any other over 35 first time mums?

Loving the really thoughtful answers to my question. Angel, I think you can teach your boys to respect women by showing them respect as well as respecting yourself.
Clio, Kia also knows what she's not allowed to play with and they're exactly the things she wants to play with! It's all like a big game. She goes for the cat's water, the soil in the plants, her hands in the toilet and her latest is to try to drink the bath water.
Sabrina, you must be exhausted. I really feel for you. Kia normally has her morning nap about 2 hours after waking. Then after her morning nap she needs the next nap about 3 hours after she wakes from that nap. Then she's ready to sleep about 3.5 to 4 hours later. Although sometimes she still wakes after the last sleep and wants to party for the evening!
Borboleta, I loved what you said you wanted for Thiago. So cute.
I got to go. Kia just settled and i'm so very tired. Night all xx
Clio thank you for your vote of confidence. :) I don't think I could be cynical towards my own children either. I was more afraid that I would find it hard to love them if they were as piggish as my brother and father. But that was when I had only just found out I was having boys. Now that I have them, I can honestly say that I cannot imagine what they could possibly do that would make me adore them any less. I absolutely dote on them! <3 Actually since having them I understand so many things much better. For example, Nick's brother is a horrid guy and though he treats his mother quite badly at times, she sticks by him and only ever says "What can I do, he is my son. He was such a lovely sweet little boy." And that is one of the things that scare me a little cause what on earth could this kind, hard working mother have inadvertently done wrong that she had such a mean son? Mind you, Nick and her daughter are lovely so I guess it is a fluke. Do you ever wonder what happens in a person's life to make them horrid? Sometimes I look at unfriendly hard faced strangers and wonder that they too were once little sweet babies who were probably rocked and kissed and (hopefully) loved. And yet here they are, grumpy, lemon faced and just mean. It makes me more determined that my boys shall grow up with lots of cuddles lots of love and encouragement.
One thing I am determined upon is that I shall do everything to preserve their self pride. My weight problems being made public property in my family and an object to be discussed even in front of my younger cousins was extremely shaming to me. I will try never to shame my sons but be discreet about their problems should they have any.
As always I am so impressed with your son. I am looking at my boys and wonder if they will be able to do all that in such a short period of time. It seems amazing all the things they learn in the last third of the first year of their life isn't it?

Borboleta we are doing CIO with Dom at the moment and he just woke and cried 5 minutes before falling asleep again. I hate hate hate doing this! He is such a sweet laughing lovely boy and I feel like a beast to do this to him! I want to pick him up and cuddle him close (even though he hates that) but I know he has to learn to self settle. :cry: It is not normal at his age to wake up to 5 times in the evenings and require to be rocked to sleep surely. Not to mention several times throughout the night! This was the second time he woke this evening but the first time he cried for less than a minute before falling asleep. I am so hoping this is working and not just coincidence that the crying is so much shorter than the day before.
What time does Thiago go to sleep in the evening? There is no way my boys will go back to sleep when they wake around 6 in the morning. But I suppose it natural since they go to bed around 7 in the evening? As for the bottle in the early morning, we are now giving only water instead of a 4am feed as to break him off that habit. Last night he didn't wake for that bottle so I am hopeful that it is working :D Mind you, we do still give a bottle around midnight. How many bottles does Thiago have during the day?
As for feeding, my boys aren't really feeding themselves either. I am trying to encourage it by giving carrot sticks after each meal or even a biscotti (baby cookie type things) and they do suckle on that a bit but no way would they actually pick it up by themselves if I did not put it in their hands first. I will try again next week though maybe with banana again. But over here it is difficult to find really ripe ones that taste as good as their banana pouches :haha:

Charlie Borboleta is right. At 3 months they do become a lot of fun as they will smile more and even giggle etc. Much more interactive. And I think many babies even start sleeping through the night at that age. Not mine but many others. :) :hugs:

