any other over 35 first time mums?[/IMG]

Ha, my cat won't go NEAR Lane's stuff. When she wants to check out his toys, I tell her, "Axl doesn't play with your toys, so don't play with his."

Not that it gets through to her, lol
Okay, I am officially doing CIO tonight. I'm saying it loud and, okay, not proud, but something has to be done. He is just too friggin' big for my arms right now, so I can't rock him to sleep. And he arches his back and kicks really hard until he eventually settles. My arm is so bruised and aching from getting kicked that I finally just put him down in the crib tonight, came down the stairs and told my husband that we are starting CIO.

We started at exactly 6 o'clock. It is 6:15 now. Annnndddd.... I think I can say with confidence that as of a minute ago he is actually asleep, and if not asleep, he is quiet and going to sleep. So, first night, 14 minutes.

Good thing this isn't BC.

I did find some of her stuff helpful but I think there's a lot to be said for knowing your own baby and trying different things out yourself.

I completely agree with this. I mean, the actual point of her book, as it says in the subtitle, is how to decipher what your baby wants. And, well, I have, and not because of Tracey Hogg. The EASY routine was good in the beginning, until I figured out (and negotiated with J) one that suited my child better.

Ha, my cat won't go NEAR Lane's stuff. When she wants to check out his toys, I tell her, "Axl doesn't play with your toys, so don't play with his."

Not that it gets through to her, lol

Well done, Clio! :wohoo:

Thank you! Though I'm now reading over in BC about mothers who will simply NEVER do that to their child, even past 6 months, and the only reason that they would do it was because they are so incredibly tired. I did it because I was tired of getting a beat-down from the kid before bedtime. My motivation doesn't seem as noble..
Clio, don't feel you have to justify or explain. You're right, this is NOT bc!
Eh, I don't actually feel bad about it. It was 14 minutes. And a large part of that was him simply saying: "woo-ahhh. Woo-ahhh. Aaaah-woooooooo-aaahhh." Maybe GIO ("gibber-it-out") would be a better name for what we went through.
Well done, Clio, that sounds like a great result. You know, I read somewhere that there's something called a mantra cry that babies naturally often do when falling asleep. Apparently this cry normally is more on and off than really distraught crying, and doesn't tend to get louder or faster either but gets slower and quieter as LO falls asleep. I do quite often let LO cry for about 2 or 3 minutes when trying to settle for naps or bedtime to see if her cries sound like this or not. Very occasionally she does cry like this and then settle to sleep but more often than not her cries escalate to very loud and distraught screaming and sobbing within about 3 mins and I can't bear to listen to it so I pick her up and try to feed her again or play with her for a bit longer if she's not ready to feed again yet. Fingers crossed this works for you! I was chatting to one of the mums at Kia's swimming group the other week and she said when her LO became more mobile at about 10 months that she started sleeping much better. Like she tired herself out more. I'm really hoping this is the case for us because I'm struggling at the moment with often taking the whole evening to settle Kia. I think when I go back to work this will be even more difficult, although I might have missed her so much in the day that I don't mind if she doesn't go to sleep early! Who knows. I just know that she changes so much go a few months that I really can't predict what it'll be like in 3 months time!
Clio: I just told my husband that if it starts getting harder to put thiago down I will do CIo and I not care what he says :haha:. It was a fight tonight too. But it was my fault because I let him be overtired. The rocking in the chair did not work, the bottle did not work so I had to stand and rock him while humming the American anthem :haha:. So it finally worked and I was able to shove the bottle in his month so I know he will sleep good since his tummy is full:).

Kosh: Argentina!!! Our soccer rivals :haha:!!! However did you move to the us and them to England? Is it work relatedbp? Do you still have family in argentina? My family is all in brazil. I miss them but they are coming to meet the baby in September and October:).!!! Can't wait!!!:happydance:

AngelK: I am sure eventually Dominic will settle. It is just double hard for you. I have a lot of respect for you:)!! :flower:. And we don't do burping at night either. I am not sure if because he sleeps on his tummy it does not bother him ... Not sure.

And to tell you girls the truth I like the baby wise better than the baby whisperer. She is a little more hard core on putting baby to go to sleep than the baby whisperer lady:).
Well done, Clio, that sounds like a great result. You know, I read somewhere that there's something called a mantra cry that babies naturally often do when falling asleep. Apparently this cry normally is more on and off than really distraught crying, and doesn't tend to get louder or faster either but gets slower and quieter as LO falls asleep. I do quite often let LO cry for about 2 or 3 minutes when trying to settle for naps or bedtime to see if her cries sound like this or not. Very occasionally she does cry like this and then settle to sleep but more often than not her cries escalate to very loud and distraught screaming and sobbing within about 3 mins and I can't bear to listen to it so I pick her up and try to feed her again or play with her for a bit longer if she's not ready to feed again yet. Fingers crossed this works for you! I was chatting to one of the mums at Kia's swimming group the other week and she said when her LO became more mobile at about 10 months that she started sleeping much better. Like she tired herself out more. I'm really hoping this is the case for us because I'm struggling at the moment with often taking the whole evening to settle Kia. I think when I go back to work this will be even more difficult, although I might have missed her so much in the day that I don't mind if she doesn't go to sleep early! Who knows. I just know that she changes so much go a few months that I really can't predict what it'll be like in 3 months time!

