pretty rare. I know it's scary though :hugs: Did your friend have any pre- existing conditions that would make her more susceptible to it not going away? (i.e overweight, family history of diabetes?)

As for getting the equipment to check. I purchased it myself but if you wait until your appointment with the dietician I'm sure they will give you a meter that is covered by your insurance (that's what they did with everyone at the GD class I had to go to) or they'll give you a prescription and you'll most likely have to go to the pharmacy and get the meter yourself.

Best of luck :hugs: If you ever want to just vent I'm here.
@Kiwiberry - So sorry to hear you got bad news.. On the plus side, now that you know you can take all precautions to insure you and baby are as healthy as you can be and well taken care of. That's so much better than getting the news as a surprise when there are already problems..

I'm wishing I hadn't agreed to have the shower at our place. Just seemed easier when we were planning it. This way I don't have to drag things from one place to another and I'll be in the comfort of my own home (so I know places to go hide if people get too overbearing lol)

This resurfacing nausea is awful. I spent all morning trying my hardest not to hurl and hold down the water I was able to drink.. ugh
Kiwiberry I'm sorry you're going through this :-( i would wait until you speak to the people and see if your insurance will cover it.. As others have said it's good to know about it now, i understand the frustration though. You'll get through this, it's the home stretch. I have also heard that gd typically goes away shortly after birth.
Thanks ladies. The reason I'm so worried about having it after birth is because it runs in my family :-(. Both my mother and my grandmother have Type 2 diabetes.

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