any other over 35 first time mums?

Storm :hugs: I hope tonight is better! And as for reflux! How incredible of your doctor not to help! Ours immediately gave ranitidine. The boys no longer need it now but they never had the spewing either and gained weight so it isn't as though it was obvious why they screamed so much during and after feeds. I mean L didn't even have silent reflux poor little sweetie so surely any normal doctor should have spotted what was ailing her :grr:. I have always had heartburn so I totally feel for babies with reflux. It is horrible and so painful when the acid actually rises all the way up!

Borboleta when you say do CIO when Thiago is done with teething, do you mean when he has all his teeth? Doesn't it take about 3 years? [-o< Surely all our LOs will sleep through by then and no longer need CIO! Or maybe you mean when he is done with the next few teeth?
Glad you had a better night but you are right. I dream of such a night lol

Clio Yes thank you last night was apparently really good! The boys woke only once at 12:45 for a bottle and though Sebastian then woke at 6:15 he actually dropped off again till 7!! I really hope he does the same for me tonight! I had to get up at 8 this morning as OH was off to collect rent as usual and I am tired! (But then when aren't I tired, eh? lol)
Our routine is the boys get their dinner of solids at around 6:15. At 7 ish we take them to the nursery and put night nappies and sleeping bags/woombies on them. Then we lie them on the nursery bed and each give them a bottle. Usually that makes them half sleepy. OH then usually takes Dom on his lap and rocks him to sleep. Sebastian is easy usually and just requires his muslin next to his face and to be put in his cot. He then turns his little sweet face to the side and into the muslin and drops off. <3
When I say Dom wouldn't settle though, I mean that though he fell asleep on OH's lap and was placed sleeping into the cot, he will wake 10 or 20 minutes later and cry. Usually OH then went in and rocked him to sleep again. And again and again. Now Dom only gets rocked to sleep once as part of the bed time routine but once he is in his cot and he wakes he will have to CIO. I am not against it and never have been but I must admit it is hard going cause seeing and hearing him cry breaks my heart. Even though I know it is better for him in the long run to know how to self settle and not be dependent on us. Yesterday evening he only woke once and then cried for 15 minutes. So horrible :( I am hoping it will be less and less every evening now.

Sabrina sounds like a lovely night. I hope you will get another tonight :) Are you recovering from your cold? Hope so :)
My boys also like the crinkly fabric books and when I want them to hang on in their cribs in the morning till I had a coffee or two I always give them each a book like that :)

Oh dear Dom is crying. CIO here we go! I hate this so much :cry:
Phew it was only for 5 minutes! Sigh of relief. I find it so hard to bear really!

clio meant to add, I hope you have a lovely time with your mum. She isn't stay for xmas then? Shame :( I cannot remember what you said about how close your sister lives to you? Is your mum going to her after? Also when is your sister due again? And I do hope your mum does calm down with her attentions towards J, though I must admit it made me laugh a lil! The idea of the poor boy falling asleep as a way out when cornered! LOL!
As for the train, I am probably imagining it wrong but maybe you could put it at the top of a shelf like a decoration and he can play with it when he is older?
What you say about your DH and the way he sleeps reminds me of Nick. He doesn't grind his teeth but he snores and likes to hold his breath loudly. He sort of squeaks as he avoids breathing. Is is a type sleep apnoea of course but man that he is he will not not not not have it checked out. He does also like to sprawl but one nudge from me and he does turn over. However since living with him I have become addicted to having one ear phone in my ear while listening to one of my Terry Pratchett audiobooks as I know them by heart and they will therefore not keep me awake. I guess it is just like white noise for me now and I find it hard to fall asleep without it even when I am alone in bed.

To all ladies: What are you plans for xmas? Are you having your family over or are you going to them? And for those of you who have cats, will you have a tree and how do your cats take to them? We aren't having a tree cause of lack of space and cause we just know that Alfie would do the same as the cat in this video lol
We wanted to go to my parents' home in Switzerland for xmas but what with Dom's fragile sleep improvements I didn't really relish the thought. Plus we sort of messed up the boys' passports and then left it too late to reapply for them. Ah well, subconsciously I probably already knew then that I didn't want to go. So instead we will have Nick's mum and sister over for xmas lunch but will have a little celebration on xmas eve for just us and the boys. For me, growing up in Switzerland and with a German mum, xmas is on xmas eve. And for xmas lunch Nick is planning to get a goose which I never had but sounds delicious :) What are your food plans?