That was totally in the Baby Whisperer! I forgot about that one. He did escalate, but not to the point where my heart was breaking. Thing is, him being more mobile is actually the problem. Before, we'd stick him in the crib after he had fallen asleep in our arms and he'd lie on his back, and sleep. Then he learned to roll. Then sit up. And now, stand up. So what used to be a gentle placement in the crib ends up being a: roll, sit up, stand up and yell. This is not conducive to a nice, relaxing position in a cozy crib that leads to a deep gentle sleep...

BUT, that is not to say that mobility won't tire a baby out. Mine just seems to want to practice his mad skills at bedtime. I hope it does resolve the problem with Kia!

Was Kia always a difficult sleeper, or is this new? This problem seems to be common, though--there is a thread in BC about LOs in our age range suddenly going through sleep regression. Their's seems more severe than what J is going through, though, and far more like what you're describing with Kia.
Clio: I just told my husband that if it starts getting harder to put thiago down I will do CIo and I not care what he says :haha:. It was a fight tonight too. But it was my fault because I let him be overtired. The rocking in the chair did not work, the bottle did not work so I had to stand and rock him while humming the American anthem :haha:. So it finally worked and I was able to shove the bottle in his month so I know he will sleep good since his tummy is full:).

And to tell you girls the truth I like the baby wise better than the baby whisperer. She is a little more hard core on putting baby to go to sleep than the baby whisperer lady:).

Oh man, you just described exactly what we've been going through lately, and how we tried to fix it. (The Anthem--that is funny. But you need a song you remember the words to, right?) But when J was 5 months, he couldn't beat me up. My husband is making fun of me because I'm going to have to call CPS on my own baby. J even gave me a black eye the other day because he head-butted me. My husband said that when we were out, he kept on wanting to yell out to everybody: "I didn't hit her! It was the baby!" but realized that sounded even worse. Sure guy, blame the baby...

What do they say to do in Babywise?
Hi Everyone!
I know it is a bit late, but can I still join? It seems like a breath of fresh air compared to baby club :thumbup:
Hey ladies,

Hope you are all doing well!

Clio, well done getting J to sleep, did it last the whole night?

Welcome stranjegirl, definitely a lot more relaxed here than BC altho the thread moves so quickly I can't always keep up! Haha!

To those having trouble getting lo's to sleep, have you tried the fisher price lullaby seahorse, it worked wonders for us and I still use it now and again sometimes if she is struggling. Plus we put her down on her front these days as she prefers sleeping on her tummy and has done since about 6 months :)
ladies am hoping you can gove me your opinions - martha is Obsessed with crawling and pulling up to standing and i cant leave her in the cot or playpen as shes always falling down - have got a standing station ut she'll only tolerate 5 mins and all the physios i know have said not to get a walker - does this phase last long?
Hi rowan,

Wow Martha is so clever that's really early to be doing all that, what a big girl!! Georgie is at the same stage (3 months later tho haha) but she falls onto her bum and doesn't seem to mind too much plus she has got the hang of just standing leaning against the bars in her cot now so rarely falls but I used to just put cushions behind her so if she fell she wouldn't hurt herself, or is it that she gets frustrated and can't get back up again? X
thanks hon its both i spose - i think ive been worrying cos its too early but i psose i should just relax and go with her pace - she falls nforwards usually which worries me - so many bumps if i dont catch her in time - will invest in more cushions lol shes getting v frustrated too lays on her tummy raging! :)

thats really good to know tho hon thanks for the reassurance x
I know what you mean about bumps, I feel like G goes to bed with a new mark on her head every night but they seem to disappear by morning! I worry that she will put her teeth thru her lip, imagine the blood :(

According to my friends it only gets worse as they start walking as they just run into things! Something to look forward to!!
Hi Stranjegirl! Welcome to the thread! :wave: I also like to think that we are a bit more relaxed over here, so I'm glad you can join us.

ladies am hoping you can gove me your opinions - martha is Obsessed with crawling and pulling up to standing and i cant leave her in the cot or playpen as shes always falling down - have got a standing station ut she'll only tolerate 5 mins and all the physios i know have said not to get a walker - does this phase last long?

Does she hurt herself when she falls down in the cot or playpen? Because it's probably part of the normal process of learning to stand. They do have to find a way to get down again. Does she cry when it happens?

And yay for doing it so early!!! :dance:
:wave: ladies! :hug:

So...N was cluster feeding his formula last night & then he slept through the night. :wacko:

He usually gets up every 2-3 hours for a feeding. :shrug:

He slept from 9:30 pm to 5:30 am & the only reason he got up at that time was because my DH panicked & woke him up to feed him even though I told him that it was ok since he weighs over 11 lbs..

Do you think this is just a fluke or do I dare to hope?
:wave: ladies! :hug:

So...N was cluster feeding his formula last night & then he slept through the night. :wacko:

He usually gets up every 2-3 hours for a feeding. :shrug:

He slept from 9:30 pm to 5:30 am & the only reason he got up at that time was because my DH panicked & woke him up to feed him even though I told him that it was ok since he weighs over 11 lbs..

Do you think this is just a fluke or do I dare to hope?

:wohoo: Oh, I think you can dare! That's great! You might not get a whole night through again for a while (or you might), but it's certainly getting better. Have you thought of doing a dreamfeed? It got J down from 3 feeds a night to only one, and it's a bit like a cluster feed. I've got to go and put J down, but if you're not familiar with the idea, I'll can then explain it.
I keep reading about dream feeds, but no, I'm not sure I've surmised the correct definition, so please do explain when you have a moment.

I'm also wondering about the characteristics of a growth spurt.
I thought he would be up much more than usual this morning after last night, but he's not. :shrug:

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