Any other October mummies?

The only achey thing I have going on is the separation of the joint in the middle of the pubic bone - it's uncomfortable, but not unbearable and normal, per midwife on Tuesday. I found that long periods of sitting, especially at uneven angles aggravate it and moving tends to make it less irritating (so does sex, LOL). I have been fortunate that sleeping flat on my back has never been a problem and has been OK'd by my docs and midwives, as that seems to be the best for it as well. Even short periods of time on one side or the other makes it unhappy!

@Kat: we are measuring a teensy bit ahead too, which I'm mostly OK with (I REALLY want an October baby, as my anniversary is also in October). Both my parents have mid-late-Sept birthdays. And my favorite doula so far - we cannot meet until next Friday - is from Denmark (she's actually visiting family there now, which is why we can't meet her until next week). We've exchanged emails with a little chatting and her company has intro videos that seem like she'd be a great fit for us.

@smile: have they assessed growth by tape measure outside or by U/S? I get growth checks via U/S constantly due to my hypothyroidism, so we knew by 18 weeks he was a little "ahead" in height... I'm still skeptical, as Hubster is almost 6'2" (almost 188 cm).
Clandestine- I meant to ask about sleeping on my back at yesterday's appt and forgot. I've read there is a risk as it can cut off oxygen to the baby, but I want a drs opinion.

As for measurement, they've only used a tape measure so far. I'm measuring on time, but that one appt I was measuring ahead. I should be getting a growth scan here around 36 wks.
@Clan - My anniversary is in Oct as well! I'm glad to hear your doc said sleeping on your back is ok bc I keep forgetting to ask and that is the way I wake up every morning.. I have no idea when I roll over that way tho as I start out on my left side.

AFM - I got the call this morning telling me my numbers were high on my hr 1 and hr 3 draw. So it's been decided that I do have GD. :( I have an appt with the nurse practitioner tomorrow to find out what I have to do about it..
The news has me really depressed. I know I'm a bit overweight, but I've never had this before and I've got 4 other children (by my 1st marriage). This is my DH's first baby and he's decided it should be our last. We were both on the fence about whether we wanted another or not anyway, but I hate having the decision made for me (why my body can't just do what it's supposed to do the way it's supposed to do it).. He said this has just been too hard on me, he hates to see me go through all the pain and stress that we've had this pregnancy & he doesn't want to risk my health bc I'm the most important thing to him. He's so sweet & I feel like I'm failing him by not being able to just carry our girl without all these problems, and I really had hopes to try again for a boy. He is amazing to my girls, I know he will be equally amazing to this girl and I just wanted to be able to give him a son..
Sigh.. sorry for the long post :shy:
@smile: the biggest issue is the return blood flow vessel in the back and I was told by the OB that oversees the certified nurse midwives that do my regular stuff that if that was being compressed, you would know within minutes (light headed, dizziness, etc.) and that was confirmed by the maternal fetal medicine specialist I see for my hypothyroidism and "advanced maternal age" - neither the OB nor the MFM specialist said anything about placental concerns. I slept flat on my back pre-pregnancy and continue to do so - he's been bouncing around all day long, so I'm sure he's fine in there! Coincidentally, I do have an anterior placenta (in the front of the uterus versus the back), but that wasn't even mentioned when they said if it felt fine to me that it was OK. I would definitely check with your doctor just to be on the safe side, I'm glad I did or else I'd be terribly uncomfortable otherwise!

@FaithyJ: GDM is caused by insulin resistance from hormones that come from your placenta - not from you or anything you did or didn't do! You do get more susceptible to having it with older age, but as long as it's well managed don't let it worry you or get your down! Follow their advice for diet, exercise, and monitoring (medication, if necessary) and you should be fine!
I've always been a stomach sleeper, but laying in bed on my back feels much more comfortable than my side due to hip pain and rls. I have an appt in 2 wks and I'll definitely ask bc I'm not getting enough sleep.

Faithy- I'm so sorry about the gd test. As the pp said, it's not always something you can control. You can be the most fit person and healthiest eater and still get it. Sometimes they just put you on a monitored diet without meds.
Cland - I have that achey feeling in the front of my pubic bone too. Most days it's fine, but if I sit too long in the car or on a hard seat, I am in a lot of pain by night time. I have to sleep on my side now (up until a week ago or so, I always ended up on my back, I am definitely a back sleeper!). Now if I roll over, I wake up because it gets hard to breathe.
Baby is right at 3 pounds now, more than the 97 percentile, so it must be due to his size lol. I use a pillow b/w my knees when I side sleep, but it doesn't seem to help much on very painful days!

Smille- my dr has never used a tape measure, but I bet I measure way ahead lol! My womb is literally under my sternum...and I'm nearly 5'10"
They measure by ultrasound since I see a specialist, and my boy is huge! Good since he'll be coming early.

Faith - I'm so sorry! Please don't feel bad, as the others said, it's not something you did.