Hope you all have a lovely restful night. Especially you Storm and kosh if you are reading. :hugs: to all
Rowan--are you throwing a Christmas party? When will it be? What's M up to to create such mischief?

SK--Yay for the fantastic night! Fingers crossed for many more. Maybe the Christmas Sleep Fairy will come and pay you all a visit. I wouldn't mind a drop by from the Christmas Nap Fairy. Or the Christmas Please Sleep Past 5:45 am Fairy...

But I've got to say, you have to take the rose coloured glasses off and recognize that Finn probably was the thief. I hear this is how kleptomania starts--mothers turn the other way and blame sweet, innocent toddlers for their own children's crimes. For shame.

Yup, the Depression is aptly named. Those Dorothea Lange photos in particular are beautifully horrible.

Storm--:hugs: That sounds like a nightmare night! I couldn't imagine doing CIO with your little one, either. She needs all the attention you can give her! I can also see why you co-sleep, though it must be exhausting for both of you. And when you say "meds at 10 months" does that mean for reflux?! Why would it take them that long to diagnose her? She seems to have been very shoddily treated by doctors. :growlmad:

ETA--oh, I just re-read the post on why it took so long. But still--:growlmad:

Borboleta--our issue is keeping J awake past 6 pm. When he was 2 months old, he chose that as his bedtime, but also chose approx. 4-5 am as his wake up time. So now we have to push him to 7 pm and deal with the colossal meltdown that often occurs before that, but luckily he gets better once we start eating dinner at 6. Then his nighttime routine starts and we can get him to sleep perhaps to six, or almost to six (like, 5:45...). I had to laugh when you said that you can accept getting up at 6 am, thinking of when I worked and how often that was my wake-up time. But then, all sense of superiority drained quickly away when I began to factor in the number of times you have to get up BEFORE 6 am. So I lie here, humbled.

I can totally appreciate your decision to wait with CIO. Luckily J seems to have very lazy teeth, so we go for a long time before teething episodes and know when he really needs us, or is just trying to get out his crib to play.

Speaking of play, has T managed to get to other rooms on his own yet?

Angel--Yay for another great night! And I keep forgetting to ask you something: we know so much about the twins' personalities, but how are they when they are active? Is one more active than the other? Are they mobile yet? I also don't remember--at how many weeks were they born?

Leeze--you mentioned once that when cooking and trying to deal with K at the same time, you do a lot of the work in the living room and often leave it there when there's something to do in the kitchen real quick. I've wondered for a long time: does K actually not touch what you're cutting up, either with you there, or when you're in the kitchen? J would destroy everything in a second. I ask this because I'm still trying to find a way to get J to leave me alone and not melt down when I'm cooking.

Okay, falling asleep. I'll continue later...
I need to try to get here more often to keep up. We're spending every free minute at the moment trying to sort the flat and get unpacked. Plus the cat had a check-up at the vet, we had a table delivered and had to go see my tenants over the weekend too. So much to do. Kia is still unwell and had a meltdown on the bus today. I hate that.
Clio, gone are the days of being able to leave half-prepared stuff around. Normally if i'm cooking i'm also feeding kia a meal at the same time so will have her in the highchair eating finger food while I do it. It's easier in the new place because it's an open-plan kitchen and living area.
Re settling, I still mostly feed kia to sleep although occasionally she can be cuddled or rocked to sleep. If she doesn't settle I'll either keep it calm and quiet with maybe some stories or singing, or just let her play and burn off more energy. Then wait a bit and try to feed her to sleep again. We've gone through some really difficult sleep periods but at the moment it's pretty good. She normally goes to sleep between 8 and 10 and then sleeps until about 8am with one wake-up or STTN. STTN is more likely if she falls asleep around 10. If she falls asleep around 8 she does sometimes wake up again half an hour later and then take 2 or 3 hours to settle again. Tonight it's taken till 10.45 to settle her. Xx
:) no Christmas party - for Marthas birthday :)

gotta dash...M asleep and lots to do!

