any other over 35 first time mums?

Happy birthday Storm! :D Hope you had a nice day and got some good pressies ;)

Borboleta I am 42, meh :( Hehe about the codeine, I wish! ;)

Charlie I am so glad Happiest Baby on the Block is working for you too :D We thought his method of swaddling too difficult too which is why in the beginning we had the miracle swaddler. It is super easy to use and breakout proof :)

Anyone have a tip how I can make my boys sleep longer than just after 5? Lately they have been waking between 5:15 and 5:50 but mummy and daddy would so like to sleep till at least 6:30, if 7 is impossible. We cannot put them to bed later really as they get super tired and whiney after 6pm :shrug:
OH just came back from the shops reeking of smoke :grr::growlmad: and had to help me settle Dom as he will not stop crying every 10 minutes. OH is better at getting Dom to sleep I must admit. So he knew he might be needed when he got back and still smoked! I don't think he will ever really stop :growlmad: I am resigned to it but it still makes me mad. Probably more so because I am getting resigned to it. :(

Insomnia. Bleh.

Charlie--I'm so glad the Happiest Baby worked for you! I was so shocked when it did, every single time. As he got older, we modified elements of it: we bought a white noise machine to take over the Shhh-ing, and stopped swaddling when he gave the signal that he wanted to, but the swinging/shaking lasted until past 6 months. Oh, and he never took a soother.

We had the miracle blanket as well, but I was never able to do his legs well--they always broke through, somehow--so I ended up adding an aden and anais muslin swaddle (the original) on top:
It is cold enough here in the winter to double up, and they were so big that they served as pretty easy swaddles. If I didn't use the miracle blanket, then I used two of the muslins. Until we switched to the Halo sleep sacks with wings and never looked back. I know people don't like the sound of the velcro when it opens, but we never changed him during the night so it was never a problem. Oh, and never ever worry about personals--what we want foremost in this thread is to find out how everyone is doing. Especially the newborns!!!

Angel--yup. Resigned to the smoking as well. We had a big fight over it last year, until, quite coldly, I'll add, I insisted he get a goodly amount of life insurance, so if he dies of lung cancer, we're covered. Somehow, the fact that he knows that I value our monetary security over his presence seemed to balance things out. Horrible, I know, but when someone can't put his wife and son over a stupid habit that yes, is hard to break, but can be done, I think he should know where that puts him in my mind. If his priorities are cigarettes, then us, mine have quite honestly become J and me, security, then him.

As for getting them to sleep longer, we had the same problem as you. J would melt down at six and wake at four something. My husband accepted it as fact, but I couldn't do the four o'clock wake up. So, I insisted that this six o'clock business stop and that we had to push through to seven, regardless of the meltdowns. That's when we established the 6 o'clock dinner time (which was easier to deal with time-wise than the 5 o'clock dinner time), followed by bath, PJ routine, bottle and bed. This got him down at seven and he got used to it pretty quickly because there was never any time to melt down. And apart from the occasional 4 or 5 o'clock wake up, he now sleeps to 6. My husband didn't want to do it because he couldn't deal with the meltdowns, but I could deal with the wake ups even less.

I loved your description of the boys, by the way. It will be so interesting to watch them develop. Do you think they will be close?

Oh, and yes. I am 40.
Borboleta--I just looked at those filtration systems and while they look exactly like what we need, they are beyond our price-range, sadly. The fluoride in the water is great when you get older, just not now when his teeth are so vulnerable. Oh well, it means that even if I use just water, he is still getting the benefit of fluoride.

Claire--same for you and the personals. We don't care. We just like hearing from everyone, no matter how short the post.

Skweek--colds at this age are tough. Saline really helps, and so does the Nose Frieda snot sucker. We also used a cold-air humidifier when J had a cold at two weeks old. I hope Annabel gets better soon!

Leeze--I love the fact that you think 40 is young enough to plan for another! Stop it, before I start considering it.

