any other over 35 first time mums?

Borboleta--oh, he is gorgeous! Look how happy he is! Maybe you should carry him around like that for Halloween next year--I'm sure it will be warm enough! :growlmad:

Your 70s is around the highest we get in the summer. Though the sun does stay up as late as 11 pm at the peak of summer, which is really cool. It's not humid, though, and I like that. You want to kill yourself in Toronto in the summer.

To tell the truth, I like the climate here. I love snow and I hate heat and humidity. But as a result of the climate, there is no sense of culture or even fun here. It's hard to be vibrant in the cold. It took a long time to stop thinking about Toronto everyday for the past five years. It's only very recently, since J was born and I rejoined Eric's family (I had hidden for a very long time because of my SIL's pregnancy) that Edmonton feels like home. And when my mum comes, it's even better. AND, she's coming on Saturday!

You're right--J does run now and rarely falls. I hadn't even noticed! Oh, and I hope T enjoys his pantry shelf. It's perfect for helping them stand, and we find the strangest things in there. Like socks, Sophie, That's Not My Monkey, my running shoe... As I once said before, my husband keeps firing him as stock boy because he keeps taking things off the shelf, and then I re-hire him out of pity.

As for this community here--I love it. I love you all! I always talk about "my friends on the thread," even to the family, and OH is always curious as to what everyone is doing. I wake up in the morning and read the posts over coffee, before J can claim me, and then respond while waiting for my painkiller to knock me out for my mid-day nap (it usually takes around 20 min. to kick in). And with all of our LOs just months apart, we are all going through the same problems, milestones, joys, etc. London sounds perfect. Now which one of you rolling-in-money ladies are going to fly me over?

Or, may I suggest the lovely hamlet of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada? February is always an exceptional month here.

Oh, Borboleta--Do you want to do CIO with T to get him to sleep through his typical 4-5 am feed? Or do you want to stop him wanting the feed because he always ends up in bed with you afterwards?
Thank you ladies for your concern about Nick's arm. It was never a question of it being broken or I wouldn't have been so heartless. :blush: I think he overstretched a muscle or just had a bad bone bruise. He says it is much better today, even though, how like a man, he has to be nagged into taking the ibuprofen the doctor gave him. Oh well :wacko:

Borboleta I can imagine that the Texan summers must be relatively hard to bear even though the winters sound blissful. Did you say you were in Chicago when you first came to the US? I used to have a boyfriend there and went to stay with him for 6 weeks and 2 months during our relationship. I thought Chicago was a gorgeous city but very chilly in winter what with the winds over the bay! I have only been to Palm Beach otherwise and don't know the US at all. But I imagine that the warmth in Texas must be more to what you are used from Brazil? Though possibly the heat would be a lot drier in Texas?
I totally understand why you are reluctant to try the CIO. We did again last night and it IS heartbreaking. I hate to see his little face crumpled up and tears glistening even over the infrared camera! But everyone assured me that once he knows how to self settle at all times he will sleep better and feel happier too. Otherwise I wouldn't do this and rock my Domsie till he is a teen if needed! Well perhaps not that but you know what I mean :haha:
We don't get flu shots offered here for our babies. We had the usual I guess, HepB just after they were born, then at 2, 4 and 6 months they get all that other stuff. And then the next ones are when they are about a year old I think.
The pic of Thiago in his bath is adorable! He is such a sweet little thing isn't he!

Storm I am thinking of you. I really hope L will be ok and it won't be too much of an ordeal for her :hugs:
That story of your friend's little girl and the lunch was so touching! Poor little girl. I am glad you all had fun :)

Leeze I hope Kia continues to be ok. How frightening to be called with news of her having such a high temperature! I cannot imagine what it could have been as she was well again when you took her home? But I really hope she is ok.

