any other over 35 first time mums?

Storm, must be so hard to monitor all food for L. Especially when everyone loves to feed a baby with junk. Still haven't quite worked that out.
Clio, we've only just started giving Kia sugar but still try to avoid it if possible. Basically the nursery asked us about it and said for the over 1s they sometimes give them home-made desert like apple pie and would it be ok to give her some. I didn't like the idea that all the other children might be tucking into it and enjoying it and Kia wouldn't be allowed any so it was at this point we decided it was ok. Xx
Nothing much here -- LO is on the mend and in good spirits/eating/drinking/sleeping okay (although he keeps waking up at 4am, and am wondering if now he's back almost to normal about whether giving something more than formula/bottle before bed might help? we were thinking maybe some porridge -- any ideas?)

now, my sore throat has turned into a head cold....growl, but the every other night thing is while we're all a bit poorly....however, LO has learned that crying gets mummy running, e.g. even when he's in daddy's arms, he'll start crying and then when I pop my head in the room, he'll start smiling and/or when I pick him up, he'll smile at my OH (I think I mentioned this before awhile ago) in a very smug way....

re: sugar. we did give LO a little flat sprite on Friday (only a few sips) as I wanted to see if he would tolerate (remember that was the day that he was throwing up everywhere and I remembered that ginger ale/flat lemonade usually helps with a upset tummy). Other than that, LO has very little sugar (the organic packets of food don't add sugar and the creche food is all freshly-made) aside from a rusk or baby rice cake, but I'd say that one piece of cake shouldn't be a problem?

nothing else....time for a nap for both me and LO!

I just talked to my husband about it, and since he's only one :)cry:) and only family will be around, he won't know that anyone else is getting sugar. So, there is no need to expose him to it yet.

Storm--what a nightmare! I guess this is where you're going to start your education in all things lactose. I know this sounds a bit silly, but do you have a smartphone? When my husband was diagnosed with celiac, we found the iPhone to be invaluable (as well as calls to his mother while in the supermarket). We have an app that tells us whether something is safe, or we look it up on the internet. It is amazing where gluten hides, and I can imagine that lactose might just be the same thing (chicken mcnuggets! I had no idea!) I'm so sorry that your LO suffered in the night, but don't blame yourself. It's a pretty steep learning curve, because you have to start questioning everything, and that's not innate at the moment. But it will become innate. And don't dairy allergies clear up in LOs as well? From what I understand, they're not life-long allergies if they present themselves so young. But again, don't beat yourself up.

Okay, got to run. J is trying to strangle himself with my laptop cord. Probably in protest.
Storm: we just went to a friends house yesterday and their 10 months old is lactose intolerant too. He wouldn't eat before they found out but now he is very content. It will take you a while to research the right foods for L but you will get it done :thumbup:. She is doing so much better already:).

Clio: I know when you say that he is growing to fast. Sometimes I see other kids and think how thiago will be at that age. And then I look at pictures of him when he was little and then it hits me that he is not that little anymore :cry:. But there is a part of me that loves tha he can play and move around by himself and is looking forward when he starts talking and expressing his feelings ( I know I might regret this comment later :haha:). Anyways, I am sure whatever kind of party you give him he will love it:). But he needs a cake :winkwink::). In Brasil they always have this huge parties for kids with loads of sugar and appetizers so thiago will definetely have that too :haha:. Not a huge party but the food part. Here in the US is just cupcakes or a cake, ice cream and pizza :dohh:!! Not in measurement with my upbringing :haha:.
And the sugar: after taking care of some babies while leaving here without papers :blush: I just want thiago to know that if he wants a little sugar he can have it. I know the last family that I worked for they were very restrict with sugar with the kids ( maybe because they were all overweight or have the tendency) and it broke my heart to see how the kids would go to the pantry when no one was looking and steal some and eat hiding in their room or during birthday parties they would shove a whole cupcake in their mouth so they could try to get another one without anyone noticing. And when I was growing up too we couldn't have sodas but on Sundays so when I got to be an adult I just went for it! Sodas over water anytime!!
It is a tough balance to achieve though. Making sure they will eat healthy and not just be high on sugar all the time. I have giving thiago a tiny bit of cake from a birthday party before ( which he loved :haha:) and gave him graham crackers too and some ice cream. No chocolate though because that is mommy's territory :haha:!

