any other over 35 first time mums?

That is what I wondered too. The Easy method is probably great but my boys want to nap after the bottle and I am very glad to let them drift off so easily as one does with a full tummy. As for the dummy weaning, we are trying Pantley's Gentle Removal Plan and it is working, somewhat. Sad to say but Dom has a stronger will than we do lol.

I think this is something we're supposed to be proud of eventually. But later. Waaaaaaay later.

I'm on PAR-TAY duty tonight. I want to give my husband a break, but secretly, I want to solve the problem. You know, be the one who got him back to bed. Ah, pettiness. Apparently with birth, comes pettiness.

I'll tell you who wins tomorrow: me, or J.

You know, I barely go to Baby Club anymore since this thread has been revived. Thank you, kosh! I had gotten tired with BC a while ago because nothing ever applied to me and J and my husband anymore. This is a great alternative!

ETA: creatingpeace--although I don't want to believe in innate gender differences, I think your theory about research and organization might be right. I mean, seriously, how hard is it to read a label? And why can't they understand the importance of reading a label thoroughly? I've taken to sending him pics on his iPhone of what we need so he can "match things up."
lol we dont have a sleep song but we have a good morning song as i wanted her to know the distinction of when we get up - gopd morning from singing in the rain lol
lol we dont have a sleep song but we have a good morning song as i wanted her to know the distinction of when we get up - gopd morning from singing in the rain lol

OMG, why am I not asleep! Stupid thread.

Have you tried the Beatles' "A Life in the Day?" Now THERE is a cheery good morning song.

My husband had this wonderful good morning routine where he would get him up, saying over and over "good morning to you! Good morning to you!" Then he'd show him the sunlight and tell him that all his friends were waiting for him downstairs. There he had already laid out a blanket, had put on some music and let him lie there, talking to his stuffed toys. J loved it until he became mobile and morning time with daddy obviously became embarrassing.
Tweety pie I guess her adjusted age is 2 weeks and I know there is a growth spurt round that time so maybe it is that? Or have you considered that she might have silent reflux? I know, I often suggest that but that is cause my boys have it and especially Dominic cried with it constantly till we got him on ranitidine. I really hope your little girl gets better and you find out what is ailing her. Lots of :hugs: in the meantime! :)

Angeluk Thanks for your reply
As it happens fingers crossed Emily has settled down and the last few days she as winded easier and seems alot happier in herself.
lol we dont have a sleep song but we have a good morning song as i wanted her to know the distinction of when we get up - gopd morning from singing in the rain lol

OMG, why am I not asleep! Stupid thread.

Have you tried the Beatles' "A Life in the Day?" Now THERE is a cheery good morning song.

My husband had this wonderful good morning routine where he would get him up, saying over and over "good morning to you! Good morning to you!" Then he'd show him the sunlight and tell him that all his friends were waiting for him downstairs. There he had already laid out a blanket, had put on some music and let him lie there, talking to his stuffed toys. J loved it until he became mobile and morning time with daddy obviously became embarrassing.

i'd never thought of a good morning song - i'll start tomorrow!!:thumbup:
have to chose a song though
hello ladies, how's everybody today?

I had a good theory re.sleep associations at 4am while I was rocking LO to sleep, but I can't remember what it was now! :haha:

Mr chipmunk (aka LO) woke up with a bad cough today, called the doc, prob a viral infection (is this the answer that you all always get too?). at least he's asleep now :thumbup:

tweety - glad your LO is better:thumbup:

creating peace - I too do all the research! DH does 1/2 of the organization at least, but I think that's because he worries we might run put of something he needs. he has to have 100s of back ups for everything, it's like we live in time of war! :dohh:

clio - I agree about the BC section. I still get good advise in the BF and weaning section though

indigo - are you ok?
Tweety Pie I am so glad she is better :D Hopefully it will continue like that. :thumbup:

I still go to BC but there are some ladies there that are a little too much for me at times.

As for OHs, mine is usually quite good but I totally get what you mean having to send him pictures cause descriptions won't do. But even visuals don't always help. One example is when I asked him to buy some "Calgon" for the washing machine and showing him what it looks like. I agree that the "Finish" (dishwasher tabs) packaging looks similar but I did say explicitly: Calgon, water softener tabs for the washing machine. How he mistook this for Finish dishwater tabs I don't know. :shrug:And he did this two or three times too lol But on the whole I have very little to complain in OH. He is soo helpful and sweet. (Ok we do not dtd but that's another issue lol)
I am totally not keeping up well with this thread, hikes! But we are totally going through the same thing! My LO just started crawling and he will pass by59 toys to get to a toy! Cries earnestly when taken away from said cord. We have not found a solution yet.

