any other over 35 first time mums?

Hi Ladies, I seem to have been very busy lately, but have read most posts :thumbup:
On the bath time crying - Lucy had a period where she hated the bath (she still in her baby bath at the time) We stopped bathing her for a good while and then I decided to change the time of the bath and did one in the afternoon and she was fine? we then went back to evenings and there were no tears - just one of those things I guess,hang in there!
We are still having multiple wake ups in the night and I just can't see an end in sight? we still BF and she still wants to comfort suck at night and sometimes takes a proper feed too,so not sure how to tackle that one without loads of tears??!!:wacko:
Oh well,off to bed for me now I only be woken up as I nod off no doubt!:haha:

well, LO didn't like the idea of his afternoon nap yesterday, so we just sat and cuddled....then, he went down for sleep around 8 and woke up around 10.30 -- a festive party until about 11.30 and he slept until 6ish-am. Now in great spirits playing, but mummy is a bit tired. We thought giving him the anti-biotics might hurry up his cold, but Finn threw it all back up on me, so rang the chemist and they said not to give him anymore, but he still has a bit of a cough, which is what is waking him up at night, me thinks. He's not going to creche this am as my OH had to work early and it's too cold to take him in the pre-dawn, but he is going tomorrow am and I am going to sleep in and try to finally get rid of my own cold, I hope! (Isn't that sad, having to take him to creche and mummy taking a nap to catch up on her own sleep, rather than do something productive!?)

baths: thanks for the words of encouragement -- we'll try again tonight (I put the heat back on in the bathroom and will try to put a space heater in my bedroom, so if it is the cold, etc.....)

projectile vomiting: last night after a dose of anti-biotics and down (inside) the front of my t-shirt and collected in my bra- yuck! we've also gone through three baby sleeping bags in the last week as LO still manages to get it down himself as well; we do wash them (hahaha), but they take ages to dry....

multiple wake-ups at night: maybe it's a developmental thing? I'm finding it hard as well, claire, borboleta, etc...., as I'm off work until the beginning of January, I can at least crawl back into bed during LO's morning nap, but am pretty tired....

Sabrina Sebastian also hates the bath with a result that we don't give baths as often as we probably should. We are still only going for once a week. Our doctor said he thinks every other day would be ok even with Sebastian's dry and eczema-y skin. He said to just alternate boys. But the prospect of giving baths every day was too much for us lol. How horrible we are! Anyway, I don't think they need a bath every other day as they aren't crawling yet. All will change of course once they do. But like Claire said we are now giving baths in the afternoon so that Sebastian doesn't have real tiredness as an excuse to have a meltdown. Maybe try that with Finn too?
ETA just saw your post from this morning. You poor thing being vomited on! :sick: That must have been so unpleasant. But poor little Finn too for still having that cough!
I really hope you can manage to shake your cold for good cause functioning with it is hard enough but being a functioning mummy with a cold is much harder still! :hugs:

Rowan our boys also mostly now have naps of 30- 45 mins. Very rarely do we get an hour out of them. :shrug: I guess they don't need more? Mind you, I am sure they aren't ready to drop a nap yet cause they get very whiny, especially in the afternoon after their 3pm bottle.
I am so impressed you are going to make M's birthday cake yourself!
And wow only 12 weeks till Michael's birth?! It seems like yesterday almost that you had your 12week scan! Have you a separate room for him or will you have him in with you at first and then let him share with M later on?

Leeze I know I should have joined this twin group much earlier on. We went to check out the place when the boys were about 3 months old and though it wasn't on the twins group day, the babies that were there were all sitting by themselves and playing with each other. That is mainly why I haven't gone back yet. But I definitely will soon. While I adore you ladies and talk about what you and your LOs are up to to OH and even my mum, I would still love some real life fellow mummies in my area. And if they have twins too even better :)
What you say about Kia picking out her own outfit sounds so cute! Have you let her choose something that way? But I totally can imagine that it must be tiring. I cannot imagine how I will cope with running after two boys trying to prevent them from hurting themselves.
Btw I meant to ask, does your new place have a fireplace? I am asking you cause you live in London and probably know what kind of fireplace we have. And if so what did you do to make it Kia-safe? I love our fireplace and we often use it when the boys are in bed. Will we have to block it up completely when the boys get mobile?