Sabrina: I still put baby cereal on thiago's bottle before he goes to bed. Not sure when I should stop doing that :dohh:. Last night he still woke up at 4am but then I went in his room and gave him a bottle there ( not our usual bring him to bed with us ) and then he slept until 7am so not bed I guess. I wish he would just sleep thru until 7am but I have faith that this will happen when he is not teething anymore :thumbup:.

Kosh: how is Gael doing?

Claire: are you getting any sleep? Love the Santa picture on Facebook:).
Okay, back. J is "napping" (which means going: "EEEEEEEhhhhh" over and over again so far. I'm hoping he'll just fall asleep. He did rub his eyes, which I consider the gold standard in sleep cues, but he does like to buck trends.)

It's snowing (again), and my sinuses are acting up (again). I'm being very silly because I had been taking one pill a day since the summer, and it was working very well for me. No sinus trouble whatsoever. Until I read that one person (ONE person) had developed Chronic Hepatic Necrosis of the liver for doing that for a year--I've been doing it for over six months--and freaked out. Now I haven't given myself any sinus meds for the past few days and am DYING.

Okay, just took some sinus meds.

So J has "the cold," but it ain't slowing him down. Ever since he's learned to toddle, he always has these projects on the go. Moving things, collecting things, experimenting with things, and ultimately bringing things to the mud room--the only place we haven't baby proofed, and his favourite place to hang out. I've gotten so blasé about where this boy is and what he's putting in his mouth because I'm so tired of digging it out that I'm certain that he's exceeded his pound of dirt a year. But his snotty nose is driving me NUTS. He doesn't care, and ultimately, it doesn't matter, but I can't stand it. So he has to endure snot sucking and saline drops and hot water compresses to get the gross boogers and dried crusts off his nostrils. And he hates it so much that he cries as if world is ending.

When your LOs are sick with "the cold" (it sounds so Irish to say it that way), what happens? I know you've been talking about it disrupting nights and causing problems during the day, but how, exactly? SK, obviously F has some kind of stomach bug (how did the flat sprite go, anyway?), but all of you others--what happens?

So J has developed a new way to tell me that he is finished with his meal. I gave him Ragou the other night, even though I know he doesn't like it, but I hoped he had forgotten because I had to empty some of the containers in the freezer. Well, he hadn't forgotten, but I then hoped that maybe he'd eat the potatoes and the carrots. Well, that didn't happen either. But, in my hope that he would eat them, I ignored his normal sign that he wanted to get up, which is to reach for me. So, he then began to clap his hands. I didn't know why, but thought it was interesting; he never does that at the table. Then, he stuck his tongue out and dragged his hand across his face, over his tongue, and I knew EXACTLY what he was saying. After every meal, we have this routine where I carry him under my arm to the sink and rinse first his hands, then his face. Since he likes the feel of the cold water on his tongue, he sticks it out with every pass over his face. He was miming that he was most certainly through with this slop I had given him and it was time for the rinsing! Seriously, babies are astonishing. And hilarious.
Okay, I'm falling asleep agin. Take you you soon!
hey ladies M taking along time to settle herself to sleep - corr she was fiesty yesterday lol

clio J is amazing! I wash Martha at the sink as well as she creates merry hell about having her face wiped with wipes :)

re sugar - Martha defo has sugar :) she has a biscuit every day and she loves to help her daddy eat chocolate croissants on a weekend and she has petit filous fromage frais - I brush her teeth tho and hope for the best :) she was at a birthday party the other weekend and she had 2 ham sandwiches and then a whole cup cake / fairy cake to herself - a chocolate one with icing and a chocolate button and sprinkles - I had planned on helping her but she wolfed it down!

I also know some friends kids who aren't allowed chocolate etc and my goodness do they gorge themselves when they are somewhere like a party - hiding and running off to eat it in secret and then getting told off by the parents - I was thinking for them that's setting off a pattern about food/pleasure/guilt that may cause probs later on...but that's just my thoughts on those particular children...

re cold - we have Marthas cot tilted to help her breathe and also we use olbas oil drops on a cloth near her cot, snufflebabe on her chest - she cant abide snot sucking or saline solution so that's the best we can do - oh and calpol if shes feverish - plus I figure she cant tell us if her throat is sore or she has a headache with it

were starting to think abut Marthas birthday doo and it will be on the 12th as her birthday is a Friday and there's a football match on the Saturday - up to now there's about 50+ on the list...hmm...I think I may put on the invites that its an open house from 12-2 and food throughout (buffet) and cake at 1.45pm and people are to pop in whenevers convenient for them - what do you think?

one of her friends is lactose/gluten etc intolerant so I figure Ill do some sandwiches without butter and she can have rice cakes etc and maybe get some fairy cakes from a specialist place so I know its ok for her to eat them and she can have one of those in her party bag instead of Marthas big cake - what do you think storm?
Hello everyone, I have a teething baby... The joy!