Sabrina you poor thing! That does indeed sound like a sinusitis cause that always comes with a headache! Have you tried olbas oil to inhale? I really like that stuff and you could also try an infuser for the night to make breathing easier. I really hope you will feel better soon :hugs:
I totally agree with you and being against physical punishment. My father was of the old school and put us over the knee when we were naughty. It didn't help I can assure you! Plus it seems barbaric to me that one isn't allowed to hit a prisoner who might be a murderer or worse but it should be acceptable to hit a child. Though I don't think it is legal any more anyway, is it? The daughter of my erstwhile neighbour from upstairs threatened her mother that she would call children services when the mother grabbed her wrist to try and restrain her from rushing out of the room while she was telling her off. :dohh:
I really hope you manage to sleep better tonight. :hugs:

Storm your poor little girl! How dreadful! I really hope she has a good night and will wake all well again tomorrow. I also hope you get some much deserved sleep. As for you DH... :grr: Sending you lotsa :hugs: Hope your headache will be a distant memory tomorrow :)

It is now 10pm and I am ready for sleep. But I wanted to report that Sebastian has cut a tooth! :D He won't let us see it but he did take my finger into his mouth and bit me and then I felt it. I think it is on his lower right but I am not totally sure. It is only a tiny little point and is pretty much in the middle from what I can feel. I am so proud of him, how silly is that lol
Right, I am off to bed. Wish me luck tonight that Dominic will sleep as well for me as he did for his daddy last night.
Night night xxx
Good morning ladies! I am a happy bunny this am! :D We went to bed at 10ish and though Dom half woke at 11:45 and cried in his sleep for a few seconds he only woke for his bottle at 1:20. And then he slept till 6:30 :D :D OH said he woke a few times cause he heard Dom cry a bit for a few seconds in his sleep and I am ashamed I slept right through that (though I would have woken up had it been longer of course) but it does still count, doesn't it? :D OH is sleeping on and I promised not not wake him till 10 but since I got 5 hours of sleep in a stretch I feel like a new woman anyway and ready to tackle anything! YAY! That is two nights in a row that my good boy has dropped the 4am feed :D
/me goes off with a song on her lips to feed her little angels
lots to catch up on!

storm I am so glad the tests were all good results wise! phew! :)

angel yey for a better nights rest!! woop woop!

clio - lmao at your coffee debacle!

borboleta - he may just be off his food teething - M varies a lot in what she'll eat as to how much pain she's in - it should balance out

saberina hope you feel better soon hon x

charlie - oh aye the fun starts from 3 months for sure then it just gets fabber every day :)

remind me of that when I have a newborn and a 15 month old! lol!!!

were good - M is not wanting puree at the mo or milk (on 3 bottles and at the mo only taking half a bottle each time) but will munch away on food to feed herself - she had philidelphia on crumpet yest and was even licking her fingers lol! Shes doing a LOT of shouting or laughing at the mo - and wont let me read to her anymore lol

shes also getting v interested in the potty - i lent a friend a potty book (with a cheering noisy button) I had bought in advance for when we potty train and she brought it back (well a new one as her dd had loved the book so much!) and its now Ms favourite book (even tho we went to library playgroup yest and got new books) shes been pooing again on the potty (yey) and when shes wees she's been trying to catch the wee - lmao!!! she did drop my car keys in there the other am tho lol havent told dh!

oh i struggled last night with the bedtime routine - physically I mean - and could not get comfy in bed last night and getting up and down every hour to a teething Martha and for wees was a killer physically gah! hopefully will have a better night tonight!

got my cake tin delivered for Ms bday - lmao! think its way beyond my capabilities!! a 3d duck!

have a good day everyone :flower:
ps leeze - think we will hopefully be approachable parents (will have to rein in dh I think as suspect he may be stricter or more dictatorial than me) our parents had v different style - mine perhaps gave me too much responsibility but his too little (e.g - he wasn't allowed to cross a road on his own til he was 13 whereas on a weekend when I was around 7-8 my mam would go to work in another town and my dad would be sleeping after nightshift and I would pootle about on my own til he got up in the afternoon but I knew he was upstairs if anything went wrong and my mam would leave me sandwiches etc) so hopefully we'll find a happy medium

my mam was a challenge at times (she was going through early menopause and struggling to come to terms with her disability and also my sister was v v bright and adhd and didn't sleep through til she was 6 - shes ten years younger than me) and would say things like "you're not what I wanted" she wanted a girlie girl and I was a tomboy and into heavy metal and was sometimes quite hurtful at a time when you are already insecure - I never knew what I would face when I came home from her - shes a lot more calm now and I can tell her to get a grip etc and she'll laugh but we've only just started getting on in the last few years - my folks aren't good in a crisis so I used to have to take charge and deal with stuff - but all good life experience and stood me in good stead

