any other over 35 first time mums?

Second nap: put him down at 3:30pm and he played in there for about 5 min then he started crying but not horrible just that little cry of discontent then after about 3 min the cry got stronger so after 5 min I went there and I smelled poopy diaper :dohh:. So I picked him up and changed his diaper rocked him for a little and put him back in his bad and he cried a little harder again but calmed down after about 1 min and went down to sleep :happydance:!! I would say total time: about 15 min between playing, crying because of poopy diaper and just crying.

I am sooooo excited:)!!!! :happydance: I told my husband that we are keeping this thing up. Tonight he will go to bed earlier too. No more 9:30pm bedtime :thumbup:! I am going to try to put him down no later than 8:30pm.

Tonight will be a big night for us!! But we will keep moving towards the Sttn :thumbup:.
Hi everyone. Taken me ages to read all the posts as the internet is really slow on my phone today.
Clairey, when Lucy falls asleep and comfort sucks have you tried waiting 20 mins till she's in a deep sleep then break the latch by slipping your little finger in her mouth? Then if she opens her mouth to try to latch on again just rub her chin gently and try to gently encourage her to close her mouth. It doesn't always work with Kia but this is the best way I've found to do it.
Angel, our fireplace is in the bedroom where Kia doesn't really roam around am and it's not functional either so it's not such a worry. Might be worth getting a fire guard or a baby dan playpen that you can use to stop the boys getting access to it.
Can't remember who asked about stopping breastfeeding. I'm not sure really. I had originally thought I'd stop when I went back to work but it doesn't feel like the right time. With all the other changes going on it would feel too much. Plus I mostly feed to sleep and I don't know what I'd do without that option! Xx
Ach, by now, I'm going to have to respond to what I remember (which is very little) and just talk self-centredly about me.

SK--I re-read my Pavlov post and thought how bossy I sounded. I'm sorry! I hope you can figure something out with OH and F.

Borboleta--I'm so so glad that CIO (or, in your case, CC) is working for you. As I've said before, it was one of the best things we ever did (though I absolutely know it's not for everyone and for every baby). After we put him down at 7 pm, it's like it's a Friday night, every night. The early morning wake-ups are still hard--they're typically somewhere between 5 and 6 am--but OH usually handles those, as he's an early riser. I'm beginning to think that I've got a deficit of kindness, though, as I never find his crying hard to listen to. But maybe it's because it worked so fast with us that I knew he understood very, very quickly and if he cries about his naps--this is the only time we encounter resistance--I know he's being a bozo and just doesn't want to leave the party downstairs. And we only put him down when he shows signs of sleepiness, so I know he needs this nap and he can cry all he wants, but he's going to sleep, gosh-darnit!

We're having feeding problems, too, now. We've started with whole milk, which he has no problem drinking, but we also switched formulas to the one that he can have until 18 months. He's had it before, but he's refusing to drink it now. BUT, he's also eating well at every meal, so I'm wondering if he's just dropping bottles. But he's had only 4 oz today, when his regular formula intake is 8 oz approx. 3 or 4 times a day. And our stupid pedi won't see us until he's 13 months. (WTF? :growlmad:) We'll have to go to the Children's Health Clinic to figure out what we're supposed to be doing.

My mother's visit has taken a turn for the worse. She's been criticizing me and what I do with J all the time. I think she thinks I'm too lax and allow him to do too many "dangerous" things, like walking around with a wooden spoon that could apparently kill him if he falls. Oh my lord, I just thought of something: THIS must be the reason why our serving spoons suddenly reappeared in our drawer and I haven't seen him with his favourite new toy, the "feather" duster since she arrived! She even called him "my son"!