Clio I am touched you felt you could share this with us. I don't think you are weird at all. Who would want sex if it hurts?! Well no one quite nice anyway ;)
As for your assumption about my mum, don't worry about it, no need to apologise. I was not offended and while I know my mum didn't mean any harm, I do think she was crazy in that respect lol And in a way my mum also took out her disastrous marriage on me. But not in the same way as yours, I suspect. My father was unfaithful to my mother from the get go. He didn't just cheat but had affairs and my mum was very unhappy about it of course as she was foolishly in love with him. She probably would have left him had she had the choice but she knew that if she did, she would be stuck without money (dad was still building his business and there would have been very little alimony) and with two small kids, which would then have put her at the mercy again of her aunt and uncle who largely brought her up and tyrannised her all their lives. The whole thing made her quite bitter in that respect and she lost her faith in men and warned me off them all the time. It took me a loooong time to trust anyone enough to fall in love and I suppose my acceptance in the end of Nick cheating a few years back, was cause I am used to men doing that and I therefore kind of expected it. And since I have a bad self image, I felt it was inevitable. :shrug: I know, crazy and I deserve better but oh well, my programming is deeply seated. I love Nick with all my heart, I think he is gorgeous, sweet, funny and sexy. But I don't trust him to be faithful even though he promised he would never do it again. :shrug:
I am in awe at the many words your clever little J can say already! Very impressive :D My boys are 8 months now and it is inconceivable to even imagine either of my boys talking! Maybe the three weeks they were born too early does make a difference but I suspect that your boy is just unusually bright. :)
As for whole milk, I thought that was for 1 year +? And I didn't know milk made them hyper! The pic is soo cute too and made me laugh! He obviously mastered walking and running completely safely now :) Ah I just saw you commented on that yourself :)

Rowan I would love to hear how many words Martha knows already. She is a clever little lady I know and I am sure she is making more progress day by day :) Hope your pregnancy progresses well without giving you too much pain. When ever I read or write Martha's name I think of that lovely aria M'appari from the opera Martha by Friedrich von Flotow. One of my favourite arias :) Did you maybe call her after it? :)

Skweek and Charlie I hope you are both doing ok? It has been a while since we heard from you. I hope your adorable little ones are settling into a routine now and you can get some sleep here and there :) :hugs:

kosh I am thinking of you and would love to hear how things are, even if it is the same old. I am sending you :hugs:

Sabrina you poor thing with that persistent cold!
But as for the NICU, though I can understand why you would feel like that, I do think you should try to get beyond that. It was not your fault and you had to recover or Finn might not even have a mummy at all! Besides, as long as he got cared for and wasn't hungry wet or cold, he probably didn't register all that much. I am sure the nurses there didn't just let him cry. How long was he in the NICU btw? :hugs:

Claire I am sorry sleep is still so bad with L. I suppose when I say we had a good night and I am talking about one stretch of 3 hours that to other women sounds like horror. But I know at least you and Storm know that 3 hours can feel so refreshing if all you are used to is an hour here or there. I really hope things improve very soon and you do get more than one or two hours at a stretch!

So my day started at 4:45 which sounds a lot worse than quarter to five I find. Though that isn't lovely either. What happened was that Dominic woke at 12:45 for his bottle and got it and then woke 4 hours later as usual and wanted the next one. He only got water and my heart went out to him when he drank a good 2/3rd of it :( But then he wouldn't fall asleep any more and just cried on and off for the next 45 minutes. That woke OH even though I switched to monitor to silent every time he started crying again. We felt both so bad for him and and went into them when we saw that the crying had woken Sebastian too. We gave Domsie massive cuddles and though I know he is going to be tired and whiny all day I guess I just accepted that that was that for sleep today. OH has now gone back to bed (ETA he got up again after 30 mins as he couldn't go back to sleep and has gone to Starbucks now to get me a lovely cappuccino, bless him) and the boys are chatting in their beds, Dominic occasionally crying a bit cause he is so tired. I gave them toys though so that I can have a coffee and write my post here. (ETA well I started at 6:30ish but it is now 8:23 and the boys asleep in their bouncers) Also, yesterday evening we had to let Dom cry it out again. We had settled him in bed after his bed time bottle and he dropped off as usual but kept waking and crying and wanting to be rocked back to sleep. We know he can self settle so there will be no more of that. It took 45 mins for him to fall asleep. He didn't cry for 45 minutes mind you! Maybe 5 minutes in the first 10 minutes and then again 5 minutes in the second half. The rest was spent with whining, chatting and playing with his muslin. But I still hate it! Luckily Sebastian either didn't wake from the crying or dropped right off again every time it stopped.