Hope all ok!
Good morning ladies,

We had an okay night. We decided to give him Tylenol instead of Advil before bed and he woke up at 1:30am and I could tell he was a little bit in pain but I was too lazy to go get his meds downstairs :dohh:. After I rocked him for about 20 min he went back to sleep and he woke up again around 4:45am and my husband went and got Advil and rocked hi for about 30 min and gave him a bottle. He then slept till 6am with a poopy diaper :dohh:!!!

Angel: so glad CIO is working with Dom:)! :happydance: you deserve it!! And As CIO for us with thiago teething since before 4 months and 8 teeth later I have a feeling he might be done by 1 1/2 years old :haha:. I could see the other day his canine thru his gum ( not out just under his gum) but I know he has more coming. Poor thing doesn't get a break!!!

Clio: hope you are enjoying your mom!!! How lovely that she is there to vist!!! And yes thiago has been moving around more :haha:. Although he normally hangs out in the living room.

And we will have Christmas at my in laws as usual. Loads of food and gifts!!! Maybe next year we can spend Christmas in Brasil :happydance:.
So we are having two of our babies turning 1 year!!!! How exciting!! Little J and then Martha!!! I already asked Clio but Rowan what are your plans for Martha's first birthday? Are you going to have a theme? I have decided that thiago will have a galinha pintadinha birthday theme. It means the dotted chicken and it is a big hit in Brasil and thiago loves the DVDs :haha:. I know I still about 2 1/2 months away Fromm his party but I like to plan ahead of time :thumbup:.
those whom the gods wish to destroy....give a good night of sleep to mummies and then, take it all away!

Well, Finn went to sleep around 8.30 last night (very short nap around 2.30-3 in the afternoon) and we thought, yeah! second night in a row....and at 10.45 pm, LO woke up and demanded attention, so after a bottle and change (just in case of poopies!), he finally went back to sleep at 12.15, and I thought, okay, he'll sleep until 6 or, no -- another party at 3.30 am to about 4.30 (I got my OH up to attend that party!) and then asleep until 7am-ish. OH took LO to creche, and me? I slept until 1pm and feel loads now, I don't know what to do! He still has a lingering cold and a bit of teething and I won't leave him too long in those circumstances, but he falls alseep within minutes in creche, so I think Finn is starting to manipulate mummy, e.g. I think I mentioned that when my OH has him, Finn cries extra loud and looks towards the door for me?

going to try and put him down for a short nap....will report back, etc.

sorry no time for personals, but have read through at least!

Sabrina: love the beggining of your post:thumbup:!!!

Okay, I need advice on how to make a baby eat!!!! :growlmad: thiago has been very difficult when it is about siting and eating. He just thru a tantrum because I was trying to feed him. He would not open his mouth, but then when he would open to cry louder I would shove the food down his mouth :dohh:. After a lot of crying we are finally done!!! I don't want him to think that feeding time is not fun but he needs to eat and today I refused to let him watch his video on iPad to distract him. I just tried to read a book while feeding him :dohh: but that didn't go very well either. Sight.
Borboleta, it's tough when they won't eat, isn't it? Kia goes through phases of not really eating but then she'll eat really well again a couple of days later. I try not to worry about it now and just try to tempt her with her favourite things ie corn on the cob, pitta bread and yoghurts. Have you heard the phrase, 'food before one is just for fun' in terms of they still get the majority of their nutrients from milk until one year old.
Sabrina, Kia is going through quite a clingy phase just now and I'm struggling to get her to nap unless she's in the sling or nursing. This evening she refused to even let Daddy do her bedtime stories. She just wanted me and kept screaming whenever I went out of the room. I find this exhausting and quite difficult because I didn't get a break all day today. But, I think it's to do with nursery and quilt being unsure if I'm coming back when I leave the room. I don't personally think babies can be manipulative. I know people often use that phrase but I think sometimes it's as simple as they will do different things for different people and just like adults they go through a range of feelings but don't understand most of them. So sometimes they want Mummy more than Daddy or they might go to sleep more easily at nursery or creche because Mummy isn't there to sing or rock or nurse them so they adapt and don't expect it from others. But then they want it again from Mummy because it feels familiar and comforting. And that's what they need when they're back with Mummy.
Borboleta it is frustrating, isn't it, when they won't eat. We have days like that too but I think it might be related to teething sometimes. I cannot remember if Thiago has all his front teeth? Cause I was wondering if perhaps the spoon is hurting his swollen gums when it goes into his mouth? Might this be why he won't open his mouth? What kind of spoon are you using?