I think they taught me some good lessons and also some things where I'd maybe think well I wont take that approach - don't think you can ever get it right as parents tho can you - were all just learning every step of the way :)
morning, ladies --

just a quick note. I woke Finn up after about an hour for his late afternoon nap (so 4.45-5.45) and he went back to sleep around 9. My OH took him and he says that LO woke at 11 for an hour (so got a bottle and a cuddle) and possibly once or twice, but a quick head rub, replacing of dummy and he went back to sleep until about 7.30--I slept from about 10pm to 7.45 and do feel loads better (although I still have a cold, the headache isn't too bad, and I dozed in bed from 8 to 11 with an cold eye mask)....

I think I'll suggest to the creche to give his morning nap whenever they feel he's tired and for as long as he wants, but his lunch-time nap to be no longer than an hour and/or up by 1, so he can take a nap (no more than 1/2 hour, maybe) around 3.30/4, then he'll be tired enough to go to bed around 8/9. At least, I can try it over the next month.

we're off to get a bath seat (like the one thiago has), an inflatable cloth circle to sit in, which has a little 'desk', some bath toys, some activity blocks, etc.

hope all are well!

(angel-- isn't frightening to think that a five hour sleeping stretch is an accomplishment!

Morning all, wow angel you did have a good night and I'm sure your boys will grow up to be wonderful young men, they have a fab mum to show them the way.

Rowan I laughed at your into heavy metal comment, I was too, I spent my teen years dressed in black and,my poor mum just suffered it. Bless her.

Leeze, I spend a ridiculous amount of time removing L from the dogs water dish, she loved sticking her hands in it!

We had a rough night, L was running a temp but was insisting she had to sleep on me! She drank a ridiculous amount of water had two massive wet nappies but at least she got sleep, unsettled as it was. She's still running a temp but a hundred times better than yesterday and the green goo has stopped coming out her eyes, that was gross!

We are having a party for my 7 year old nephew so L is having a nap before they arrive. Yesterday I didn't even think she would be at the party and given my dad and I are sorting the party that would have been sad. One of my brother's never has party's for his kids, I'm not sure why, I think my SIL doesn't cope with the mess, noise or stress! It's costing me a fortune though and I'm not getting paid! Ah well, what can one do?

Oh dear L is awake better go, 25 minute nap.. grrr
Good morning ladies,

We had the worst night ever!!! :growlmad: thiago woke up at 12:40am ( went down at 8:30pm) and stayed awake till 5 am!!!!! YES 5 am!!!! At one point I tried CIO and after 15 min ( the worst part was about 5 min into it) he had calm himself out but then he started to have another meltdown and I couldnt take it anymore so went to his room and rocked him and he slept for about 20 min and he was up again. Then my hubby gave him Advil and a bottle and he slept till almost 7am!!! Now I have to teach 2 classes this morning ( Pilates and Zumba) and be all energetic :cry:!
Just spoke to husband and told him to try CIO with him for his first nap today and go from there. After hearing Clio and angel' s experience I just need to do it. And thank you Rowan to give me an insight about the food and teething. I am sure he is getting his molars now because he has been drulling like crazy and sticking his hands down his mouth.

He is crying talk to you girls later.
Borboleta--I'm so sorry about your night. The CIO business is hard because you don't often know why they're crying. I've come to the conclusion that if J is acting completely out of character during the night, it's teething and to drug him. Then, when I know the advil has kicked in, and he's fed, and clean, we go back to being hard-asses and put him down. By now, he knows that we won't come and get him, so he does fall asleep, but establishing that is hard in the beginning (remember my OH's and my "oopses"?) I think that eventually, you will get a sense of it. Now, with naps, we get him after around 15-20 minutes because we know he isn't going to shut up (unless there are pauses between his cries, and they are getting calmer). But, we also don't have set times for naps. We wait until he shows a cue, or simply melts down for no reason. He does this, though, typically at around the same time every day.

