any other over 35 first time mums?

clio - can't remember have you just started with solids? i found that LO shows sings of being constipated since then (a week or so). i say 'signs' because he's actually not constipated, i mean his poo is still quite runny and goes 1-2 a day. but he used to go 4-5 times before!
Angel, every time I read your twins' names, I have to smile. Did you ever read the Jilly Cooper books? There are a pair of twins called Seb and Dommie in them. I LOVE Jilly Cooper, by the way.

Oh yes indeed I did! Rupert Campbell-Black! Drool! And now that you mentioned it I do remember those twins. Weren't they in Polo? But you know, I seriously completely forgot about them it's been soo long since I read those books and definitely didn't name my boys after them! LOL I really hope ppl won't assume that in the future lol
clio - can't remember have you just started with solids? i found that LO shows sings of being constipated since then (a week or so). i say 'signs' because he's actually not constipated, i mean his poo is still quite runny and goes 1-2 a day. but he used to go 4-5 times before!

4-5 times before??? Oh my! J used to only go once a day, and I always managed to find a way out of changing him. I wouldn't be able to figure out a way to get out of 4-5!

Anyway, I read that bread can cause trouble, and we've been giving him toast lately. I think he might be a touch constipated, but not much; my husband is just really scared after what happened to our nephew. I also took over the mid-morning shift while my husband slept, and J was a delight (his nap didn't last long). So again, I think it's projection.

Angel, every time I read your twins' names, I have to smile. Did you ever read the Jilly Cooper books? There are a pair of twins called Seb and Dommie in them. I LOVE Jilly Cooper, by the way.

Oh yes indeed I did! Rupert Campbell-Black! Drool! And now that you mentioned it I do remember those twins. Weren't they in Polo? But you know, I seriously completely forgot about them it's been soo long since I read those books and definitely didn't name my boys after them! LOL I really hope ppl won't assume that in the future lol

Oh, Rupe... My favourites are still Riders and Polo. And yup--Dommie and Seb were the two gorgeous blond polo players in Polo. I actually considered Sebastian as a name, but 1) my husband said no and 2) I kept on being reminded of Polo. I started show jumping just because of Riders. Not that I was any good... Maybe you should get your boys some polo ponies for their 5th birthday.
Oh, Rupe... My favourites are still Riders and Polo. And yup--Dommie and Seb were the two gorgeous blond polo players in Polo. I actually considered Sebastian as a name, but 1) my husband said no and 2) I kept on being reminded of Polo. I started show jumping just because of Riders. Not that I was any good... Maybe you should get your boys some polo ponies for their 5th birthday.

Agreed! Did you ever watch the tv adaptation of Riders? Now, I know it wasn't the greatest acting but the guy who played Rupe... :p¨¨ :haha:
Maybe I should get some polo players err...I mean ponies for myself instead ;)
i know angel said her husband is not working atm, what about yours clio?
i'm getting slightly frustrated with mine (as you could prob guess by the poll i posted haha)
Tweety pie I guess her adjusted age is 2 weeks and I know there is a growth spurt round that time so maybe it is that? Or have you considered that she might have silent reflux? I know, I often suggest that but that is cause my boys have it and especially Dominic cried with it constantly till we got him on ranitidine. I really hope your little girl gets better and you find out what is ailing her. Lots of :hugs: in the meantime! :)
Third tooth coming in. The bottom left one. I thought the next one was the top ones? Strange :wacko:. Maybe that explains the bad nights the past couple of days. Like Clio's son thiago decides that 3 am is a good time to practice his rolling. He can do back to tummy but not the reverse. But yesterday he did it at 3 am!!!!! And kept working on it until we went there to try to put him back asleep.

Kosh: 4-5times poopy diapers:0!!!! Oh my! :haha:
Third tooth coming in. The bottom left one. I thought the next one was the top ones? Strange :wacko:. Maybe that explains the bad nights the past couple of days. Like Clio's son thiago decides that 3 am is a good time to practice his rolling. He can do back to tummy but not the reverse. But yesterday he did it at 3 am!!!!! And kept working on it until we went there to try to put him back asleep.

Kosh: 4-5times poopy diapers:0!!!! Oh my! :haha:

yep, he was a pooing machine! :haha:
i know angel said her husband is not working atm, what about yours clio?
i'm getting slightly frustrated with mine (as you could prob guess by the poll i posted haha)

No, he is working, but the circumstances are perfect for us to co-parent equally. My husband teaches history at a university, and he only has to go in once a day to lecture. All of his lectures were written a while ago, so he doesn't have to write new ones. His TAs (Teaching Assistants) mark all of the exams and essays and all of his other work can be done from home. It's a great situation and, I know, very rare. You couldn't say who the primary caregiver in this house is. We even FF, so J doesn't just have to rely on me for nourishment. Oh, and it's summer vacation, so my husband currently has 4 months off.