I'll have to make a list of everyone's ages and then bookmark that page. It makes me feel so comforted that we are all around the same age. But as an anal"need to knower (?)"--it's late, okay?--I like to have specifics on hand. And Storm, although I said it on FB, happy (now-belated) birthday, and your day sounded heavenly! But, I'm sorry about L's chest cold. Good for your brother catching it in time!
Morning, don't even get me started on the smoking, DH promised he would give up before we even TTC and here we are nearly a year later and he is still sneaky smoking.

This is a passing post as I'm off to hunt the Christmas decorations out....
AAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! Trying to put our pantry into some sort of order, and am at a loss with our spices. How on earth does one keep them in any sort of order? We have one of those wheely spinny things on our counter, but that takes care of, maybe, a quarter of them, and certainly doesn't take up the entire bag we have to buy to make it economical. The bags are all packed in the pantry into a tupperware container with no lid and no order.

Leeze!--you could help me! What do you do?

Oh crud, J is walking around with a big bottle of soya sauce and I have no idea if it is properly closed. Got to go!!!!
not a great 24-hours....LO vomited his milk all over himself (and me, sigh) at 5pm, 2 am (yes, party this morning) and at 7am, so OH took the day off and took LO to the doctors -- he has a slight chest infection, but was given a prescription for antibiotics only if it gets worse. He seems okay, actually - a little fussy but okay-ish, e.g. wants attention and then wants a bit more sleep....I bought some saline nose drops (I cannot and will not ever use a booger sucker, sorry.....), we have menthol (sp) drops for clothes, have the Irish equivalent of baby Vicks for his chest and give a little calpol (like baby Tylenol), but it's just so sad that LO has a nasty cold, but he is still trying to play, laugh, etc....sigh

OH isn't feeling well (he thinks it was the curry last night) and my cold/AF (first day yesterday) are manageable, but am exhausted....

sorry, no time for personals (did read the last few pages, but LO not impressed with mummy semi-ignoring him)!

hey ladies v quick one!

everyone seems v busy!!! Hope eevryone has a good night!

were ok!

Mallory Towers! lmao! now theres a blast from the past!!
So I guess everyone is in bed now? *sigh* Oh well, at least that means that I can write an outrageously long post again, and won't miss people who post while I write it...

I will have my second injection today. We'll see if it hurts afterwards (who would think that I would actually want pain?) I'm starting to survive with the pain as it is, though, but I still can't exercise. As J grows older, he doesn't need to be carried all the time, and I've discovered a trick if he does demand to be picked up. We brought up the highchair again, put my laptop on the dining room table and I made a loooong playlist of Sesame Street music videos. Then I give him slices of orange, some baby Cheerios, and get on with dinner. As we did this last night, my husband said: "I'm so glad we never made any naive promises about never letting him watch TV. Right now, it's saving our butts."

Do you guys have Sesame Street on TV in the UK?

Leeze--a question about whole milk. I've been reading up on what I'm supposed to be doing with J now that he's almost a year old. I thought he was supposed to continue with formula until 18 months, but whenever we tried to switch over to the "older babies'" formula, he consistently became constipated because of the extra iron. But now I've been reading that he's actually supposed to switch to whole milk and drop formula altogether! He has been dropping bottles because he's been eating a ton more "real" food, but then he can also wake up in the morning and finish 12-14 ounces!

So what have you been doing? What is the conventional practice over in the UK?

Re: spices--I think I have it sorted out (though I still would like to hear how you organize them). I realized that we had a cupboard that is filled with mixing bowls and is barely full. So, bye-bye bowls, hello a little less chaos. I think that a ton of the spices are too old, but I'll deal with that later.

Angel--remember we talked a while back about the horror of being accessible 100% of the time because of FaceTime on my mum's and my iPhones. Well, turns out is so easy to do that my mother FaceTimed me from two stores yesterday. But I've got to say, I didn't mind at all. I can always see the scenery in the background, which I miss so dreadfully (I'm on the Canadian Prairie right now, and miss home in large part because of how beautiful my tree-filled province is. And well, since J was born, I've really missed her and love being able to have my mother watch him toddle along and play. But I still find FTing me from a store rather unnerving...