Okay, I've got to get dinner on the go, and I hope you are blessed with better nights tonight!
Good morning all. It was a good night here again :) No crying from Dominic after he was put in his bed, apart for his midnight bottle but that is ok :) Sebastian whimpered a little at 3:30 and wanted his dummy but I was sleeping badly anyway till then. Isn't it perverse that I find it so difficult to sleep on my night-duty nights, even though Dominic now sleeps well and at least till shortly before 6 and I could actually get some sleep? :dohh:

Borboleta I am so glad CC is working for you. We had considered that method rather than CIO but knowing our boy it would have set him off more. Luckily CIO was only needed on 3 nights and the last 2 nights he didn't wake in the evening. I really am hoping he understood and it isn't just a fluke that he isn't waking any more.
Hopefully Thiago will be equally good in understanding the night time sleep thing. I am looking forward o hearing how last night went :)

Leeze thanks for the advice. I am not so much worried of the fireplace being a working one cause I wouldn't light it when the boys are around. I am more worried that they would knock their heads on the iron bits or maybe lick them, ew! We have a playpen and it is next to the fireplace but I don't think I want it in front of it. I love my boys with all my heart and am happy to give up part of our tiny sitting room to their use but the playpen is not as nice a focal point in a room as the fireplace lol I will have to think of something. :)

Sabrina I hope last night was another better night for you? The cough thing would have me worried a bit too. Hopefully it isn't something too bad!
I am happy for your boy's and DH's sake that your MIL seems to be better. Hopefully all will be much easier for you than you fear. I do understand your apprehension though :hugs:

Clio how annoying that your mum is interfering with your parenting. I must say I don't quite see how J could get seriously hurt with a wooden spoon but hm But a feather-duster? Does she fear he will inhale the feathers or eat them and choke maybe?
I hope you can sort something out so that her stay isn't going to be totally ruined.

Oh got to go, boys are whining! More later.
hey ladies :)

we have tiles in our kitchen woop woop! what a pain not having access to the kitchen the last 2 days! Marthas eaten a load of rubbish bless her! well I mean shes had fruit and stuff too! lol! I just havent been able to prep veg etc

sorry everyones having difficult nights - we had a cracker night last night - she was overtired when she went to bed (no routine yest as house busy with workmen and also dhs bday so we went out for lunch and lots of visitors for dhs bday) and slept ok til 11pm then was wide awake wanting to play/shout until around 3.30am then awake at 4am, 5am, 6am etc etc v tired mammy this am! Dh even took a turn around 3am cos I was too tired to respond - poor Michael!

so shes currently fighting sleep in her cot - throwing her dummies and shouting lol!

clio lovely to have you back :) ah input is so varied from relatives isnt it - dh tells me off for letting M walk round eating a spoon too - but she wont use her teethers anymore and has taken to biting her wrist when in pain teething so Id rather she bite a spoon!

angel - love the pics of the boys!! we have out fireplace (well the hole where a fire would be) blocked up with plywood - not v attractive lol! we had bought a fire with pebbles and the like but then thought hmm shes not going to let that lie maybe not a sensible choice - so next year when we've saved up were going to get a modern wood burner - so we've sold the other fire on ebay lol

we went out for lunch yest and M was so well behaved - we learnt some things tho - we need a plastic plate / sucky bowl as highchairs are not clean away from home yuk! and we need to order her food to come first - it was the first time Ive ordered something from the childs menu - it was a nice deli /bistro and the food was soooo slow - which was a bummer she had chicken goujons (i took the batter off) and chips and peas lol not the healthiest but hey ho! she ate really well which was great - Im going out for lunch with my friend and her twins next week so I'll get martha a childs meal again I think and see how we go - she shouts soo much about puree that its just not worth trying when out in public!

shes not been eating a great deal - milk or food - I think she must be getting enough but hard to tell?!

we were eating chocolate cake yest and she wanted some so I gave her a bit of a milky bar and she ran off and ate it away from us - didn't want to share lol!

went to mw yest and all good with baby measuring spot on hb fine etc - have started reading my hypnotherapy birth book and its v interesting - am not panicking when reading about it so that's a start!

think she must be asleep! so much washing and cleaning to do in kitchen! Wish we could have had the rooms knocked through for Marthas bday party - think dh wants to just do it himself but Im a bit nervous - I mean hes very practical and good at that sort of stuff but its just making sure we put new joists in and bolt them ok before the upstairs starts collapsing lol! its not a supporting wall so no lintel needed but the bathroom is all heavily tiled above so could do with some extra support...altho we really need to fix the roof and other outside stuff first lol

old houses! gah!