Sabrina I am glad you are feeling better but sadly have no advice for you re Finn crying for you. But what Leeze said makes sense. I guess sometimes they just want what they want? :shrug: But I really feel for you. It is so exhausting when you aren't feeling at full strength. I really hope tonight will be a better night. Is it yours or your DH's?

Leeze I so feel for you and not getting a break. No matter how much we love them sometimes it just nice to have an hour or so to ones' self. I guess I should enjoy the time now as my boys love to play together in their playpen and in the morning stay a good half hour in there. ONce they are mobile that will probably change drastically!

Clio you asked how my boys are when they are physically active and I will just add what I wrote in my journal here on the occasion of their 8 month birthday if that is ok:
"Physically Dominic likes to be on his front for the most part when in the playpen or on the floormat with me and/or OH. He pushes himself up on his arms or balances on one to reach out for toys. He is trying to crawl but so far mostly manages to move backwards. He does manage to raise himself on his knees a tiny bit and then jiggles back and forth but I am thinking he will manage to belly crawl way before he actually crawls properly.
Sebastian wouldn't turn or roll for the longest time and recently we thought it was odd, with him being over 7 months old. So we laid out Dominic's dummy just out of reach and lo and behold! Sebastian rolled over and grabbed the dummy and rolled back as if he had been doing it for months. He likes to do a continuous roll now too and is very quick so we always have to be vigilant that he doesn't roll off the matt and onto our hard wood floor.
Dominic is starting to clap. Mostly he likes to bash his hand against our open palm while holding on to it with his other hand but he has started to clap his own hands too. I am guessing it is just something to hit at the moment but it is a step in the right direction, right?"
Neither of them can sit unaided for long yet and maybe we are a lil neglectful in training their abs. Cause usually we have so much more fun with them rolling on the mat and having them sit on us and bounce them about etc. I hope they will still learn to sit soon though (by a miracle :dohh:) cause I want to start taking them to the twins' club to socialise and I don't know how to manage to hold up two wriggly boys by myself. I don't fancy the idea of them just rolling all over on the floor there and not being able to play otherwise. Also I don't think OH will want to come as I am sure it will only be mums there on a Monday afternoon. :haha:

Today Sebastian found out a "funny" new trick. I was feeding them a stage 2 food called "Lovely Lamb Roast Dinner" by Ella's Kitchen, which they loved even though they hadn't had it before and I didn't even have to mix a stage 1 puree into it. :D Anyway, Sebastian is usually more difficult to feed new stuff to but he was happily eating away when towards the end he decided not to swallow the food any more. I guess he had enough but didn't turn his face away as usual. When his cheeks were really full he started blowing raspberries and the food flew all over me in a Lovely Lamb Roast Dinner spray! And it kept on coming too! OH nearly fell off his chair laughing! I then insisted that OH feed Sebastian his fruity puree dessert but Seb loved that stuff too much to waste it by spraying it all over OH. Hmmm... lol

Right, dinner is almost ready and my hair is still wet from my bath earlier on. Better get a move on. xxx
Angel: what a cute story:). They will be crawling in no time:). And yes thiago has 4 on the top and 4 on the bottom. I agree with leeze and will try to just do my best and if he doesn't want to eat just try something he likes and try next time again. I was just reading a lady talking about this issue and she said that when her son throws a tantrum she takes him out of the chair and redirect his attention to something else because he is probably not hungry. But I worry that than you will have a kid that will have his own set of time to eat and you have to go with the flow. I spoke to my husband about that and he thinks thiago is too little to understand this so maybe just letting him out of the chair and try to feed him again later would be a good idea. But I think I will try leeze's idea first and see how it goes. Hopefully it is just a fase :thumbup:.
Angel - Finn doesn't like Ella's Roast Lamb, but he will eat Ella's Lamb with Couscous (and yes, the spitting seems the same as well!); Seb sounds like he has hamster-istis, e.g. the ability to pack food into one cheek and then spit it out.