SK--I'm sorry F is doing so badly right now, and that you are so sleep deprived.

Okay, more later. Have to go!
AAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! Trying to put our pantry into some sort of order, and am at a loss with our spices. How on earth does one keep them in any sort of order? We have one of those wheely spinny things on our counter, but that takes care of, maybe, a quarter of them, and certainly doesn't take up the entire bag we have to buy to make it economical. The bags are all packed in the pantry into a tupperware container with no lid and no order.

Leeze!--you could help me! What do you do?

Oh crud, J is walking around with a big bottle of soya sauce and I have no idea if it is properly closed. Got to go!!!!
Haha. Sorry if I gave the wrong impression about being a domestic goddess because i'm really not! I love cooking but i'm not a very organised person. And given we've just moved house all the spice jars are thrown into a bag somewhere. In my last flat I had them all on a big long shelf with one big tupperware box with the loose bags in and these would each have an elastic band around them individually or be in a small resealable food bag. Actually my OH has just got me into these plastic food clip thingies and they're great for this kind of thing.
So, I feel so ill today. My cold has gone into my chest plus Kia was up for ages in the night so I'm really exhausted. I want to dream of relaxing beach holidays but that feels like such a wind-up right now! Will try say longer hello later if I haven't collapsed! Xx
Evening all, I'm in crappy form tonight I'm not really sure why, can only assume I've some sort of deep seated upset about Christmas trees and my mum not being here, but I am fully aware that I need to make a go of Christmas for L and her cousins *sigh*

Clio yes we do get sesame street, if you have a spare second google ladybugs picnic, we love that song, especially as we call L, liddybug, baby bug or sometimes just bug... She is going to be confused!
As for spices, I swear I open my larder cupboard very cautiously its such a mess, I've been known to buy new things rather than look for what I know is in there...

SK and Leeze sorry you and your little ones are poorly, it really does suck. L has a nose like a runny tap and a superb cough, bless her. She's just spent the last 20 minutes screaming cause she's too tired and hasn't the wit to go to sleep... As DH says she is clever enough to flick through the photos on my phone but she still hadn't worked out the going to sleep. Sometimes she puts her head down with her eyes closed for 3 seconds and then sits up looking genuinely surprised it didn't work...

I'm shattered today, just the cold etc and the huge amount of rearranging and cleaning it took to out up a tree. DH spent an hour in the roofspace looking for the lights, I found them in 5 mins... He was the one that put them away! Numpty... Anyway he then helped by clearing off to drink coffee at his parents leaving me to it... Pppfffttt

Anyway I'm not feeling very good willed today, maybe tomorrow! Oh to top it all got L dressed up for the Christmas card photo and DH took photos, they are ALL Crap, I told him I wanted L and a little bit if tree and all the photos are of the tree with a tiny L at the bottom not smiling, I don't want a picture of the damned tree! Arrgghhhhhhhhhh. Ok I shall stop moaning for a little bit :)
Hello ladies,

Clio: so funny what your husband said about J watching tv. I was just thinking of that today. Felling really bad that I had to turn the tv for thiago in the car, and then I come home and try to feed him and he kept turning to play with the back of the high chair so I decide to turn the iPad on and put the supersimplelearning videos so he could pay attention and I could shove the food down his throat ( which worked :dohh:)!!! Maybe I should just have the same feelings that your husband have towards the tv. They will watch it anyways. And it is not that he sits there for hours long.
Now the spices I just get rid of the old ones and the ones we don't use. So it is not a bunch of stuff just sitting in there.
Here in the US they will switch the formula to milk when there are 1 year old. I am sooooo looking forward to that!!! Big money saving!!

Sabrina: so sorry to hear that little Finn is not feeling well. And your husband too!! That is almost worst than the baby!! When my husband is sick is pure horror in the house!!! He is worst than a baby!!! Hope you get some rest:).