Clio is there a reason you don't want to give J sugar or just because you would prefer him to avoid it while he doesn't know about it?

L has sugar, its in her yoghurts, soya desserts etc.. I'm not bothered, I have one brother who allows his kids everything in moderation and they are fine at party's, the other brother doesn't have biscuitsb in the house and his kids gorge in public to the extent they just don't stop.

Rowan you can buy lactose free butter in Tesco and it tastes fine so you can use the rest yourself! I'm having a big party for L with loads of junk food but I'm going to make lactose free gluten free cupcakes for L and my friends husband. I just make them with rice flour and they taste grand sobi thought I would cater for the two in one batch :)

L has just gone for a nap and its her lunch time, so that's thrown me a bit..
Oh, I'm no Sugar Nazi--I certainly didn't abstain during my lifetime! No, I just feel why introduce him to something unhealthy when he doesn't know what it is yet. When his 5 year old cousin goes whining about getting desert, J has no idea what he's on about, and neither does his 2 year old cousin. If he asks, then he'll get some. He just doesn't pay much attention to food if it's not put in front of him; he doesn't ask for anything you're eating. So, when he shows an interest in something sugary, then he can have it. But, as you said, in moderation.

And remember, there is only family at this party, so it's small, and with four people allergic to gluten and one to lactose, everyone is used to others not allowed to have something.

We weren't allowed television as kids and now I'm addicted, so I know all about the dangers of denying children things.

Oh, about the gluten-free cakes, here I'm going to sound like a Gluten Nazi. You might already know about this, but one of the dangers of offering gluten-free stuff to someone with an allergy (if they have celiac, at least), is cross-contamination. Nothing that has touched gluten (knife, plate, pan, bag that has been switched out, etc.) can come into proximity with the gluten-free item. OH doesn't eat at anyone's house ever, even if they've made something gluten-free for him, because there is always cross-contamination somewhere that no one noticed and he's sick for the rest of the night. He always eats at home before we come. But some people are okay with cross-contamination, depending on their type of gluten allergy, so I'd phone the parents and ask about it. They might want to bring the cake/cupcake themselves so the kid can still have something special.

Okay, J is trying to destroy computer cord AGAIN out of protest. I'm surprised it still works...
I'd agree with the 'sugar in moderation' bit, we weren't allowed to drink fizzy drinks and/or eat sweets as children, but I would sneak it and my usual punishment from my mother was to be prohibited television, so I was actually addicted to diet coke for years (finally broke the habit about 5 years ago, but drink sparkling water, so still like a modified fizzy drink) and am addicted to TV, but I can multi-task, e.g. do research, be on the laptop with the TV on, so it's more background noise, if that makes sense?

LO seems back to normal today and is eating/drinking normally, BUT my OH and I have proper colds now. My OH suggested that we clean the house with antiseptic wash/wipes, etc., and I said that was a great idea and handed him the antiseptic wipes/kit, etc. Needless to say, the house is still germ-ful!

must dash as LO has loads of energy and wants to play...

Aha the person requiring gluten free is an adult :) I'm very good, I wash everything in the dishwasher and clean down all the surfaces and make the gluten free food first, if its bought I keep it in the original wrapping until he needs it opened. I guess that's the difference between a true coeliac and someone going through a fad, as you say gluten makes a coeliac incredibly ill! I'd hate to make him ill!

As for the sugar, makes sense, its empty calories a lot if the time but I have to say with L food issues there were days I was just glad she ate, but her eating is improving at last. Stew again tonight but beef this time, bless her I know its lazy but she likes it :)

I'm still dosed with this stupid cold, thankfully L snot has changed from green to mostly clear and her cough is easing up. In other news we have the last of the 3 kidney tests on Thursday, I'm dreading it, they have to catheterize my baby girl :( I'm going to cry. We are going out a bear on Wednesday with my friend and her 4 year old who's been through it all to keep our minds off it. She's a lovely little girl, but she has terrible health issues, only one partially working kidney, severe allergies to dairy, eggs, potato starch, nuts, kiwis etc.. has an epi pen at all times and is so allergic to soap has to carry her own toileting bag and sleeps at most 2 hurs a night... I kid you not. 2 hours a night... She's 4, her mum deserves a medal.. but she's cute and adores L so we are off to get reindeers as Ls Christmas present to her, I'm so excited!
AAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!! Had huge post and lost it. :cry::cry::cry::cry:

Oh well, J has to sleep at sometime....
I guess this had to happen at some point, but why? Why?