I don't think now that Dominic really WAS hungry at 4:45 cause when we fed them at 6:45ish he didn't completely finish the bottle. So it really is habit but a habit that makes him drop off again. We are going to persist a few days longer at least and hopefully he will stop waking for it.
Anyway, I am SOO looking forward to sleeping tonight and having a long soak in the bath later too but I realise that OH will have to have another longish nap today if he is to take night duty tonight. While he slept yesterday I took the boys to the shop and we were out over 3 hours. I am ridiculously proud to be out and about with my boys, especially when I am alone as I then get to push the pram lol I got lots of comments again on how sweet they are and I positively bask in that. Silly, I know. :) Anyway I bought them This is not my monster and This is not my Kitten. Soo cute but I must admit I prefer the monster one as it is more fun. I have started reading to them more and especially Sebastian gets very excited and wants to hold the book and hit the furry/rubbery/velcro-y bits on the This is not my... books :)
OH is back. I am now going to sit in the chair, bounce my sleeping boys with my feet, eat my Croque Monsieur and drink my lovely Cappu! Talk to you later my lovely ladies :)
hey ladies :)

Love the pics of J and Thiago!! Gorge!

M is asleep in her cot - shes teething a lot today so is on all the meds and still not herself - we didnt even go to playgroup - she cried when I put her snowsuit on - cried when we went to the car and tried to shut the car door and tried to unzip my coat - so I figured if she doesnt want to go then we dont go :) poor thing! she never cries unless somethings really wrong bless her

re sex life - we we found ttc a strain after the first year or so and we dont dtd when pg - dh feels freaked out by it and I get an irritable uterus - also last time I was Enormous and very unattractive lol

we have snow and ice here and feels like -5 not too bad but a bit slippy!

Storm I hope L's tests go ok today - will be a hard day but hopefully a few treats and cuddles will help settle L x

just ordered a hypnobirthing book and cd off ebay (bargain) - drs this aftie (ma and pa looking after M) to let him know about my bottom trouble (which is keeping away still phew)

hope all ok x
crossed posts angel :)

bless you! one of Ms friends is 11 months and she still has a bottle at 4am so maybe its just a thing with some little ones? shes cutting down the bottles during the day and sometimes has only 2 but still needs the 4am bottle - go figure!?

thankyou re Marthas name - its a name we picked a few years ago- it was just there - sounds daft I know - same as Michael there wasn't really a discussion as such that was just what we were going to call our kids

she can say a few things but often will say them once and then they wont reappear for a month - I think shes a great mimic but Im not sure yet if she has absorbed the words or is just copying?! so the things she regularly says are - daddy, dada, biscuit, good (gah), out, dodo, duck, grandad, yoghurt, water, brr( when cold)

so not a wide range - but she can also say light, off, bath, wheelbarrow, up, nice, car and all sorts but again sometimes one offs!
Hi ladies, this is just a quick totally self centred post. L has her test in 2 1/2 hours, they are going to catheterise my baby to put dye into her bladder, I'm crying already thinking about it.... Catch up later - sob!
Storm you are probably at the test at the moment. Your poor little girl! I hope she doesn't have to suffer too much and not you either! Poor little angel! I hope all goes well. Sending massive massive :hugs:
Angel--Thank you, too, for sharing. My mum was the same--she wanted out of the marriage but realized that she would also get nothing. My dad was faithful, but it didn't really matter; he was a workaholic who was so obsessed with becoming the best in his field that nothing else mattered. And he was simply an angry man (but not physically abusive), and if we disturbed him in any way while he was writing--which was all the time--he would fly into a rage. In fact, anything would make him fly into a rage, so all of us had to walk on egg shells all the time. And my mum, it's hard to explain her behaviour. I'd like to blame it all on her reaction to my dad, but she had a whole host of issues of her own, stemming, in the main, from her many insecurities.

I'm sorry about Nick. As Kosh once said, in response to my husband's tendency to hide the truth, betrayal is one of the hardest things to endure, and anticipation of more betrayal is equally hard. Betrayal simply cannot ever be undone. But I think you are one of the loveliest people I've "met," and you have only ever come across as strong, brave, intelligent and funny. I know that feelings of insecurity are hard to battle, but insecure is the last word I would use to describe you. :hugs:

Oh, and about the whole milk, Health Canada (it's a federal gov't agency) says you can give it to them starting at 9 months. Plus, he's only 10 days from his first birthday. :cry:

Storm--good luck, good luck, good luck. I hope Lydia makes it through without too much pain or trauma. You too, in fact. I can't remember if you'll get the results right away, but if you do, I hope hope hope that they are okay. :hugs:

Rowan--what do you bet M ends up being a writer, the silver tongued little devil! I am always astonished by what she can do already. Is it weird to be proud of other children on this thread? I think she and J will be fast friends when we all meet up in London (that is, when one of you pays for my ticket). Some of J's words are one offs as well; he said them very distinctly at the time, and in the appropriate context, but I haven't heard them since. His two favourites are "tar" (guitar) and "duck!"