sorry thats probs really boring!

hope everyone has a good day!
well....LO woke up around 2am again, but didn't go back to sleep -- my OH had him and I think LO woke up fully as my OH's room is still dark and scary (I heard LO crying, but did not get up/go up,etc., but tried to go back to sleep)....I'm trying to limit his naps to two (2) a day now, but LO wakes up with his cough and depending on circumstances, will either wake up fully and/or grumble a bit and go back to sleep. However, he seems in good spirits, e.g. currently he's in his bouncy chair eating his feet and smiling loads, with no coughing, so am hopeful that a few more days might mean the end of our colds. Oh, no....he's seen me on the computer and is now 'crying' for attention....will do more personals later...(clio -- grumble re: mum's 'advice'!

Morning all, I've thoroughly enjoyed reading all your updates! L is at nursery today so I have some free time, by which I mean walking the dog, doing the shopping, emergency trip to the vets as in my sleep deprived state I've managed to loose the dogs micro chip number and I need it for her dog licence. Thankfully I have a really nice vet, actually I have a ridiculous crush on the vet, Im not sure if its because he is a vet, just really nice or what! Don't worry its like an admiration crush nothing else, Im a happily married woman and he is happily married with 3 kids. Actually talking of which his third child is 10 months and apparently he hasnt slept a night yet, makes me feel so much better.

Anyway L is still dosed with the cold, she boked all over the 2 of us at the end of her bottle last night and then coughed so much she boked all over us again in the middle of the night... im running out of clean pjs, must put a wash on actually. Im actually having a ten minute sit down before I carry on with blitzing my filthy messy house!

I had a complete meltdown yesterday when I realised I have less than 3 weeks until I am back to work, I don't want to go back to work I want to stay at home with my baby girl, gutted. Unfortunately I don't have much of a choice as hubby doesn't earn enough to support us... stupid high mortgage. I foresee many tears on my return to work *sob*

Leeze I hope you are in the cinema watching the hobbit right now with many many snacks.

SK its awful when they have the cold, I hope F gets better soon! How are you feeling about the MIL coming for Christmas now?

Rowan I loved your house update, not boring at all, sorry you had a terrible night.

Clio I hope your mum has chilled, she would be horrified at what I let L do!

Angel your boys seem to be turning a corner, maybe you will have 2 good sleepers soon.

Everyone else big hugs and catch up soon, the laundry is calling...
hi all :flower:,
just to say that I often think of you and wonder how you are all doing, but moving houses, going back to work and reading this thread are non-compatible :winkwink:

Kosh we miss you and are ever thankful for you starting this thread. Hope you and G are ok and you get back to join us again some day xxx
Hello ladies,

Hope you are all doing well:). We had a great night last night. Thiago complained for 3 mins and was down till 5:45am. He went to sleep at 9pm. So it was great:)!!!:happydance: then we brought him to bed and I fed him and turned play with me sesame ( I was hoping he would watch it so I could snooze a little :haha:) and he actaually looked a little tired still so he took an extra 45 min nap with us in bed ( which he hasnt done it in a while). So we woke up for good at 7 am:). Today I put him down in his crib and he started getting upset but then I heard the cleaning ladies downstairs and he to get him and out of the house we went. Hope he doesn't remember that I picked him up :dohh:!!

Oh, I forgot to tell you the story about my husband getting rid of all thiago's "bad" snacks!!! I was sooo mad :growlmad:! I told him that thiago needs to eat more but in his mind I said more healthy foods. So we start the argument and I tell him that I barely give him the gerber puff things and it is just for emergency ( I have that things for 3 months and it was not even half way down the little container) but he didn't care. He grabbed the 3 little gerber baby containers and the graham crackers and throws then in the garbage :growlmad:!!! So I told him that he is responsible for snacks for thiago. And if he has a meltdown in a restaurant he needs to take care of him. :growlmad: I am still mad about it meanly because he thought I gave him that stuff all the time which I don't!!!