Borboleta I hope last night was better for you and Thiago? The long nap sounds wonderful! And I have also noticed that my boys eat better when they aren't too tired. So yeah you might be onto something there. :thumbup:
I am sure you are going to look fab with your new hairdo. :) I guess I am very unfemale in this way but I actually hate going to the hairdresser and usually only go once a year lol. I always tie my hair back cause I hate when the boys grab it and pull on it! I am dreading that I might soon get grey hair now cause that would mean I would have to actually apply colour etc and my wash and quick blow dry with head down won't do any more. Cause I also have no patience to blow dry nicely or to use any products above conditioner. How bad I am! lol Mind you, perversely I always envy my friend Andrea who always looks so well-kempt, just as if she has just stepped out of a salon. I want that too but without the effort lol

Storm Oh golly slapped cheek doesn't sound like fun on top of that cold as well! And yeah the nursery does seem to fling illness after illness at her! Poor baby! Maybe it was no wonder that she had that meltdown if she was that poorly!
I totally understand and agree with you re L and the CIO. You would definitely need to know first what is going on. It is hard enough to do with healthy babies :(
Thank you for your compliments about my boys :D And I would love to know more about L and all the other cute LO on this thread, actually! But I do so understand about being too tired. :)

Claire you poor thing with the endlessly sleepless Lucy! I have no advice for you as you know. But one thing that did work for us was to wean Dominic off his 4am bottle. Would you believe that we only had to offer water twice and he never woke since for that bottle? So it was just habit and not real hunger or thirst. I suppose weaning Lucy off her nightfeeds would be harder since you BF and co sleep. But I am guessing it might be habit with her too by now? I cannot remember but does she not take a dummy? Though I guess the comfort from that isn't on par with mummy's boobies lol. I hope you had a better night last night. Sending tons of :hugs:

Clio I am guessing you are busy with your mum. I hope you are having a lovely time and that all is well :)

Kosh always thinking of you when coming on to your thread here. I love this community and am so grateful you started this thread. I hope you are ok though I am guessing G still doesn't sleep better or we would have heard? I hope you are feeling ok though and am sending lots of :hugs:

As for us, we went to the park yesterday and put the boys in the swings for the first time. Typically Dominic loved it right away and laughed lots. Also typically Sebastian cried a lil at first but then also took to it and started giggling when his daddy made funny faces at him every time the swing took him close. :)
We went to the garden centre and bought a garland of spruce for our mantle as we cannot have a tree, due to the playpen and Alfie. I love it and it makes me feel much more festive now :)
Also my mum is coming on the 20th till the 22nd :happydance: so I will have a little bit of xmas spirit after all. Don't know if I said but I don't like xmas without my mum. Last year was the first time without her and though going to MIL and SIL for xmas lunch was nice it wasn't really christmas for me :( So I am very happy now :D The only thing I am worried about is that I forgot to order her present. I had planned on getting this bangle done for her with the boys' fingerprints as charms and I paid for it and all but kept forgetting to take the impressions and send it back to them. :( Idiot that I am! Now she will get it for mother's day I guess. But what to get her for xmas now. Hmm...
Well I have to go now cause it's breakfast time for the boys. Will post pics later xxx
Dominic <3

Sebastian <3

The boys in the basket swing

Christmas Garland :)
First of, Angel I just love the pictures of the boys! Fantastic, I so want a little boy now!

Rough night for us,L has taken to drinking juice during the night and the night before last I swear she woke every fifteen minutes for more! So obviously that's not a winner, so bad mummy only provided water last night which she so didn't want, so I conclude she's not thirsty! She had a 'pity party' from 11.40 until after 2 cause she wanted juice, not happening.. eventually she settles and I got nearly 4 hours sleep and when she woke crying I gave her evil milk, which apparently is less evil than water so she drank 6oz :)

We have wasted all morning looking for the receipt for hubbys google nexus 7, I bought him it just over two weeks ago, it was 199 pounds ands its not turning on already! I could scream.

In other news we are off to the Christmas market in Belfast this afternoon and I have 3 cats abmnd a dog to take to the vets for boosters later, the joy!
Angel: I love the pictures of Dom and seb :kiss:. Specially the one of both of them laying on the swing :haha:. Too cute. They are all bundle up.
Glad to hear your mom is coming to spend some time with you guys!

Storm: :hugs:. I just thought the other day that in less than a year we will stop talking about our sleep deprivation :sleep: and the subject will change to temper tantrums!!!:dohh: . As long as we can have our full night of sleep we can deal its tantrums but not both together hopefully :winkwink:.
Now when you say juice you mean you mix water and juice? What kind of juice is it? Ad good thing she took the evil milk then :haha:.

Sabrina: let's hope that our baby's lack of sleep is just developmental changes happening :thumbup:. I am sooo tired too!