There is a theme here, I must also do all the organization in the home and research! Hmmmmmm, a gender specific trait lacking in men?

Oh dear, I guess I have something to look forward to when thiago starts crawling :haha:!
lol we dont have a sleep song but we have a good morning song as i wanted her to know the distinction of when we get up - gopd morning from singing in the rain lol

OMG, why am I not asleep! Stupid thread.

Have you tried the Beatles' "A Life in the Day?" Now THERE is a cheery good morning song.

My husband had this wonderful good morning routine where he would get him up, saying over and over "good morning to you! Good morning to you!" Then he'd show him the sunlight and tell him that all his friends were waiting for him downstairs. There he had already laid out a blanket, had put on some music and let him lie there, talking to his stuffed toys. J loved it until he became mobile and morning time with daddy obviously became embarrassing.

So cute I am going to steal this idea:)
Tweety Pie I am so glad she is better :D Hopefully it will continue like that. :thumbup:

I still go to BC but there are some ladies there that are a little too much for me at times.

As for OHs, mine is usually quite good but I totally get what you mean having to send him pictures cause descriptions won't do. But even visuals don't always help. One example is when I asked him to buy some "Calgon" for the washing machine and showing him what it looks like. I agree that the "Finish" (dishwasher tabs) packaging looks similar but I did say explicitly: Calgon, water softener tabs for the washing machine. How he mistook this for Finish dishwater tabs I don't know. :shrug:And he did this two or three times too lol But on the whole I have very little to complain in OH. He is soo helpful and sweet. (Ok we do not dtd but that's another issue lol)

Babies must do that to our sex life! Barely unexistent :dohh:!

Most of the time I am the one that do groceries. I do not like my husband to go because he always come back with expensive things and stuff that was not ont the list. And he likes to go to the fancy grocery store when we can just run to Walmart and get the thing for half the price.
Oh one more thing I totally thank Kosh too for starting this thread:). Baby club has turned into who's mom can be the meanest? Very judgements thread. Moms are eaten alive if they are not doing what most of them think it is the right thing to do.

I have a question about food. I was looking at the baby photos on that thread and they have beautiful baby pictures but two caught my attention. There was a little boy about thiago's age that was eating pasta with red sauce and another little girl maybe one month older than thiago eating some kind of table food too. So I was thinking if I am being to conservative and should experiment with feeding thiago. He really likes his squash and I will start on sweet potatoes next week. I am just afraid he will choke on a piece of noodle even if it is little. But I was really cute to see how they were having so much fun getting all messy and dirty with the food:).
Borboleta--Yes, the gagging can be very very scary, and I think it is the concern of all parents who are just starting out with BLW. J gagged a lot in the beginning, and I really wondered if I was doing the right thing. But he's stopped now and spits things out before they even become trouble.

The Weaning forum has a lot on this, and can explain better than I why they are not at much risk of choking. And it certainly is fun.

hello ladies, how's everybody today?

Mr chipmunk (aka LO) woke up with a bad cough today, called the doc, prob a viral infection (is this the answer that you all always get too?). at least he's asleep now :thumbup:

I'm sorry he's so poorly! And yup, viral is always the answer. At least they don't give out antibiotics for viral stuff anymore.

tweety--You must feel so relieved! What was she doing that worried you? Fussing more than usual?

indigo - I've been wondering as well! When does your mother leave and your husband go back to work? Are you okay?

Tweety Pie I am so glad she is better :D Hopefully it will continue like that. :thumbup:

I still go to BC but there are some ladies there that are a little too much for me at times.

As for OHs, mine is usually quite good but I totally get what you mean having to send him pictures cause descriptions won't do. But even visuals don't always help. One example is when I asked him to buy some "Calgon" for the washing machine and showing him what it looks like. I agree that the "Finish" (dishwasher tabs) packaging looks similar but I did say explicitly: Calgon, water softener tabs for the washing machine. How he mistook this for Finish dishwater tabs I don't know. :shrug:And he did this two or three times too lol But on the whole I have very little to complain in OH. He is soo helpful and sweet. (Ok we do not dtd but that's another issue lol)


So, the PAR-TAYing. Well, I'm proud to report:


Cat--5 1/2

He woke at 1:30, wanted to get downstairs and I had to settle him a number of times, but I finally got him back to sleep at 2:30. A struggle, but I did it. And then the damn cat comes along at 5:30 am to cry outside of my door, which happens to be right next to J's door. And what could have been a nice 7 am wake up turned into a fight between me and the cat, and J crying. At 5:30. Hence, she gets five and a half points and we have promised ourselves to be more vigilant about locking her in the basement at night. Stupid cat.