Storm: :hugs:. I know the feeling of not having your mom for Christmas. I lost more but when I was 22. But I still remember how wonderful it was to have around. She was really a terrific mom:). I just hope I will be half of the mom that she was to us to thiago. And your mom's passing not so long ago it is even tougher on you. My advice is you want to cry go for it. But try to remember of the wonderful time you spent with her and try to not focus on her not being her anymore. You had 37 wonderful years with her.
And your hubby sounds just like mine when it is about trying to find things!!! :growlmad:Maybe is a man thing. I told glen that if I die he is in deep trouble.
And maybe you can try to take the Christmas picture of L yourself:). I bet you it will come out wonderful:).

Leeze: hope you are not getting sick. Maybe just a good night at a tropical island will resolve it :haha:.!

Charlie: just read on the pregnancy post that you are a nurse:)!!! How cool is that! My mom was a nurse too and we couldn't have a better mommy taking care of us when we were sick.

We had a lovely night last night:)!!! 9:30pm till 6:30am no waking up in between. :happydance: . Tylenol I love you:)!!!
Poor hubby is still waiting for the "future boss" to give him an offer!!! :growlmad:Can you believe it!! This thing has been dragging for the past 2 weeks!!! Today was suppose to be the day that he would give him the offer but the had to reschedule for Monday because they were launching a big advertsing campaign for a company and he was stuck at this meeting. So now is sit thru the weekend and wait until Monday!!! :growlmad: My husband looks like a wet puppy right now! He is sooo ready to go back to work. But I did tell him to look to the bright side and at least he did not tell him to wait until the following Friday :growlmad:. He did sent glen the job description and they are doing background check and he told glen about a seminar that would be good for him to attend that could be helpful to him when he starts working for the company. So it all sounds good. Lets keep the positive thinking I guess :thumbup:.
hey ladies

up with bottom trouble again - so I think I may as well assume this is how its going to be! Not sure whether to ring mw or wait til appointment on 13th Dec..I really hope this is a temp pg thing - the consultant did say when she offered me a c section that if I tear as badly again I will probs need surgery

hmm! If dh could take paternity leave I would choose a c section for sure, but then what if I tear that badly again and then need surgery Ive got to recover from anyway?!

its not making for restful nights thats for sure! oh well!

so lets catch up..

clio you crack me up! Hope your injection goes well! Do you feel like its made any difference as yet (after last time I mean)

sesame street - it used to be on - im sure it must be on some channel or other - funny enough M loves her nappies with sesame street characters on even tho shes never seen it :)

leeze hope your cold clears up soon - ours seem to be dragging their heels!

storm my dh found the build up to his first Christmas without his parents v hard but then after the actual day he said the anticipation was worse than the actual day as we did totally different things that year (his big sis had a 8 month old at the time and she said that helped her heaps) - I hope you dont find it too hard hon - must feel really pants x

re spices - in our new kitchen we have a pull out spice rack :) Love it!! previously I had a spice rack that sat on the worktop - a traditional one but huge!

borboleta glad you guys had a good night last night :)

righto best try and get some sleep and hope this bottom settles!
Rowan--when you described your spice drawer, my eyebrows raised to my hairline and my heart filled with longing and jealousy...

BUT, here is the final result:

My Pantries--


The rest of the spices are on a rack on the counter--these are the extras.

Full Cupboard--other shelves filled with my baking stuff (don't get too excited--it's all for my easy-peasy bread maker):

Actual Pantry (the one that filled me with dismay before and was totally pants, as Rowan would say):

And Jonah's shelf, filled with random things he can't hurt himself with:

Re: Injections--well, I told the doctor that there was no change in pain (it was supposed to increase) for the entire month after the first injections, and he looked at me with great confusion and said that in all his experience with this procedure, this had never happened before. "Nothing?" he kept repeating. "Nothing," I confirmed. "Really, really nothing?" "Yes, I swear, NOTHING." So he did an extra dose or something this time, and now, I do feel pain. But not in a bad way, as I thought, though. Sort of like when you exercise and are sore the next day. Psychologically, you know that you did something positive and so the pain is refreshing, in a sense. Or, I'm a masochist.