But it's his personality as well. My father was a history professor as well, and he did dick all to help my mum out with us.

Now I have to look at your poll!
Those are some interesting results, kosh! I didn't think that there were so many husbands who helped out so much! But you're frustrated with yours? Can I ask why?

Oh, and I DO have a red face--my husband was absolutely right. I just put the boy to bed, and he had been twisting and turning in my arms as I tried to feed him the bottle. Then, I smelled poo, but not STRONG poo. So, I changed him, and there were these two compact balls in his diaper. Oh dear, now I have to take this seriously. (The two jobs that fall to me exclusively are researching everything, and having all his stuff organized so we never run out of anything, not even clean clothes.)

I've tried the apple juice, but instead of a sippy cup, I'll put it in a bottle next time. And I just read right now that I can give him 2-4 ounces of it undiluted. That should make a difference.

I hope.
Where is the poll?

I have no complaints. We just operate differently. He shines in chaos. I like to be organized and prepared.

Niko is keeping me only toes. Yesterday was a disaster. Today was bliss. :shrug:
Where is the poll?

I have no complaints. We just operate differently. He shines in chaos. I like to be organized and prepared.

Niko is keeping me only toes. Yesterday was a disaster. Today was bliss. :shrug:

I'm glad today went better!

My husband read this piece in the Toronto Globe and Mail, where the father was the SAHD for two toddlers. Pretty typical fare--hates it, loves it, etc. But then he wrote something that really resonated with us, and we now joke about it all the time. He wrote about when one son doesn't nap long enough he says: "Oh my god, son! Do you realize that we are now on the precipice of disaster??? Our whole routine is now completely threatened!!!"

I have no idea why I recounted that. Blame it on the wine... :wine:

Indigo, do you think you have a high needs baby, or are you just still in that first 6 weeks, where he won't let you put him down, ever, and every need seems to be a reason to scream the house down?
I don't think he's high needs. I think he's just a newbie. :haha:

I'm very much convinced that the first 3 months should be viewed & treated as the 4th trimester & I have found that 'The Happiest Baby on the Block' methods work like a charm for my LO.

Still, we are figuring each other out :winkwink:...slowly but surely...
I don't think he's high needs. I think he's just a newbie. :haha:

I'm very much convinced that the first 3 months should be viewed & treated as the 4th trimester & I have found that 'The Happiest Baby on the Block' methods work like a charm for my LO.

Still, we are figuring each other out :winkwink:...slowly but surely...

We have the same book and the 5 S's saved our butts. It ALWAYS worked. He'd still wake up a lot, but it at least we knew how to get him back to sleep. When he got to the end of the "4th Trimester," he calmed down and we found we had a lot more options.
first 6-8 weeks are the hardest! martha has silent refulx so once we got her gaviscon at 2 weeks the 8 hours screaming bouts stopped instantly - phew!!!

3 months it starts to be fun and this age is so cool im finding! love watching her learn :)

me and dh operate differently too - v traditionally as it turns out - he doesnt wake in the night so i do night stuff (she started sleeping thought at 8 weeks tho so thats ok) and he cant change nappies as he i do that - i think it took him til she was 3 months before he felt more confident and now they have a really strong bond
Yeah I loved the Happiest Baby on the Block! Unfortunately we only got the dvd when our boys were already 2 months old and it was all a lil late. but the swaddling and the white noiuse helped. We never managed to find their sweet spot turning them over but we jiggle them on our laps anyway. I wish he 'd make another instruction manual for the next 4 or 5 months lol
Yeah I loved the Happiest Baby on the Block! Unfortunately we only got the dvd when our boys were already 2 months old and it was all a lil late. but the swaddling and the white noiuse helped. We never managed to find their sweet spot turning them over but we jiggle them on our laps anyway. I wish he 'd make another instruction manual for the next 4 or 5 months lol

what's the sweet spot??:shrug:
Sounds like a good book. Can you tell us a little bit about it?

My hubby is a hands on daddy. Since the beggining he asked me to show him wha to do with the baby because if he ever had to be by himself with him he would know what to do. He loves playing with him ( he a child at heart), feeds him, changes his diapers ( which was very surprising since he has gag reflux:), goes shopping with him... He is a really good daddy. He thinks he is turning into an expert so he tells me what I should be doing with thiago :dohh:!

After giving thiago some tylenol for his teething he slep a lot better. I just needed to fix him on the crib once and he just woke up:). I will talk to you ladies soon:).

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