SK--I know exactly what you mean about the activity mat. When J could first sit, he was taller than the curved pole-y things and it made for very awkward playing. I was very sad, though, because he loved that mat and we have so many pictures and videos of him playing with the animals and other sundry things that eventually hung from it. And it kept him very occupied for long periods of time, which was awesome. Have you found replacement toys for him yet? This one was a great hit, and it allowed him to go from a sitting position to a standing position as it was designed to do so:

You can take the legs off so he can sit with it in the beginning, and when he starts cruising, it's at the perfect height and allows LOs to pull themselves up on it. I think it is made by Leap Frog. I got it for really cheap at a second hand store.

But YES, you MUST now change your avatar. I want to see more pics of Finn!

I'm starting to fall asleep again, so if I forgot someone, I'm sorry and will post again as soon as I dan.
Hi all, thanks Angel for asking, i still pop in on my blackberry daily but find that a bit fiddly to write posts with. we are surviving, still ups and downs but more ups now and I am in love with her more each day :) it's hard to get online properly as she rarely lets me put her down for longer than 10 minutes which is enough for loo, put wash on, unload dishwasher and make a cuppa which will be cold by the time i drink it as S will be needing a cuddle! but i'm getting use to cold tea! Life's also pretty full on at the mo as my Mum was diagnosed with dementia just before I had S and being an only child that was keeping me busy and is beginning to again. All very sad as it's progressing so fast and it's now really tough with S. But i do have a wonderful OH who is great with Mum and that's a big help.

Storm, i hope all is OK with your LO, it's horrible to see babies going through nasty things and try to be the strong parent at the same time.

Rowan my best friend is Martha so i think it's a wonderful name and not many about either.

Anyhow S is stirring and i think it's booby time!!
parents' marriages -- well, my mum did walk out on my dad when I was about 7. They divorced when I was about 10, which ultimately was the best thing for both of them as they both later met and married people much more suited to them. I had a terrible relationship with my parents for a variety of reasons (mainly that I have a temper and that my brother was the golden child), but in the last few years, we all get along much better (I learned how to control my temper and to see the funny side of their behaviour) and/or better vocalise why I am annoyed, etc.,

I think my lingering cold is due to lack of sleep...even though my OH is taking LO every other night at the moment, LO is waking fully up in my OH's room and I hear the crying/screaming, etc., and then I get yelled at for not helping. In the light of day, we discussed and agreed that my OH's bedroom is too cold and too dark and LO is probably also crying because he's scared, etc. Don't know if it will make much difference to my OH/LO tomorrow night (I have LO tonight), but I desperately need some arguing with my OH because after 20 minutes, my OH is tired of looking after LO whilst I use the internet...grumble....

cross fingers that all went well (?) today Storm...hugs to all....

Bloody hell. It's taken me about 20 mins to catch up on all the posts. Thanks to everyone for their concern about Kia. She's it a nasty cold but seems mostly in good spirits. Clio, my friend made a joke about putting the thermometer in a cup of tea. I had to take the day off work yesterday to look after her and this was when my friend wondered if Kia was doing something dodgy with the thermometer. Even though it's one that goes in her ear, I do still have my doubts about whether she might be tampering with it!
Storm, thinking of you and hope it's going ok. Must be so hard for you all. Remind yourself that you're doing all of this for a good reason.
I love the idea of all meeting up and London definitely suits me! Sorry, I can't offer to pay your airfare Clio. Sadly we're not rolling in it and any cash we had has paid for our new extension. I desperately need a holiday actually, but I think we'll be lucky to have one in the next year or so.
Re DTD, we haven't for ages either. Doesn't seem to be a priority at the moment. Plus, we're both a bit too stressed out to be nice to each other. Sad but true. Maybe when we've unpacked everything our lives might feel more together!
Clio and Borboleta, I love the latest photos of Jonah and Thiago. Such cuties. I was going to say they'll be heartbreakers when they get older but I bet you lovely Mummies will bring them up to be respectful of and considerate towards any partners.
Hey, thinking of our own parents and childhoods, here's a good question for you all. Has anyone thought about what things they want to do differently with their LOs? Like my parents are not very good at expressing their feelings with each other and they bitch and moan a lot behind other people's backs if they have a problem with someone. I really want to teach Kia about how it's ok to be angry with someone or disagree with them and that it's good to communicate openly rather than bottling it up or bitching behind someone's back. Anyone got any others? Xx
Evening all, the test went well today, obviously the actual procedure was nasty, but the nurse or radiologist or whoever it was got the catheter in first time and the good news is no kidney reflux! It was horrible having to restrain her for the x rays to be taken, but I managed not to cry. Now we just have to wait until Christmas eve for a breakdown of what they did find...