Borboleta: Finn has four upper teeth and three lower and we think a few more threatening (loads of drool the other night), but seems happy enough eating at the moment (he has a proper lunch at creche, so I give him fruit puree or his favourite, Ella's Yellow (mangos, bananas, apples, I think)...but the days he doesn't feel like eating, I just make sure that he has enough milk (hard to do when he was projectile vomiting the week before last) and/or offer the sippy cup of water.

re: sitting up. Finn didn't much until he was about 8 months+ (I think I mentioned a month or so ago?), but now, at 10 months+, loves it (I still put a pillow around just in case, but he can now pull himself back up into a sitting position (not from the floor, but from the cushion), albeit holding onto something in front. But still, no interest in crawling (unless it's over me or my OH on the couch....)

He didn't really sleep much this afternoon, so am hopeful that he will sleep through a bit better tonight -- it's OH's night, but I have to get up early for a doctor's appointment (nothing, but a blood test to check thyroid and iron levels (was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid in pre-IVF bloods and when the medication was at the right level, got pregnant with Finn), so it's just my yearly check-up.

re: baths - well, we've been trying the little bath seat (like the one Thiago has)in the big bath and the water is nice with ducks, etc, and still screams and tears....sigh. I've told my OH that maybe we shouldn't wash his hair at the same time, perhaps that might work? However, the minute he's out of the bath and snuggled up in a big towel, it's loads of smiles and laughter, so I just don't know -- how long can you go without bathing a baby?

am going to curl up in bed now, but hugs and sleepy dust to all!

nope, fell asleep around 8pm, woke up around 1.30 until 2.30 am (Dada hosted that party, but I did offer to serve drinks), and then up around going back to the three naps a day (although lunch and afternoon ones will be no more than an hour) and see if that works, e.g. LO will then go to bed around 9-ish and hopefully, sleep through until 6 am?...

hope all are well!

hey ladies - think M drifting off...

she's only having 30 min naps again so I have to fit as much in as I can!

borboleta - glad you had a better night hon x

sabrina - have you tried sitting in the big bath with him? wonder if he maybe just feels a bit insecure? hair washing gah - ours is going ok now we have the thing to keep it off Ms ears but it still takes two of us lol

Angel - I love your story :) v cute!

Leeze is Kia completely off milk now? Marthas still on 3 bottles and Im not sure how to start cutting them out in a month or do I just go with the flow and wait til shes eating more actual food?

she wont have puree still just food - she had veg and chicken today then fruit - oh and then half a milky bar - corr blimey that disappeared fast! lol

re Ms party - going with a duck theme - this cake is going to be a laugh going to try and do a practice one for dhs birthday :) have written out the invites now just need to post them and hand them out...

cant believe in 4 weeks shell be one!!! And then I really cant believe we'll have another baby 12 weeks later!!!
Hello ladies,

Not the greatest night for us either. Down at 9:30pm up at 12:30am ( our fault due to the heater being to high and thiago's room being small and his door is closed so the poor thing was baking in his room :dohh:), then up again at 5:15am, gave him a bottle and he woke up for good at 7:30am.

Sabrina: sorry to hear Finn hates his bath. Some kids are just this way. Have you tried to bath with him? Maybe he would enjoy it bathing with his favorite person ever :thumbup: :kiss:! And then you can slowly transition him to his own bath. Thiago takes a bath every day since he is crawling and he loves it so much. Just if I am feeling lazy then he might skip a day. He either baths with me or in his tub. But since it is so cold where you are I wouldnt bath him everyday either. Maybe you could skip even 2 days :winkwink:.