Right now we're having trouble with his morning nap, and don't know what to do. The first time we put him up, we heard this ungodly screaming and rushed up there, thinking he must be dying. Turns out, he was just practicing the meowing noise (badly) that I had been doing with him while changing his diaper. So we screwed up and had to bring him down because there was no way he'd sleep now. Then, we tried again, because he was yawning. Nope, he cried for 20 minutes, which was our limit and got him up again. Now he showed tired signs again, just put him down, and he's wailing. I have no idea what we're going to do if it goes on. Part of it is simply the fact that we got him twice before and he knows that we are wishy-washy today. But just this very minute, I've come to the decision that we're just going to have to leave him. Getting him a third time will cause a problem with future naps. I'll let you know by the end of this post where we stand. It is currently 10:02 am.

Oh, the music table. Love it. But try and get it off of Craig's list or something, or at a second hand store. It's pretty pricey new ($70, I think) but I got it for $20. It has SO many features to it. But it also really helped him stand and cruise. I have videos of him standing at the window and then pulling himself over to the table. There's a Fisher Price one, too, which I'm sure is just as good, but I don't know if it has the removable legs part, or if it built to specifically to help them stand (it's part of the description, and once you see the legs and the grippy things on the sides, you can see what they mean).

Okay, he's asleep. It is now 10:04. He cried a total of 10-15 minutes. (I wrote this halfway through the last paragraph...) Seriously, it's a learning curve.

Angel-- :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: This is fantastic! So those little cries then, which you were afraid would wake Seb actually don't really wake him? And the dropping of the 4 am bottle was genius. :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:

About J and the things he does, a lot of it has to do with the fact that he has 4 teachers (and hard core teachers--we all LOVE to teach) in his life. Eric and I are teachers. My mother's profession was teaching, and she sees J four times a year. Oma studied Early Childhood Development and ran a nursery for the children of professors for over a decade (and professors expect their children to start learning early!). Plus, she has J twice a week. And we are all talkers. We yap and yap and yap. Imagine our Sunday dinners! And we all teach him different things, just because of our different interests. I always did the physical stuff--the sitting, the standing, the walking. Eric teaches him the names of objects and describes everything down to the last detail (and remember, he takes care of J as much as I do). Oma teaches him concepts like "in" and "out." And my mother does it all when she visits. The things that come from J himself is that he loves to learn and is quick. And has a great sense of humour. He is in a unique situation that is difficult to mirror when you have twins who won't sleep, and all of you are exhausted and don't have a coterie of educators teaching them things all the time. Or if your are solely responsible for your baby, dealing with illness and exhaustion and then going back to work and having to put your kid in day care. J has stay-at-home-parents, which is a very rare thing to have. And it all comes out in the wash in the end, I've read. By the time they're three, they'll all be doing the same thing and when they did it originally doesn't matter the slightest.

And you're right--the last third of their first year babies learn a hell of a lot.

Leeze and Storm--the number of times I've found J's mouth full of cat kibble when I take him to the basement with me to do laundry is crazy.Luckily, he hasn't found the litter yet... And today I found him playing a box full of nails. :dohh:

Charlie--everyone is totally right. By month three, they become totally different creatures and a lot of fun, as Rowan said.

SK--Oh boy are things tough for you at the moment. :hugs:

Okay, just fell asleep and woke up with a start. So, it's nap time and I'll write more later.
An hour and 45 mins to get L to sleep... Kill me now please....or at least make her stay asleep!
Boo! Where is everybody? Isn't this the time that the thread starts moving along like crazy over in the UK? Let me get out my handy-dandy phone and see what time it is over there.

Okay, it's 7 in the morning for you guys. You are all forgiven. Well, I really hope you all had a good night.

Angel, was it as good as the night before?

Borboleta, did you tough out the CIO? What happened with the CIO nap time?

SK and Storm, I really hope that things got better for you and your LOs and you finally got some sleep. Storm, is L's fever gone? SK, are the new sinus meds working? Are you a walking, talking weather vane as well?