I have to say I had a brilliant childhood, my mum and dad were together from they were 16, married at 26 and had a 42 year happy marriage. Understandably my dads lost without my mum but they really did have a lifetime of happiness, I rarely saw them fight and right up until just before I had L they would walk my dog holding hands, they genuinely did like and love each other. I don't think I will ever have that with my hubby, we fight way to much!

Angel my dear, you are a bigger person than me taking N back after he cheated. I would probably be doing time for grevious bodily harm if mine cheated on me, I am so not an understanding person. Given we are in the middle of yet another smoking arguement right now... Argghhhh

Leeze, I think the main thing I want for L that I didn't have us self confidence, I was stupidly shy, thought I was ugly and fat (I was a size 10-12 and Id live to look like that now) and always tried to hide in the background. I want L to be sure of herself, not arrogant, but able to hold her own...

I didn't get her down til 9.20 tonight and she didn't have an afternoon sleep, she's teething, her cold has got worse (im sure its a new one from nursery on Tuesday) and she can probably sense my anger with her smoking daddy... Oh that and his parents phoned at 8.45 when she was going over to sleep and woke her right up again. I need to mute the phone but the in-laws are the only idiots that phone the landline after 8... I'm surprised they phoned to see how she got on given they don't care...

Ok I sound bitter again, probably cause I am :) time to finish the smoking argument (by text given I'm in bed with L).... I should probably just let it go, but I cant!
Ah Storm I am so happy there is no kidney reflux! Did they do the procedure while L was fully awake though? Sounds like torture to me! But I really hope that what they find it something minor and easily fixable if they have to find something at all.
Your parents marriage sounds so beautiful and aw your poor dad! Now I understand better why he is feeling so lost as you mentioned before :hugs:

Leeze re parenting and values that is a really good question and I have to think about it a bit more. But one thing suddenly came back up which I used to fear when I first found out I was having boys. As mentioned before I grew up with a father who cheated and then lied about it blatantly. And though my brother is now in a relatively happy marriage (I think) and is far too exhausted from work etc to cheat (and probably too scared of his wife :haha:), he was quite frankly a pig when younger. I actually said to OH (who let's face it, is also a bit of a pig :haha:) at the time that I really feared that my boys would turn out like that and that it impair my adoration of them. :blush: On the other hand I was and am also a little scared that my hang ups about what men do, might somehow stunt my boys in some way. So I am not sure how I want to navigate this issue. I want them to be happy and free but at the same time not treat women as sex objects if they are pretty and as non-persons if they aren't pretty (like my brother did). But I have no examples to follow cause though my mum is the sweetest person alive, she clearly didn't manage to instil respect for women in my brother. And my OH isn't a great example either, though of course I won't tell them what he did. So yeah it is a bit of a dilemma. On the other hand, thinking of it, maybe it is a good thing I didn't have a daughter, or my mother's cynicism and yet acceptance of what men do would have carried on into another generation. :shrug:
Storm--I'm so glad that things went well during the test and that there was no reflux. I still can't believe that they intend to tell you the results on Christmas. That's utterly heartless.

Leeze--I had started a reply, and then J did this and J did that... You know what I mean.

Angel, I think you have nothing to fear. My Dutch MIL (Oma) raised three sons with one imperative: never, ever treat anyone badly. And they don't. (And it's not genetic--one son is adopted and took it so much to heart that Gladiator is his favourite movie.) And I think that kind of covers everything--it's hard to be a bounder when you're hardwired not to be cruel. So don't discount your own influence. You've got years before these boys come of an age where girls will be on their radar, years where you can expose them to your values. And I truly doubt that you will become cynical about your own children.