Sabrina: hope little finn is crossing a bridge with this cough. Poor little man. And I do agree that day cares must be filled with germs. Once your baby feels bette another one gets sick and the cycle starts again! I am delaying to let thiago play at the playground at the mall because I heard a friend of mine that took her 1 year old there and she ended up with feet mouth rash. It was bad poor thing.

Rowan: the house renovation sounds lovely!!! Sorry for the bad night :hugs:! How old is the house?

Clio: your mom is funny!! We are surrounded by advices aren't we :dohh:!!! And thanks for letting me know that I was not doing CIO :haha: but CC :haha:!! It totally makes sense :haha:.

Angel: I am sooooo happy for you that Dom is sleeping :happydance::happydance:!!! You must be in :cloud9:!!! And I love the fb picture of you and Dom? So cute! I don't know what are you talking about your appearance. You are a very striking looking woman:). :winkwink:

Storm: sorry to hear little L vomit on you guys again. Is it because of the cough? How is she doing with not having juice at night time? Maybe you could ask Santa for more PJs :haha:. Just kidding:).

Leeze: still jealous of you going to the movies :haha:. How was the hobbit? I would love to see it! Last one that I watched was the life of pi. Great movie by the way:).

Kosh:) we love when you just drop by to say you are alive:). We miss you but we understand. We don't care if you just say hi:). How is gael? If he better from his cold? Actually all you need to do is write Gael and I are doing well:)! :thumbup:. That would be fine:).

Claire: how are you girls doing?

On my way to get my car. $700.00 later and it is fixed, or better saying maintained!!!! I want a minivan sooo bad. :haha: I am a mom what can I say:)! The more space the better:)!!! And everything is bigger in Texas :haha:!!!
Thanks for the "re-welcome" guys! I read your posts in-between...well...stuff, and it calms me.

Hey Kosh! Glad to hear from you! I hope that the house moving is going well, and G is doing better (even is only a little bit).

Talking about calming, my mum is calming down again. We seem to go through cycles, and yesterday was a bad one. She was probably nervous because J, her, and me went to Gymboree together and Oma came along. She knows how much I think of Oma and what a close relationship J has with her, AND the influence (but the advice is always sought out by me) Oma has on the raising of J. Today I'm keeping it light, made sure J pays lots of attention to her (not hard at all) and told her how happy I am that she is here. Crisis averted. Though now she's freaking out because she's decided to make beef bourguignon for J's bday dinner and she always freaks out when she cooks for other people. I've asked her to remain calm (there's that word again...) because none of us can take the stress of her worrying right now, so let's see how it goes.

I'm CIO J's nap right now, but am not certain if it's going to work. But one of my evil tricks? Space heater. He sleeps much longer if it's nice and cosy in his room.

Angel--oh, I wrote "feather" duster simply because it's not feathers--it's fine plastic hairs. Plus, this is me and my OH we're talking about. It's not like it's ever been used before, so it's certainly not dirty... And, I've never seen him eat it, strangely. I once borrowed it from him to dust the coffee table with it (such a rare occasion), and now he's marching around like the Grand Marshall of a parade, stopping ever so often to dust something. :rofl: Man, I love this kid!

I couldn't do CC either--he would just get more and more hysterical when I would leave the room again. But I'm so glad it's working for you! Incredibly glad because I know how terribly you had it.

Storm--I don't know how you are pulling this off! Poor you and L! As I said, I am totally serious about your OH taking on more of a role to help out with L because you are now going to work. How can he argue against the logic of this argument?

Rowan and Leeze--how brave you are to move house right now! Though Rowan, I'm a bit confused; are you just renovating, or did you actually move?

Leeze--what are you doing with little K and her milk situation? Does she still drink from a bottle, or did you switched to sippy cups immediately? How much cow's milk is she drinking? J's still rejecting the bottle, and only drinks from the s/c sporadically. Tomorrow we'll ask the Health nurse, but I'm interested to see what you're doing.

SK--I'm sorry you're having such rough nights. But at least the cold abating. Babies and parents with colds suck. Did your husband catch it too?