Claire--how does it work with your Lily? Is she up every hour, or does she refuse to sleep, period?

Rowan--how is M's eating? It must be going around; J is incredibly picky and eating far less these days, too.

Charlie--how does your little one sleep? Are you up every hour/2 hours/3 hours like we were?

And Skweek--how about you? We miss you, but understand that a newborn can be all-consuming. Did you ever have that meeting with your doctor?

Can I just ask you all--what do you mean by "settling" your LOs to sleep? Storm, you talk about it taking an hour and a half, and everyone seems to have settling problems. For us, it wasn't so much getting J to sleep, since we did the shaking from The Happy Baby book and it never failed us--sometimes it just took a bit longer. We were battling the frequent wakings. But even then we simply fed him a bottle or gave him meds and he went back down. So what does settling consist of for you guys? Are you rocking them for hours? Do you let them play for a while until they are tired again? What happened two nights ago, Borboleta, when little T was up for 5 hours? What did you do with him?

And Borboleta and SK--are you managing to manipulate the naps well enough to get them down earlier? What's your optimal bedtime?

AFM--It's past midnight for me here and I'm in self-exile on the couch. My mum arrived today, which was lovely, but still strange. I'll explain that in a minute. But this means that she took over my room, and I'm stuck back with my husband, and I HATE it. He is a tall man with long limbs and he sprawls over the bed, while I am relegated to a small strip on my side. Then he snores. Then he grinds his teeth, and I want to kill myself. I gave my warm feather duvet to my mother, and OH has the other one (we don't share covers--that would make my nights even more hellish), so I'm stuck with layers of quilts that keep getting tangled up and fall off the bed. I am insisting on a trip to IKEA tomorrow to get a third duvet for me. I have chronic insomnia and now can't watch TV anymore in bed until I fall asleep. This is a nightmare that I can't wake up from because I'm already awake!. :growlmad: I might just have to set myself up in the basement on a cot to get through the nighttimes during this visit.

So as I said, my mum is here, which is lovely. But she is obsessed with J. Understandable, I guess, seeing as he is currently her only grandson and she hasn't seen him in a while, but ALL she wants to do is hold him. And this is a toddler who is ALWAYS on the go. ALWAYS. And it's hard to see him try to get down from her lap and see her forcefully try to keep him there. I eventually intervene and say that there is no point--he won't stay, and she lets him go. But while we were finishing setting up stuff for her upstairs, I heard her reading nursery rhymes to J. OH had gone down to find a hammer and I asked him if she was actually getting him to pay attention. Nope, he said, she has him cornered in the crook of the couch and he is trying to get out. I went down and saw him take the book away from my mother, and without missing a beat, she took it back and continued to read. On my next trip downstairs, I found J, exhausted and asleep on her, obviously resigned to his fate, and making the best of it. Though it is wonderful to see J asleep on her; he won't sleep on anyone else, even Oma.

Eventually she'll calm down--she's got a full 10 days with him--and J is no worse for wear, but you know how it is--you have this unbearable need to SAVE YOUR CHILD! And she bought him a wonderful xylophone for his bday/Christmas. She also showed me the gift from my sister, and I just had to shake my head. She bought him the most gorgeous, expensive wooden train, but it is a puzzle made out of innumerable small-ish blocks that you KNOW are going to go missing the first time he plays with it. A year from now, she'll recognize her folly because she'll be dealing with her own LO, but right now I'm trying to figure out how to give it to J and then take it away again before he can remove even one block. Maybe he can only play with it supervised, or something. Well, at least it's better than the last present she gave him, which was J's name in ceramic tiles and held together by very sharp metal.

Okay, I'm finally falling asleep after this novel of mundane stuff. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have something more exciting or amusing to tell about the things that happen in Jonah-land...

Have a fine day everyone! Let thee be all well-rested and illness free.
oh hugs storm bless you x

M asleep in her cot - am going to write Christmas cards and party invites like a machine!

shes full of mischief today! :)

j is a lucky boy clio :)
well, we settled LO down around 8 pm last night (he didn't have much of an afternoon nap as we were shopping) and he fell asleep around 9ish and SLEPT UNTIL ALMOST 7am. There were some fussy moments, but after stroking his head and replacing his dummy (and a few prayers), he managed to self-soothe and go back to sleep. I am so hopeful that maybe we've broken through to better sttn, and am planning on only two naps today (9.45-11.15 just done) and another around 3 (maybe for an hour?) and then try to go to sleep around 8 again. My cold is a little better and am hopeful (again) that a few more days of decent rest and I might get rid of it.