J wanted MORE oatmeal for breakfast. And this happened yesterday, so it wasn't a fluke. So I guess I have to make him an egg as well, or something. Most mothers would probably be proud of this, but us, as a group (well, except for Leeze), we know what this means: MORE COOKING.

Oh, and my husband's contribution to J's lunch today? Another one of my pre-cooked and frozen meals. And ironically, it is actually the one he got all mad at me for making because I was cooking it during the time he was at work, and J got so mad that he didn't have my full attention that he threw a fit (MAJOR fit) and was in a bad mood for the rest of the day. My husband's admonishment: "Well, if he wants your attention, then you have to give it to him. Even if this means playing with him for 3 hours straight."

Angel, where are you? Do you have family visiting? I'll have to go back and check your last posts.

I'm sorry these are all very self-centred posts. I had a wonderful one that I lost somehow, with personals and everything, and total admiration for Storm and her knowledge of cross-contamination, but it got lost in the ether somewhere.

I gave J a duster to see if he even accidentally manages to dust something. So far, no luck.
Evening ladies. Sorry I haven't posted today or yesterday. My sore throat is back and I am exhausted. Yesterday night I had slept 3 hours at most and last night was the night from hell for OH. Dominic would not settle back to sleep from 11:45 to 3ish and OH tried in vain again and again to rock him to sleep. He would wake as soon as his back touched the cot. So Nick got me up at 3 just to lend moral support as he is much better at rocking Dominic to sleep. In the end, about an hour later, we had to let Dominic cry cause he would just not settle not even when we gave him another bottle. We sat on the nursery bed which is next to Dominic's cot so that he could see us but we didn't touch him or anything. Took only about 5 minutes of crying till he fell asleep but it was horrible :( Meantime Sebastian had naturally woken up and needed rocking back to sleep which took another 30 to 40 minutes cause he was wide awake and smiling at us. We finally went back to bed at 4:30 and OH said that Sebastian woke again at 5:30 but Nick managed to to get him to sleep again till 6:20 and then he was awake and Dom woke at 7. I slept till 10:30 but because Nick thought at 6:20 he would bring Seb to bed with us, I was awake then too. Of course Seb didn't sleep in our bed cause he is not used to it and hasn't been in our room all that much so it isn't a place he associated with sleeping. Then OH left but forgot to shut the door to the kitchen with the result that the cat came into the corridor and pushed open our bedroom door. Our bedroom door falls shut by itself so the cat was trapped and meowed loudly (he can push open a door but not pull it open). When I got out of bed to let him out he thought I wanted to play and ran over the bed and hid and wouldn't let me catch him. Grr! So not a good night all around. Nick then slept from 11 till 2 so he is ok but looking forward to his night of sleep tonight. I am DREADING it. Nick doesn't understand that this constant bad sleep issue is getting to me and making me depressed. He is frustrated but not depressed. He says to wake him if Dom won't settle again tonight and we will then both do the same as last night, sit by his bed and let him cry it out. :(

Also we weighed Dominic and he is off the chart :( I know he gets too much milk cause of his 2 bottles at night. I have dropped the lunch bottle so that they then only get solids now and we went down from 210ml to 180ml. But we should still be able to drop the 4am bottle. So tonight I am going to try and give him very very diluted juice instead. Since there seldom is any sleep to be had after the 4am feed I guess it won't make a huge difference if Dom then won't go back to sleep or wake again and again. But we will play it by ear. I can differentiate between Dominic's cries, I think. And surely by now that bottle must just be habit since he gets his breakfast bottle at 7am?

Sorry this is such a selfish post. I am really not feeling very cheery at the moment. I guess I am getting a visit from AF soon. Hopefully will be able to post tomorrow morning and do personals, when the boys play after their breakfast.
Okay, this is it. The proper post. J is down for a nap and will hopefully stay so, I'm ignoring all the cleaning and tidying I have to do, and my husband is out for another 45 minutes (give or take--there was another snow storm last night). Bliss.


LO seems back to normal today and is eating/drinking normally, BUT my OH and I have proper colds now. My OH suggested that we clean the house with antiseptic wash/wipes, etc., and I said that was a great idea and handed him the antiseptic wipes/kit, etc. Needless to say, the house is still germ-ful!
:rofl: SK, your husband slays me!