Okay, falling asleep--I'm sure I missed some of you, but I'll try and write again soon. Cheers!
:hi: ladies.
Kosh, great to hear from you and I hear you on the moving house malarky. We've got so much to do still and we're hosting Xmas at ours this year. I think we're a little crazy to do this but hopefully it will mean we don't let it drag on for ages.
So, The Hobbit was fantastic. I really enjoyed it. My only problem was the nachos machine wasn't working so I had to make do with sweets and popcorn! But it was bliss to watch a film for nearly 3 hours uninterrupted!
Clio, I'm still breastfeeding Kia so haven't switched her to cows milk. The nursery give her formula in a bottle because when they tried her on cows milk she didn't take any. I might ask them to try it again and see how it goes.
Grr, I can't remember anything else. I'm so tired again. It's 1.30am and I haven't gone to sleep yet. I got into unpacking more boxes late on this evening and then when I came to bed I had really bad indigestion for ages so couldn't sleep. Then just as I was drifting off Kia woke up! Xx
We have some news: thiago just gave his first steps :wacko:!!!! I couldn't believe!!! Very wobbly but still steps!!! Now I am very concerned about his little head!! He thinks he knows how to do this so he just takes the steps and goes :!! He manages to do 2 or 3 steps and then he falls. We have wood floors all over the house and just a fees areas with an area rug and of course tile in the bathroom and kitchen. How did you girls manage this fase when LO starts walking and falling? I have a baby helmet for the bike, do you think I should put it on him? :haha: I am happy for him but worried about it too. The poor little thing has been practicing so much!!! That is all he wants to do it walk. The past couple of days he didn't want us to assist him with his walking with both hands. He just wanted one hand holding his hand. Maybe that is when he got his confidence. He will be doing little steps for Christmas just like my dad predicted :dohh:! Our Christmas gift as he said :haha:.
Oh my goodness borboleta, T is so young to be walking! L is one in 2 weeks and she still won't walk without hanging on to something, she can stand on her own so I guess its coming soon enough.

L is playing with 2 of her cousins. One of which has just told the dog she doesn't have a very good sense of humour? Yup kiddo that's cause she's a labrador, I'm pretty sure dogs aren't renowned for their sense of humour!

Anyway a fleeting visit as I'm technically meant to be looking after L and the other two .)
Thiago!!!! :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:

Oh man, Borboleta, a huge smile went across my face when I read that! Congratulations to little Thiago!!!

As for falling, I don't know, I never worried about it. J fell so often and always had bumps and red marks that I only worried that people would think I was beating him up or something. We do only have berber carpet and linoleum, though (one of the reasons we bought this house when I was pregnant was because of the carpet and the lino--I knew it was the perfect house to raise a baby and a toddler), so there's nothing really hard to fall on. But I really wouldn't worry about it. He will fall. He will hit his head on hard things. The bumps will remain red for a few hours, and then go away. I've always found that I can tell when J is ready for a nap when he just brushes his cheek or nose or chin against something hard and starts bawling. This means he is tired. Because otherwise, he could bonk his head and fall sideways and will keep on going as if nothing happened. He is just so busy doing things that he doesn't let a few bumps get in the way. I think it's just part of the learning process. They simply fall and then start falling less.

If it's any consolation, J's cousin, who is a little under a year older than him, tripped down the stairs that led from the screen door to the deck, and then rolled down the deck steps into the garden, all in one fluid motion. He stopped, laughed, got up and ran away to play. And J himself, while at Gymboree, decided to lower himself down a really really high block and hit his chin on the way down. I ran over to the other side to see if he was okay, and he was lying on his back, on the mat below, with his eyes wide open in amazement and his mouth in a big "O". He immediately stood up, got back on the block and lowered himself again, this time making very sure that his chin cleared the edge.

But still, :wohoo: Thiago!!! Rowan, how are M's travels (quite literally) in walking going? Is she a full-on walker yet?

SK--that's wonderful about F's increasing sitting skills. It's only uphill from here!

I'm getting all teary-eyed as J's birthday grows nearer and nearer when I think of all the different stages we went through, from completely immobile to where we are now. I almost wish we didn't have so many videos and pictures because at times I miss "Immobile Baby Jonah" who used so many other ways to show his personality.