We bought the bath seat (like Thiago's), but LO wasn't too impressed after a few minutes, so started screaming again. I am again hopeful that with some time, patience and practice (on dry land and in the bath), he might be happier. I also got him a pop-up animals thang, a musical farm set, some wooden blocks that you put into a wooden house, but his favourite at the moment is the 'light-up musical drum'. At the moment, though, he is engrossed in crinkly fabric book, so prehaps we will stick to boxes and wrapping paper for Christmas instead!

A slightly funny (?) story. We were in Mothercare buying some stuff and this 3 or 4 year old kept coming over to Finn - I shoed her away (she was poking his face) and as we were leaving, a toy fell out of his stroller. The child had put a small plastic drum shaped rattle in his stroller and he was chewing on the tag! Obviously, I took the drum out and placed on the counter and left! It's both funny and annoying, e.g. he was chewing on paper, but it looks like she was also trying to get LO to shoplift a la Oliver Twist!

clio - am currently (as I write) watching Ken Burns' Dust Bowl (which I recorded off of PBS America); god, it's so depressing and horrible....

re: settling for sleep: Finn goes into his sleeping bag, then we put in bouncy chair and rock him to sleep, then transfer him to his cot. At creche, he actually falls asleep in the cot without rocking, so I think I am spoiling him at home...sigh, but it usually works for us. We do the above for naps and night-sleep, but for night-sleep, we also offer a bath (every other night), a bottle and a book and will try to introduce teeth brushing soon (as soon as LO gets rid of his cold completely), then hopefully, bed!

nothing else....I hope that we all get decent sleep tonight!

Hello all, what a night, after getting L to sleep she was screaming half an hour later, then settled, then awake looking juice several times, then I woke to find her soaking, is fallen asleep leaving her with her bottle, she had thrown it away and it had emptied all over the bed and she was lying in it, bad mummy! So I had to take her, strip her, get towels for the bed etc.. and I think it took me an hour to get her back to sleep. Then she kept throwing herself on me, wanting more juice etc.. and then she started to cough, and cough and cough and cough... She coughed so much she threw up like a fountain all over her and me, I was drenched, it was all over my top half, down my pj top, in my hair etc etc.. and I'm home alone.. got changed, got L striped yet again and back to sleep at 5am, she dozed off and on until ten though.

Clio, L used to fall asleep during her last bottle and we put her into her cot in her own room, then she started waking more and more screaming hysterically, we had a run of utis, issues with the reflux, she only got meds at ten months... So exhaustion took over, I started bringing her in with me in the middle of the night and it just got to the stage she wouldn't go in the cot. She would jump up and down screaming hysterically to the stage she vomited everywhere, the reflux means she can empty easily so I mean within ten minutes not hours. I was so exhausted I started bringing her straight to bed with me, she messes around, crawls about, jumps up and down and lies about crying trying to get to sleep, its woeful. Other times she just curls up beside me and drops of. She's very windy and often the screaming is accompanied by parping and burping. With the reflux and dodgy kidney I just don't know if she's in pain! I have no issues with CIO, but I can't let my baby lie in her own vomit :( she's just woken from a nap screaming, wind and a poo, so again I assume the wind upsets her, I know I had trapped wind during my pregnancy and it sucked! Better go change the poo nappy before the smell makes me boke!
hugs ladies x

storm reflux does seem to add an extra layer of faffing about doesnt it - altho weve been pretty lucky as M has been on meds since 2 weeks old so we got into the rhythm of it pretty early on - altho it did lead to bad habits ie having to hold her for an hour after a bottle meant she wouldnt ever nap in her moses bASKET etc and always was held before bedtime - but as its getting less severe i can now just hold her for 10 mins which is great - she has her last bottle in her sleeping bag and then up to her cot ten mins later - she then rolls about and gets up and down throwing her dummies out and either laughing or shouting - this can be for 5 mins or an hour - never can tell but usually she nods off - same theory with her naps in her cot now - its taken 10 months to get her to nap during the day not on me so I hope its not a phase lol
Good morning ladies,

We had a good night last night :thumbup:. Thiago went down 8:45pm and woke up for good at 5:45am :dohh:. But I was sooo happy that he slept and we didn't have the nightmare night like it was the night before :winkwink:. Now I totally get it when angel saiys that 4 hours of sleep was a good night :haha:.