Thiago went down at 10pm because he slept for 2 1/2 hours first nap and them my mil rocked him to sleep for his second nap and he slept on her for one hour till almost 7pm :wacko:!!!:growlmad: anyways, he then woke up almost 4am and hubby gave him milk and he slept till almost 6am but I was too tired and rocked him for one hour put him back down his crib and he slept for 45 more min :dohh:!! Oh well ... And I am mad because that guy that was going to give my husband the job offer has not called him back :growlmad:!!!
Hey Borboleta, by juice I mean apple and blackcurrant no added sugar juice you dilute with water, but diluted at least 3 times as much as you are meant to dilute it. I wish we had never started juice but with the utis she had to keep well hydrated, so it was the lesser of two evils! At night now she will only be offered water or milk early morning, I'm sure tonight will be a fight too! Zzz zzz ps she's showing a right little temper already and she's just about to turn one!
Oh an I forgot to tell you a cute story. So we have a gate at the bottom of the stairs for about 3 weeks now and just once thiago practice going up one stair ( when I saw him doing that I just picked him up and told my husband we needed to put a gate up. So anyways yesterday my mil came over to baby sit and she decided to let thiago practice going up the stairs. We all thought it was going to take him forever to figure it out but man we were wrong. He knew ecxatly what to do!! All he needed was that one step that one time and he got up the top of the stairs in no time!!! We couldn't believe. It was like he had practiced for hours or he had done that bunches of time!!! He is something else :baby::haha:.
lol borboleta that was what Martha was like I was so impressed and also like yikes!

angel - my friend with twin boys loves her twin group - my other friend with twin girls is only just starting to be allowed to take them where other kids are so she will go to twin group too soon (her girls were v v prem) - playgroups are fab to meet other mams and also for the lo's to spend time with other children and different toys etc - I cant praise playgroups enough :)

ahh Michael will be 12 weeks away when Martha is one - not just yet!
Pretty pointless post really.
Last night was awful Re: sleep. she just wanted to be near me or on booby all night! so v tired today :wacko:
We had our playgroup Christmas party today which was nice and mother nature decided today would be a good day for AF to turn up for the
1st time since having Lucy!!!! haven't missed that for sure!:cry:

Oh Claire, I am so sorry :hugs:. You too need the mother of the year award with a more than deserved vacation:)!!!

Leeze and Claire: do you know until when are you planning to breastfeed? I imagine that it would be a hard transition to stop it too :dohh:.
Hi Borboleta, I had never intended to BF for this long TBH,I just thought I would do it for 6 months and go onto formula. I have no idea how I am going to wean her off me? I have a feeling she has no intention of stopping! I don't mind really but I think others will start to get a bit funny about it?:wacko:
She never took a dummy or a bottle either:dohh:
It's your choice though Clairey, its your body and your baby. Its not for everyone but do you want to stop or is it coming up because of other people's reaction as L gets older?
It's a bit of both really Storm. I enjoy BF her,but the tie for me is quite wearing, esp as she doesn't sleep well at night and I can't leave her because of this:wacko:
I never bf L and I can't leave her either, she just wants her mummy, I'm so so so tired... Yawn :)
Okay, I am so far behind that I'm going to have to answer posts separately. Sorry guys--my mum's here, and we've been busy, of course. Shopping, of course (not much else to do here in Edmonton).

I'm going to start with:

Angel--I'm so glad that CIO is working! Soon you and your husband are going to be new, well-rested (<--hahahahahaha!) people! And from what I remember from consecutive posts, the crying has gotten shorter, hasn't it? Yay!!!

As for my mum, no, she's not staying for Christmas or New Year's. She was supposed to stay for New Year's, but then my sister pulled that whole shower thing and that was that. But at least she is here for J's birthday.

My mum lives very close to my sister--my sister lives in Toronto and our home town is only a 45 min drive away. (Though I was once laughed at by a bunch of Germans in Germany when I said that I lived "in der Nähe von Toronto," because they considered a 45 minute drive to be nowhere close to "in der Nähe.") My sis is due at the end of January, and insisted my mother throw her that shower before New Years so all of her friends from out of town could make it. It's okay, though. My mother always acts very strangely around Eric's parents and I, in turn, become very uncomfortable. So it's best to limit their exposure to her.

As for the train, it looks something like this:

Beautiful, and I adore it, but we lost at least 2 of J's stacking cups set within the first week we used it. And I'm afraid it will happen again. So, either we watch him like a hawk when we play with it, or, as you said, it becomes a decoration until he's old enough to handle them.

For Christmas, it's always the same--Christmas Dinner with Eric's family, just with turkey and presents. Luckily, we're both introverts, so this suits us well. And I think your decision not to go home is a good one. J's sleep went to crap when we took him to visit my parents in Ontario this past spring.