My fear is that I will act as angrily as my parents did with me, and will be irrational and hurtful towards J. And mean. But Eric has promised to look out for that, and stop it before it happens.

As for J, I want him to be confident, kind, happy (of course) and not sweat the small stuff (but not in a flippant way that gets him in trouble, like not doing an English essay, or applying for university). OH and I are such nervous and anxious people that life overwhelms us a lot. Especially the small stuff. I hope that he has a personal "joy". Eric's is music (and mine too during high school) and mine was horseback riding until recently. I also want him to be independent. Eric most certainly is, but my illness made me dependent on people my entire life. And I certainly don't want him to have inherited the illness.

Okay, my mother is coming tomorrow, so we've got tons of things to do around the house, and, of course, are totally overwhelmed. So off I go. I'll probably still get my nap, so I'll write before I fall asleep.
hey, gang - great news Storm!.

I had another bad (very bad) night, LO wouldn't go to sleep until about 11, but I couldn't sleep at all as my head cold is/was very painful (sinus infection perhaps) and finally fell 'asleep' around 2am, but LO woke up at 5am and I just couldn't take it -- I started crying even louder than LO, but I was so tired that I thought I was going to pass out -- my OH came and got LO, took him into the living room, fed him and rocked him back to sleep. I had a good cry, then got a gel mask for my eyes (cold on my forehead and eyes - bliss) and managed a little doze for about an hour. Finn was sleeping well (maybe 10 to 6am) until his current cold/teething and now, it's hell. I am debating about dropping a nap/shortening a nap, implementing a more structured bedtime routine -- something, anything.........Right now, LO is in his jumeroo with huge smiles and so happy, so I'm just waiting until my OH gets home and I'll go to bed. Also, got some better sinus meds, which are helping, but I doubt nothing but rest, etc., will help and this week -- not much sleep at all....

there's alot I thought I wanted to do differently, but now that I've had my LO, I understand a little better what sleep deprivation, etc., can do to you. However, I will never use physical punishment ever -- if I ever get so upset with LO, I go into another room and scream. Yes, I was in tears this morning, but it will never be an option. Also, I will raise my LO to do housework! and Angel -- I do understand your worries, but perhaps by raising your LOs to respect women (with a strong mummy!) and to treat people with kindness, etc., but I do understand (my father isn't the best role model (not affairs, but a workaholic who uses/used money to manipulate and control people) but we are friends now as whatever my parents did, it's been 20+ years since I lived with either of them!)

must go since I am dropping the late afternoon nap, I need to keep him awake for another three hours! wish me luck and wish me sleep!

Hello ladies,

Angel: it is a wonderful thing that you are thinking already how to raise your kids differently from what you didn't like about your parents. I am sure they will have girls knocking at your door :haha: but they will know by them how to deal with the harassment because their wonderful mommy will have taught them how to do that:).

Sabrina: I am so sorry you are still sick and Finn not sleeping well is making it even worst!!! I am not sure if they have this sinus medicine called z pack in Ireland but if I go to the doctor and I have a major sinus infection that is what they prescribe and I LOVE it!!! I am done with the sinus issue in 2 days but you need to take the medicine for 5 days. It sounds to me that you need something stronger otherwise you could get even sicker.

Clio: I wanted to do CIO from the beggining but glen didn't let me. I just think it is easier on you and the baby will get used to it. But now that thiago is older I just can't do it!! :growlmad: After talking to the doctor I thought maybe we do it and he will sleep until six and not wake up at 4 or 5 am for a bottle. Now I am just going to his room and feeding him in there and put him back to sleep in his crib. So no more sleeping with us :cry:.
And the zumba:): I would love to have you all in my classes:)!!! Maybe when we meet in London I could do a sample class for you girls :happydance:. Zumba is a fun way to exercise specially if you like dancing and music. And of course shake your hips :haha:. And yes you could go to and find an instructor in your area. Zumba is everywhere now this days.
Oh, and I want to get thiago that toy that J has on the photo. I think it is a great idea and he will sure love it!!

Storm: what great news !!!! :thumbup::happydance:. So happy for you and little L. I thought of you two yesterday a lot :winkwink:. :hugs: hope the December 24th news will be as good as this one was.