Clio: when thiago woke up the night before at 12:40am I could tell he was kind of excited to see me ( more than usual). And before I went there I asked glen what time it was and he said almost 3am so I decided to offer thiago a bottle but before I left to room glen told me that it was actually 12:40am so I thought I might as well give thiago the bottle anyways then have a whole bottle go to waist. I rocked him for about 20 min and he felt asleep. Left the room and he woke up 20 min later :dohh:. Then I tried just rocked him again and it didn't work, then I brought him to bed with us and it I didn't work, then I put him on his crib and left and he played in there for a while but then started to cry really hard ( the 15 min CIO) so I went there and rocked him again and he slept for 20 min!!! Then hubby got him and gave him Advil and another bottle (3 hours had gone by) and then he slept for 2 hours. I am just glad that is over.

Anyways the next day when I was teaching my classes glen tried to CIO for his first nap he screamed for 20 min so glen felt bad and tried to sleep with him in bed and it didn't work then he started getting mad at me because I put my Zumba music sometimes for thiago to go to sleep so he had to come downstairs and put some merengue on and thiago then felt asleep in about 2 min. :dohh:
Glen and I talked and we decided to just do CIO when thiago is done with teething. He like J is easy to be put down for a nap or at night time ( he normally falls asleep on his bottle during the night and sometimes before a nap). I just wish he would sleep more than 9 hours a night but compared to some of the ladies here we have it pretty good. Storm, angel and Claire would die for a night like that :thumbup:. And I am getting used to waking up at 6am these days:)!! I just spoke with a friend that has a 13 months old and her daughter goes to bed between 7 and 8pm wakes up on and off until around 11pm and then Sttn until 6am. So it is what it is! But I know another lady that her daughter always went to bed at 8pm and slept till 8am !!!!! And she was a great napped too and took two 2 hours nap every day!!!!
Thiago goes to sleep between 8:30 and 9 pm and sleeps between 4am ( then he goes back to sleep after a feed him) and 6:30am ( after 6 am he is up for good). He takes two naps. Today I struggled to keep him awake till 8:45am and he sleeps for about 1:30 min. Then he has another nap around 2:30pm.

Oh, we bought his Christmas gift. We took him to target and let him pick the toy he wanted :haha:. Of course in our price range :haha:. So picked the vtech activity alphabet box. It is really cute and he enjoys the music and lights.
I can't wait for Christmas to come because I think thiago is getting bored with his toys!!!

Today we have a birthday party to go from his little buddy that is turning one year old today. The parents have the party at a restaurant. And a nice one!!! I think they invited over 100 people but of course not all of them will be coming. But still a lot of people to feed :haha:. It took them 12 years to conceive their baby so they wanted to make his first birthday a celebration. His mommy was actually pregnant of twins but unfortunelly the other baby didn't survive since he was not gaining a lot of weight ( he was abouth 1 1/2 pounds when he was born). But they are super happy they have a LO here with them:).
Hello all, what a night, after getting L to sleep she was screaming half an hour later, then settled, then awake looking juice several times, then I woke to find her soaking, is fallen asleep leaving her with her bottle, she had thrown it away and it had emptied all over the bed and she was lying in it, bad mummy! So I had to take her, strip her, get towels for the bed etc.. and I think it took me an hour to get her back to sleep. Then she kept throwing herself on me, wanting more juice etc.. and then she started to cough, and cough and cough and cough... She coughed so much she threw up like a fountain all over her and me, I was drenched, it was all over my top half, down my pj top, in my hair etc etc.. and I'm home alone.. got changed, got L striped yet again and back to sleep at 5am, she dozed off and on until ten though.