But I'm so glad that F is doing better. Stomach viruses are horrible. I dread the day when J gets one. Or my husband does. He is the biggest baby around when sick.

As for addictions to junk food, it actually went the opposite for me. As opposed to no TV, I was allowed any junk food I wanted as a teenager and my friends and I took full advantage (we were incredibly underweight, so no one cared). And, I'm addicted to it now, too, as my expanding waistline can attest to.

Storm--I am so completely impressed by your knowledge of cross-contamination and how to avoid it. Where did you learn that? I think you're better than me at it (actually I know you are). My husband and I get into almost-daily fights about my supposed-laxness with gluten, when all I do these days is worry about it because I'm now having to cook for the kid and don't want to make my husband sick by accident. He even, at one point, after a gippy tummy--which I know was due to hot sauce--told me that he was going to have to do all the cooking for J because I couldn't be trusted to do it (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! SK, do you think our husbands are related?) So I have gone to great extremes to avoid cross-c. Here is my recently created gluten corner:

Your friend's poor girl! That is a nightmare! What can she eat?!? How does someone become allergic to soooo many things?

My SIL is not only celiac, but also can't have dairy. My BIL and I (one of only 4 in the family who can eat wheat) have created a not-at-all secret club called the anti-anti-gluten club, and refuse to eat anything that does NOT have gluten. So my MIL has taken to tricking us with pumpkin pies and cakes which we deem delicious and she then jubilantly reveals are gluten-free. When we go to my BIL and SIL's for dinner, my BIL will announce just before dinner is served, that he has dusted everything with a fine layer of gluten, and for everyone to tuck in and enjoy their meal.

Storm cont'd--I'm sorry about your cold. But at least L's nose has started to run clear. J's is still milky, but better than the opaque cream. I think I have to cancel Gymboree again tomorrow because of it. Otherwise nothing is wrong with him. He's still his busy little self.

Rowan--we used to try and put J's mattress on a tilt when he had a bad cold, but no matter how gentle the incline, we would always come in to find him in a heap at the bottom. I have no idea how it happens, and why it seems to work for every other baby. Now we just use a humidifier and baby vics. Or nothing--his past few colds seem to have been really harmless. Did you know that in order to help build up their immune system, one should count on minimum 7 colds/illnesses in their first year? I stopped counting, but I think we hit the 7 mark. I haven't asked OH to check out the number for year 2; I'd rather live in peaceful bliss than anticipatory worry.

Borboleta--I was just thinking how nice it would be to take Zumba classes with you (not that I have any idea what Zumba is, but I'm sure it would really help me). Now, don't you go and start looking up where there Zumba classes in Edmonton. I'd like to take them only from YOU.
Just a quickie -- LO seems to absolutely hate bath-time now! The last few times, he's screamed the house down, even to shaking even when we take him out, but right after we dry him, he's back to laughing, etc. Anybody have this? Especially curious from other mums who have cold weather, e.g. Clio, Angel, Storm, etc (actually everyone, except lucky Borboleta, who lives in warm Texas! -- is it the cold weather? the fact he had a cold/wasn't feeling well or....he's ready for the big bath (we're still using the baby bath)? My OH insists that they must be giving him baths in creche (which is impossible and he seems very happy there!) or the bathroom is too cold or any ideas?


must go as LO is now is ready for sleep, and has drunk loads and had three 'meals'

ps. the news is all full of Prince William and Kate's baby, silly, but I am delighted for them!
Angel: so sorry to hear about the bad sleep again :hugs:. You and your husband are really wonderful parents. Do you think Dom is teething? Can you put the boys to sleep in different bedrooms so Dom doesn't wake up seb? Here is something I heard from the doctor today:

We went for our 9 months check up today and thiago is doing great. He is 19.4 pounds ( 42% ) and 29.5 inches ( 90%). We did mention about him waking up at around 4 am to get a bottle but then going back to sleep for a couple of hours more. The doctor said that it is normal for some babies wake up once a night for a bottle but a lot of 9 months old will be sleeping thru the night. So she asked me if he sleeps on the bottle before bed time or we just put him awake in bed. We said that he sleeps while drinking the bottle and then we carefully put him in his crib. She said that it is probably why he is waking up at night because he feels disoriented and then doesn't know how to self sooth himself back to sleep because we go in there right away when he starts fussing or not fussing. So hubby and I decided to try CIO to help him know how to self sooth. But we will start with naps first. We will do that in 2 days because the poor thing got his flu shot today so he needs extra snuggles :thumbup:. And like the doctor said he will not be scar for life because he cryes. When we left the doctor I told my husband that he turned me into a softy!!! I use to do CIO with my other babies and now for some reason I am all nervous about doing that with thiago!!! And all the babies slept thru the night when doing CIO so I don't get it why I listened to my hubby to begin with :dohh:!