AFM - I must of jinxed myself because I got the call that I failed my 1 hr by 4 points! Ugh. Must be because of the bed rest (modified), I read lower activity can make blood sugars higher. I am normally really active. I go back for the 3 hr on the 15th, they're trying to let the steroids get out of my system before the next test.
I also read that babies born to GD moms take longer for lungs to mature...could be concern for those like me, who expect baby prior to 37 weeks :(

I also am severely anemic, apparently. I'm on high dose iron now in addition to regular prenatals and an increase in protien, water and iron rich foods.

And, I spoke too soon on the steroids. The actual shot was fine, burned a little, but nothing major. I was normal for about 12 hrs, then bam - I was jittery, sweating, anxious, mind racing, couldn't sleep (literally couldn't shut my eyes all night long), flushed face. It was like I took 10X diet pills!
I went for shot number 2 this AM & when my mom came over to watch my 2y/o, she seriously wouldn't let me drive lol! My dr took one look at me & laughed, she said, try some Benadryl! Hoping that helps me rest some tonight.

Anyways, Faith, I can totally relate. I am really feeling like I am failing b/c of all these issues, but I can just do my best daily. It's new to me since I've done this 5 times previously with no issues really...(only Pre-E with my first at 37 weeks). Fingers crossed for healthy pregnancies!
@wish - Right! Ugh... first I had kidney issues, then gall bladder (which they then found lesions on my liver while looking at my gallbladder) and now GD.. I've never had much more than a uti with any of my other 4 pregnancies.. I guess this just comes with the territory of having had a few already and getting older.. fun fun

Here's to hoping it gets a bit smoother for us on the rest of this journey!
Faithy and Wish sorry about failing your GD tests and all the complications you ladies have had ... I hope the next few weeks is smoother for you

Last night I had period pains and my DH was worried all night about me going into labour ... I drank some water and went to bed real early and I feel fine this morning ...
@Kat: we are measuring a teensy bit ahead too, which I'm mostly OK with (I REALLY want an October baby, as my anniversary is also in October). Both my parents have mid-late-Sept birthdays. And my favorite doula so far - we cannot meet until next Friday - is from Denmark (she's actually visiting family there now, which is why we can't meet her until next week). We've exchanged emails with a little chatting and her company has intro videos that seem like she'd be a great fit for us.

Funny coincidence she's from Denmark! As for October birhdays it doesn't really matter much in that sense to me. Almost all of DH's family have birthdays between and including April and June so we're glad that we're avoiding high season for birthdays and that July/August was avoided as his family always go on vacations those months. DH and I just want baby to stay put until he/she is ready to come out!

So sorry Faithy and wish, hope that you both can manage it with diet and exercise:hugs:

Blessed here's hoping it was just growing pains and nothing bad:flower: I've heard that dehydration can also cause uterine contractions, don't know if you may have been dehydrated?

AFM taking my cat to the vet to get her yearly vaccinations today:wacko: She's going to hate me for a couple of hours afterwards:nope:
could be possible Kat its winter here Im really struggling to drink water ...
Blessed, maybe try drinking fruity water, like add fruit to the water to give it taste? You can also buy bottled water with fruit taste but that can get expensive which is why I rarely do it. I sometimes have issues drinking water as I'm tired of water but I always manage to force some down.

AFM total embarrassment at the vet:dohh: It was lucky I had put a disposeable puppy training pad in the carrier (due to past bad experiences with my cat either peeing or pooping in the carrier) as my cat had peed in it (all of it luckily had landed on the pad). Then when the vet took her out to weigh her, it turns out she'd pooped too which landed on the weight:dohh: Great first impression but otherwise vet appointment went well although she'll need her teeth cleaned up so scheduled for her teeth to be checked more thoroughly next month (so we know how much it'll cost and be prepared) since we won't have the time before due to us going on vacation. Which worked out perfect as their cat teeth expert comes back from vacation in September.
I'm trying to be better with drinking water. I really struggle unless it's ice cold so I'm just keeping a supply in the fridge constantly and trying to avoid fizzy stuff.

Any one having cravings? I haven't really had any this pregnancy. I remember really wanting ice lollies and slush puppies with my son.

Also - we just finished watching stranger things too. I loved it! X
I don't think drinking water is an issue I think coz its cold I tend to not drink water and go for tea instead ... will try and drink warm water ...

my main craving has been avo .. that's it though ... and I had aversions to it in my previous pregnancy
Lollipopbop good you're trying to avoid soda! I'm trying as well but always have 3-4 cans (mostly Coke or Pepsi) during the weekend so trying to see it as a weekend treat thing. I rarely drink soda other than that though. No real cravings which is weird. I think "Stranger Things" was pretty good, I just can't watch horror because I never sleep well for a week or two after:wacko: Which is why I preferably avoid that genre, no matter how good the movie/series may be.