I seem to have solved the car seat problem for now, as well. J has a new friend (well, he's had him for ages, but suddenly became interested in him), and I let him take him with us in the car, and as long as he could chew on him, he was soooo happy. When he dropped him, however, he was sooooo mad. Here is his new friend, Nukko (we didn't name him):

Nukko, the car seat sanity saviour. For now.

ETA: I had a dream last night that J said his first words, and they came out in an actual sentence. He said: "I want to dive." But everyone else heard "I want to die," and for some reason blamed ME for raising a suicidal baby. We were both supposed to be locked up just as I woke up.
:wave:Hi Ladies,I've found you all the way over here in the lounge area! thanks to Barboleta!:thumbup:
I do qualify to be here as I am 38,turn 39 in Jan:wacko:
:wave: ladies! :hug:

Yes, this thread moves quickly.
I'm going to have to drop some other subscriptions in order to be able to keep up with this one. :winkwink:

Clio - the suicidal baby & the victorious cat :rofl::haha:

Kosh & Clio- I'm now officially the exhausted newbie mom. Mother is gone. Hubby is back to work. :sleep:

BTW, I lose to my cat all the time....

Boppy pillow & blanket have been claimed. :growlmad::haha:

Borboleta...LOVE your avatar pic! So cute! :awww:

Claire...I remember you from the 2012 thread! :hi:
Oh I loove your cats! Clio yours has the most amazing eyes. I always admired those pointed breeds with chocolatey paws and blue eyes. Yours is a Balinese, right? Indigo we had a tuxedo kitty too but she left us when the boys were 1 month old. Lymphoma :(. It broke our hearts and we aren't ready to have another one just yet. But maybe when the boys are older.
Borboleta I love your avvie! How cute is your boy?!
Welcme to the thread Claireyb1 :D
Thank you:)!:haha: I thought I better change my avatar since he is getting bigger. And the bath photos is about 2 months old!!!! But I love it so I decided to put as my avatar for a while:). We need to post some pictures of our LOs here:). I would love to see what are you girls look like and your LOs and maybe hubbies too:). I will do that sometime today if I can.

Claire1b I am so happy you join us:). :thumbup: awesome ladies here:). How is your LO doing?

indigo77: I can just imagine how hard it is when your hubby has to go back to work. Mine is working from home at the moment but he is trying to find another job And them it will be just me and thiago for most of the day.

Talking about hubby, thiago decided to give him the hardest time to put him to go to sleep. Today I had to go train a lady for a hour in the morning and when I can back they were both asleep. But after about 20 min I could hear thiago and came to check on him and husband said he had cried for 45 min fighting him to go to sleep! Not sure why he has been doing that to him. He does not fuss for me or if he does not for very long but for my poor husband he cries and cries... The other night he got mad at me because after about 10 min of hearing him struggle to put thiago down to sleep at night I had to go there and offer my help. Of course, them thiago goes to sleep in 2 min when I picked him up. Husband got really mad and started reading the baby whisperer :haha:.
Do any of you babies do that to their daddys?
Oh one more thing I totally thank Kosh too for starting this thread:).

thanks 'butterfly'! :winkwink: (btw,we haven't commented on the fact that we might be the only 2 southamericans in the forum!:thumbup:)
really glad I bumped it too. don't know what happen to the 'early' ladies -could try PMing them see if they want to re-join. I think the problem was the mods moved it to the discussion section and people lost track.
love your new avatar! he's really cute. it'd be nice to post some more photos of all of us.

claireyb1 - :hi: welcome on board!

clio, indigo
- love your cats! i'm jealous, I had cats all my life until I moved to the UK and I'd like to have one again. but DH loves dogs and we are 'supposed' to be getting one sometime soon, as he had to leave his back in the USA when he moved here :cry:. Don't know maybe we end up having one of each.

angel - sorry about your cat :hugs:

clio - brilliant dream :haha: I had one pretty weird the other day too,I think I posted it here.

I'm sure there was something else I wanted to say but can't remember...:dohh:

Gael is still coughing a bit, but much better :thumbup:

have a question - does anyone have a good tip to get their LOs to burp after a night feed? I just CAN'T and he wakes up after 20min :dohh:
Hi robinator :)
Barboleta actually sometimes my OH is better in getting the boys off to sleep than I am. But sometimes I think it just is a matter of the right moment and just the right jiggle, rather than the right person.
OH had the nightwatch last night, which means it is my turn tonight. Even though I slept well last night I am SOO tired and have a headache. The prospect of having to wake every hour to resettle Dominic makes me want to cry. :( Oh when will it/he get better?!
Hi ladies. Our cat quite often has a lively half hour around 4am and I can never quite work out if LO woke the cat or the other way around. Oh, need to go kia screaming xx

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