Oh man. Now I have to take my nap, and I only got as far as Angel. Well, I'll be back!
well, a somewhat decent night....LO went to sleep about 9-10pm, woke up briefly around 2.30 (coughing, I kept putting the dummy back in and stroking his head) and then woke up properly around 7am for a bottle. I only gave him two naps yesterday, but they were long, e.g. am from 8.45 to 11.30 and 2.20 to 4.15, as I now am thinking maybe whatever naps he does have, make sure he's up by 4-5pm? Maybe then, he might sttn a bit better? I just don't know, every day I seem to be trying something new.

I didn't have much of a lie-in, as I woke up with a headache (I get one over the eyes, but also in the back of my head, so have a eye gel mask on the eyes and a heated up lavendar 'wrap' on my neck, very humorous to see but puzzling for the cats, me thinks). My cold just won't shift and it's the same for LO and my OH, so am so tired at times, but I just remind myself how lucky we are that we have LO (hard at 2am, though)

Some of you may remember that my MIL was/is in the hospital, but suddenly, she 'seems' okay, and she's coming to ours for Christmas. She hasn't mentioned what happened (her overdose of tablets) and wants to play happy families. I'm confused and worried about how to handle, but am hopeful that Finn will be happy this Christmas regardless.

love the train, clio -- but I couldn't rest until I found the missing pieces of the stacking toy (we play 'hunt the dummy' a few times a day, as Finn throws under the couch and even though we have three others, something gets under my skin and I MUST find it)

am sorry about the lack of sleep for all of us -- what's great about our little group is that we are all pretty much going through the same stuff (growl) and at least, I know that Finn is pretty normal. His cough isn't getting better, so may take him again to the doctor tomorrow.....

must go as my freedom is short-lived -- must go shower and get LO from creche.

Good morning ladies,

Not a good night for us. He went down at 9:15am woke up about one hour later and my husband put him down again, then he woke up at 1:30am and I put him back down, then at 3:30am and my husband put him down but it took him a little longer so he had to give him a bottle so help him go to sleep then up at 6:15am for good. Thiago's naps are great but not at night. So I am going to talk to hubby about that today. One problem is that the past two days he hasn't been eating very well and I was bad about feeding him a proper dinner and sometimes lunch. He had his bottles but somehow we went somewhere and forgot his food and he would just have little bites of whatever we were eating. So I am going to try to make sure today he will eat better. Although just tried to give him breakfast and he barely ate anything :dohh:!

Bad news is that the company that promised hiring my husband has not called him back so we are assuming this is it from then. So husband decided to keep applying for jobs and create his own company. Super skinny Christmas for us!! Oh, we'll lets go back to the real reason for Christmas :thumbup:.

Clio: good to see your back:) . We missed your posts:).

Sabrina: glad you had a better night last night and I agree with you that it is nice to see that a lot of our LOs are going thru the same stuff. It is reassuring:).
I just read through 4 pages of posts! It makes for truly lovely reading.

I don't have time to post, but wanted to say to SK--I think you need to leave F alone with OH, and never come to his "rescue." It may be hard for him in the beginning, but eventually, he'll get used to it. Palvlov can be applied for so many things. And do it at the same time of day, everyday.

And I agree with the others: bath with him. We used to actually hold him while taking a shower. One of us held him, and the other did the washing.

Hopefully I can post more again today...

oxoxox to you all!
So wanted to share our first experience with CIO.
We both are sick of waking up multiple times at night and after deep conversation this morning we decided to give it a try.

First nap of the day: 9:30am: we read him some books and I rocked him and sang twinkle twinkle a couple of times and he was falling asslep so decided not to let him do that and put him on his crib and said it was time to go night night and left the room. He than cried really hard for 5 min and I went there and told him it was night night time and left the room and he cried again really hard for 5 min but then calm down a little the other 5 min. I went there again and said it was night night time and he again cried hard for 10 min and calm down a little after 5 min and when I looked at the monitor he was on his belly asleep :happydance::). So total of 35 min. I went there after 5 min, after 10 min and didn't need to go after 15 min. We will do it again for his second nap and see how that goes but we both agree it is for the best. It was horrible though :cry:! I had the sound of the monitor of and tried to keep myself busy washing dishes and stuff so I wouldnt hear him screaming his head of :cry:.

Will let you know how the second nap goes. I talked to another lady that has two boys and she told me: you have to do it. It is for his best. She mention that she had a horrible time with her second baby. He would wake up at one point every hour so she did CIO and it was really hard for 2 days but he than started to sleep thru since he knew no one was coming to get him.

Anyways, when thiago wakes up he will have loads of :hugs: and kisses.

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