Blessed yeah warm water might help, maybe with some lemon in it to give it flavor? It's summer here so I'm more into cold water right now.
I'm trying to avoid them but I haven't been able to cut soda out. I generally drink coke zero. All in moderation I guess.

I'm a big Baby with horror stuff too but aliens aren't so scary for me but I do agree about IT, absolutely terrified me as a kid.

Blessed, avo? Is that avocado or am I being silly haha? X
I've mainly had aversions, I hate the smell of coffee + taste (used to be a big fan). Hate the crap out of lettuce and cucumber (daily staple for me normally). Hate everything with noodles. Used to eat a lot of hummus, can't stand the consistency. Etc etc etc.

Only thing i've loved throughout my pregnancy is baked potatoes lol. And around 5 months pregnant I had a sudden love for mcDonald's fries even though I usually hate them and we never go there.

lolli: IT was the very first horror film I ever saw and I was ten years old. Was terrified for years to take showers etc and would always just cower in one corner for the duration of the shower :") Now I can watch anything without ever getting scared though, so I guess it worked out. Nothing fazes me anymore :haha:
I drink a lot of water. I cut pop out in Nov and I rarely indulge.

I haven't had many cravings this pregnancy. At first it was strawberries, but now I don't need to have anything. With my dd, I craved yellow mustard and jalapeños and ate them on everything. It was gross.
Lollipopbop oy I've been completely avoiding any light/zero sodas as I heard the articficial sweeteners may be bad for baby and has even been suspected of causing MCs. So sticking to the full-fat versions.

blablamana so funny you're craving potatoes! I'm glad I'm not craving McD though, when I ate meat I thought that their burgers were just barely edible and prefered Burger King. Although went pescetarian in 2012 so no more burgers for me unless it's a fish or veggie burger:thumbup: Sounds like we had a similiar reaction to "It", ugh I don't know why I saw it, it really did a number on me for months:wacko:

Smile kudos on being able to cut soda out, I haven't been able to entirely although I've cut way down. Coke/Pepsi is a bit of a weakness for me:blush: We only buy it in cans so I at least don't end up sitting there and drinking glasses and glasses of it which is easy to do, especially if DH and I are watching a film :dohh: It also helps DH to avoid the same issue and think it's helped him lose some weight over the months:thumbup: Ugh mustard and jalapenos, not the huge mustard fan and find jalapenos too spicy (although I do eat Indian food but only at max medium strength) so the combo is extra gross to me:haha: I couldn't eat spicy food for my 1st trimester and the start of my 2nd trimester as it made me sick :sick: Now no problems though!
Kat: How cool that you are pescatarian! I've been a vegetarian since 10 years old, so I usually just go for the fries (I think the veggie burger is pretty gross, at least the one they have here!). I've never had their actual burgers, or any burger actually so I don't even know how that tastes haha. I was such a picky eater as a kid, I only liked vegetables and therefore hardly have any idea how meat/fish even tastes :haha: And yes, can't seem to get enough of potatoes, just plain old potatoes. Don't even want anything with it haha.

In terms of soda, SO and I were big Coke Zero drinkers. He still is, in fact it is all he drinks. But luckily Cola is also one of my aversions so I don't get near it :haha: SO is very happy about that, more for him!
I've just been drinking carbonated water mostly, and Rooibos tea.
And before bed I drink half a litre of cold water (which makes me get up to pee multiple times a night, but I want to stay hydrated at all times lol. Bit over the top but hey)
Kat: How cool that you are pescatarian! I've been a vegetarian since 10 years old, so I usually just go for the fries (I think the veggie burger is pretty gross, at least the one they have here!). I've never had their actual burgers, or any burger actually so I don't even know how that tastes haha. I was such a picky eater as a kid, I only liked vegetables and therefore hardly have any idea how meat/fish even tastes :haha: And yes, can't seem to get enough of potatoes, just plain old potatoes. Don't even want anything with it haha.

Yeah I first started in 2012, actually during DH's and I's England vacation with his parents no less:dohh: I'd been considering it for years and years though so it wasn't a rash decision. Needless to say, his parents weren't thrilled partly due to the timing but also because I don't think they get it. I know it worried my MIL when I did get pregnant that it would affect the baby which is nuts as I eat fish 3-4 times a week and any vegetarian dishes I have there's always a source of protein e.g. beans. As for McD burgers, you aren't missing out on anything, they're not very good :winkwink::haha: Although I know DH's 11 year old nephew would disagree with me completely as he loves McD:dohh: I was never a picky eater though, my parents where into going to restaurants often so I started eating snails at the French place we often went to when I was like 8-9 years old. Think I was curious one night and asked my Dad if I could try one and he said sure. I was always encouraged to try stuff, my parents would never tell me they didn't think I'd like it, they'd just let me try it and see what happens. I think my main hate food item was liver but being pescetarian now, I avoid having to eat it:thumbup: Think I only miss duck really, that was one of my favorite meat items. Luckily I can get pretty good mock duck here so eat that occasionally.

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