For every single one of you who is sick and/or has a sick LO--My heart goes out to all of you. J has a runny nose and a cough, but I think it's related to teething (do your LOs get runny noses when teething?). Winter sucks. When my sister lived in England for a year, she said she nearly died because of the damp that went right through to her bones in the winter. She would sleep under blanket after blanket after blanket and still not get warm.

All this reminds me that we all need to get our flu shots. Maybe tomorrow.

For all of you missing family this Christmas, either because of distance or their passing--again, :hugs: I like what you said though, Rowan and Borboleta. Perhaps this is a time to start new traditions with your little ones, and cry when the urge comes upon you. But I cannot speak to this with any experience. Even though I'm far from my family, my mother will still be visiting this December.

Rowan again--this bum thing sounds awful. BUT, if you did have to undergo surgery this time, could they fix it nicely? As in, improve on it so you don't have the same problems as now?

And, as you can tell from the rest of us, our c/s didn't slow us down (well, I think all of us...). So you may not need the paternity leave. Is there someone who could come and help you out in the beginning? I know having a toddler at the same time will be hard, but as you said, it might be six of one, half a dozen of the other regarding surgery, regardless what route you take.

AFM cont'd--I am so pissed at my husband right now. Even though he keeps telling me to drop it, I can't (and then he gets all self-righteous because although he was the selfish jerk, I'm the one to be chastised because I can't let it go. Why do I buy this crap?) Anyway, OH knows how stressed I am about feeding J. I have never cooked for myself, and here I am, making sure my baby gets three square meals a day, with as little salt as possible, which means making basically everything from scratch. And now that he's nearly a year, we won't have formula to fall back on if we miss a meal for some reason. Because I needed help, and we are going 50/50 with this kid, I asked OH to be responsible for J's lunches (which is when I take my daily nap). At first he just chucked some cheese, usually an omelette and some grapes at him, but this was becoming everyday fare. So I very recently told him that he had to add some variety and gave him tons of resources to look at for ideas (because I was sick of coming up with all the ideas, as well). So, he said that he would start to mix it up, and I was not to worry.

The first day of his "mixing things up," when it came to lunch time, he asked me what I should give him. ???? :growlmad: I did have some lighter dishes in the freezer though, so I suggested he just give him one of those. I think this was...yesterday. Today, I went up for my nap, and when I came down again for the app't, I asked OH what he had fed J. Oh, nothing, he said. He forgot. And he was totally blasé about it. Like it didn't matter. Later, I noticed that he had made himself gluten free mac and cheese, but couldn't be arsed to feed his child. :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: Then he got mad at me for getting mad at him and bringing it up all the time, till I finally said:

"You know that I'm angry. But I don't think you fully understand why. First, I'm developing a lot of anxiety making sure our kid is fed properly, and you promised to help me out with that and be responsible for a varied lunch every day. And second: how selfish can you be to feed yourself, but not your child???"

He shut up after that, but never properly apologized. I even had to extract a promise from him that it wouldn't happen again. And I remain baffled as to what was going on in his head at the time. I had also made it very clear that we would be going off of formula soon, so this wasn't just a lark anymore; feeding J is now a serious matter. So it isn't like he didn't get that part.

Anyway, thank you for letting me get that off my chest. Man. Nine years of hardly any fighting, and now it's weekly. I know it's normal after having a kid, but getting used to it is hard.
Morning all!:

LO seems in much better form today -- he slept from around 10pm to 3.30am - party until 5.30 am, but then he slept until 9:45 so not so bad for me (I took him last night as at the moment, we are doing every other night in rotation, not my OH's usual Sunday, Tues and Friday nights). He's drinking better and even had some porridge this am. For this weekend, I'm going back to early-weaning foods, e.g. more fruit, yogurt purees and will re-introduce meat, etc., from Monday onwards. After all, when we're poorly, we prefer comfort food and LO seemed happy to have some mango and banana puree from earlier days. Odd to say that when LO was younger....! He also seems a bit happier in himself and is almost back to 'normal'; his cough is 'okay' as well, so no need for anti-biotics at the moment.

Clio -- your cupboards, et al are very tidy. I try in my house, but my OH has a habit of um...leaving things 'around', e.g. on the table, the counter, etc., so I have to do a periodic sweep of the kitchen, etc.