Charlie: hang in there girl. When she is 3 months life does change. They are more fun too:). If you enjoy her now wait until she is 3 months:). And I really think it takes you about that much to get used to the idea of having a baby. But as you can see sleep deprivation sometimes will not go away :dohh:, I guess some of us get a little more sleep than the others but we all wish we had 10 hours of full sleep :sleep:.

Leeze: my mom and dad were wonderful parents. Both very hard working people. We didn't have a lot of money to spare but they were very honest people didn't own money to anyone, we always used to take vacation once a year ( camping for a month :dohh:) and stuff like that. They would fight once in a while like most couple do but they really loved each other. After my mom past at 58 it took my dad 7 years to find a girlfriend. He is 5 years younger than my mom. I thought it was good that he found someone that he likes ( she is older than him :haha:, he likes older woman). Maybe I shouldn't be surprised if thiago show us one day home with a lady 10 years older than him :dohh: :haha:!!!
I guess what I just hope for thiago is that he is an honest, happy person. That doesn't stress out to much about things, that doesn't need people approval to be happy ( like his daddy does) and believes that God is watching over him at all times:). I hope he finds a profession that he is happy with and a girl that will take as good care of him as his mommy does :haha::blush:!
I think my family is very normal but glen not so much :haha:. He has a very strong minded mom that says anything that comes to her mind ( no filter there!) and his dad is very quite and glen wishes that he could be more engaged and give his opinion. There are both wonderful people though. Whenever you need them they are there to help you. After so many years together I know how to deal with his mom when she has her negative moments. Anyways for someone that it is not your mom and after you have a baby spends one month at your house helping with EVERYThInG from cleaning, to cooking to care for the baby even at 2 am I have nothing to complain:). Love them forever:)!!!

Thiago has been a pain to feed food!!!! He does not want to grab the food ( want s to be fed in his mouth ) and now he does not want to try food ( closes his mouth tightly) unless I turn his little super simple videos on the iPad then he is distracted and he will open his mouth :dohh::growlmad:!!! Sometimes a book works too like the video. I thought that maybe he is not hungry but he needs to eat. I don't now what to do!!!
My gosh I wrote a book!!! Sorry ladies :haha:! Thiago is taking a nice nap :haha:! Oh, and Sabrina I have moved thiago to 2 naps and it works very well. He sleeps at least 1hour and 30 min each. Although the other day I had to give him 3 naps because he woke up too early. It is hard to keep them awake but it is worth the try.
well, I had to put LO down for an afternoon nap -- he was so tired and cranky, but I let him sleep for a good half hour and now, turned the lights on in the hallway, the tv on and I'm using the computer, so am hoping he wakes in a few minutes. Fortunately (hahaha!), I finished work today for a month and I'm going to slowly reduce afternoon nap and stretch lunch nap so it's about 1ish (hard to do with creche), so that when I go back to work, LO is taking a morning nap around 10 (or is 4 hours too long to stay awake?) and then take a short nap around 2.30-3.30 and then go to bed proper around 7-8....well, I can try. . and he fell off the bouncy chair again today; he was in his sleeping bag and I was just closing the curtains and he almost fell, e.g. I was able to grab him before his head hit, but had to grab his arms -- he cried for a minute and then started to pull my hair, so I guess okay....

better go try to wake him up....poor baby!

Hi everyone.

I'm really enjoying reading everyone's answers. It's giving me great insight not only into you guys, but also makes me question other things about what I want for J and what my own behaviour should be like.

SK--your cold sounds miserable. It does sound like Sinusitis by now, because of the length it's hanging around and the pain you currently have. As a fellow sinus sufferer, I literally feel your pain (I'm reaching for the sinus meds at the end of this sentence...)

There, done.

Talking about never-ending colds, how long do your LOs sport a snotty nose after a cold? Or rather, never show any symptoms of a cold other than a snotty nose that goes on FOREVER? We're nearing the two week mark by now and it shows no sign of abating. This happened before, and it lasted a month. He's not contagious, just gross.

On another note, The Education of Jonah continues (we are all such teachers... and bored...). I decided to teach him about feet, and he picked it up pretty quickly and can find people's feet. And he seems to know that socks and shoes belong on feet, as he keeps trying to put HIS socks and shoes on MY feet by placing them on top of them and then vigourously bangs on them to get them on. My husband has taught him nose and ears (though every time I ask him where my nose or ears are, he touches my feet and runs away). I think he's beginning to find these questions a bit asinine, because the last time my husband asked him where his ear was, J took his hand, placed it on OH's cheek, pushed OH's head to face the right, and quickly touched his ear. Then he clambered down off OH's lap and ran off before OH could mention anything about a nose.