Rowan: the duck party sounds lovely! We want to see pictures!!! Are you my friend on Facebook? Can't remember.
I was thinking about you yesterday thinking how in the world do woman can keep up with the lack of sleep with a toddler and a newborn :dohh:. I am dying to know how that is going to be. You need to keep us posted but I do understand you will be a bit busy :haha:.
So when is michael's due date? Are you getting a lot of baby boy clothes and stuff? A friend of mine gave me two swaddlers that her daughter worn and we did use for thiago :haha:. It looked so funny :haha:!! Him all wrapped up in pink flowers:). But he still didn't look like a girl :winkwink:.

Today I am so excited that I am going to get my brazilian blow out done!! My hair is not straight, not curly just crazy :growlmad:!!! So after today I will have a nice shine straight hair for the next couple of months!!!! So excited :happydance:!

Oh, and thiago slept for about 2 1/2 hours yesterday afternoon and he woke up in great mood. I was teaching my class and hubby said that he sat down in his chair, watched sesame street and ate all his food without a fuss :happydance:. Maybe I just have to make sure I don't feed him to close to his nap time.

Anyways hope you are all doing well. Talk to you girls later:)!
We had a 5am party this morning so I'm tired today. Also a really busy work day. On a positive side I've booked my Xmas leave and I'm going to be off work for 2 weeks. Am so excited.
Rowan, I'm still breastfeeding Kia. On the days she goes to nursery she has milk first thing in the morning and at bedtime. On the other days she still has little bits of milk during the day. Mainly if she asks for it because she does her little sign for milk. But I think they're still meant to have about 300ml of milk a day after they turn one. Although it can be cows milk instead of breastmilk or formula. How's the pregnancy going?
Angel, I love the way you describe the boys and their progress. I'd totally recommend trying groups and if there's a twins group that sounds fabulous. I'm finding it harder now with Kia at groups because she's so mobile so she wants to explore everywhere and pull things off shelves etc. One of the groups we go to is in a shop where they have lovely baby clothes. Kia loves going over to the clothes rails and pulling on them. It's cute in one way because she looks a bit like she's choosing her next outfit but I often end up spending half the group chasing round after her to make sure she doesn't break anything or hurt herself.
Can't remember what else I was going to say so will post this and re-read xx
Sabrina, I agree with Borboleta about taking a bath with Finn. Kia went through a phase of a couple of weeks of hating baths and I got in with her a few times and it definitely helped. Hope he starts to enjoy it more soon. It can feel like hard work when you're struggling against them, can't it?
Borboleta, what a lovely treat to go and get your hair done. I must admit I'm a little envious. I haven't had my hair done in ages and mostly just tie it back these days. Sometimes I've hardly got time to brush it in the morning!
borboleta hope your hair doo is fabulous - what a treat :)

Leeze thanks thats really helpful to know re 300ml after 1 :)

havent bought anything for Michael yet - we may buy something for Christmas :) his due date is 11th April - lordy tho I cant bear to think about labour yet! gah!
Hey everyone, haven't posted much as L has been dosed with the cold, teething and we think she had slap cheek too, I swear that nursery is a germ pit! Last night was so bad I had a complete meltdown with DH and we concluded at some stage we are going to have to go down the CIO route, but not until we get the full results from the hospital on Christmas eve, I would never forgive myself if they told us she was in pain.

Borboleta I too am jealous of your Brazilian blow out, although I have pretty straight hair. I did manage a hair cut last week so have half the hair I used to, I also managed a home dye today to hide the grey, not ideal but the hairdresser didn't have time last week :(

SK I was watching L having a ball in the bath tonight and I felt for you and F, must be tiring. I only bath L every night because of the utis but really they say twice a week is fine here or you dry their skin out. It was minus 3 this am, stupid Irish weather!

Rowan I can't believe you are going to have two so soon!

Leeze hope you are loving the new place and the stressful part is over :)

Angel I love reading what you write about your gorgeous boys! I should take time to write more about L... I'm just so tired!

Clio hope you are having a lovely time with your mum and she is giving J a little more space, L hates people cuddling here when she's too busy!

Kosh, still thinking about you.

Clairey, still having the never ending sleepless nights?

Skweek and Charlie, hope you girls are hanging in there!

Sorry if I've forgotten anyone, blame the lack of sleep!

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