Oh, my job decided to close early for Christmas, e.g. from 7th rather than 14th (so many students are travelling, etc) so have a month off (we go back 7th January), but it's unpaid and I'm also paying for the creche (can't really start - stop - start), so this will be a rather broke Xmas -- we can get a little help from the government (for temporary closure of a school, etc), but it's only 1/2 of my already meagre salary. I wish I could win the lottery! (but then, we'd go somewhere warm for the winter!)

storm - hugs. My OH did find it hard the first Christmas after his dad died (died in 2010); in fact, we went to the States (was supposed to return the 21st, but our flight was cancelled due to snow in Dublin, then a blizzard hit NYC after Christmas), so we went to my mum's and I think it helped. Last year, I was pregnant and we did Christmas at ours, so that was okay. This year ....? I don't know, what with MIL still in hospital and we're unsure what the doctors will suggest, etc....oh, well....this isn't supposed to be about me! I do like the suggestions, though, of making new traditions for Xmas to 'help'....

nothing else -- no time for personals, sorry...hope all are well?

bye -- LO is getting cranky and me thinks it's time for a nap!
clio the last twice dh has looked after M he forgot to feed her - last time eventually she went and found some biscuits she had hidden in a corner under the coffee table bless her! - |I had left a list of what to do when but he hadn't checked it cos he'd forgotten I'd left it - they do function differently don't they men!

sabrina I keep finding myself saying "when M was little" lol but ofc she still is jsut seems sooo much bigger now!
Clio I am jealous of your cupboards, mine are a state, you take your life in your hands opening them... As for lunch, is lunch the lightest meal of the day? I find feeding L very stressful, as you say constant pressure to cook, make meals and then I realised I was trying to feed the kid two dinners a day! Now sometimes she just gets fruit and yoghurt for lunch, egg and toast, sandwiches, baked beans (grossly I rinse most of the sauce off), banana etc.. I've found for dinner that fish is great, a little bit of salmon or cod wrapped in foil with some butter and cooked for ten minutes in the oven with potatos and veg is usually a winner.

Oh she's awake . Bye
Thank you, thank you all, for the compliments on my incredibly organized pantries. I know the actual pantry will get messed up in a few days again, but I hope to keep my personal spice and baking one in order.

OH is currently out shovelling the walks. Here you have to; it's a city ordinance to shovel the walk outside of your house. But he always does a half-assed job, when everyone around us has lovely, perfectly snow-cleared walks. So, I told him that since he won't finish them properly, then I was going to. He said no, I said yes, he forbid me to, I said how dare you, he said if you throw out your hip then I'll have to do everything again, I said this is easily avoided if you'd just do the bloody walk!!! So he's out there, but it had gotten so bad that he is actually out there with a SPADE, chipping away at the ice he had allowed to accumulate, the very ice I told him was building up because he wasn't doing a proper job. J is nicely occupied at the window, too, and is deliberately smearing his snotty nose against it and yelling "DAD! DAD! DAD! DAD!"

Oh, and talking about the hip/pelvis, it doesn't hurt much anymore. Seriously. What on earth is wrong with me?

SK--I'm so glad that F is feeling better. And that's pretty darn cool that your OH is taking every second night! Is this a permanent thing, or temporary? Though that sucks about your job. Lean Christmases are awful. But at least you don't really have to get anything big for F yet. What's he going to remember? I dread it when J gets older, because his birthday is 8 days away from Christmas Eve, when we open our presents. I think we're looking at a lot of lean Christmases ahead of us...

Rowan--oh my lord is M both smart and hilarious! Oh, and I'm with you and SK, I keep saying "when J was little" too, and am constantly correcting myself. "Younger," maybe? "Smaller"? But I've taken to the habit of just staring at this toddling, yelling, yodelling, semi-talking boy and can't believe the difference not even a year made. People say it goes fast, but in those first few months, you don't believe it. Until they sit up, and then everything changes...