I've been doing an exercise called "Leave Mummy's Coffee Cup the Ef Alone." I know he can understand what I'm saying (which is: "touch my coffee cup and you'll end up in the Pack 'n Play") because we already taught him not to touch the kitchen garbage can the same way. (I spent waaaaay too long training animals...) But he goes through this period where he tests whether or not I'm actually serious and has this mischievous look on his face. So I have to pull out this face again and again:

and tell him I am dead serious. I point to the cup, explain the reasons why he shouldn't touch it, then point at the P'nP and ask him if he really wants to go in there.

And, of course, then we have to go through the last stage of the exercise, which is, he touches the cup, I place him in the Pack 'n Play, where he will cry for 5 seconds, and I then let him out again. This will go on for a few days until he finally knows that this is no joke, and Mummy's coffee is sacrosanct.

But the exercise didn't go so well today, because I placed him in the P'nP, a place he usually hates, and he looked around and probably thought, "so that's where that toy got to! Awesome! Let's play!" and had a jolly old time for at least 20 minutes. So my exercise was going very very badly. Finally, he wanted out, made a beeline for the coffee cup, and I had the ability to put him in the P'nP and make him cry for 5 seconds. (Wow, maybe I AM already like my parents!) I got him out quickly, and he ignored the coffee cup. I'm sure we'll have to got through this all again tomorrow, but I'm emptying that P'nP first. It must remain a place of punishment and social torture.

Okay, falling asleep. I'm sure will write again.
Evening all. SK I feel your pain, L was up for over 3 solid hours last night, as well as the usual intermittent crying, I wanted to die at 2am..I was so stressed I had to get dh in for moral support. Anyway looks like teething, a temp a cold and now gooey eyes. We left her at nursery late and I went to prepare for my nephew's 7th birthday party at my dads, dh walked the dog and sent to see his aunt. Anyway I left my phone at my dads cause it oddly hadn't charged and of course today was the day nursery phoned, they got dh to ask if they could give her calpol as she was running a high temp and he agreed. Text me to tell me and thankfully I was then back at my dads and got his text, naturally as I wasnt at work I sent straight to get her, I was furious dh didn't even ask nursery if he should pick her up! When I arrived she was in the swing seat in her nappy, roasting :( she's been poorly all day and I've just got her asleep poor pet. I feel so helpless, my poor baby.e's been so sick since she started flipping nursery, every time she picks up something new.

Tonight I was trying with dh to get calpol into her and it really wasn't working, then I find dh in the kitchen packing his food for work tonight, man I was cross, he put his snacks before his sick daughter....

Anyway its that time of the month for ne complete with banging headache so I should stop typing as its not helping!

Ps I love what you all want for your baby's its made me think a lot!
well, I had to put LO down for an afternoon nap -- he was so tired and cranky, but I let him sleep for a good half hour and now, turned the lights on in the hallway, the tv on and I'm using the computer, so am hoping he wakes in a few minutes. Fortunately (hahaha!), I finished work today for a month and I'm going to slowly reduce afternoon nap and stretch lunch nap so it's about 1ish (hard to do with creche), so that when I go back to work, LO is taking a morning nap around 10 (or is 4 hours too long to stay awake?) and then take a short nap around 2.30-3.30 and then go to bed proper around 7-8....well, I can try. . and he fell off the bouncy chair again today; he was in his sleeping bag and I was just closing the curtains and he almost fell, e.g. I was able to grab him before his head hit, but had to grab his arms -- he cried for a minute and then started to pull my hair, so I guess okay....

better go try to wake him up....poor baby!


Sabrina: thiago is waking up between 6 and 7 am :wacko:!! I tried to keep him awake 9:30, 10am and then he wakes up after 1:30 or 2 hours later so close to 11am and then I put him down again around 2:30, 3 pm. Then he is sleeps till 4 or 5 pm and stays up until bed time around 8:30pm. I know it is hard sometimes the 4 hour stretch but I told him today that was mommy's revenge for him to wake me up at 6:15am :haha:. Good luck :thumbup:!

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