So maybe something for you to think about it angel. I will let you know how thiago does. It will be hard in the beginning but hopefully it will be better for him and he will be able to sleep better and so are we. :thumbup:
Clio can speak of her own experience with CIO. I already told glen that I will not have the monitor in a loud volume. It will be to a minimum because I don't want to hear the screaming!! Hope it will be like J that in 10 minutes he will go down. Anyways it is hard!!!:cry:

Changing topics: you ladies that have to cook special meals for special allergies are amazing!!! I had gestacional diabetes and hated it!!! It made me apreciate people who need to eat special meals.

Oh, and I took away breathable bumper and out the regular one back into the crib:). It looks so cute. I thought that now thiago has his own head control that he doesn't need to have that breathable thing anymore. What do you ladies have in your cribs?
Evening all, L is down so of course I can't resist checking to see if anyone has posted and YAY New posts...

SK, L loves bath time, make sure the bathroom isn't too cold and I would def move F into the big bath if you have one. In fact bath time tonight was pretty much just L splashing and covering both her and in water and laughing. It's pretty much play time and we have some bath toys, the favourites being an empty ice cream tub I use to rinse her hair and some of the lightweight balls you get for ball pits. When she's done I pull the plug and let her feel the water whoosh down the plughole and then lift her out into a big fluffy towel on my knee. The screaming only begins when I try and dress her... She wants to be nude.

Angel I totally understand the pain of lack of sleep, sometimes I dread coming to bed as I know ut might be a night of hell, then she throws me a good night then back to help again. Either the cold, windy tummy or teething. Sometimes I cry more than her. As for one of the boys, sorry can't remember which one, is he overweight? If so it might be worth watering down the night time feeds. L only gets weak juice at night, but that's cause she is thirsty and won't take milk! Some nights she drinks 20oz of watery juice, its mad.. but if I tried milk she would scream the place down. At least now we are getting the wet nappys they want her to have... Big hug for you as the hard nights really are mental torture and its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel...

Clio I only know about the cross contamination as his wife was moaning one day about not even being able to get takeaway chips and I couldn't understand why until she explained they might use the chip oil for cooking sausages or battered product's.. then she explained about having to have seperate toasters etc.. she says I'm more careful than she is too!

Oh good L is crying already, this doesnt bode well
Arrrgggghhhh my phone just hung mid post, so frustrating! What was I saying?

Borboleta we have a cot wrap, but given L won't go in the cot anymore... Sigh... I was doing a
post about CIO, ten minutes is nothing, especially if they settle. I've had nights of L screaming for 4 hours with me trying to settle her, totally heartbreaking. Thankfully we havent had a solid screaming session like that for a little while!

Too tired to do anymore one fingered typing on my phone... Night all!
Sabrina, definitely move him to bigger bath. Kia went through a phase of hating the bath and I started to wonder if she didn't like her bath seat anymore then one day she just climbed out of it into the bigger bath and we figured that was her telling us she was ready. She loves the bigger bath, although her current favourite trick is to try to drink the bath water! Yuk. Angel, what difficult nights you're having again. Such a shame when it seemed like it was getting better. I'm feeling exhausted at the moment with Kia being up once or twice a night. Big respect to you for coping. I quite often feel on the edge of sanity from tiredness. But what you describe sounds to me like the kind of sleep you get with a newborn where you're lucky to get more than 2 or 3 hours at a time. Keep reminding yourself that there is an end to this and one day you'll be able to tuck the boys in, read them a story, kiss them goodnight and then walk away while they fall asleep by themselves. One day it will happen! Storm, that story about your friend's kid made me want to cry. 2 hours maximum. Wow. And so many things she can't have. Sounds like she's a little star though. Some kids are so resilient. Can't remember what else I was going to say. Phone battery low so am going to post this and re-read posts xx
Oh, and we haven't got a bumper or anything similar. I've wondered about getting one because Kia does roll around quite a lot but she also headbutts things on purpose quite a lot too. Not sure what that's about. Anyone else's LO do that? Xx

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