Storm--I know lunch shouldn't be that stressful. And I know I over-reacted yesterday (I shouldn't have kept on passive-aggressively harping on about it), but I just felt so betrayed. He was supposed to be helping me, and also feeding his son, and he did neither. Today we talked about J's lunch together, so that's all sorted. We've tried the lighter stuff, but J won't eat it. He won't take anything on bread or toast, and I can't find a topping that isn't full of sodium or sugar anyway. Fruit is fine, but I need him to eat protein and carbs for lunch and dinner (I have insulin resistance, and had to learn the hard way what one needs). I'll have to look into yoghurt, but remember--he won't let us feed him, and he's horrible with a spoon, so we can't actually get it into him. Eggs are good, but not every day. What OH needs to do is make a few things like I do, then freeze them. Then he can just take something out, cook up a potato and defrost a frozen veggie, and then that's it. It just takes a while to develop a frozen stash with variety.

We should probably start using a spoon to feed him. He has a very healthy relationship with food now, so he might not care anymore if we spoon yoghurt or soup into his mouth. And the suggestion about fish is a wonderful one! We'll just buy some frozen haddock or something and OH can give him that, too. Thank you for the idea! And maybe we can find a low sodium way to make pizza.
Hi ladies,

Clio: I loved the J part of the pantry!! What a smart idea!!! I have to do that too. When thiago starts opening cupboards.
How can men forget to feed a child but not themselves?!!! It is beyond my imagination I guess :growlmad:!!

Sabrina: so glad to hear Finn is doing better. And how do you deal with his partys at night time?

Storm: great idea on the fish!! How old was L when you started feeding her fish?

Rowan: the story about M finding the cracker on the floor is priceless!! She probably thought she needed to had a little food storage in case her daddy wouldn't feed her :haha:. Too smart!!!

We had a good night although after I had put thiago down at 8:30pm I remembered I forgot to give him Tylenol :dohh:!!! But he slept thru until almost 5 am but then he thought it was wake up time!!! I told glen to put thiago in his crib and let him have his party there and I could here him slowly going from content to irritated to a meltdown!! Then we got him again and he slept for about 45 min with daddy since I had classes to teach this morning.
He is 9 months today:). :kiss::baby:.

Clio: are you thinking about what kind of party are you going to give J? Are you inviting a lot of people or a small group? How about the cake?
Quick hello again from me. Clio, you can make a pizza base from mashed potato. I can't remember how to do it but I used to do it as a student. There was a recipe in a student cookbook I had. I think it was mainly mash and flour but probably worth googling it. I would be really angry with my OH if he forgot to give Kia lunch. Mind you, I'm angry with him a lot these days. His answer if we're stuck for what to give her is to suggest a jar or pouch but I don't really like doing that if I can help it xx
Morning all, we had a terrible night and its entirely my fault. Yesterday was the Sunday school Christmas party and they got all the kids McDonald's, I declined any for Lydia but then gave her one of her cousins chicken nuggets which contain milk, doh, I never thought.. then my family had a wee party for me and she for fed all the rubbish of the day, not milk but teddy bear crisps etc..

Then as we had dinner late she got some chips and then my dad gave her a bread roll. We had a whole argument about the bread roll, I kept telling him she couldnt eat that late but he woukdnt listen! I told him I was going to phone him every time she woke and now I wish I had.. I'm wrecked.

Anyway the fish, I detest fish, but I want L to be ok with it, she's eaten it regularly since ten mo.the as she can fed herself it and she too protests at being fed now.. wee monkey!

Catch up later she's getting bored!
Borboleta--I don't know anyone in this city other than my husband's immediate family, but all birthdays are celebrated together as a family anyway. Rarely is anyone else there. So, essentially, it'll be like Sunday dinner, just with presents and cake. We've even moved it back a day because his uncle can't make it on the actual day. Though my mum will be there, so that'll be nice.

I've been thinking about the cake and don't know what to do. I feel nervous about giving him sugar for the first time. Do most people do this? Plus, we need two cakes, because four members of the family can't eat wheat. Though Oma will probably take care of that.

I'm actually rather sad--I don't want him to grow up! :cry:

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