I've got insomnia right now and it's the night before J's party. Not that it's that big a deal--we did all the shopping, my mother is halfway through preparing the meal, our gift to him was bubble bath (just 'cuz--he won't get his guitar till Christmas, and it's not like we need more crap around our pretty small living room). And we already used it in his bath tonight. But my mum went all wonky on me again; she seems to feel some sort of ownership over the boy that is driving me nuts. She told me this evening that she had to start to prepare tomorrow's dinner, so if I wouldn't mind looking after him, that'd be great. Wha?!? I told her that that was entirely patronizing and why on earth would she feel that she needed to tell me to look after my son? Earlier she wanted to get into a debate about Sesame Street being entirely American and that Canadians would never instil the same values in children. ??? The song she was referring to had some pop star singing to the monsters that that they were special and could be whatever they wanted to be. (It's one of J's favourites because the singer does this air drum thing, and J does it with him.) I thought this was bunk, and didn't want to argue the matter, but she keeps trying to push me into these pseudo-intellectual debates about ridiculous things. In this case, the Americanization of Canadian children through the insidious messages of Sesame Street. :dohh:

Borboleta--First, please continue with your so-called "novels." They are so great to read. Second, how's T's eating going? Is it getting any better? We got a total of NINE ounces of formula into J today, a bit of whole milk, some 9% Greek yoghurt, and otherwise, it was all "people food." I'm getting worried. He needs more calcium, and why on earth is he not drinking his formula? Putting cow's milk in his sippy cups doesn't help either because he rarely drinks from them. :nope:

I thought we were doing awesome for a while because he was devouring cheese, until I found out that OH had accidentally bought lactose free cheese, so that was a bust.

Storm--you're probably the best one to ask about this--where are you hiding L's milk? Is it working?

And how are you feeling? I'm sorry about having to return to work. I keep trying to push away the fact that I start lecturing on the 2nd of Jan, and then it hits me with like a freight train of anxiety again and again.

Is L's vomiting due to an illness, of something else? Such as the lactose intolerance (even though it seems lile you've got that sorted)? Does she still have reflux even with the diagnosis of the lactose problem?

Oh, and my husband met with two colleagues of ours, one who has a toddler (I think he's a year in March?) and the other who has a baby a month or two younger than J. Neither of them have STTN once yet. So you're in good company...

Okay, I think I'm finally able to sleep. Until tomorrow, everyone, when I can respond to more people.
glad to hear about Thiago! Finn isn't interested yet, but at least, he's still happy enough sitting up and playing 'like a big boy'!

another bad night - LO keeps waking up around 2-3am and having a big OH came to the rescue, but it's getting ridiculous. I try to limit naps and then, he's overtired; I give a decent nap and he's wide awake. In fact, I am starting to wonder if the cats are giving him coffee at night because he's wide awake at 2am. Then, he smiles and laughs and I just wish I could match his energy at 2am....yawn. and I can't seem to get him to sleep at night anymore, I can for naps, but am wondering if it's because my OH is around and therefore, I am more stressed. Last night (well, 3 am, LO was screaming/crying in his basket, which I was rocking, but my OH came in and grabbed LO to confort him and made me feel like I was neglecting LO, but I had just put him back into the basket after a cuddle, but if I do the same when OH is trying to get LO asleep in the wee small mornings, I get a lecture on waking the baby up. Can't win. Not really complaining per se, rather expressing my frustration that LO keeps waking up with his minor cough at 2am and what works one night, doesn't the next. He's eating well, not being sick at all, and is overall, getting enough sleep on a daily basis, but these 2am parties are driving myself and OH round the sleep-deprivation bend.

clio - and storm- you might enjoy going back to work as it would be baby-free time? (which is nice at times)

oh, well....back to play with LO. I'm letting OH sleep on as long as he wants as I think he deserves it after dealing me and LO at 2am....

bye!!!!!!!!!!(and yawn!)
hey ladies quick one as M has taken an hour to go to sleep and I want to try and cook some nice food to freeze for her while she sleeps and ofc no idea how long shell sleep for lol!! feel bad about her bring in her cot that long but she was tired just fighting it!