Clio, L used to fall asleep during her last bottle and we put her into her cot in her own room, then she started waking more and more screaming hysterically, we had a run of utis, issues with the reflux, she only got meds at ten months... So exhaustion took over, I started bringing her in with me in the middle of the night and it just got to the stage she wouldn't go in the cot. She would jump up and down screaming hysterically to the stage she vomited everywhere, the reflux means she can't empty easily so I mean within ten minutes not hours. I was so exhausted I started bringing her straight to bed with me, she messes around, crawls about, jumps up and down and lies about crying trying to get to sleep, its woeful. Other times she just curls up beside me and drops of. She's very windy and often the screaming is accompanied by parping and burping. With the reflux and dodgy kidney I just don't know if she's in pain! I have no issues with CIO, but I can't let my baby lie in her own vomit :( she's just woken from a nap screaming, wind and a poo, so again I assume the wind upsets her, I know I had trapped wind during my pregnancy and it sucked! Better go change the poo nappy before the smell makes me boke!


So sorry to hear about your awful night. :hugs:To you and little L. My nephew had terrible reflux and he slept with his parents for a long time too. He would like L vomit all over himself if he would cry a lot. Does L takes naps on her crib?
Your husband should really apreciate all your hard work. You are an amazing woman:)!!
Oh, and I spoke to another lady that she said that she has 2 adult kids and the first was a girl and the second a boy. If she had the boy before the girl she would never had the girl. She said that he was awful!! He would not sleep thru the night until he was about 1 year with terrible wind. And one night when he was over one he just slept thru the night and that was it. I can just imagine having two babies 19 months apart and one of them not sleeping well at night and you have to be at work at 5:30am ( she is a nurse) for a 12 hour shift 5 days a week!!! I asked her how did you do and she says I survived :thumbup:. So even thought it is tough right now specially for some of us we will survive:). And we will have crazy moments of wanting more babies!!!!! :dohh:
hugs ladies x

storm reflux does seem to add an extra layer of faffing about doesnt it - altho weve been pretty lucky as M has been on meds since 2 weeks old so we got into the rhythm of it pretty early on - altho it did lead to bad habits ie having to hold her for an hour after a bottle meant she wouldnt ever nap in her moses bASKET etc and always was held before bedtime - but as its getting less severe i can now just hold her for 10 mins which is great - she has her last bottle in her sleeping bag and then up to her cot ten mins later - she then rolls about and gets up and down throwing her dummies out and either laughing or shouting - this can be for 5 mins or an hour - never can tell but usually she nods off - same theory with her naps in her cot now - its taken 10 months to get her to nap during the day not on me so I hope its not a phase lol

She might have a feeling her little brother is coming :thumbup:. Does she ever cry in her crib?
Hey Borboleta, L doesn't sleep in her cot for naps either, really because it suited me her sleeping in the pram for dog walking! Shes actually just fallen asleep in the car on the way home from my dads so I'm sitting in the driveway forva little while, its nearly 5pm though and I don't really want her sleeping but I've found it doesn't matter if its 5 minutes or 35 minutes she's recharged and good to go after so I might Sewell take time out while she sleeps :) I'm sure she will sleep someday, soon, maybe, perhaps... But I love her anyways and we will get there!

I have to strip the bed when I get in, no time this am, dh needed a sleep after nightshift. In other news I'm getting another sore throat! The joys of baby germs... Bah.

Thing is, even with everything I'm getting more broody by the day, or maybe I just don't want to go back to work :)
Rowan, the reflux has sucked, well the support I got or rather didn't sucked more than the reflux. As L was steadily gaining weight no one cared about the constant spewage and bad sleeping. I spent the first ten months of her life with a muslin over my shoulder, if I went out it was tied to my handbag... The spew just didn't stop, ever! It wasnt until we saw a paedaetrican (can't spell that) at neatly ten months that we got losec. He didn't even question me, it was just yes she needs this and this etc.. I often wonder how different this journey would have been if everyone had been less focused on my mum dying and my imminent depression (still waiting for it) and more focused on Ls issues! But here we are, we made it this far and I love my little girl more than I ever thought I could or would!

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