well done thiago!!! :) ahh its a worry re banging heads and falling but theyve just got to go through it I think hon - its part of him learning balance etc and to put his hands out when he falls - just try and keep near but not too near so you are within reach if a dangerous corner is near etc - we put corner protectors on our furniture but M just pulled them off! it took Martha a couple of weeks from going from a few steps to full on walking like she does now

clio ah we moved a year ago but the house needs everything doing - well a lot more than we realised - it was built in 1937 so not majorly old but old enough as the last owners weren't hot on maintenance it seems!

went for a meal for dh bday last night oh it was gorge!!!

righto best go...going to try and make some yummy food to freeze for her while shes asleep no telling how long she'll sleep for!
Rowan not at all boring! I am the sort of person who could watch Property Ladder, Location Location and Grand Designs all day long! I wish I could renovate houses! :D
Your night sounds dreadful! I hope last night was better!
And you are right about our fireplace, I suppose plywood is the only safe route to go :(
Glad the MW visit went so well and that the birthing book is reassuring to you :) :hugs:

Sabrina I am sorry Finn gets scared in your OH room. Couldn't your OH have a little nightlight on for him? Poor little boy! So sorry your bad nights continue. I know the feeling as you know, though ours are ok at the moment.

Storm only 3 weeks till work? Oh I am so sorry! That does seem very soon :( Will you have to go in full time or can you somehow manage on part time perhaps?

Kosh how lovely to hear from you! I hope you and G are ok and that he is starting to settle in at your new place. Sending tons of :hugs:

Leeze bummer about the nachos lol But I am sooo envious about you getting to watch the film. By all accounts it must be really excellent. I looved LOTR and I don't know how many times I have watched it. So glad CGI was invented cause no way could a film have done those books justice before :)
Brave you to host Christmas. I am starting to hyperventilate just at the prospect of having MIL and SIL over. Mind you I don't have to cook as OH always does that phew. But the cleaning and decorating etc. I am the WORST Hausfrau ever, I swear. :blush:

Borboleta congratulations on your walking son! How exciting! :D And scary! I have no advice re the falling, though I suspect that is probably all a matter of course? I suppose they all fall a good bit at first? But yeah that doesn't make it less scary for the parents, I know!
I am sorry your DH didn't get that job. That is unbelievable that the boss didn't even have the courtesy to call him! :grr:
As for your long posts, I love them! I love reading about what is going on in your and the other ladies' lives :D

Clio hope you manage to stay calm and relaxed. I know how much one's mum can push one's buttons, no matter how much one may love her.
What you describe about J and marching around sounds so cute! He must be so entertaining :D Maybe you could subtly train him to dust ;)
As for Sesame Street, we had that when I was growing up! Ok it was called Sesam Strasse and they had German hosts and the songs were in German too etc but the characters and monsters were all the same as in the US I am sure. Hm not sure what your mum means there I have to say. Is there an equivalent for Sesame Street that is entirely Canadian? :shrug:

As for us nothing much to report really. Was OH's night last night and I really wish he was as considerate as I am with closing doors and walking across the room. I was woken when he went to feed the boys at 1am and when Dom woke at 5 and for the 20 minutes OH waited in bed with the monitor on and off while he hoped Dom would go back to sleep. I got woken when he went to the loo (which is next to our bedroom) at 6 and at 8. And then he woke me to get up at 9:30. And yeah I know most ppl would consider that a nice lie in but WHY does he have to wake me?? I let him sleep as long as he wants but our agreed cut off time is 10:45 cause the boys get their lunch at 11 and it is easier if he is there to help. Oh well rant over. I wish I could make Dominic sleep longer than 5 which seems to be his new wake up time now. I wonder if he is waking cause it has been 4 hours since his last bottle or cause he wants to start the day. I am not sure but he doesn't nap for longer in the morning or after lunch so I guess he is done with sleeping at around 5. I find that a real killer! I wouldn't have thought I'd ever wish he would wake at 6 cause when I was used to them waking at 7 I thought that was too early. Ah well one never knows how good one has it till gets taken away :(
Got to go, boys are waking from their naps. xxx

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